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The Little Hooner

Adapted from The Little Schemer (Fourth Edition) by Daniel P. Friedman and Matthias Felleisen

Adaptation by ~ribben-donnyl (AKA J LeBlanc)

The Ten Commandments

The First Commandment

When recurring on a list of atoms, always ask if a list is null as the first question in expressing any function.
When recurring on a number, ask if the number is zero.

The Second Commandment

Use :- to build lists.

The Third Commandment

When building a list, describe the first typical element, then 'cons' it onto the natural recursion.

The Fourth Commandment

Always change one argument when recurring. It must be changed to be closer to termination. The changing argument must be tested in the termination condition:
when using tail, test termination with .=(~ l) when using sub1, test termination with .=(0 l)

The Five Four Rules

The Law of Head

The primitive 'head' is defined only for cells and non-empty lists.

The Law of Tail

The primitive 'tail' is defined only for cells and non-empty lists.

The Law of Colhep

The rune :- takes two arguments. To create a new list with :-, the second argument must be a list or null.

Rune Pronunciation

ace [1 space]       gap [>1 space, nl]  pat @
bar |               gar >               sel [
bas \               hax #               ser ]
buc $               hep -               sig ~
cab _               kel {               soq '
cen %               ker }               tar *
col :               ket ^               tic `
com ,               lus +               tis =
doq "               mic ;               wut ?
dot .               pal (               zap !
fas /               pam &
gal <               par )

Table of Contents

1. Toys
2. Do It, Do It Again, and Again, and Again ...
3. Colhep the Magnificent

0. Preface and Setup


"Tlön is surely a labyrinth, but it is a labyrinth devised by men, a labyrinth destined to be deciphered by men."

  • Jorge Luis Borges, "Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius"

"Don't Panic!"

  • Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

I first got on the Internet when I was in college in the 90s. In those benighted days, this often involved a dial-up modem. If you only had one phone line and your roommate picked up the phone to make a phone call, you would get what's called line noise.

The email you were reading went from being regular text to being filled with weird characters, and the email suddenly stopped making sense.
It was really disorienting.

The first time I looked at Hoon, the programming language for Urbit, I had a similar feeling.

For instance, here's code to decrement an integer:

|=  a=@ud
^-  @ud
=/  b=@ud  0
?:  .=  a  .+  b
%=  $
  b  .+  b

Hoon is a member of the family of languages called [Lisps](

Conceptually, it works more or less like any other Lisp, but it looks totally different. For starters, Hoon has no keywords. Instead it uses what's called "runes", which are a set of two ASCII characters. This helps contribute to its austere "line-noise" look.

To help with this, each ASCII character in Hoon has a standard way of pronoucing it, which this book will introduce as we go along. This somehow makes programming in Hoon even weirder. But if you're an auditory person (like me), you'll find this helps a lot to make all these runes memorable.

Also, most languages in the Lisp family make use of parentheses. Lots and lots of parentheses. So many parentheses.

Hoon does away with the parentheses, but in a way that adds a bit more conceptual overhead to really understand how things work.

Because it's a Lisp, Hoon is a functional programming language. Programming in functional programming languages works differently than you might be used to.

This book is an adaptation of the book The Little Schemer, which uses the language Scheme, another Lisp and therefore a cousin of Hoon. It goes very slowly, using very small programs to introduce and illustrate concepts that you'll need to understand to do programming in Hoon.

I assume zero experience in Hoon, or in any other programming language for that matter.

It should be considered a starting point. It won't teach you all the Hoon you need to know to do anything on Urbit you'd like, but it will give you the conceptual framework you need.


  • J LeBlanc

Text Notes

  • While this is based on The Little Schemer, Hoon and Scheme are different languages and they do things differently.

  • If you see "JL", this is a translation note, or mentions a section that is original to this document.

  • TLS stands for "The Little Schemer".

  • "KM" means "TODO", but it's two keystrokes shorter.

  • The purpose of the original TLS is to understand how recursion works. This book has two purposes: to understand recursion but also to get your head around how writing code in Hoon works.

    So I occasionally toss in some Hoon concepts on top of the recursion concepts. If it feels like a needless distraction, let me know.

  • Scheme has a somewhat muddied distinction between code and data that Hoon doesn't have.
    So in Scheme you can have a list, like (a b c) and prepend a soq, like '(a b c), to tell the compiler "everything in these parentheses are data".

    This isn't possible in Hoon. Either that or I'm not aware of someway to do it. So I've had to make all the words into cords or terms. This is not ideal, but I think it works.

  • Conceptually cells in Hoon act as binary trees. I am more or less ignoring this fact. I'm going to discuss atoms, cells, and lists. Also tuples when appropriate.

  • Given the choice between brevity or clarity of code, I usually opt for clarity. There are shorter ways of writing some things, irregular forms that do away with the runes. On most of these, I leave the rune in.

    At some point, I might make an appendix to note the other ways of doing things.

  • If you see any egregious errors, DM me at ~ribben-donnyl. Also, pull requests are welcome!

  • This has taken a non-trivial amount of time, and will require much more time before it's done.

How to Read This Book

This book is written in a question-and-answer format. Go slowly! Make sure you really understand a chapter before you go onto the next chapter.

To get started, you'll need a running ship on Urbit. Developing on your own ship is Considered Harmful, so we recommend setting up a development ship.

Once you're runnning, you'll have a dojo prompt.

If you want to assign a variable, you can do that like so:

> =a 42
> =l [%ham %and %eggs ~]

When you are finished with a variable, you can unbind it by running something like:

> =a
> =l

You are highly encouraged to follow along and test things out in the dojo.

When you get to chapter 2, you'll be writing a "generator", which is a kind of program you can run on your Urbit ship.

To do this, you'll need to run this command in the dojo:

> |mount /=home=

You'll only have to do this once. Once you do that, you'll get a folder called "home" inside your ship's directory. If you created a development ship, this will be zod/home.

Whenever you change one of the files in your home directory, you'll need to run this command to add these changes to your ship

> |commit %home

1. Toys

Q: Is it true that this is an atom?


A: Yes,

because 'atom' is a string of characters beginning with the letter a, surrounded by single quotes or soqs.

Q: Is it true that this is an atom?


A: Yes,

because 'turkey' is a string of characters beginning with a letter, surrounded by soqs.

This kind of atom is called a 'cord'

Q: Is it true that this is an atom?


A: Yes,

because 'u' is a string of one character, which is a letter.

Q: Is it true that this is an atom?


A: Yes,

because '*abc$🙃' is a string of characters.

Q: Is it true that this is an atom?


A: Yes,

because 42 is a number

Q: Is it true that this is an atom?


A: Yes,

because %atom is a string of lower-case letters beginning with a % (pronounced 'cen')

This kind of atom is called a 'term'

Q: Is it true that this is an atom?


A: Yes,

because %atom is a string of lower-case letters beginning with a %, along with numbers and the - (pronounced 'hep').

Q: Is it true that this is an atom?


A: No answer,

because a term must start with the 'cen' and then a lower-case letter

Q: Is it true that this is an atom?


A: No answer,

because a term cannot have special characters, only lower-case letters, numbers and -.

Q: Is it true that this is a cell?

[%grilled %cheese]

A: Yes,

because it is a pair of two atoms, the terms %grilled and %cheese, surrounded by a left square bracked (which is pronounced 'sel') and a right square bracket, which is pronounced 'ser'.

Q: Is it true that this is a cell?

%tomato %soup

A: No,

because cells must be enclosed in a 'sel' and a 'ser'.

Q: Is it true that this is a cell?

[%atom %turkey] 'or'

A: No,

these are actually two nouns, not enclosed by a 'sel' and a 'ser'. The first one is a cell with two terms, and the second one is a cord.

Q: Is it true that this is a cell?

[[%atom %turkey] 'or']

A: Yes,

because the two nouns are now enclosed by square brackets.

Q: Is it true that this is a cell?

[%atom %turkey 'or']

A: Yes,

because this is another way to write

[%atom [%turkey 'or']]

This is a cell containing an atom and another cell.

Q: Is it true that this is a cell?

[%two %all %beef %patties]

A: Yes,

because this is another way to write

[%two [%all [%beef %patties]]]

This is a cell containing an atom and another cell. That cell also contains an atom and another cell.

Q: Is it true that this is a cell?


A: No,

A cell must have two nouns

Q: Is it true that this is a noun?


A: Yes,

because a cord is an atom, and all atoms are nouns.

Q: Is it true that this is a noun?

[%x %y %z]

A: Yes,

because it is a cell.

Q: Is it true that this is a noun?

[[%x %y] %z]

A: Yes,

because all cells are nouns.

Heads and Tails

Q: What is the 'head' of the cell c where c is

[%a %b]

A: %a

because %a is the first item in the cell.

Q: What is the 'head' of c where c is

[[%a %b %c] %x %y %z]

A: [%a %b %c]

because [%a %b %c] is the first noun in the cell.

Q: What is the 'head' of a where a is %hotdog

A: No answer.

You cannot ask for the 'head' of an atom.

The Law of Head


The primitive 'head' is defined only for cells.

Q: What is the 'head' of c


c is [[%hotdogs %and] [%pickle %relish]]

A: [%hotdogs %and]

because [%hotdogs %and] is the first noun of c

Q: What is (head c)


c is [[%hotdogs %and] [%pickle %relish]]

A: [%hotdogs %and]

because (head c) is another way to ask for "the 'head' of the cell c"

Q: What is (head (head c))


c is [[%hotdogs %and] [%pickle %relish]]

A: %hotdogs

Q: What is the tail of c


c is [%a %b]

A: %b

because %b is the second item in the cell c

Q: What is the tail of c


c is [%a %b %c]

A: [%b %c]

because [%a %b %c] is another way to write [%a [%b %c]].


[%b %c] is the cell c without (head c).

Q: What is the tail of the cell c


c is [[%a %b %c] %x %y %z]

A: [%x %y %z]

Q: What is (tail c)


c is [[%a %b %c] %x %y %z]

A: [%x %y %z]

becuase (tail c) is just another way to ask for "the tail of the cell c."

Q: What is (tail a)


a is %hotdogs

A: No answer.

You cannot ask for the tail of an atom.

Q: What is (head (tail c))


c is [[%poached %eggs] [%cheese %grits]]

A: %cheese

because [%cheese %grits] is (tail c) and %cheese is the 'head' of (tail c)

Q: What is (tail (tail c))


c is [[%poached %eggs] [%cheese %grits]]

A: %grits

because [%cheese %grits] is (tail c) and %grits is the tail of (tail c).

Q: What is (tail (head c))


l is [%a [%b %c] %d]

A: No answer,

since (head c) is an atom, and tail does not take an atom as an argument.

Q: What does 'head' take as an argument?

A: It takes any cell.

Q: What does 'tail' take as an argument?

A: It takes any cell.


Q: What is the 'cons' of %a and %b?

A: [%a %b]

JL: Scheme (and TLS) calls this operation "cons". It's apparently short for "construct" but everyone just calls it "cons". I think this works, but I suspect another word would work better here.

