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Meta data file explained

sf-wind edited this page Jul 27, 2018 · 6 revisions

The meta data file is in json format. The json file is kept very flexible. Different frameworks can have their own extensions of the json file, but some fields are required for all frameworks. Below the format of the json is described through an example for shufflenet on Caffe2 framwork:

  "model": {
    "category": "CNN",
    "description": "Trained ShuffleNet on Caffe2",
    "files": {
      "init": {
        "filename": "init_net.pb",
        "location": "",
        "md5": "b4769da2f2090e2b5a87347bb35b274d"
      "predict": {
        "filename": "predict_net.pb",
        "location": "",
        "md5": "711758bb6d38ca8f74adda2fe72340a9"
    "format": "caffe2",
    "kind": "deployment",
    "name": "shufflenet"
  "tests": [
      "arguments": "--net {files.predict} --init_net {files.init} --warmup {warmup} --iter {iter} --input \"gpu_0/data\" --input_dims \"1,3,224,224\" --input_type float --run_individual true",
      "identifier": "shufflenet_1,3,244,244",
      "metric": "delay",
      "iter": 50,
      "warmup": 1

The json file is composed of two main fields: model and tests

model is a dictionary containing all information related to the model. The required fields are different for different frameworks. Some commonly used fields are:

  • files: a dictionary containing the description of the model files or other files used in the benchmark binary.