This project implements a deep-learning approach to detect vehicles in LiDAR data based on a birds-eye view perspective of the 3D point-cloud. A series of performance measures were conducted to evaluate the performance of the detection approach.
Making use of the real-world data provided by the Waymo Open Dataset, the following was achieved:
- Convert two of the data channels withing the range image ("range" and "intensity") to an 8-bit integer value range and visualize both range and intenisty image (ID_S1_EX1)
- Utilize Open3D library to display the lidar point-cloud for close inspection (ID_S1_EX2) Multiple steps were taken to create Birds-Eye view from Lidar PCL
- Convert sensor coordinates to BEV-map coordinates (ID_S2_EX1)
- Compute intensity later of the BEV map (ID_S2_EX2)
- Compute height layer of the BEV map (ID_S2_EX3) Object detection components:
- In addition to YOLOv4 used for final testing, a second model was integrated into an existing framework (SFA3D) (ID_S3_EX1)
- Convert BEV coordinates into pixel coordinates to extract bounding boxes (ID_S3_EX2) Performance Evaluation:
- Compute IoU between labels and detections (ID_S4_EX1)
- Compute false-negatives and false-positives (ID_S4_EX2)
- Compute precision and recall and visualize evaluations (ID_S4_EX3)
Lidar data in the Waymo Open dataset is stored as a range image. Therefore, we first need to extract channels withing the range image. This step converts to of such channels ("range" and "intensity") to an 8-bit integer value range and visualizes the results using the OpenCV library.
Initial setup in
data_filename = 'training_segment-1005081002024129653_5313_150_5333_150_with_camera_labels.tfrecord
show_only_frames = [0, 1]
exec_data = []
exec_detection = []
exec_tracking = []
exec_visualization = ['show_range_image']
Implementation of the function show_range_image
in student/
# visualize range image
def show_range_image(frame, lidar_name):
####### MODIFICATIONS MADE #######
# step 1 : extract lidar data and range image for the roof-mounted lidar
lidar = [obj for obj in frame.lasers if == lidar_name][0]
if len(lidar.ri_return1.range_image_compressed) > 0:
ri = dataset_pb2.MatrixFloat()
ri = np.array(
# step 2 : extract the range and the intensity channel from the range image
# step 3 : set values <0 to zero
ri[ri < 0] = 0.0
ri_intensity = ri[:,:,1]
ri_range = ri[:,:,0]
# step 4 : map the range channel onto an 8-bit scale and make sure that the full range of values is appropriately considered
ri_range = ri_range * 255 / (np.amax(ri_range) - np.amin(ri_range))
# step 5 : map the intensity channel onto an 8-bit scale and normalize with the difference between the 1- and 99-percentile to mitigate the influence of outliers
percentile_1_99 = [np.percentile(ri_intensity,1), np.percentile(ri_intensity,99)]
ri_intensity = np.clip(ri_intensity, percentile_1_99[0], percentile_1_99[1]) * 255 / (percentile_1_99[1] - percentile_1_99[0])
# step 6 : stack the range and intensity image vertically using np.vstack and convert the result to an unsigned 8-bit integer
img_range_intensity = np.vstack((ri_range,ri_intensity)).astype(np.uint8)
# crop range image to +/- 90 degrees (left and right of the forward facing x-axis)
# center of image -- positive x-axis, dist btwn center and left as well as center and right is 180deg
# 90 deg corresponds to 1/4 of range cols
deg90 = int(img_range_intensity.shape[1] / 4)
ri_center = int(img_range_intensity.shape[1]/2)
img_range_intensity = img_range_intensity[:,ri_center-deg90:ri_center+deg90]
####### END #######
return img_range_intensity
A sample output:
Initial setup in
data_filename = 'training_segment-10963653239323173269_1924_000_1944_000_with_camera_labels.tfrecord'
show_only_frames = [0, 200]
exec_data = []
exec_detection = []
exec_tracking = []
exec_visualization = ['show_pcl']
Implementation of the function show_pcl
in student/
# visualize lidar point-cloud
def show_pcl(pcl):
####### MODIFICATIONS MADE #######
# step 1 : initialize open3d with key callback and create window
vis = o3d.visualization.VisualizerWithKeyCallback()
vis.create_window(window_name = 'Open3D', width = 1920, height = 1080,
left = 50, top = 50, visible = True)
global temp_var
temp_var = True
def next_frame(vis):
global temp_var
print("right arrow pressed")
temp_var = False
vis.register_key_callback(262, next_frame)
# step 2 : create instance of open3d point-cloud class
pcd = o3d.geometry.PointCloud()
# step 3 : set points in pcd instance by converting the point-cloud into 3d vectors (using open3d function Vector3dVector)
pcd.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(pcl[:,:3])
# step 4 : for the first frame, add the pcd instance to visualization using add_geometry; for all other frames, use update_geometry instead
# step 5 : visualize point cloud and keep window open until right-arrow is pressed (key-code 262)
while temp_var:
####### END #######
A sample ouput (responsive):
The point-cloud was inspected to locate examples of vehicles with varying degrees of visibility and identify stable vehicle features.
