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File metadata and controls

352 lines (272 loc) · 12.7 KB

Event Manager

The default event manager provided with uzbl ships with behavior to help create a "standard" browser experience. The base plugins which are shipped handle things as fundumental as keyboard bindings, cookie preservation, providing a progress bar for loading, and more.

The event manager accepts the following command line arguments:

  • -c, --config CONFIG
    • Specifies the configuration file. Defaults to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/uzbl/event-manager.conf
  • -s, --server-socket SOCKET
    • The location of the socket the event manager will create for uzbl instances to connect to. Defaults to $XDG_CACHE_HOME/uzbl/event_daemon.
  • -p, --pid-file FILE
    • The location of the pid file for use when the event manager is restarted or stopped. Defaults to the socket's location with a .pid extension.
  • -o, --log-file FILE
    • The log file to write to. Defaults to the socket's location with a .log extension.
  • -n, --no-daemon
    • Run in the foreground instead of forking into the background.
  • -a, --auto-close
    • Shutdown the event manager when the last uzbl instance disconnects.
  • -v, --verbose
    • Increases verbosity. May be specified multiple times.
  • -q, --quiet-events
    • Turns off printing of events to stdout.


The bind plugin implements keybindings via the following events:

  • MODE_BIND <modespec> <bindspec> = <commandspec>
    • Adds a binding to the <modespec> modes to execute <commandspec>. See below for details on what each means.
  • BIND <bindspec> = <command>
    • Deprecated alias for MODE_BIND global <bind> = <commandspec>.
  • MODE_CHANGED <mode>
    • Changes the expected mode for keybindings. Also clears the current bind parsing state.

The plugin stores the current mode in the @mode variable. Writes to this variable are ignored; use the MODE_CHANGED event instead.


A modespec is a comma-separated list of modes. Special modes include global which is active in all contexts, and stack which is used during multi-key parsing. In addition, an - may prefix a mode to exclude it during that mode (when combined with global). For example, global,-insert will activate the binding for every mode except for insert. Modes may be selected using the MODE_CHANGED event.


A bindspec represents the series of keys which must be pressed to trigger a command. A bindspec may use the following characters to change the behavior of the binding to disambiguate bindings or to prompt for strings to use in the command:

  • _: The command will only be invoked after confirmation (return or enter). Any text is matched and available to the command via the expansion rules. These may be chained to ask for multiple values. May be prefixed with a promptspec to change the prompt text.
  • *: The command will be invoked for each additional character. Any text is matched and available to the command via the expansion rules.
  • !: The command will only be invoked after confirmation. This may be used to allow bindings which are prefixes of others (e.g., bind x when xx is also bound).
  • Any other character: The command will be invoked upon matching.

Bindings may be prefixed with modifiers which apply to the entire keybinding (up to a _). Modifier order does matter and when combined will only match if the modifiers are given in alphabetical order.

  • Ctrl
  • Mod1 (Alt)
  • Mod5 (RightAlt)
  • Shift

Mouse buttons are represented as <XButtonY> where X is the number of presses for multiple clicks (i.e., 2 for a double click) and Y is the button number. Common button values are 1 for a left click, 2 for a middle click, and 3 for a right click.


A prompt text may be specified for the _ control character. It may use any of the following specifications:

  • <prompt:>: Sets @keycmd_prompt to prompt:.
  • <prompt:value>: Sets @keycmd_prompt to prompt: and @keycmd to value.
  • <prompt!command>: Sets @keycmd_prompt to prompt and executes command.

If prompt, value, or command contains spaces, it may be quoted. prompt may also be an empty string.


The command is an uzbl command which may use format string replacement:

  • %s: The string as given.
  • %r: The string, escaped and quoted for uzbl.
  • %1: The first prompt value or argument as parsed by uzbl (space-separated).
  • %2: The first prompt value or argument as parsed by uzbl (space-separated).
  • %n: The nth prompt value or argument as parsed by uzbl (space-separated).


  • event MODE_BIND command o_ = uri %s: In command mode, typing<Enter>, executes uri
  • event MODE_BIND command <Ctrl>xy = exit: In command mode, pressing <Ctrl>x followed by <Ctrl>y will exit uzbl. Releasing <Ctrl> cancels the binding.
  • event MODE_BIND global /* = search find %s: In global mode, pressing / followed by any text will incrementally search for the text. Pressing <Enter> will end the search.
  • event MODE_BIND global <Ctrl>/<search:>_ = search find %s: In global mode, pressing <Ctrl>/ followed by any text followed by <Enter> will search for the text.


Provides tab-completion in command mode. It completes variable names and command names. It uses the following commands:

    • Sets @completion_list to a space-separated list of span elements containing potential values (or empty if there are fewer than two matches). The matching portion uses @hint_style for that section.
    • Clears @completion_list.


Provides a view into uzbl's current configuration values to other plugins. It uses the CONFIG_CHANGED event to indicate when a variable's value has changed:

  • CONFIG_CHANGED <name> <value>
    • Sent when the variable name has been set to a new value.


Provides persistence of cookie data between uzbl instances. Provides the following event listeners:

  • BLACKLIST_COOKIE <cookiespec>
    • Blacklists matching cookies. Due to the way uzbl works, the cookies are deleted after adding rather than blocked in the first place.
  • WHITELIST_COOKIE <cookiespec>
    • Whitelists matching cookies.

If not WHITELIST_COOKIE rules are added, all cookies, not matching a BLACKLIST_COOKIE rule will be allowed. Cookies which match a BLACKLIST_COOKIE will always be denied.

