From 612485769ae54a617c2575cd670cd44b1f3a4f11 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Anton Grischenko <>
Date: Sun, 22 Mar 2015 16:12:27 +0500
Subject: [PATCH] Simplification of cli

---    | 35 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 bem-info.js  |  1 +
 bemy.js      | 11 ++++++-----
 package.json |  2 +-
 4 files changed, 35 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 44cd7d1..f6b8fa0 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ bemy -t [task] -f [path] [options]
 When you call bemy on files it is like you call bemy on the folder contains this file. So this two variants are equal: `-f ~/testBlock/__elem` and `-f ~/testBlock/__elem/`.  
+Starting with version 2.1 `-t` and `-p` and `-f` is no more required. Task seleced depend on call bemy. See details on tasks description below.  
 ###Shared CLI options
 `-t [task name]` — name of the called task. default: 'auto';  
 `-f [path]` — path to BEM node (folder or file);  
@@ -29,15 +32,21 @@ Example:
 Command: `bemy -t create -f ~/testBlock/__elem -p "css js"`  
 Result: In the folder `~/testBlock/__elem` was added two files: `testBlock__elem.js` and `testBlock__elem.css`.  
+cd some-block  
+bemy c j
+Result: called 'create' task and appear `some-block/some-block.css` and `some-block/some-block.js`.  
 `-o` — to open the file after creation. This command configured in config.json in section `editor-open-command`. Default value is `wstorm {{file-path}}:{{line-number}}`. See more details at below in section `Configuring`.;
-`-p [file list]` — file types list. Available following file types: `-p "css js deps priv bh"`. Also you can use short notation `p c j b d`. You can add you own file types and shortcuts at config.json.  
+`-p [file list]` — file types list. Available following file types: `-p "css js deps priv bh"`. Also you can use short notation `p c j b d`. You can add you own file types and shortcuts at config.json. Also you can set file types with just enumeration before single options keys, e.g. `bemy c j -o -g`.
-An example of using bemy with `external tools` of webstorm for the task of creation:  
+Webstorm requiered `-f [path]`. An example of using bemy with `external tools` of webstorm for the task of creation:  
 Don't forget to configure hotkey for task running (e.g. `ctrl + c`) at `keymap` section.
-###Task of renaming
+###The task of renaming  
 Recursively renames current node and its children. `-d` turn on deep mode and the contents of the files will also be renamed. Deep rename used `rename` param from config file so you should to configure it for you own file types. `rename` renames only described files and valid directories (e.g. mod folder in mod folder isn't valid).
 ####CLI for task of renaming:
@@ -47,10 +56,10 @@ Recursively renames current node and its children. `-d` turn on deep mode and th
 `-d` — turn on deep mode with renaming of files content;  
 `-p` — new BEM node name;
-An example of using bemy with `external tools` of webstorm for the task of renaming:  
+Webstorm requiered `-f [path]`. An example of using bemy with `external tools` of webstorm for the task of renaming:  
+###The autotask  
 Call default action depend on BEM node. Currently work following variants:
 1. If target is deps-file, creates described elems\mods\elemMods folder structure. And depend on options of config.json also creates elems\mods\elemMods files. By default it's css files. Se `Configuring` section for more details.
 2. Otherwise call create task with default options (equal `-t create -f [path] -p "css"`). Default file types for autotask configurable at config.json.
@@ -58,7 +67,16 @@ Call default action depend on BEM node. Currently work following variants:
 ####CLI for autotask
 `bemy -f [path]`
-An example of using bemy with `external tools` of webstorm for the autotask:  
+or you can call just bemy:  
+Run autotask:
+cd some-block  
+Called autotask and created the only css file `some-block.css`.  
+You should set `-f` when you want set not current directory or call bemy on `deps.js` file.  
+Webstorm requiered `-f [path]`. An example of using bemy with `external tools` of webstorm for the autotask:  
 Don't forget to configure hotkey for task running (e.g. `ctrl + a`) at `keymap` section.
@@ -72,7 +90,8 @@ Description of the used file types.
 `shortcuts` — list of short that you can use after `-p` key in Task of creation;  
 `rename` – mask for deep renaming. {{bemNode}} will be replaced to new node name. You can also use an array of masks;  
 `template` — path to template of file type. Teamplate used when any files are created.  
-There are following placeholders: `{{blockName}}`, `{{elemName}}`, `{{modName}}`, `{{modVal}}` and `{{cursor}}`. When files are created this entries will be replaced with relevant part of BEM node name.  And `{{cursor}}` will be deleted and used for setting cursor line number (see more at Configuring section).
+There are following placeholders: `{{blockName}}`, `{{elemName}}`, `{{modName}}`, `{{modVal}}` and `{{cursor}}`. When files are created this entries will be replaced with relevant part of BEM node name.  And `{{cursor}}` will be deleted and used for setting cursor line number (see more at `Configuring` section).  
 For example, default css template contain:
@@ -83,7 +102,7 @@ For example, default css template contain:
 , so resulted file will contain:
 .testBlock__elem {
-/* curor will be here, if you use right configured -o key */
+/* curor will be here, when you use right configured -o key */
 `deps_task` – options for autotask when it called on deps file. `files` – list of file types to be created in addition to folders.  
diff --git a/bem-info.js b/bem-info.js
index 1ea5aa8..b9fa78d 100644
--- a/bem-info.js
+++ b/bem-info.js
@@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ function getBlockName(trgPath, isBlock, isFile, bem, allowedSymbols){
     if (isBlock) {
         var blockRegExp = new RegExp('(' + allowedSymbols + '+)\/?$', 'i');
         return trgPath.match(blockRegExp)[1];
diff --git a/bemy.js b/bemy.js
index 5b179b8..2880d9c 100644
--- a/bemy.js
+++ b/bemy.js
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ var exec = require('child_process').exec;
 var depsNormalize = require('deps-normalize');
 var options = minimist(process.argv.slice(2)),
-    trgPath = options.f,
+    trgPath = options.f ? path.resolve(options.f) : process.env.PWD,
     configPath = options.c ? path.resolve(options.c) : path.join(__dirname, 'config.json'),
-    prompt = options.p ? options.p.toString().split(/\s/) : '',
+    prompt = options.p ? options.p.toString().split(/\s/) : options._,
     config = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(configPath, 'utf-8')),
     isOwnConfig = options.c,
     bemInfo = require('./bem-info.js')(config);
@@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ var bem = config.bem,
         return shortcuts;
-        blockDir: startCreating.bind(this, ['css']),
+        blockDir: startCreating.bind(this, prompt),
         deps: createStructureByDeps,
-        elemDir: startCreating.bind(this, ['css']),
-        modDir: startCreating.bind(this, ['css'])
+        elemDir: startCreating.bind(this, prompt),
+        modDir: startCreating.bind(this, prompt)
     BEM_INFO = bemInfo(trgPath),
     tasks = {
@@ -166,6 +166,7 @@ function isValidNode(child, oldParentPath, newParentPath, originalInfo){
 function startCreating(fileTypes){
+    fileTypes = fileTypes || ['css'];
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index d9ce7a4..9bf45b2 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
     "type": "git",
     "url": ""
-  "version": "2.0.0",
+  "version": "2.1.0",
   "keywords": [
     "BEM Tools"