All of the vehicles could be clearly detected with no obstructions or omissions.
Vehicles in the blind-spot zone of a roof-top installation of the LiDAR are hard to detect for obvious physical constraints.
A couple of images presented above show that parts of vehicles tend to be omitted when they stand close behind each other
Vehicles that are located a bit farther away still look identifiable
The father away the vehicle is located the less identifiable it might get.
Some of the stable features of most vehicles were noted, as these could be the foundation of classification decision of the detection algorithm.
- An automobile roof from BEV
- Windshield
- Rear bumper shape
- Tire shapes
- Side shape
Initial setup in
data_filename = 'training_segment-1005081002024129653_5313_150_5333_150_with_camera_labels.tfrecord
show_only_frames = [0, 1]
exec_data = ['pcl_from_rangeimage']
exec_detection = ['bev_from_pcl']
exec_tracking = []
exec_visualization = []
Modification made to the function bev_from_pcl
in student/
def bev_from_pcl(lidar_pcl, configs):
####### MODIFICATIONS MADE #######
# remove lidar points outside detection area and with too low reflectivity
mask = np.where((lidar_pcl[:, 0] >= configs.lim_x[0]) & (lidar_pcl[:, 0] <= configs.lim_x[1]) &
(lidar_pcl[:, 1] >= configs.lim_y[0]) & (lidar_pcl[:, 1] <= configs.lim_y[1]) &
(lidar_pcl[:, 2] >= configs.lim_z[0]) & (lidar_pcl[:, 2] <= configs.lim_z[1]))
lidar_pcl = lidar_pcl[mask]
# shift level of ground plane to avoid flipping from 0 to 255 for neighboring pixels
lidar_pcl[:, 2] = lidar_pcl[:, 2] - configs.lim_z[0]
# convert sensor coordinates to bev-map coordinates (center is bottom-middle)
## step 1 : compute bev-map discretization by dividing x-range by the bev-image height (see configs)
bev_discreet = (configs.lim_x[1] - configs.lim_x[0]) / configs.bev_height
## step 2 : create a copy of the lidar pcl and transform all metrix x-coordinates into bev-image coordinates
lidar_pcl_cpy = np.copy(lidar_pcl)
lidar_pcl_cpy[:, 0] = np.int_(np.floor(lidar_pcl_cpy[:, 0]/ bev_discreet))
# step 3 : perform the same operation as in step 2 for the y-coordinates but make sure that no negative bev-coordinates occur
lidar_pcl_cpy[:, 1] = np.int_(np.floor(lidar_pcl_cpy[:, 1] / bev_discreet) + (configs.bev_width + 1) / 2)
lidar_pcl_cpy[:, 1] = np.abs(lidar_pcl_cpy[:,1])
# step 4 : visualize point-cloud using the function show_pcl from a previous task
####### END #######
A sample output:
Additions made to the bev_from_pcl
in student/
def bev_from_pcl(lidar_pcl, configs):
## step 1 : create a numpy array filled with zeros which has the same dimensions as the BEV map
intensity_map = np.zeros((configs.bev_height, configs.bev_width))
# step 2 : re-arrange elements in lidar_pcl_cpy by sorting first by x, then y, then -z (use numpy.lexsort)
lidar_pcl_cpy[lidar_pcl_cpy[:,3]>1.0,3] = 1.0
idx_intensity = np.lexsort((-lidar_pcl_cpy[:,2], lidar_pcl_cpy[:,1], lidar_pcl_cpy[:, 0]))
lidar_pcl_cpy = lidar_pcl_cpy[idx_intensity]
## step 3 : extract all points with identical x and y such that only the top-most z-coordinate is kept (use numpy.unique)
## also, store the number of points per x,y-cell in a variable named "counts" for use in the next task
_, idx_height_unique, count = np.unique(lidar_pcl_cpy[:, 0:2], axis = 0, return_index= True, return_counts= True)
lidar_pcl_top = lidar_pcl_cpy[idx_height_unique]
## step 4 : assign the intensity value of each unique entry in lidar_top_pcl to the intensity map
## make sure that the intensity is scaled in such a way that objects of interest (e.g. vehicles) are clearly visible
## also, make sure that the influence of outliers is mitigated by normalizing intensity on the difference between the max. and min. value within the point cloud
intensity_map[np.int_(lidar_pcl_top[:, 0]), np.int_(lidar_pcl_top[:, 1])] = lidar_pcl_top[:, 3] / (np.amax(lidar_pcl_top[:, 3])-np.amin(lidar_pcl_top[:, 3]))
