The following instructions will setup ingress certs with Lets Encrypt. You have the option of setting up certs before install or update an existing install with the new certs.
At the end of this setup, you and your users will be able to access CF CLI and CF APPs over HTTPS.
cli- For Mac, run
brew install certbot
. For other linux distros, see instructions on certbot site [1].
- For Mac, run
- Permissions to add/update DNS
[1] On certbot
site, the web server and os is irrelevant. You will be generating the certs on your machine, so choose the os that matches your os.
The following instructions assume that the system domain is setup at
and the apps domain is setup at
. You can update the domains accordingly.
- Set the environment variable for sys domain
- Generate a cert for the system domain
certbot --server -d "*.$SYS_DOMAIN" --manual \
--preferred-challenges dns-01 certonly \
--work-dir /tmp/certbot/wd --config-dir /tmp/certbot/cfg \
--logs-dir /tmp/certbot/logs
- You will be presented with a challenge to verify domain ownership. Copy the
value printed by certbot and create a TXT record in your DNS provider.
# example of the TXT in your DNS
_acme-challenge.SYS_DOMAIN. TXT kyfxzsAirB79lsk173jkdlamxiryqloy
- Wait for the TXT record to propagate to the nameservers. You can
tool in a separate console to verify the TXT is updated
dig _acme-challenge.$SYS_DOMAIN TXT
- In the certbot console, press enter once the TXT change is propagated to nameservers.
will verify that you own the server and create the necessary files. - Base64 encode the generated fullchain cert and private key and then remove the line breaks
openssl base64 -in /tmp/certbot/cfg/live/$SYS_DOMAIN/fullchain.pem | tr -d '\n' > /tmp/sys-fullchain.pem
openssl base64 -in /tmp/certbot/cfg/live/$SYS_DOMAIN/privkey.pem | tr -d '\n' > /tmp/sys-privkey.pem
Let's now create apps domain certs
- Set environment variable for the apps domain
- Generate a cert for the workloads domain
certbot --server -d "*.$APPS_DOMAIN" --manual \
--preferred-challenges dns-01 certonly \
--work-dir /tmp/certbot/wd --config-dir /tmp/certbot/cfg \
--logs-dir /tmp/certbot/logs
- You will be presented with a challenge to verify domain ownership. Copy the
value printed by certbot and create a TXT record in your DNS provider.
# example of the TXT in your DNS
_acme-challenge.$APPS_DOMAIN. TXT kyfxzsAirB79lsk173jkdlamxiryqloy
- Base64 encode the generated fullchain cert and private key and then remove the line breaks
openssl base64 -in /tmp/certbot/cfg/live/$APPS_DOMAIN/fullchain.pem | tr -d '\n' > /tmp/apps-fullchain.pem
openssl base64 -in /tmp/certbot/cfg/live/$APPS_DOMAIN/privkey.pem | tr -d '\n' > /tmp/apps-privkey.pem
The following instructions assume you have created cf-install-values.yml
. Please ensure to copy the file contents into the variables as is.
Update system certificate values
. You should config variablescrt
. Follow the instructions below,system_certificate: crt: <replace this with the contents of the file /tmp/sys-fullchain.pem> key: <replace this with the contents of the file /tmp/sys-privkey.pem> ca: "" #! replace whatever old value with empty string
Your final output for
will look something likesystem_certificate: crt: LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUSUZJQ0FURS0tLS0tCk1JSUZhakNDQkZLZ0F3SUJBZ0lTQ.... key: LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBQUklWQVRFIEtFWS0tLS0tCk1JSUV2Z0lCQURBTkJna3Foa2... ca: ""
Update apps certificate values
has sub-keyscrt
under it.workloads_certificate: crt: <replace this with the contents of the file /tmp/apps-fullchain.pem> key: <replace this with the contents of the file /tmp/apps-privkey.pem> ca: "" #! replace whatever old value with empty string
Follow the instructions from deploy doc to generate the final deploy yml using
to deploy cf-for-k8s to your cluster.
- Connect to the cf api without skipping the ssl validation
cf api https://api.$SYS_DOMAIN
Follow instructions in deploy doc to setup your org/spaces and cf push an app (if you haven't already).
- Verify app domain certs by running
curl -vvv
or verify the cert in a browser
curl -vvv https://$APP_NAME.$APPS_DOMAIN
# output should show `SSL certificate verify ok`