Q: What is the 'cons' of the atom a and the cell c

where a is %peanut


c is [%butter %and %jelly]

You can read this as: "'cons' the atom a onto the cell c"

A: [%peanut %butter %and %jelly]

Using the 'cons' operstaion to make a new cell with a and c results in:

[%peanut [%butter %and %jelly]]

This is another way of writing

[%peanut %butter %and %jelly]

Q: What is the 'cons' of s and c

where s is [%banana %and]


c is [%peanut %butter %and %jelly]

A: [[%banana %and] %peanut %butter %and %jelly]

because 'cons' can add any noun to the 'head' of a cell.

Q: What is the 'cons' of c and a

where c is [%ice %cream]


a is %sundae

A: [[%ice %cream] %sundae]

because 'cons' can add any noun to the 'tail' of a cell.

Q: What is :-(%a %b)?

A: [%a %b]

because this is another way to ask for the 'cons' of %a and %b.

Q: What is :-

A: :- is a 'rune', a two-character function.

Specifically it's the rune to do the 'cons' operation.

Q: How do you pronounce :-

A: It's pronounced 'colhep'

Q: What does the :- rune take as its arguments?

A: :- takes two arguments. The arguments can be any noun.

Q: What is :-(s (head c))

where s is 4'


c is [2 1 0]

A: [4 2]


Q: What is :-(s l)


s is [[%help %this] %is]


l is [%very [[%hard %to] %learn]

A: [[%help %this] %is %very [[%hard %to] %learn]

Atoms? Cells?

Q: Is it true or false that s is an atom

where s is %harry

A: True,

because %harry is a term.

Q: Is ?=(@ s) true or false


s is %harry

A: True,

because ?=(@ s) is another way to ask "Is s an atom?"

Q: What does ?= do?

A: ?= (pronounced 'wuttis') asks if a noun is of a particular type.

Q: How many arguments does ?= take and what are they?

A: It takes two arguments. The first argument is a type symbol. The second argument is the noun you want to test.

Q: What is the @ in

?=(@ s)

A: @ (pronounced 'pat') is the type symbol for an atom.

Q: Is ?=(^ s) true or false


s is %harry

A: False,

because ?=(^ s) is another way to ask "Is s a cell?"

Q: What is the ^ in

?=(^ s)

A: ^ (pronounced 'ket') is the type symbol for a cell.

Q: Is ?=(* s) true or false


s is %harry

A: True,

because ?=(* s) is another way to ask "Is s a noun?"

Q: What is the * in

?=(* s)

A: * (pronounced 'tar') is the type symbol for a cell.

Q: Is ?=(@ s) true or false


s is [%harry %had %a %heap %of %apples]

A: False,

since s is not an atom.

Q: Is ?=(^ s) true or false


s is [%harry %had %a %heap %of %apples]

A: True,

since s is a cell.

Q: Is ?=(@ (head l)) true or false


l is [%harry %had %a %heap %of %apples]

A: True,

because (head l) is %harry, and %harry is an atom.

Q: Is ?=(@ (tail l)) true or false


l is [%harry %had %a %heap %of %apples]

A: False

Q: Is ?=(^ (head (tail l))) true or false


l is [%swing %low %sweet %cherry %oat]

A: False

because (tail l) is [%low %sweet %cherry %oat] and (head (tail l)) is %low, which is not a cell.

Q: Is ?=(^ (head (tail l))) true or false


l is [%swing [%low %sweet] %cherry %oat]

A: True,

since (tail l) is [[%low %sweet] %cherry %oat] and (head (tail l)) is [%low %sweet], which is a cell.


Q: True or false, a1 and a2 are the same atom

where a1 is %harry


a2 is %harry

A: True,

because a1 is the atom %harry and a2 is the atom %harry.

Q: Is .=(a1 a2) true or false

where a1 is %harry


a2 is %harry

A: True,

because .=(a1 a2) is just another way to ask, "Are a1 and a2 the same value?"

Q: How do you pronounce .=

A: .= is pronounced 'dottis'

Q: Is .=(a1 a2) true or false

where a1 is %margarine


a2 is %butter

A: False,

since a1 and a2 are different atoms.

Q: Is .=(c1 c2) true or false

where c1 is [%olive %loaf]


c2 is [%olive %loaf]

A: True,

since c1 and c2 are the same cells, and 'dottis' works with atoms and cells.

Q: Is .=(c1 c2) true or false

where c1 is [%olive %loaf]


c2 is [%pickle %loaf]

A: False,

since c1 and c2 are different cells.

Q: How many argumenst does .= take and what are they?

A: It takes two arguments. The arguments can be any noun.

Q: Is .=((head c) a) true or false


c is [%mary %had %a %little %lamb %chop]


a is %mary

A: True,

because (head c) is the atom %mary, and the argument a is also the atom %mary.

Q: Is .=((tail c) a) true or false


c is [%soured %milk]


a is %milk.

A: True

Q: Is .=((head l) (head (tail l))) true or false


l is [%beans %beans %we %need %jelly %beans]

A: True

because it compares the first and second atoms in the list


Q: Is it true that this is a list?

[%atom ~]

A: Yes,

because [%atom ~] is a cell ending in the null value, ~, which is pronounced ('sig' or 'null').

Q: Is it true that this is a list?

[%atom %bacon ~]

A: Yes,

because [%atom %bacon ~] is a cell where the last item is ~, i.e. the null value or 'sig'.

Q: Is it true that this is a list?

[%atom [%bacon ~]]

A: Yes,

because [%atom [%bacon ~]] is another way of writing

[%atom %bacon ~]

Q: Is it true that this is a list?

[%tomato %soup]

A: No,

because the last value of [%tomato %soup] is not the null value, ~.

Q: Is it true that this is a list?

~[%atom %bacon %or]

A: Yes

Because ~[%atom %turkey %or] is another way to write

[%atom %turkey %or ~]

JL: Do we want to introduce the shorthand for making lists now, or save it for later, or skip it in this doc?

Q: Is it true that this is a list?

[[%x %y ~] %z ~]

A: Yes,

This is a list whose first item is another list.

This is called a "list of lists".

Q: Is it true that this is a noun?

[%x %y %z ~]

A: Yes,

because non-empty lists are cells, and all cells are nouns

Q: Is it true that this is an atom?


A: Yes,

the null value is an atom with no value.

Q: Is it true that this is a list?


A: Yes,

the null value is an empty list, a list with no nouns.

Q: So the null value is both an atom and a list?

A: Yes.

~ is special. It can act like a list when it needs to be a list. Most of the time it's just an atom.

Q: Is it true that this is a cell?


A: No,

the null value is the only list that is not also a cell.

Q: Is it true that this is a list

[%how %are %you %doing %so %far ~]

A: Yes,

because it is a collection of nouns enclosed by a 'sel' and a 'ser', ending in null.

Q: How many item are in the list?

[%how %are %you %doing %so %far ~]

and what are they?

A: Six,

%how, %are, %you, %doing, %so, and %far.

Q: Is it true that this is a list?

[[[%how ~] %are ~] [[%you ~] [%doing %so ~] ~] %far ~]

A: Yes,

because it is a collection of nouns enclosed by a 'sel' and a 'ser', ending in null.

Q: How many items are in the list

[[[%how ~] %are ~] [[%you ~] [%doing %so ~] ~] %far ~]

and what are they?

A: Three,

[[%how ~] %are ~], [[%you ~] [%doing %so ~] ~], and 'far'.

Q: What is a list with one item?

A: Here's one:

[%item ~]

Q: What is a cell with one item?

A: No answer.

A cell must have two nouns.

Q: What is a list with zero items?

A: ~

Q: What is a cell with zero items?

A: No answer.

Q: What is the advantages of using lists versus using cells?

A: A cell can only have two or more items. A list can have zero items, one item, as many or as few items as you want, as long as you terminate it with a ~.

[%this %list %has %a %lot %of %items %and %ends %with %a ~]

Q: What is the 'head' of the list l where l is

[%a ~]

A: %a

because non-empty lists are cells, and %a is the first item in the cell.

Q: What is the 'head' of l where l is

[[%a %b %c ~] %x %y %z ~]

A: [%a %b %c ~]

because [%a %b %c ~] is the first noun in the cell.

Q: What is the 'head' of l where l is ~

A: No answer.

You cannot ask for the 'head' of ~, since ~ is not a cell.

The Law of Head

(final version)

The primitive 'head' is defined only for cells and non-empty lists.

Q: What is the 'head' of l


l is [[['hotdogs' ~] ~] ['and' ~] ['pickle' ~] 'relish' ~]

A: [['hotdogs' ~] ~]

read as:

"The list of the list of 'hotdogs'."

because [['hotdogs' ~] ~] is the first noun of l

Q: What is the tail of l


l is [[%x ~] %t %r ~]

A: [%t %r ~]

because [[%x ~] %t %r ~] is another way to write

[[%x ~] [%t %r ~]]

The head of this cell is [%x ~]. And

[%t %r ~] is the second part of this cell.

Q: What is the tail of l


l is ['hamburger' ~]

A: ~

the null value, in this case acting as an empty list.

Q: What is (tail l)

where l is ~

A: No answer.

You cannot ask for the 'tail' of ~, since ~ is not a cell.

The Law of Tail

(final version)

The primitive 'tail' is defined only for cells and non-empty lists.

Q: What is the 'cons' of the atom a and the list l

where a is %peanut


l is [%butter %and %jelly ~]

A: [%peanut %butter %and %jelly ~]

because the 'cons' operation can add an atom to the front of the list and make a new list.

Q: Is this a list?

A: Yes, because it ends in ~

Q: What is the 'cons' of the atom a and ~

where a is %pumpkin

A: [%pumpkin ~]

Q: Is this a list?

A: Yes, because it ends in ~

Q: What is the 'cons' of the list l and c


l is [%hot %ham ~]


c is [%and cheese]

A: [[%hot %ham ~] [%and %cheese]]

Q: Is this a list?

A: No, because it does not end in ~

Q: What is the 'cons' of c and a


c is [%cinnamon %and]


a is %sugar

A: [%cinnamon %and %sugar]

Q: Is this a list?

A: No

Q: How can we make a list using the :- rune?

A: To make a list using :- you need two arguments:

the first one is any noun;
the second one is either a list or null.

The Law of Colhep

The rune :- takes two arguments. To create a new list with :-, the second argument must be a list or null.

Q: What is :-(s (head l))

where s is %a


l is [[%b ~] %c %d ~]

A: [%a %b ~]


Q: What is :-(s (tail l))

where s is %a


l is [[%b ~] %c %d ~]

A: [%a %c %d ~]


Q: Is ?=(@ l) true or false


l is [%harry ~]

A: %.n,

because non-empty lists are not atoms.

Q: Is ?=(^ l) true or false


l is [%harry ~]

A: %.y,

because non-empty lists are cells.

Q: Is ?=(@ (tail l)) true or false


l is [%harry ~]

A: True,

because the null value, ~, acts as an atom here.

=> Now go make yourself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich <=

This space reserved for **JELLY STAINS!**

2. Do It, Do It Again, and Again, and Again ...

  • JL: is-lat is right now specified as a generator. I would prefer for it to be a regular function that just runs in the dojo like head. There's some experimental features that could make this happen, but they're very new. I could also make a core and add is-lat as an arm for it. I'll stick with generators for now.