## step 5 : temporarily visualize the intensity map using OpenCV to make sure that vehicles separate well from the background
img_intensity = intensity_map * 256 / (np.amax(intensity_map))- np.amin(intensity_map)
img_intensity = img_intensity.astype(np.uint8)
cv2.imshow('image intensity', img_intensity)
A sample output:
Additions made to the bev_from_pcl
in student/
def bev_from_pcl(lidar_pcl, configs):
## step 1 : create a numpy array filled with zeros which has the same dimensions as the BEV map
height_map = np.zeros((configs.bev_height, configs.bev_width))
## step 2 : assign the height value of each unique entry in lidar_top_pcl to the height map
## make sure that each entry is normalized on the difference between the upper and lower height defined in the config file
## use the lidar_pcl_top data structure from the previous task to access the pixels of the height_map
height_map[np.int_(lidar_pcl_top[:, 0]),
np.int_(lidar_pcl_top[:, 1])] = lidar_pcl_top[:, 2] / np.float(np.abs(configs.lim_z[1] - configs.lim_z[0]))
## step 3 : temporarily visualize the intensity map using OpenCV to make sure that vehicles separate well from the background
img_height = height_map * 256
img_height = img_height.astype(np.uint8)
cv2.imshow('height map', height_map)
A sample output:
Initial setup in
data_filename = 'training_segment-1005081002024129653_5313_150_5333_150_with_camera_labels.tfrecord
show_only_frames = [50, 51]
exec_data = ['pcl_from_rangeimage', 'load_image']
exec_detection = ['bev_from_pcl', 'detect_objects']
exec_tracking = []
exec_visualization = ['show_objects_in_bev_labels_in_camera']
configs_det = det.load_configs(model_name="fpn_resnet")
Modifications made to detect_objects
, load_configs_model
and load_configs_model
in student/
# load model-related parameters into an edict
def load_configs_model(model_name='darknet', configs=None):
# init config file, if none has been passed
if configs==None:
configs = edict()
# get parent directory of this file to enable relative paths
curr_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
parent_path = configs.model_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(curr_path, os.pardir))
# set parameters according to model type
if model_name == "darknet":
configs.model_path = os.path.join(parent_path, 'tools', 'objdet_models', 'darknet')
configs.pretrained_filename = os.path.join(configs.model_path, 'pretrained', 'complex_yolov4_mse_loss.pth')
configs.arch = 'darknet'
configs.batch_size = 4
configs.cfgfile = os.path.join(configs.model_path, 'config', 'complex_yolov4.cfg')
configs.conf_thresh = 0.5
configs.distributed = False
configs.img_size = 608
configs.nms_thresh = 0.4
configs.num_samples = None
configs.num_workers = 4
configs.pin_memory = True
configs.use_giou_loss = False
configs.min_iou = .5 # was added
elif model_name == 'fpn_resnet':
####### MODIFICATIONS MADE #######
configs.model_path = os.path.join(parent_path, 'tools', 'objdet_models', 'resnet')
configs.pretrained_filename = os.path.join(configs.model_path, 'pretrained', 'fpn_resnet_18_epoch_300.pth')
configs.arch = 'fpn_resnet'
configs.batch_size = 4
#configs.cfgfile = os.path.join(configs.model_path, 'config', 'complex_yolov4.cfg')
configs.conf_thresh = 0.5
configs.distributed = False
configs.img_size = 608
configs.nms_thresh = 0.4
configs.num_samples = None
configs.num_workers = 4
configs.pin_memory = True
configs.use_giou_loss = False
configs.head_conv = 64
configs.down_ratio = 4
configs.peak_thresh = 0.2
configs.imagenet_pretrained = False
configs.num_classes = 3
configs.num_center_offset = 2
configs.num_z = 1
configs.num_dim = 3
configs.num_direction = 2 # sin, cos
configs.heads = {
'hm_cen': configs.num_classes,
'cen_offset': configs.num_center_offset,
'direction': configs.num_direction,
'z_coor': configs.num_z,
'dim': configs.num_dim
configs.num_layers = 18
####### END #######
raise ValueError("Error: Invalid model name")
# GPU vs. CPU
configs.no_cuda = True # if true, cuda is not used
configs.gpu_idx = 0 # GPU index to use.