There are multiple backends for cookie storage:

  • null
  • memory
  • text

The null store does not remember any cookies between sessions. The memory store only stores cookies in the current instance. The file store uses a file using the Mozilla cookie format to preserve cookies.

Cookies are stored in the following files (in decreasing precedence):

  • $XDG_DATA_HOME/uzbl/cookies.txt
  • $HOME/.local/share/uzbl/cookies.txt

Session cookies are stored in the following files (in decreasing precedence):

  • $XDG_DATA_HOME/uzbl/session-cookies.txt
  • $HOME/.local/share/uzbl/session-cookies.txt

These paths are determined at the daemon's startup, not on a per-uzbl basis.

The backend and paths may be configured in the configuration file:

global.type = text
global.path = <default global cookie path>
session.type = text
session.path = <default session cookie path>

Any cookies added or removed in one instance are shared with or deleted from all other instances sharing the same event manager.


A cookiespec is an argument list of keyworded regular expressions. The supported keywords:

  • domain: The domain name of the cookie source.
  • path: The path the cookie applies to.
  • name: The name of the cookie.
  • value: The content of the cookie.
  • scheme: Whether the cookie is for http or https. May end in Only if it is specific to that scheme.
  • expires: The Unix timestamp of when the cookie expires.

As an example, event WHITELIST_COOKIE domain 'github\.com$' would allow any cookie set by (as well as any subdomains).


Watches for download-related events and fills in @downloads with path and progress information.


Provides a readline-like history for the command-mode prompt. Uses the following events:

    • Selects the previous history item matching the current search.
    • Selects the next history item matching the current search.
    • Sets the history search string and triggers HISTORY_PREV.


Manages a prompt for use in the status bar. Uses the following events:

  • APPEND_KEYCMD <keycmd>
    • Appends to the current keycmd state.
  • IGNORE_KEY <glob>
    • Ignores keys matching the glob. May be used to filter out keys such as <Shift> from the display (since it is implicit based on the character).
  • INJECT_KEYCMD <keycmd>
    • Inserts keycmd into the current keycmd at the current cursor position.
    • Removes the character at the cursor position.
    • Removes the character after the cursor position.
    • Requests execution of the current command.
  • KEYCMD_STRIP_WORD [separators]
    • Deletes a word from the current cursor position using separators to define word boundaries. Acts like delete-word in editors or shells. By default, only a space character is considered a word separator.
    • Clear the current keycmd state.
  • MODMAP <old> <new>
    • Replaces old with new for modifiers. For example, it may be used to rename <Control> to <Ctrl>.
  • SET_CURSOR_POS <position>
    • Sets the current cursor position. Negative numbers are relative to the end of the string. May also be the literal - or + to move the cursor relative to its current position.
  • SET_KEYCMD <keycmd>
    • Sets the current keycmd state.

The following events are used as notification for actions:

  • MODCMD_UPDATE <modstate> <key>
    • ???
  • KEYCMD_UPDATE <modstate> <key>
    • ???
  • NEW_KEY_IGNORE <glob>
    • Sent when a key glob is ignored.
    • Sent to indicate the @keycmd variable has been cleared.
    • Sent to indicate the @modcmd variable has been cleared.
  • KEYCMD_EXEC <modcmd> <keycmd>
    • Sent to indicate that execution of a command has been requested.
  • NEW_MODMAP <old> <new>
    • Sent to notify that a new modifier mapping has been added.


The @modcmd_updates and @keycmd_events may be set to 0 to disable updating the @modcmd and @keycmd variables. The @keycmd variable is HTML markup using @cursor_style to indicate the current cursor position.


Implements a modal interface for uzbl. Uses the following events:

  • MODE_CONFIG <mode> <variable> <value>
    • When mode is entered, sets variable to value.
  • MODE_CONFIRM <mode>
    • Used internally.

The following events are used as notification for actions:

  • MODE_CHANGED <mode>
    • Sent when a mode change is complete.

The plugin also manages the following variables:

  • @mode: The current mode.
  • @default_mode: The mode to use if @mode is ever set to the empty string.


Implements event chaining and reactions. Uses the following events:

  • ON_EVENT <event> <commandspec>
    • Registers command to be executed when an event named event is seen. The command may be formatted using the arguments the original event received.


Implements reactions to variable set events. Uses the following events:

  • ON_SET <glob> <commandspec>
    • When a variable matching glob is set to a new value, execute command with the new value as an argument.


Implements a progress bar for page loading. Uses the following variables:

  • @progress.format: The format string for the @progress.output variable. Defaults to [%d>%p]%c.
  • @progress.done: The character to use for filling the done section of the progress bar. Defaults to =.
  • @progress.pending: The character to use for filling the pending section of the progress bar. Defaults to (space).
  • @progress.spinner: The characters to use for the spinner. Defaults to -\|/.
  • @progress.sprites: The characters to use for the sprite. Defaults to loading.
  • @progress.width: The width of the progress bar. Defaults to 8.

The current progress output is

Progress format

  • %d: The done character repeated to fill its space within the progress bar.
  • %p: The pending character repeated to fill its space within the progress bar.
  • %s: Current spinner character.
  • %r: Current sprite character.
  • %c: The percentage complete (with %).
  • %i: The percentage complete as an integer.
  • %o: The percentage pending as an integer.
  • %t: The percentage pending (with %).
  • %%: A literal %.