Q: True or false: +is-lat l


l is [%jack %sprat %could %eat %no %chicken %fat ~]

A: True,

because each noun in l is an atom.

Q: True or false: +is-lat l


l is [[%jack ~] %sprat %could %eat %no %chicken %fat ~]

A: False,

since (head l) is a list.

Q: True or false: +is-lat l


l is [%jack [%sprat %could ~] %eat %no %chicken %fat ~]

A: False,

since one of the nouns in l is a list.

Q: True or false: +is-lat l


l is ~

A: True,

because ~ is the empty list, and therefore doesn't contain any lists.

Q: True or false: a lat is a list of atoms.

A: True!

Every lat is a list of atoms!

Q: Write the function is-lat using some, but not necessarily all of the following:

head, tail, :-, ?=, .=

A: You were not expected to be able to do this yet, because you are still missing some ingredients. Go on to the next question.
Good luck.

**Are you rested?**

Q: Here are the contents of the generator is-lat.hoon1

|=  l=(list)
^-  ?
?:  .=(~ l)
?:  ?=(^ (head l))
%=($ l (tail l))

What is the value of +is-lat l


l is the argument [%bacon %and %eggs ~]

1 Try adding the code to a file called gen/is-lat.hoon. Then try running it in the dojo.

> |commit %home
> =l [%bacon %and %eggs ~]
> +is-lat l

JL: The original version in the book was not tall-recursive. This one is. I don't know if I'll explain what "tail-recursion" is here, but I thought I'd write it this way to demonstrate good style.

A: %.y

The application of +is-lat l

l is [%bacon %and %eggs ~]

has the value %.y—true—because l is a lat.

Q: How do we determine the answer %.y for the function

+is-lat l

A: You were not expected to know this one either. The answer is determined by answering the questions asked by +is-lat

Hint: Write down the contents of is-lat.hoon and refer to it for the next group of questions.

Q: What does the first line of +is-lat do?

|= l=(list)

A: The rune |= (pronounced 'bartis') declares a gate, which is a kind of function that takes a 'sample', i.e. the arguments for the function.

JL: An earlier version skipped the term "gate" and just called this a "function". I'm leaving the "gate" terminology to distinguish from the "trap" below.

Q: What is after the |=

A: Two spaces. The parts of functions in Hoon need to be separated by two or more spaces, and/or a newline. This is called a 'gap'.

Q: What is after the 'gap'?

A: l=(list)

Q: What is the meaning of


A: The gate we are creating has one argument, named l. Its type is list.

Q: What does the next line do?

^- ?

A: The ^- rune (pronounced 'kethep') is used to change something from one type to another type.

In this case, we aren't changing types. We are saying what type the result of this function should be.

Q: What type should the result of this function be?

A: ?

Q: What is type is ?

A: ? is 'loobean'. It is an answer to a question.

It has two possible value:

%.y, which means "true"
%.n, which means "false"

Q: What does the next line do?


A: |- creates a 'trap', which is another type of function. Unlike a gate, a trap does not have a sample. The function you are creating is called $ (which is pronounced 'buc'). When you use the |- rune, the function $ starts running automatically.

Q: What is the next line?

A: ?: .=(~ l)

Q: What does ?: do?

A: ?: (pronounced 'wutcol') asks a question. If the answer is "true", it performs the next action. If the answer is "false", it skips the next action, and keep going.

Q: What the question that ?: is asking?

A: .=(~ l)

Q: What is the meaning of

.=(~ l)


l is [%bacon %and %eggs ~]

A: .=(~ l) asks if the argument l is equal to null. In this case, l is not the null value, so the answer is false.

Q: So what do we do?

A: Per the rules of ?:, if the answer to the question is true, we evaluate the next action, which is


on the next line, and the value of the function is true. If the answer to the question is false, we keep going.

Since the answer is false, we skip the %.y and keep going.

Q: What comes next?

A: ?: ?=(^ (head l))

Q: What is the question for ?:

A: ?=(^ (head l))

Q: What is the meaning of

?=(^ (head l))


l is [%bacon %and %eggs ~]

A: ?=(^ (head l)) asks if the first noun of the list l is a cell. In this case, (head l) is an atom, so the answer if false.

Q: So what do we do?

A: Per the rules of ?:, if the answer to the question is true, we evaluate the next action, which is


on the next line, and the value of the function is false. If the answer to the question is false, we keep going.

Since the answer is false, and (head l) is an atom, we want to find out if the rest of the list is composed only of atoms.

So we skip the %.n and keep going.

Q: What comes next?

A: %=($ l (tail l))

Q: What is the meaning of %=

A: The rune %= (pronounced 'centis') means to call a function with some data changed.

Q: What arguments does %= take?

A: %= takes the name of the function to call and a list of data changes.

Q: What function are we calling?

A: $

Q: What is $

A: This is the name of the function for the 'trap' we declared with |-.
After we change our data, we will return to that point and restart.

Q: What is the meaning of

l (tail l)

A: For the next time we call $, replace the value of l with (tail l), which is

[%and %eggs ~]

Q: Why do we use (tail l)?

A: We know that (head l) is an atom. We want to find out if the rest of the list l is composed only of atoms.

Q: What is after our restart point, |-

A: ?: .=(~ l)

Q: What is the meaning of

?: .=(~ l)


l is now [%and %eggs ~]

A: .=(~ l) asks if the argument l is null.
Per the rules of ?:, if the answer to the question is true, we evaluate the next action, which is


on the next line, and the value of the function is true. If the answer to the question is false, we keep going.

In this case, l is not the null value, so we skip the %.y and keep going.

Q: What is next?

A: ?: ?=(^ (head l))

Q: What is the meaning of

?: ?=(^ (head l))


l is now [%and %eggs ~]

A: ?=(^ (head l)) asks if (head l) is a cell. Per the rules of ?:, if the answer to the question is true, we evaluate the next action, which is


on the next line, and the value of the function is false. If the answer to the question is false, we keep going.

In this case, (head l) is an atom and not a cell, so we skip the %.n and keep going.

Q: What is the meaning of

%=($ l (tail l))

A: Find out if the rest of the list l is composed only of atoms, by calling $ and returning to our restart point |- with new values. The new value for l is (tail l) or [%eggs ~].

Q: What is the after |-

A: ?: .=(~ l)

Q: What is the meaning of

?: .=(~ l)


l is now [%eggs ~]

A: .=(~ l) asks if the argument l is null.
Per the rules of ?:, since l is not the null value, so we skip the %.y and keep going.

Q: What is next?

A: ?: ?=(^ (head l))

Q: What is the meaning of

?: ?=(^ (head l))


l is now [%eggs ~]

A: ?=(^ (head l)) asks if (head l) is a cell. Per the rules of ?:, since (head l) is not a cell, we skip the %.n and keep going.

Q: What is the meaning of

%=($ l (tail l))

A: Find out if the rest of the list l is composed only of atoms, by calling $ and returning to our restart point |- with new values. The new value for l is (tail l).

Q: Now, what is the new value for l?

A: ~

Q: What is the line after |-?

A: ?: .=(~ l)

Q: What is the meaning of

?: .=(~ l)


l is now ~

A: .=(~ l) asks if the argument l is null.
Per the rules of ?:, since l is the null value, we evaluate the next action, which is the value %.y, or true. Therefore, the value of

+is-lat l


l is [%bacon %and %eggs ~] is %.y—true

Q: Do you remember the question about

+is-lat l

A: Probably not. +is-lat l has the value of %.y if the list l is a list of atoms where

l is [%bacon %and %eggs ~]

Q: Can you describe what the generator +is-lat does in your own words?

A: Here are our words:

"+is-lat looks at each noun in a list, in turn, and asks if each noun is not a cell (i.e. if it is an atom), until it gets to the null value. If it runs out without encountering a cell, the value is %.y. If it finds a cell, the value is %.n—false."

To see how we could arrive at a value of "false", consider the next few questions.

Q: Here are the contents of +is-lat again.

|=  l=(list)
^-  ?
?:  .=(~ l)
?:  ?=(^ (head l))
%=($ l (tail l))

What is the value of +is-lat l


l is now [%bacon [%and %eggs ~] ~]

A: %.n

since the list l contains a noun that is not an atom, i.e a list.

Q: What is the first line after the restart point, |-

A: ?: .=(~ l)

Q: What is the meaning of

?: .=(~ l)


l is [%bacon [%and %eggs ~] ~]

A: .=(~ l) asks if the argument l is equal to null.
Per the rules of ?:, since l is not the null value, we skip the %.y and keep going.

Q: What is next?

A: ?: ?=(^ (head l))

Q: What is the meaning of

?: ?=(^ (head l))


l is [%bacon [%and %eggs ~] ~]

A: ?=(^ (head l)) asks if the first noun of the list l is a cell. Per the rules of ?:, since (head l) is an atom and not a cell, we skip the %.n and keep going.

Q: What is the meaning of

%=($ l (tail l))

A: Find out if the rest of the list l is composed only of atoms, by calling $ and returning to our restart point |- with new values. The new value for l is (tail l).

Q: What is the meaning of

?: .=(~ l)


l is now [[%and %eggs ~] ~]

A: .=(~ l) asks if the argument l is null. Per the rules of ?:, since l is not null, we skip the %.y and keep going.

Q: What is next?

A: ?: ?=(^ (head l))

Q: What is the meaning of

?: ?=(^ (head l))


l is now [[%and %eggs ~] ~]

A: ?=(^ (head l)) asks if the first noun of the list l is a list. Per the rules of ?:, since (head l) is a list, we evaluate the next action, which is %.n.

So the answer is %.n—false.

Q: Can you describe how we determined the value %.n for

+is-lat l


l is [%bacon [%and %eggs ~] ~]

A: Here is one way to say it:

"+is-lat l looks at each item in its argument to see if it is a cell. If it runs out of items before it finds a cell, then all the items are atoms, so the value of +is-lat l is %.y. If it finds a cell, as it did in the example [%bacon [%and %eggs ~] ~], the value of +is-lat l is %.n."

Q: What does the first line of +is-lat again?

A: |= l=(list)

Q: What is the meaning of


A: The function has one argument, named l. It is of type list.

Q: What would be the result if you called +is-lat l

l is %cheeseburger

A: No answer,

Because the argument l must be a list.

Q: What would be the result if you called +is-lat l

l is [%cheese %burger]

A: No answer,

Because the argument [%cheese %burger] does not end in ~ and is not a list.

Q: What would be the result if you called +is-lat l

l is ~

A: It would return %.y

Because ~ is the only atom that is also a list, in this case it is a list of zero nouns. And since an empty list does not contain any cells, it returns true, or %.y.

Hint: Look at the code one last time and make sure this is true.

JL: This is a deep concept which kind of muddies the waters here. I'm seeing now why TLS made a scheme function called atom?, which explicitly ruled out ~. I'm okay with how we describe things here, but I'm open to hearing about why this is wrong.

Q: Is ?|(.=(~ l1) .=(~ l2)) true or false where l1 is ~

l2 is [%d %e %f %g ~]

A: True,

because .=(~ l1)is true where l1 is ~.

Q: Is ?|(.=(~ l1) .=(~ l2)) true or false where

l1 is [%a %b %c ~]


l2 is ~

A: True,

because .=(~ l2)is true where l2 is ~.

