- Create csv spreadsheet and list issues under column headings of title, body, labels, status. Multiple labels should be comma separated without a space after the comma.
- In the directory,
npm install -g github-csv-tools
githubCsvTools path/file.csv
- Follow prompts. It will ask you to input a GitHub token. To obtain this token:
- Go to https://github.com/settings/tokens
- Click "Generate New Token"
- https://github.com/gavinr/github-csv-tools
- https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/issues/csv_import.html
- https://scottjjackson.medium.com/how-to-bulk-create-issues-in-github-a278d429b7bf
- Make a slackbot app on this page https://api.slack.com/apps?new_app=1 and link it to your Slack workspace.
- Activate incoming webhooks in the slack app (it gives us an URL, and relates it to a slack channel)
- Write a POST fetch request to that URL, with message data as JSON, e.g:
let testMessage = { "text": "This is a test message!" }