Your task is to create web application for monitoring the status of the Bitcoin blockchain network.
Bitcoin blockchain is a chain of blocks.
Each block has a link to the previous block in the chain.
Unique block identifier is called height
A new block is generated approximately every 10 minutes.
The block stores information about a certain number of transactions.
Transaction is the transfer of funds from the one wallet to another.
The unique identifier for the transaction is its hash
- Home page (list of the last 10 blocks,
list of the last 10 transaction,
chart with Bitcoin price for the last month,
form to search block by
and transaction byhash
); - The page with a list of blocks and pagination;
- A page with detailed information about a block and its transaction (with pagination);
- A page with detailed information about a transaction.
- JavaScript with ES5+ or TypeScript;
- Build tools (webpack/grunt/gulp);
- Responsive layout (usage of Bootstrap is a plus);
- Redux or RxJS;
- Immutable data structures (Immutable.js, Seamless-immutable, etc.);
- All information about Bitcoin blockchain is accessible through public API.
- A page with detailed information about a block create with layout zeplin poject Zeplin access: [email protected] / Qq1234567. (Optional)
- Source code on GitHub or Bitbucket.
Home page #1
Home page #2
List of blocks
Block page
Transaction page
Blockchain HTTP API
Blockchain WebSocket API
Bitcoin Rates API