Q: Is ?|(.=(~ l1) .=(~ l2)) true or false where

l1 is [%a %b %c ~]


l2 is [%atom ~]

A: False,

because neither .=(~ l1) nor .=(~ l2) are true where

l1 is [%a %b %c ~]


l2 is [%atom ~]

Q: Is this true or false:

  .=(~ l1)
  .=(~ l2)


l1 is [%a %b %c ~]


l2 is [%atom ~]

A: False,


  .=(~ l1)
  .=(~ l2)

is another way of writing

?|(.=(~ l1) .=(~ l2))

Q: Does ?| only work with two questions?

A: No,

you can ask as many questions as you want.

Q: What does ?|(...) do?

A: ?| (pronounced 'wutbar') asks questions, one at a time. If the first one is true it stops and answers true. Otherwise it asks the next question. It continues until it gets to the final question, and answers with whatever the last question answers.

This is sometimes called the 'OR' operation.

Q: What form of Hoon is this?

?|(.=(~ l1) .=(~ l2))

A: This is called "short form".

Q: What form of Hoon is this?

  .=(~ l1)
  .=(~ l2)

A: This is called "tall form".

Q: What does the == in the tall form do?

A: In tall form, ?| uses what's called a "running series". You can keep asking questions, and you use == to say that you are finished.

Q: Is it true or false that a is a member of lat
where a is %tea

lat is [%coffee %tea %or %milk ~]

A: True,

because one of the atoms of the lat,

[%coffee %tea %or %milk ~]

is the same as the atom a—tea.

Q: Is +is-member [a lat] true or false
where a is %poached

lat is [%fried %eggs %and %scrambled eggs% ~]

A: False,

since a is not one of the atoms of the lat.


Here are the contents of the generator is-member.hoon1

|=  [a=@ lat=(list @)]
^-  ?
?:  .=(~ lat)
  .=((head lat) a)
  %=($ lat (tail lat))

What is the value of +is-member [a lat]

where a is %meat

lat is [%mashed %potatoes %and %meat %gravy ~]

1 Add this code to a file called gen/is-member.hoon inside your home directory. Don't forget to run |commit %home in the dojo!

A: %.y,

because the atom %meat is one of the atoms of lat,

[%mashed %potatoes %and %meat %gravy ~]

Q: How do we determine the value %.y for the calling +is-member [a lat]?

A: The value is determined by asking the questions in +is-member [a lat].

Hint: Write down the contents of is-member.hoon and refer to it while you work on the next group of questions.

Q: What does the first line of +is-member do?

|= [a=@ lat=(list @)]

A: The |= declares a gate, which is a function with arguments, also known as the sample. This particular gate has a pair of arguments.

Q: What are the arguments?

A: a=@


lat=(list @)

Q: What is the meaning of


A: The first argument is named a. The @ (pronounced 'pat') means its type is an atom.

Q: What is the meaning of

lat=(list @)

A: The second argument is named lat. (list @) means its type is a lat or list of atoms.

Q: What does the next line do?

^- ?

A: The ^- rune says that the result of this gate will be ?, which is the type symbol for a loobean, i.e. an answer to a question.

Q: What does the third line do?


A: It creates a trap, a function $ with no arguments, and calls it immediately. It acts as the restart point when we call the function $.

Q: What is after |-

A: ?: .=(~ lat)

This is also the first question asked by is-lat

The First Commandment


Always ask if a list is null as the first question in expressing any function.

Q: What is the meaning of the line

?: .=(~ lat)


lat is [%mashed %potatoes %and %meat %gravy ~]

A: .=(~ lat) asks if lat is the null value, ~.
Per the rules of ?:, since lat is not null, we skip the %.n and keep going.

Q: What is the meaning of:

  .=((head lat) a)
  %=($ lat (tail lat))

A: Now that we know that lat is not ~, we have to find out whether the head of lat is the same atom as a, or whether a is somewhere in the rest of lat. The answer to

  .=((head lat) a)
  %=($ lat (tail lat))

does this.

Q: True or false

  .=((head lat) a)
  %=($ lat (tail lat))

where a is %meat

lat is [%mashed %potatoes %and %meat %gravy ~]

A: We will find out by looking at each question in turn.

Q: Is .=((head lat) a) true or false
where a is %meat

lat is [%mashed %potatoes %and %meat %gravy ~]

A: False,

because %meat is not equal to %mashed, which is the head of

[%mashed %potatoes %and %meat %gravy ~]

Q: What is the second question of ?|

A: %=($ lat (tail lat))

This means we should call the function $ with lat replaced by (tail lat).

Q: Where do we go from here?

A: Back to |-

Q: Now what are the two arguments?

A: a is %meat


lat is now (tail lat), specifically
[%potatoes %and %meat %gravy ~]

Q: What comes next?

A: ?: .=(~ lat)

Remember The First Commandment

Q: is .=(~ lat) true or false

lat is [%potatoes %and %meat %gravy ~]

A: %.n—false

Q: What do we do now?

A: Skip the %.n and keep going

Q: What's the meaning of

  .=((head lat) a)
  %=($ lat (tail lat))

A: This finds out if a is equal to the head of lat or if a is a member of the tail of lat by calling $ and returning to the restart point.

Q: Is a equal to the head of lat?

A: No, because a is %meat and the head of lat is %potatoes.

Q: What do we do next?

A: We call $ and return to our restart point.

Q: Now, what are our arguments?

A: a is %meat, and
lat is [%and %meat %gravy ~]

Q: What comes next?

A: ?: .=(~ lat)

Q: What do we do now?

A: Skip over the %.n and keep going, since .=(~ lat) is false.

Q: What is the value of

  .=((head lat) a)
  %=($ lat (tail lat))

A: The value of %=($ lat (tail lat)).

Q: Why?

A: Because .=((head lat) a) is false.

Q: What do we do now?

A: Recur—call $ with new arguments.

Q: What are the new arguments?

A: a is %meat, and
lat is [%meat %gravy ~]

Q: What comes next?

A: ?: .=(~ lat)

Q: What do we do now?

A: Since .=(~ lat) is false, we skip over the %.n and keep going

Q: What is the value of

  .=((head lat) a)
  %=($ lat (tail lat))

A: %.y,

because (head lat), which is %meat, and a, which is %meat, are the same atom.
Therefore, ?| answers with %.t.

Q: What is the value of $

when a is %meat

lat is [%meat %gravy ~]

A: %.t,

because we have found that %meat is a member of [%meat %gravy ~].

Q: What is the value of $

where a is %meat

lat is [%and %meat %gravy ~]

A: %.t,

because %meat is also a member of the lat [%and %meat %gravy ~]

Q: What is the value of $
where a is %meat

lat is [%potatoes %and %meat %gravy ~]

A: %.t,

because %meat is also a member of the lat [%potatoes %and %meat %gravy ~]

Q: What is the value of $

where a is %meat

lat is [%mashed %potatoes %and %meat %gravy ~]

A: %.t,

because %meat is also a member of the lat is [%mashed %potatoes %and %meat %gravy ~]
Of course, this is our original lat.

Q: Just to make sure you have it right, let's quickly run through it again. What is the value of +is-member [a lat]

a is %meat


lat is [%mashed %potatoes %and %meat %gravy ~]

A: %.y.

Hint: Write down the contents of is-member.hoon and its arguments and refer to them as you go through the next group of questions.

Q: ?: .=(~ lat)

A: No. Skip the %.n and keep going.


  .=((head lat) a)
  %=($ lat (tail lat))

A: Perhaps

Q: .=((head lat) a)

A: No. Ask the next question.

Q: What next?

A: Recur using (tail lat) for lat

So a is %meat


lat is [%potatoes %and %meat %gravy ~]

Q: ?: .=(~ lat)

A: No. Skip the %.n and keep going.


  .=((head lat) a)
  %=($ lat (tail lat))

A: .=((head lat) a) is false.

Recur using (tail lat) for lat

So now lat is [%and %meat %gravy ~]

Q: ?: .=(~ lat)

A: No. Skip the %.n and keep going.


  .=((head lat) a)
  %=($ lat (tail lat))

A: .=((head lat) a) is false.

Recur using (tail lat) for lat

So now lat is [%meat %gravy ~]

Q: ?: .=(~ lat)

A: No. Skip the %.n and keep going.

Q: .=((head lat) a)

A: Yes, the value is %.y.


  .=((head lat) a)
  %=($ lat (tail lat))

A: %.y

Q: What is the value of $
when a is %meat

lat is [%meat %gravy ~]

A: %.y

Q: What is the value of $
when a is %meat

lat is [%and %meat %gravy ~]

A: %.y

Q: What is the value of $
when a is %meat

lat is [%potatoes %and %meat %gravy ~]

A: %.y

Q: What is the value of $
when a is %meat

lat is [%mashed %potatoes %and %meat %gravy ~]

A: %.y

Q: What is the value of +is-member [a lat]
where a is %liver

lat is [%bagels %and %lox ~]

A: %.n

Q: Let's work out why it is %.n. What's the first question +is-member asks?

A: ?: .=(~ lat)

Q: ?: .=(~ lat)

A: No. Skip the %.n and keep going


  .=((head lat) a)
  %=($ lat (tail lat))

A: .=((head lat) a) is false.

Recur with (tail lat)

So now lat is [%and %lox ~]

Q: ?: .=(~ lat)

A: No. Skip the %.n and keep going


  .=((head lat) a)
  %=($ lat (tail lat))

A: .=((head lat) a) is false.

Recur with (tail lat)

So now lat is [%lox ~]

Q: ?: .=(~ lat)

A: No. Skip the %.n and keep going


  .=((head lat) a)
  %=($ lat (tail lat))

A: .=((head lat) a) is false.

Recur with (tail lat)

So now lat is ~

Q: ?: .=(~ lat)

A: Yes.

Q: What do we do now?

A: Since .=(~ lat) is true, we return the next value, which is %.n.

Q: What is the value of $ where a is %liver

lat is ~

A: %.n

Q: What is the value of

  .=((head lat) a)
  %=($ lat (tail lat))


a is %liver


lat is [%lox ~]

A: %.n

Q: What is the value of

  .=((head lat) a)
  %=($ lat (tail lat))


a is %liver


lat is [%and %lox ~]

A: %.n

Q: What is the value of

  .=((head lat) a)
  %=($ lat (tail lat))


a is %liver


lat is [%bagels %and %lox ~]

A: %.n

Q: What is the value of +is-member [a lat]
where a is %liver

lat is [%bagels %and %lox ~]

A: %.n

Do you believe all this? Then you may rest!

This space for doodling

3. Colhep the Magnificent

JL: TLS calls this "Cons the Magnificent". I decided to use "colhep", since this is the rune we're focused on, but since "cons" is the name of the operation we're doing here, I could be convinced that this should be "Cons the Magnificent".

Q: What is +rember [a lat]
where a is %mint

lat is [%lamb %chops %and %mint %jelly ~]

A: [%lamb %chops %and %jelly ~]

rember stands for remove member.

Q: +rember [a lat]
where a is %mint

lat is [%lamb %chops %and %mint %flavored %mint %jelly ~]

A: [%lamb %chops %and %flavored %mint %jelly ~]

Q: +rember [a lat]
where a is %cup

lat is [%coffee %cup %tea %cup %and %hick %cup ~]

A: [%coffee %tea %cup %and %hick %cup ~]

Q: What does +rember [a lat] do?