configs.device = torch.device('cpu' if configs.no_cuda else 'cuda:{}'.format(configs.gpu_idx))
return configs
# create model according to selected model type
def create_model(configs):
# check for availability of model file
assert os.path.isfile(configs.pretrained_filename), "No file at {}".format(configs.pretrained_filename)
# create model depending on architecture name
if (configs.arch == 'darknet') and (configs.cfgfile is not None):
print('using darknet')
model = darknet(cfgfile=configs.cfgfile, use_giou_loss=configs.use_giou_loss)
elif 'fpn_resnet' in configs.arch:
print('using ResNet architecture with feature pyramid')
####### MODIFICATIONS MADE #######
model = fpn_resnet.get_pose_net(num_layers=configs.num_layers, heads=configs.heads, head_conv=configs.head_conv,
####### END #######
assert False, 'Undefined model backbone'
# load model weights
model.load_state_dict(torch.load(configs.pretrained_filename, map_location='cpu'))
print('Loaded weights from {}\n'.format(configs.pretrained_filename))
# set model to evaluation state
configs.device = torch.device('cpu' if configs.no_cuda else 'cuda:{}'.format(configs.gpu_idx))
model = # load model to either cpu or gpu
return model
# detect trained objects in birds-eye view
def detect_objects(input_bev_maps, model, configs):
# deactivate autograd engine during test to reduce memory usage and speed up computations
with torch.no_grad():
# perform inference
outputs = model(input_bev_maps)
# decode model output into target object format
if 'darknet' in configs.arch:
# perform post-processing
output_post = post_processing_v2(outputs, conf_thresh=configs.conf_thresh, nms_thresh=configs.nms_thresh)
detections = []
for sample_i in range(len(output_post)):
if output_post[sample_i] is None:
detection = output_post[sample_i]
for obj in detection:
x, y, w, l, im, re, _, _, _ = obj
yaw = np.arctan2(im, re)
detections.append([1, x, y, 0.0, 1.50, w, l, yaw])
elif 'fpn_resnet' in configs.arch:
# decode output and perform post-processing
####### MODIFICATIONS MADE #######
outputs['hm_cen'] = _sigmoid(outputs['hm_cen'])
outputs['cen_offset'] = _sigmoid(outputs['cen_offset'])
detections = decode(outputs['hm_cen'], outputs['cen_offset'], outputs['direction'], outputs['z_coor'],
outputs['dim'], K=configs.K)
detections = detections.cpu().numpy().astype(np.float32)
detections = post_processing(detections, configs)
detections = detections[0][1]
####### END #######
Additions made to detect_objects
in student/
def detect_objects(input_bev_maps, model, configs):
####### ADDITIONS MADE #######
# Extract 3d bounding boxes from model response
objects = []
# step 1 : check whether there are any detections
if len(detections)!=0:
# step 2 : loop over all detections
for obj in detections:
id, bev_x, bev_y, z, h, bev_w, bev_l, yaw = obj
## step 3 : perform the conversion using the limits for x, y and z set in the configs structure
x = bev_y * (configs.lim_x[1] - configs.lim_x[0]) / configs.bev_height
y = bev_x * (configs.lim_y[1] - configs.lim_y[0]) / configs.bev_width - (configs.lim_y[1] - configs.lim_y[0])/2.0
w = bev_w * (configs.lim_y[1] - configs.lim_y[0]) / configs.bev_width
l = bev_l * (configs.lim_x[1] - configs.lim_x[0]) / configs.bev_height
if ((x >= configs.lim_x[0]) and (x <= configs.lim_x[1])
and (y >= configs.lim_y[0]) and (y <= configs.lim_y[1])
and (z >= configs.lim_z[0]) and (z <= configs.lim_z[1])):
## step 4 : append the current object to the 'objects' array
objects.append([1, x, y, z, h, w, l, yaw])
####### END #######
return objects
Initial setup in
data_filename = 'training_segment-1005081002024129653_5313_150_5333_150_with_camera_labels.tfrecord
show_only_frames = [50, 51]
exec_data = ['pcl_from_rangeimage']
exec_detection = ['bev_from_pcl', 'detect_objects', 'validate_object_labels', 'measure_detection_performance']
