It is possible to use different algorithms and models for different agent groups.
In this folder, we provide examples on how to do this.
Ensemble algorithms take as input a dictionary mapping group names to algorithm configs:
from benchmarl.algorithms import EnsembleAlgorithmConfig, IsacConfig, MaddpgConfig
algorithm_config = EnsembleAlgorithmConfig(
{"agent": MaddpgConfig.get_from_yaml(), "adversary": IsacConfig.get_from_yaml()}
Important: All algorithms need to be on-policy or off-policy, it is not possible to mix the two paradigms.
Ensemble models take as input a dictionary mapping group names to model configs:
from benchmarl.models import EnsembleModelConfig, GnnConfig, MlpConfig
model_config = EnsembleModelConfig(
{"agent": MlpConfig.get_from_yaml(), "adversary": GnnConfig.get_from_yaml()}
Important: if you use ensemble models with sequence models, make sure the ensemble is the outer layer (you cannot make a sequence of ensembles, but an ensemble of sequences yes).