A: It takes an atom and a lat as its arguments, and makes a new lat with the first occurrence of the atom in the old lat removed.

Q: What is the the type symbol for an atom?

A: @

Q: What is @t

A: This is the type symbol for an atom that is text.

Q: Is a 'cord' an atom that is text?

A: Yes

Q: Is a %term an atom that is text?

A: Yes

Q: What is

[%a %list %of %terms ~]

A: This is a list of text

Q: What is

<|a list of terms|>

A: This is how

[%a %list %of %terms ~]

is printed out if its type is set to (list @t)

Q: What steps should we use to write rember if we are using lists of text?

A: First we need to declare a function with two arguments, a, which is a text atom, and lat, which is a list of text atoms.

Q: How would we do that?

A: |= [a=@t lat=(list @t)]

Q: Then what?

A: We use ^- to specify that the type of value we will return is a list of text atoms.

Q: How would we do that?

A: ^- (list @t)

Q: What is the first question?

A: First we will test .=(~ lat)—The First Commandment.

Q: And if .=(~ lat) is true?

A: Return ~, the empty list.

Q: What do we know if .=(~ lat) is not true?

A: We know that there must be at least one atom in the lat.

Q: Is there any other question we should ask about the lat?

A: No. Either a lat is empty or it contains at least one atom.

KM: Introduce ?~ here?

Q: What do we do if we know that the lat contains at least one atom?

A: We ask whether a is equal to (head lat).

Q: How do we ask questions?

A: By using ?:, i.e. 'wutcol'

Q: How do we ask if a is the same as (head lat)?

A: .=((head lat) a)

Q: What would be the value of +rember [a lat] if a were the same as (head lat)?

A: (tail lat)

Q: What do we do if the a is not the same as (head lat)

A: We want to keep (head lat), but also find out if a is somewhere in the rest of the lat.

Q: How could we remove the first occurrance of a in the rest of lat

A: Ask the questions again, using (tail lat) for lat

Q: Is there any other question we should ask?

A: No.

Q: Since we are going to ask the questions again with different values, what do we need to add?

A: We need |-, our restart point, right before we start asking questions.

Q: Now, let's write down what we have so far1:

|=  [a=@t lat=(list @t)]
^-  (list @t)
?:  .=(~ lat)
?:  .=((head lat) a)
  (tail lat)
%=($ lat (tail lat))

What is the value of +rember [a lat] where

a is %bacon


lat is [%bacon %lettuce %and %tomato ~]

1 You can put this code in a file gen/rember.hoon in your home directory to try it out (don't forget to |commit %home).

A: [%lettuce %and %tomato ~]


<|lettuce and tomato|>

Hint: write down the code for +rember and its arguments, and refer to them as you go through the next sequence of questions.

Q: Now, let's see if this function works. What is the first question?

A: ?: .=(~ lat)

Q: What do we do now?

A: Skip the ~ and ask the next question.

Q: What is the next question?

A: ?: .=((head lat) a)

Q: So what do we do?

A: .=((head lat) a) is true, so the value is (tail lat) In this case, it is the list

[%lettuce %and %tomato ~]

Q: Is this the correct value?

A: Yes, because it is the original list without the atom %bacon

Q: But did we really use a good example?

A: Who knows? But the proof of the pudding is in the eating, so let's try another example.

Q: What does +rember do?

A: It takes an atom and a lat as its arguments and makes a new lat with the first occurrence of the atom in the old lat removed.

Q: What do we do now?

A: We compare each atom of the lat with the atom a, and if the comparison fails we build a list that begins with the atom we just compared.

Q: What is the value of +rember [a lat]
where a is %and

lat is [%bacon %lettuce %and %tomato ~]

A: [%bacon %lettuce %tomato ~]


<|bacon lettuce tomato|>

Q: Let us see if our function rember works.
What is the first question asked by rember?

A: ?: .=(~ lat)

Q: What do we do now?

A: Skip the ~, and ask the next question.

Q: ?: .=((head lat) a)

A: No, so skip over (tail lat) and keep going.

Q: What is the meaning of
%=($ lat (tail lat))

A: Call $ and return to the |- with lat set to (tail lat) or [%lettuce %and %tomato ~]

Q: ?: .=(~ lat)

A: No, skip over ~ and continue

Q: ?: .=((head lat) a)

A: No, skip over (tail lat) and keep going.

Q: What is the meaning of
%=($ lat (tail lat))

A: Recur
setting lat to (tail lat) or [%and %tomato ~]

Q: ?: .=(~ lat)

A: No, skip over ~ and continue

Q: ?: .=((head lat) a)

A: Yes. The result is the value of the next line.

Q: So what is the result?

A: (tail lat)[%tomato ~]

Q: Is this correct?

A: No, since [%tomato ~] is not the list

[%bacon %lettuce %and %tomato ~]

with just a%and—removed.

Q: What did we do wrong?

A: We dropped %and, but we also lost all the atoms preceding %and.

Q: How can we keep from losing the atoms

%bacon %and %lettuce

A: We use Colhep the Magnificent. Remember :- from chapter 1?

The Second Commandment

Use :- to build lists.

Q: Let's see what happens when we use :-

|=  [a=@t lat=(list @t)]
^-  (list @t)
?:  .=(~ lat)
?:  .=((head lat) a)
  (tail lat)
:-  (head lat)
%=($ lat (tail lat))

What is the value of +rember [a lat]
where a is %and

lat is [%bacon %lettuce %and %tomato ~]

A: [%bacon %lettuce %tomato ~]


<|bacon lettuce tomato|>

Q: What is the first question?

A: ?: .=(~ lat)

Q: What do we do now?

A: Skip ~ and continue.

Q: ?: .=((head lat) a)

A: Skip (tail lat) and continue

Q: What is the meaning of

:-  (head lat)
%=($ lat (tail lat))


a is %and


lat is [%bacon %lettuce %and %tomato ~]

A: It says to 'cons' the head of lat%bacon— onto the value of

$, using (tail lat) as the value for lat

But since we don't know the value of $ using (tail lat) yet, we must find out before we can 'cons' (tail lat) onto it.

Q: What is the meaning of %=($ lat (tail lat))

A: Call $ and go back to the restart point with lat replaced by
(tail lat)[%lettuce %and %tomato ~]

Q: ?: .=(~ lat)

A: No, skip ~ and continue.

Q: ?: .=((car lat) a)

A: No, so skip (tail lat) and continue.

Q: What is the meaning of

:-  (head lat)
%=($ lat (tail lat))

A: It says to 'cons' the head of lat%lettuce—onto the value of

$, using (tail lat) as the value for lat

But since we don't know the value of $ using (tail lat) yet, we must find out before we can 'cons' (tail lat) onto it.

Q: What is the meaning of %=($ lat (tail lat))

A: Call $ and go back to the restart point with lat replaced by
(tail lat), that is, [%and %tomato ~].

Q: ?: .=(~ lat)

A: No, so skip ~ and continue.

Q: ?: .=((head lat) a)

A: Yes, so return the next value.

Q: What is the next value?

A: (tail lat)[%tomato ~]

Q: Are we finished?

A: Certainly not! We know what $ is when lat is [%and %tomato ~], but we don't yet know what it is when lat is

[%lettuce %and %tomato ~]


[%bacon %lettuce %and %tomato ~]

Q: We now have a value for


where a is %and

(tail lat) is [%and %tomato ~]

This value is [%tomato ~]
What next?

A: Recall that we wanted to 'cons' %lettuce onto the value of $

(tail lat) was [%and %tomato ~]

Now that we have this value, which is [%tomato ~], we can 'cons' %lettuce onto it.

Q: What is the result when we 'cons' %lettuce onto [%tomato ~]

A: [%lettuce %tomato ~]

Q: What does [%lettuce %tomato ~] represent?

A: It represents the value of

:-  (head lat)
%=($ lat (tail lat))


lat is [%lettuce %and %tomato ~]


%=($ lat (tail lat)) is [%tomato ~]

Q: Are we finished yet?

A: Not quite. So far we know what $ is when

lat is [%lettuce %and %tomato ~],

but we don't yet know what it is when

lat is [%bacon %lettuce %and %tomato ~]

i.e. the first time $ was called, when we first ran +rember [a lat]

Q: Now we have a value for $ where

(tail lat) is [%lettuce %and %tomato ~]

This value is [%lettuce %tomato ~]
This is not the final value, so what must we do again?

A: Recall that, at one time, we wanted to 'cons' %bacon onto the value of $ where

(tail lat) was [%lettuce %and %tomato ~]

Now that we have this value, which is [%lettuce %tomato ~],
we can 'cons' %bacon onto it.

Q: What is the result when we 'cons' %bacon onto

[%lettuce %tomato ~]

A: [%bacon %lettuce %tomato ~]

Q: What does [%bacon %lettuce %tomato ~] represent?†

† Lunch?

A: It represents the value of

:-  (head lat)
%=($ lat (tail lat))


lat is [%bacon %lettuce %and %tomato ~]


$ using (tail lat) was [%lettuce %tomato ~]

Q: Are we finished yet?

A: Yes.

Q: Can you put into your own words how we determined the final value

[%bacon %lettuce %tomato ~]

A: In our words:

"The function rember checked each atom of the lat, one at a time, to see if it was the same atom %and. If the head was not the same as the atom, we saved it to be 'cons'-ed to the final value later. When rember found the atom %and, it dropped it, and 'cons'-ed the previous atoms back onto the rest of the lat."

JL: At this point TLS has a digression where they refactor the function they'd just been working through, Fewer if-then-else and one big cond. This doesn't make sense for what we're doing here.

Q: Now that we have completed rember, try this example: +rember [a lat] where a is %sauce

lat is [%soy %sauce %and %tomato %sauce ~]

A: +rember [a lat] is [%soy %and %tomato %sauce ~]

Q: What is +firsts l
where l is

[[%apple %peach %pumpkin ~]
 [%plum %pear %cherry ~]
 [%grape %raisin %pea ~]
 [%bean %carrot %eggplant ~] ~]

A: [%apple %plum %grape %bean ~]

Q: What is +firsts l

l is [[%a %b ~] [%c %d ~] [%e %f ~] ~]

A: [%a %c %e ~]

Q: What is +firsts l
where l is ~

A: ~

Q: What is +firsts l
where l is

[[%five %plums ~]
 [%four ~]
 [%eleven %green %oranges ~]]

A: [%five %four %eleven ~]

Q: What is +firsts l
where l is

[[[%five %plums ~] %four ~]
  [%eleven %green %oranges ~]
  [[%no ~] %more ~] ~]

A: [[%five %plums ~] %eleven [%no ~] ~]

Q: In your own words, what does +firsts l do?

A: We tried the following:

"The functions firsts takes one argument, which is either a null list or a list containing non-empty lists. It builds another list composed of the first noun of each internal list"

KM: See [1] in the TODOs below. KM: tl;dr is that a list like [~ ~ ~] will cause problems.

Q: What is a lest?

A: A non-empty list

Q: What is

(list (lest))

A: This is the type for a list of non-empty lists.