exec_tracking = []
exec_visualization = ['show_detection_performance']
configs_det = det.load_configs(model_name="darknet")
Modifications made to measure_detection_performance
in student/
# compute various performance measures to assess object detection
def measure_detection_performance(detections, labels, labels_valid, min_iou=0.5):
# find best detection for each valid label
true_positives = 0 # no. of correctly detected objects
center_devs = []
ious = []
for label, valid in zip(labels, labels_valid):
matches_lab_det = []
if valid: # exclude all labels from statistics which are not considered valid
# compute intersection over union (iou) and distance between centers
####### MODIFICATIONS MADE #######
## step 1 : extract the four corners of the current label bounding-box
bbox =
bbox_l = tools.compute_box_corners(bbox.center_x, bbox.center_y, bbox.width, bbox.length, bbox.heading)
## step 2 : loop over all detected objects
for det in detections:
## step 3 : extract the four corners of the current detection
idx, x, y, z, h, w, l, yaw = det
bbox_d = tools.compute_box_corners(x,y,w,l,yaw)
## step 4 : computer the center distance between label and detection bounding-box in x, y, and z
dist_x = np.array(bbox.center_x - x).item()
dist_y = np.array(bbox.center_y - y).item()
dist_z = np.array(bbox.center_z - z).item()
## step 5 : compute the intersection over union (IOU) between label and detection bounding-box
poly_l = Polygon(bbox_l)
poly_d = Polygon(bbox_d)
intersection = poly_l.intersection(poly_d).area
union = poly_l.union(poly_d).area
iou = intersection / union
## step 6 : if IOU exceeds min_iou threshold, store [iou,dist_x, dist_y, dist_z] in matches_lab_det and increase the TP count
if iou > min_iou:
matches_lab_det.append([iou, dist_x, dist_y, dist_z])
true_positives += 1
####### END #######
# find best match and compute metrics
if matches_lab_det:
best_match = max(matches_lab_det,key=itemgetter(1)) # retrieve entry with max iou in case of multiple candidates
####### MODIFICATIONS MADE #######
# compute positives and negatives for precision/recall
## step 1 : compute the total number of positives present in the scene
all_positives = labels_valid.sum()
## step 2 : compute the number of false negatives
false_negatives = all_positives - true_positives
## step 3 : compute the number of false positives
false_positives = len(detections) - true_positives
####### END #######
pos_negs = [all_positives, true_positives, false_negatives, false_positives]
det_performance = [ious, center_devs, pos_negs]
return det_performance
Modifications made to compute_performance_stats
in student/
# evaluate object detection performance based on all frames
def compute_performance_stats(det_performance_all):
# extract elements
ious = []
center_devs = []
pos_negs = []
for item in det_performance_all:
####### MODIFICATIONS MADE #######
print('student task ID_S4_EX3')
pos_negs_arr = np.asarray(pos_negs)
## step 1 : extract the total number of positives, true positives, false negatives and false positives
positives = sum(pos_negs_arr[:,0])
true_pos = sum(pos_negs_arr[:,1])
false_negs = sum(pos_negs_arr[:,2])
false_pos = sum(pos_negs_arr[:,3])
## step 2 : compute precision
precision = true_pos / (true_pos + false_pos)
## step 3 : compute recall
recall = true_pos / (true_pos + false_negs)
####### END #######
print('precision = ' + str(precision) + ", recall = " + str(recall))
First the functions were tested under the assumption that ground-truth labels are considered objects to see whether the code produces plausible results (configs_det.use_labels_as_objects = True
Precision=1.0 Recall=1.0
After evaluation the network on the actual object predictions results were the following:
Precision=0.95065789 Recall=0.944444444