Q: Would ~ work if the type is (list (lest))?

A: Yes, because it's a valid list type.

Q: With that in mind, see if you can write the function firsts

Remember the Commandments!

A: This much is easy:

|=  l=(list (lest))
^-  (list)
?:  .=(~ l)
:-  !!
%=($ l (tail l))

Q: Why

|=  l=(list (lest))

A: Because we need to create a function, and the argument is a list of non-empty lists.

Q: Why

^-  (list)

A: Because our function returns a list.

Q: Why |-

A: Because we can only look at one noun at a time. To look at the rest, we must recur.

Q: Why ?: .=(~ l)

A: The First Commandment

Q: Why is this the only question?

A: Because the list l is either the null list, or it contains at least one non-empty list.

Q: Why :-

A: Because we are building a list—The Second Commandment

Q: Why %=($ l (tail l))

A: Because at this point, we need to look at the rest of the list.

Q: What about the !!

A: !! (pronounced 'zapzap') is a command that causes the program to crash.

Q: Why do we want the program to crash?!

A: We don't! When you are developing a program, you can use !! as shorthand for "fill in this part of the program later".

Since !! is valid Hoon, you can test out a program that is only partially finished. If you get to an unfinished part, the program stops.

Q: Keeping in mind the definition of +firsts l
what is the typical element of the value of +firsts l

l is [[%a %b ~] [%c %d ~] [%e %f ~] ~]

A: %a

Q: What is another typical element?

A: %c or even %e

Q: Consider the function +seconds
What would be a typical element of the value of +seconds l where

l is [[%a %b ~] [%c %d ~] [%e %f ~] ~]

A: %b, %d, or %f.

Q: How do we describe a typical element for +firsts l

A: As the head of an element of l—(head (head l)).

See chapter 1

Q: When we find a typical element of firsts l what do we do with it?

A: 'cons' it onto the recursion—%=($ l (tail l))

The Third Commandment

When building a list, describe the first typical element, then 'cons' it onto the natural recursion.

Q: With The Third Commandment, we can now fill in more of the function firsts.
What do the last two lines look like now?


:-  (head (head l))  :: typical element
%=($ l (tail l))     :: natural recursion

Note: :: (pronounced 'colcol') is a way to make a "comment", a note to yourself or whoever else might read your code

Q: What does +firsts l do

|=  l=(list (lest))
^-  (list)
?:  .=(~ l)
:-  (head (head l))
%=($ l (tail l))

where l is [[%a %b ~] [%c %d ~] [%e %f ~] ~]

A: Nothing yet. We are still missing one important ingredient in our recipe. The line ?: .=(~ l) needs a value for the case where l is the null list. We can, however, proceed without it for now.

Q: ?: .=(~ l) where l is

[[%a %b ~] [%c %d ~] [%e %f ~] ~]

A: No, so skip the !! and keep going.

Q: What is the meaning of

:-  (head (head l))
%=($ l (tail l))

A: It saves (head (head l)) to 'cons' onto %=($ l (tail l)). To find %=($ l (tail l)), we call $ and return to our restart point with the new value for l, (tail l)

Q: ?: .=(~ l)

l is [[%c %d ~] [%e %f ~] ~]

A: No, so skip !! and keep going.

Q: What is the meaning of

:-  (head (head l))
%=($ l (tail l))

A: Save (head (head l)), and recur with l set to (tail l).

Q: ?: .=(~ l)

l is [[%e %f ~] ~]

A: No, so skip !! and keep going.

Q: What is the meaning of

:-  (head (head l))
%=($ l (tail l))

A: Save (head (head l)), and recur with l set to (tail l).

Q: ?: .=(~ l)

A: Yes.

Q: Now, what is the value of the line


A: Crash! This is where we need to add our value.

Q: What do we need to con atoms onto to make a list?

A: A list.

Remember the Law of Colhep.

Q: For the purposes of 'cons'-ing, what value can we give when

.=(~ l) is true?

A: Since the final value must be a list, we cannot use %.y or %.n. Let's try ~.

Q: With ~ as a value, we now have three 'cons' steps to go back and pick up. We need to:

I. either

  1. 'cons' %e onto ~
  2. 'cons' %c onto the value of 1
  3. 'cons' %a onto the value of 2

II. or

  1. 'cons' %a onto the value of 2
  2. 'cons' %c onto the value of 3
  3. 'cons' %e onto ~

III. or

'cons' %a onto

the 'cons' of %c onto

the 'cons' of %e onto


In any case, what is the value of +firsts l

A: [%a %c %e ~]

Q: With which of the three alternatives do you feel most comfortable?

A: Correct! Now you should use that one.

Q: What is +insert-r [new old lat]

new is %topping
old is %fudge


lat is [%ice %cream %with %fudge %for %dessert ~]

A: [%ice %cream %with %fudge %topping %for %dessert ~]

Q: +insert-r [new old lat]

new is %jalapeño
old is %and


lat is [%tacos %tamales %and %salsa ~]

A: [%tacos %tamales %and %jalapeño %salsa ~]

Q: +insert-r [new old lat]

new is %e
old is %d


lat is [%a %b %c %d %f %g %d %h ~]

A: [%a %b %c %d %e %f %g %d %h ~]

Q: In your own words, what does
+insert-r [new old lat] do?

A: In our words:

"+insert-r takes three arguments: the atoms new and old, and a lat.
It builds a lat with new inserted to the right of the first occurrence of old."

Q: See if you can write the first three lines of insert-r.hoon

Note: We will only use lists of text.


|=  [new=@t old=@t lat=(list @t)]
^-  (list @t)

Q: Which argument changes when we recur with insert-r

A: lat, because we can only look at one of its atoms at a time.

Q: How many questions can we ask about the lat?

A: Two.

A lat is either the null list or a non-empty list of atoms.

Q: Which question do we ask?

A: We ask ?: .=(~ lat).

Q: What do we know if .=(~ lat) is not true?

A: We know that lat has at least one element.

Q: Which questions do we ask about the first element?

A: We ask .=((head lat) old). Then we continue because there are no other interesting case.

Q: Now see if you can write the code for insert-r.hoon

|=  [new=@t old=@t lat=(list @t)]
^-  (list @t)
?:  !!
?:  !!

Replacing !! with code.

A: Here's our first attempt.

|=  [new=@t old=@t lat=(list @t)]
^-  (list @t)
?:  .=(~ lat)
?:  .=((head lat) old)
  (tail lat)
:-  (head lat)
%=($ lat (tail lat))

Q: What is the value of the generator

+insert-r [new old lat]

that we just determined

new is %topping old is %fudge


lat is [%ice %cream %with %fudge %for %dessert ~]

A: [%ice %cream %with %for %dessert ~]

Q: So far this is the same as rember What do we do in insert-r when .=((head lat) old) is true?

A: When (head lat) is the same as old, we want to insert new to the right.

Q: How is this done?

A: Instead of returning (tail lat), let's try 'cons'-ing new onto (tail lat)

Q: Now we have

|=  [new=@t old=@t lat=(list @t)]
^-  (list @t)
?:  .=(~ lat)
?:  .=((head lat) old)
  :-  new
  (tail lat)
:-  (head lat)
%=($ lat (tail lat))

A: Yes.

Q: So what is +insert-r [new old lat] now that we just determined

new is %topping old is %fudge


lat is [%ice %cream %with %fudge %for %dessert ~]

A: [%ice %cream %with %topping %for %dessert ~]

Q: Is this the list we wanted?

A: No, we have only replaced %fudge with %topping.

Q: What still needs to be done?

A: Somehow we need to include the atom that is the same as old before the atom new.

Q: How can we include old before new

A: Try 'cons'-ing old onto

:-  new
(tail lat)

Q: Now let's write the rest of the generator +insert-r


|=  [new=@t old=@t lat=(list @t)]
^-  (list @t)
?:  .=(~ lat)
?:  .=((head lat) old)
  :-  old
  :-  new
  (tail lat)
:-  (head lat)
%=($ lat (tail lat))

When new is %topping, old is %fudge, and lat is [%ice %cream %with %fudge %for %dessert ~], the value of the generator +insert-r [new old lat], is

[%ice %cream %with %fudge %topping %for %dessert ~]

If you got this right, have one.

Q: Now try +insert-l

Hint: +insert-l inserts the atom new to the left of the first occurrence of the atom old in lat

A: This much is easy, right?

|=  [new=@t old=@t lat=(list @t)]
^-  (list @t)
?:  .=(~ lat)
?:  .=((head lat) old)
  :-  new
  :-  old
  (tail lat)
:-  (head lat)
%=($ lat (tail lat))

Q: Did you think of a different way to do it?

A: For example,

?:  .=((head lat) old)
  :-  new
  :-  old
  (tail lat)

could have been

?:  .=((head lat) old)
  :-  new

since :-(old (tail lat)) where old is equal to (head lat) is the same as lat.

Q: Now try +subst

Hint: +subst [new old lat] replaces the first occurrence of old in the lat with new.
For example,

new is %topping
old is %fudge


lat is [%ice %cream %with %fudge %for %dessert ~]

the value is

[%ice %cream %with %topping %for %dessert ~]

Now you have the idea.

A: Obviously,

|=  [new=@t old=@t lat=(list @t)]
^-  (list @t)
?:  .=(~ lat)
?:  .=((head lat) old)
  :-  new
  (tail lat)
:-  (head lat)
%=($ lat (tail lat))

This is the same as one of our incorrect attempts at +insert-r

**Go cons a piece of cake onto your mouth.**

Q: Now try +subst2


+subst2 [new o1 o2 lat]

replaces either the first occurrence of o1 or the first occurrence of o2 by new
For example,

new is %vanilla
o1 is %chocolate o2 is %banana


lat is [%banana %ice %cream %with %chocolate %topping ~]

the value is

[%vanilla %ice %cream %with %chocolate %topping ~]


|=  [new=@t o1=@t o2=@t lat=(list @t)]
^-  (list @t)
?:  .=(~ lat)
?:  .=((head lat) o1)
  :-  new
  (tail lat)
?:  .=((head lat) o2)
  :-  new
  (tail lat)
:-  (head lat)
%=($ lat (tail lat))

Q: Did you think of a better way?

A: Combine the questions

?: .=((head lat) o1)


?: .=((head lat) o2)


  .=((head lat) o1)
  .=((head lat) o2)

If you do this, you subst2.hoon will look like this:

|=  [new=@t o1=@t o2=@t lat=(list @t)]
^-  (list @t)
?:  .=(~ lat)
?:  ?|
      .=((head lat) o1)
      .=((head lat) o2)
  :-  new
  (tail lat)
:-  (head lat)
%=($ lat (tail lat))

**If you got the last function, go and repeat the cake-consing.**

Q: Do you recall what rember does?

A: The function rember looks at each atom of a lat to see if it is the same as the atom a. If it is not, rember saves the atom and proceeds. When it finds the first occurrence of a, it stops and gives the value (tail lat), or the rest of the lat, so that the value returned is the original lat, with only that occurrence of a removed.

Q: Write the generator multirember.hoon which gives as its final value the lat with all occurrences of a removed.

|=  [a=@t lat=(list @t)]
^-  (list @t)
?:  !!
?:  !!

Hint: What do we want as the value when

.=((head lat) a) is true?

Consider the example
where a is %cup

lat is [%coffee %cup %tea %cup %and %hick %cup ~]


|=  [a=@t lat=(list @t)]
^-  (list @t)
?:  .=(~ lat)
?:  .=((head lat) a)
  %=($ lat (tail lat))
:-  (head lat)
%=($ lat (tail lat))

After the first occurrence of a, we now recur with lat set to (tail lat), in order to remove the other occurrences.

The value of this generator is

[%coffee %tea %and %hick ~]

Q: Can you see how +multirember works?

A: Possibly not, so we will go through the steps necessary to arrive at the value

[%coffee %tea %and %hick ~]

Q: ?: .=(~ lat)

A: No, skip ~ and continue.

Q: ?: .=((head lat) a)

A: No, skip %=($ lat (tail lat)) and continue.

Q: What is the meaning of

:-  (head lat)
%=($ lat (tail lat))

A: Save (head lat)%coffee—to be 'cons'-ed onto the result when we call $ and return to our restart point with lat set to (tail lat).

Now determine

%=($ lat (tail lat))

Q: ?: .=(~ lat)

A: No, so skip ~ and continue.

Q: ?: .=((head lat) a)

A: Yes, so forget (head lat), and return to the restart point with lat set to (tail lat).

Q: ?: .=(~ lat)

A: No, skip ~ and continue.

Q: ?: .=((head lat) a)

A: No, so skip %=($ lat (tail lat)) and continue.

Q: What is the meaning of

:-  (head lat)
%=($ lat (tail lat))

A: Save (head lat)%tea—to be 'cons'-ed onto the result when we return to our restart point with lat set to (tail lat).
Now determine

%=($ lat (tail lat))

Q: ?: .=(~ lat)

A: No, so skip ~ and continue.

Q: ?: .=((head lat) a)

A: Yes, so forget (head lat), and return to the restart point with lat set to (tail lat).

Q: ?: .=(~ lat)

A: No, skip ~ and continue.

Q: ?: .=((head lat) a)

A: No, so skip %=($ lat (tail lat)) and continue.

Q: What is the meaning of

:-  (head lat)
%=($ lat (tail lat))

A: Save (head lat)%and—to be 'cons'-ed onto the result when we return to our restart point with lat set to (tail lat).
Now determine

%=($ lat (tail lat))

Q: ?: .=(~ lat)

A: No, skip ~ and continue.

Q: ?: .=((head lat) a)

A: No, so skip %=($ lat (tail lat)) and continue.

Q: What is the meaning of

:-  (head lat)
%=($ lat (tail lat))

A: Save (head lat)%hick—to be 'cons'-ed onto the result when we return to our restart point with lat set to (tail lat).
Now determine

%=($ lat (tail lat))

Q: ?: .=(~ lat)

A: No, so skip ~ and continue.

Q: ?: .=((head lat) a)

A: Yes, so forget (head lat), and return to the restart point with lat set to (tail lat).

Q: ?: .=(~ lat)

A: Yes, so the value is ~

Q: Are we finished?

A: No, we still have several cons-es to pick up.

Q: What do we do next?

A: We 'cons' the most recent (head lat) we have—%hick—onto ~.

Q: What do we do next?

A: We 'cons' %and onto [%hick ~]

Q: What do we do next?

A: We 'cons' %tea onto [%and %hick ~]

Q: What do we do next?

A: We 'cons' %coffee onto [%tea %and %hick ~]

Q: Are we finished now?

A: Yes.

Q: Write the generator +multiinsert-r

|=  [new=@t old=@t lat=(list @t)]
^-  (list @t)
?:  !!
?:  !!


|=  [new=@t old=@t lat=(list @t)]
^-  (list @t)
?:  .=(~ lat)
?:  .=((head lat) old)
  :-  (head lat)
  :-  new
  %=($ lat (tail lat))
:-  (head lat)
%=($ lat (tail lat))

It would also be correct to use old in place of (head lat) in the first :- on line 6 because we know that .=((car lat) old)

Q: Now try writing the generator +multiinsert-l:

|=  [new=@t old=@t lat=(list @t)]
^-  (list @t)
?:  !!
?:  !!


|=  [new=@t old=@t lat=(list @t)]
^-  (list @t)
?:  .=(~ lat)
?:  .=((head lat) old)
  :-  new
  :-  old
  %=($ lat (tail lat))
:-  (head lat)
%=($ lat (tail lat))

The Fourth Commandment


When recurring, always change one argument to be closer to termination. The changing argument must be tested in the termination condition:

when using (tail l), test termination with `.=(~ l)

Q: Now write the generator multisubst

|=  [new=@t old=@t lat=(list @t)]
^-  (list @t)
?:  !!
?:  !!


|=  [new=@t old=@t lat=(list @t)]
^-  (list @t)
?:  .=(~ lat)
?:  .=((head lat) old)
  :-  new
  %=($ lat (tail lat))
:-  (head lat)
%=($ lat (tail lat))

4. Numbers Game

JL: This section is under construction!

Q: Is 14 an atom?

A: Yes, because all numbers are atoms.

Q: is ?=(@ n) true or false

n is 14

A: True
because ?=(@ n) tests if n is an atom.

Q: Is 14 of type @ud

A: Yes
because @ud is the type for "unsigned decimal"

Q: Is -3 of type @ud

A: No,
because it's a signed decimal, whose type is @sd

Q: What is .~3.14159

A: This is a way to write the number 3.14159 in Hoon

Q: Is .~3.14159 of type @ud

A: No,
because it's a floating-point number, whose type is @rd

Q: Is 0xbeef of type @ud

A: No,
because it's a hexidecimal number. Its type is @ux

Q: What is +add1 n1 where n is 67

1 Run this in the dojo:

=add1 |=(n=@ud +(n))

KM: We can either introduce the idea of a core here (which will seriously complicate things) or just assign these things in the dojo. Let's try creating add1 and sub1 in the dojo and see how far that takes us.

A: 68

Q: What is +add1 67

A: Also 68,

because we don't need to say "where n is 67" when the argument is a number.

Q: What is the code for add1.hoon


|=  n=@ud
^-  @ud

Q: What does the rune .+ do?

A: .+ (pronounced 'dotlus') increments a number, i.e. it add one.

Q: What is +sub1 n1
where n is 5

A: 4

Q: What is +sub1 0

A: No answer. +sub1 will only work for unsigned decimals (@uds)

Q: What is the code for sub1.hoon


|=  n=@ud
^-  @ud
(sub n 1)

Note: sub here is from the Hoon standard library. There's a way to write sub1 using only add1. We will do that, but not right now.

A brief digression about cores and libraries

Q: What is a library?

A: It's a place to keep handy pieces of code.

Q: Would you say that add1 and sub1 are handy?

A: They look handy to me.

Q: How would we create a library math operations?

A: Let's make a file in our home called lib/math.hoon

Q: What are the contents of lib/math.hoon that let us reuse add1 and sub1


++  add1
  |=  n=@ud
  ^-  @ud
++  sub1
  |=  n=@ud
  ^-  @ud
  (sub n 1)

Q: What does the first rune, |% do?

A: |% (pronounced 'barcen') makes a 'core'.

Q: What is a core?

A: A core is a structure that has 'legs' (i.e. data) and/or 'arms' (i.e. code that we can run).

In this case, we are making a core that has one arm.

Q: What does the next line do:

++  add1

A: ++ (pronounced 'luslus') defines an arm named add1

Q: What's between

++  add1


++  sub1

A: The code from our +add1 generator.

Q: What's between

++  sub1



A: The code from our +sub1 generator.

Q: What does -- do?

A: -- (pronounced 'hephep') indicates that we are finished making our core.

Plus and Minus

Q: Is .=(0 n) true or false
when n is 0?

A: True

Q: Is .=(0 n) true or false
when n is 1066?

A: False

Q: What is +plus [46 12]

A: 58

Q: Try to write the generator plus.hoon

Hint: It uses .=(0 n), add1, and sub1

KM: Some description of using a lib file here


/+  math
=,  math

|=  [n=@ud m=@ud]
^-  @ud
?:  .=(0 m)
(add1 %=($ m (sub1 m)))

Wasn't that easy?

Q: Let's break this down. What does the first line do:

/+  math

A: The rune /+ (pronounced 'faslus') imports math.hoon from the lib directory.

So if we want to run add1 on n we can call

(add1.math n)

Q: What does add1.math mean?

A: It means "Call add1 inside math".

Q: What does the next line do:

=,  math

A: The rune =, imports the namespace math.

If we do this, instead of writing

(add1.math n)

we can just write

(add1 n)

Q: What the first line after our recursion point |-?

A: ?: .=(0 m)

Q: Doesn't that violate The First Commandment?

A: Yes, but we can treat .=(0 n) like .=(~ n) since the former asks if a number is empty and the latter asks if a list is empty.

Q: If .=(0 n) is like .=(~ n)
is add1 like :=

A: Yes! := builds lists and add1 builds numbers.

Q: What is +minus [14 3]

A: 11

Q: What is +minus [17 9]

A: 8

Q: What is +minus [18 25]

A: No answer. We are not using negative numbers here.

Q: Try to write the generator minus.hoon

Hint: Use sub1

A: How about this:

/+  math
=,  math

|=  [n=@ud m=@ud]
^-  @ud
?:  .=(0 m)
(sub1 %=($ m (sub1 m)))

Q: Can you describe how +minus [n m] works?

A: It takes two numbers as arguments, and reduces the second until it hits zero. It subtracts one from the result as many times as it did to cause the second one to reach zero.

Note: Add plus and minus to lib/math.hoon because we'll use these to create more math operations. So you'll have two new arms:

++ plus


++ minus

Only add code from |= to the end. Don't add the lines

/+  math
=,  math

Q: What is +add-numbers l

l is ~[3 5 2 8]

Reminder: ~[3 5 2 8] is another way to write the list [3 5 2 8 ~]

A: 18

Q: What is +add-numbers l

l is ~[15 6 7 12 3]

A: 43

Q: What does +add-numbers l do?

A: It builds a number by totaling all the numbers in its argument.

Q: What is the natural way to build numbers from a list?

A: Use plus in place of :=
plus builds numbers in the same way that := builds lists.

Q: When building with := the value of the terminal condition is ~
What should be the value of the terminal condition when building numbers with plus

A: 0

Q: What is the natural terminal condition for a list?

A: .=(~ l)

KM: This is about where I was considering mentioning that ~ is a type. However 0 (even if it's a @ud) fits this type, so this isn't as useful as one might hope.

Q: When we build a number from a list of numbers, what should the terminal condition look like?


?:  .=(~ l)

just as

?:  .=(~ l)

is often the terminal condition line for lists.

Q: What is the terminal condition of +add-numbers


?:  .=(~ l)

Q: What is the type for l in +add-numbers

A: (list @ud)

Q: What type of value will +add-numbers return?

A: @ud

Q: How is l defined, where l is of type (list @ud)?

A: It is either an empty list, or it contains an unsigned decimal, (head l), and the rest, (tail l), that is also a (list @ud)

Q: What is used in the natural recursion on a list?

A: (tail l)

Q: How many questions do we need to ask about a list?

A: One. It is either the empty list ~ or it is not.

Q: How is a number defined?

A: It is either zero or it is one added to the rest, where the rest is again a number.

Q: What is the natural terminal condition for numbers?

A: .=(0 n)

Q: What is the natural recursion on a number?

A: (sub1 n)

Q: How many questions do we need to ask about a number?

A: One.

The First Commandment

(first revision)

When recurring on a list of atoms, always ask if a list is null as the first question in expressing any function.

When recurring on a number, ask if the number is zero.

Q: What does :- do?

A: It builds lists

Q: What does +add-numbers do?

A: It builds a number by totalling all the numbers in a list.

Q: What is the terminal condition of +add-numbers


?:  .=(~ l)

Q: What is the natural recursion for +add-numbers

A: %=($ l (tail l))

Q: What does +add-numbers use to build a number?

A: It uses plus, because plus builds numbers too!

Q: Replace the !! in the following definition:

/+  math
=,  math

|=  l=(list @ud)
^-  @ud
?:  .=(~ l)

A: Here is what we filled in:

(plus (head l) %=($ l (tail l))

Notice the similarity between this line, and the last lines of the generator rember:

:-  (head lat)
%=($ lat (tail lat))

Q: What is +times [5 3]

A: 15

Q: What is +times [13 4]

A: 52

Q: What does +times [n m] do?

A: It builds up a number by adding n up m times.

Q: What is the terminal condition for +times


?:  .=(0 m)

because n * 0 = 0

Q: Since .=(0 m) is the terminal condition, m must eventually be reduced to zero. What function is used to do this?

A: sub1

The Fourth Commandment

(first revision)

Always change one argument when recurring. It must be changed to be closer to termination. The changing argument must be tested in the termination condition:

when using tail, test termination with `.=(~ l)

when using sub1, test termination with `.=(0 l)

Q: What is another name for

%=($ m (sub1 m))

in this case?

A: It is the natural recursion.

Q: Try to write the code for times.hoon


/+  math
=,  math

|=  [n=@ud m=@ud]
^-  @ud
?:  .=(0 m)
(plus n %=($ m (sub1 m)))

Q: What is +times [12 3]

A: 36,

but let's follow through the function one time to see how we get this value.

Q: .=(0 m)

A: No.

Q: What is the meaning of

(plus n %=($ m (sub1 m)))

A: It adds n (where n = 12) to the natural recursion. If this is correct, then $ where m is set to (sub1 3) should be 24.

Q: What are the new values for n and m

A: n is still 12 and m is now 2

Q: .=(0 m)

A: No.

Q: What is the meaning of

(plus n %=($ m (sub1 m)))

A: It adds n (where n = 12) to $ where m is set to (sub1 m)

Q: What is the new value for m

A: m is now 1

Q: .=(0 m)

A: No.

Q: What is the meaning of

(plus n %=($ m (sub1 m)))

A: It adds n (where n = 12) to $ where m is set to (sub1 m)

Q: .=(0 m)

A: Yes, so return 0

Q: Are we finished yet?

A: No.

Q: Why not?

A: Because we still have three $s to pick up.

Q: What is the value of the original application?

A: Add 12 to 12 to 12 to 0 yielding 36,

Notice that n has been plus-ed m times.

Q: Argue, using equations, that +times is the conventional multiplication of nonnegative integers, where n is 12 and m is 3.


+times [12 3] = 12 + (+times [12 2])
              = 12 + 12 + (+times [12 1])
              = 12 + 12 + 12 + (+times [12 0])
              = 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 0

which is as we expected. This technique works for all recursive functions, not just those that use numbers. You can use this approach to write functions as well as to argue their correctness.

Q: Again, why is 0 the value for the terminal condition line in +times

A: Because 0 will not affect +plus. That is, n + 0 = n

The Fifth Commandment

When building a value with plus, always use 0 for the terminating value, for adding 0 does not change the value of an addition.

When building a value with times, always use 1 for the terminating value, for multiplying by 1 does not change the value of a multiplication.

When building a value with cons, always consider ~ for the terminating value.

Note: make another arm called times in lib/math.hoon and add your code to it.

Q: What is +add-number-lists l1 l2

l1 is ~[3 6 9 11 4]


l2 is ~[8 5 2 0 7]

A: ~[11 11 11 11 11]

Q: What is +add-number-lists [l1 l2] where

l1 is ~[2 3]


l2 is ~[4 6]

A: ~[6 9]

Q: What does +add-number-lists [l1 l2] do?

A: It adds the first number of l1 to the first number of l2, then it adds the second number of l1 to the second number of l2, and so on, building a list of the answers, for two lists of the same length.

Q: What is unusual about +add-number-lists

A: It looks at each element of two lists at the same time, or in other words, it recurs on two lists.

Q: If you recur on one list, how many questions do you have to ask?

A: One. .=(~ l)

Q: When recurring on two lists, how many questions need to be asked?

A: Three: both lists are empty, if only the first list is empty, if only the second list is empty.

Q: Do you mean the questions:

?&(.=(~ l1) .=(~ l2)) .=(~ l1) .=(~ l2)

A: Yes.

Q: What does the ?& in first question mean?

?&(.=(~ l1) .=(~ l2))

A: The ?& rune (pronounced 'wutpam') asks questions. If any of the questions have the answer %.n—false—then the result is %.n. Otherwise, the result is %.y.

This is sometimes called the 'AND' operation. If you recall ?| (or 'wutbar') this works similarly to that.

Q: Can the answer to this question

?&(.=(~ l1) .=(~ l2))

be ~ at the same time as the second is other than ~.

A: No, because the lists must have the same length

: Does this mean

?&(.=(~ l1) .=(~ l2))

is the only question we need to ask?

A: Yes,

because .=(~ l1) is true exactly when .=(~ l2) is true.

Q: How do we recur on two lists at the same time?

A: The %= rune can take several updates:

%=(% l1 (tail l1), l2 (tail l2))

Q: That's short form. How would that look in tall form?


%=  $
  l1  (tail l1)
  l2  (tail l2)

Q: Now write the code for add-number-lists.hoon.


/+  math
=,  math

|=  [l1=(list @ud) l2=(list @ud)]
^-  (list @ud)
?:  ?&(.=(~ l1) .=(~ l2))
:-  (plus (head l1) (head l2))
%=  $
  l1  (tail l1)
  l2  (tail l2)

Q: What are the arguments for plus?

A: (head l1) and (head l2)

Q: What are the arguments for :-

A: (plus (head l1) (head l2)
the result of calling $ with l1 set to (tail l2) and l2 set to (tail l2)

Q: What is +add-number-lists [l1 l2]

l1 is ~[3 7]


l2 is ~[4 6]

A: ~[7 13]

But let's see how it works.

Q: .=(~ l1)

A: No.


:-  (plus (head l1) (head l2))
%=  $
  l1  (tail l1)
  l2  (tail l2)

A: 'cons' 7 onto the natural recursion:

$ with l1 set to (tail l1) and l2 set to (tail l2).

Q: Why does the natural recursion include the tail of both arguments?

A: Because the typical element of the final value uses the head of both lists, so now we are ready to consider the rest of both lists.

Q: .=(~ l1)

l1 is now ~[7]


l2 is now ~[6]

A: No


:-  (plus (head l1) (head l2))
%=  $
  l1  (tail l1)
  l2  (tail l2)

A: 'cons' 13 onto the natural recursion.

Q: .=(~ l1)

A: Yes.

Q: Then, what must be the value?

A: ~ because .=(~ l2) must be true.

Q: What is the value of the application?

A: ~[7 13]. That is, the 'cons' of 7 onto the 'cons' of 13 onto ~.

Q: What problem arises when we want
+add-number-lists [l1 l2]

l1 is ~[3 7]


l2 is ~[4 6 8 1]

A: No answer, since l1 will become null before l2.

See The First Commandment: We did not ask all the necessary questions!

But, we would like the final value to be

~[7 13 8 1]

Q: Can we still write +add-number-lists if the lists are not the same length?

A: Yes!

Q: What new terminal condition can we add to get the correct final value?

A: Add

?:  .=(~ l1)

Q: What is +add-number-lists [l1 l2]

l1 is `~[3 7 8 1]


l21 is ~[4 6]`

A: No answer, since l2 will become ~ before l1.

See The First Commandment: We did not ask all the necessary questions!

Q: What do we need to include in our function?

A: We need to ask two more questions:

.=(~ l1) and .=(~ l2)

Q: What does the second new question look like?


?:  =.(~ l2)

Q: Here is code for add-number-lists.hoon that works for any two lists.

/+  math
=,  math

|=  [l1=(list @ud) l2=(list @ud)]
^-  (list @ud)
?:  ?&(.=(~ l1) .=(~ l2))
?:  .=(~ l1)
?:  .=(~ l2)
:-  (plus (head l1) (head l2))
%=  $
  l1  (tail l1)
  l2  (tail l2)

Can you simplify it?


/+  math
=,  math

|=  [l1=(list @ud) l2=(list @ud)]
^-  (list @ud)
?:  .=(~ l1)
?:  .=(~ l2)
:-  (plus (head l1) (head l2))
%=  $
  l1  (tail l1)
  l2  (tail l2)

Q: Does the order of the two terminal conditions matter?

A: No.

Q: Are those the only two questions we need to ask?

A: Yes, because if neither .=(~ l1) nor .=(~ l2) is true, then both lists contain at least one number.

Q: What is +gt [12 133]

Note: gt is short for "greater than"

A: %.n—false.

Q: What is +gt [120 11]

A: %.y—true.

Q: On how many numbers do we have to recur?

A: Two, n and m.

Q: How do we recur?

A: With (sub1 n) and (sub1 m).

Q: When do we recur?

A: When we know neither number is equal to 0.

Q: How many questions do we have to ask about n and m

A: Two: .=(0 n) and .=(0 m)

Q: Can you write the code for the generator gt.hoon

A: How about

/+  math
=,  math

|=  [n=@ud m=@ud]
^-  @ud
?:  .=(0 m)
?:  .=(0 n)
%=  $
  n  (sub1 n)
  m  (sub1 m)

Q: Is the way we wrote gt.hoon correct?

A: No, try +gt [n m] when n and m are the same number. Let n and m be 3.

Q: .=(0 3)

A: No, skip %.y

Q: .=(0 3)

A: No, skip %.n

Q: What is the meaning of

%=  $
  n  (sub1 n)
  m  (sub1 m)

A: Recur, but with both arguments reduced by one.

Q: .=(0 2)

A: No, skip %.y

Q: .=(0 2)

A: No, skip %.n

Q: What is the meaning of

%=  $
  n  (sub1 n)
  m  (sub1 m)

A: Recur, but with both arguments reduced by one.

Q: .=(0 1)

A: No, skip %.y

Q: .=(0 1)

A: No, skip %.n

Q: What is the meaning of

%=  $
  n  (sub1 n)
  m  (sub1 m)

A: Recur, but with both arguments reduced by one.

Q: .=(0 0)

A: Yes, so the value of +gt [n m] is %.y

Q: Is that correct?

A: No, because 3 is not greater than 3

Q: Does the order of the two terminal conditions matter?

A: Think about it.

Q: Does the order of the two terminal conditions matter?

A: Try it out!

Q: Does the order of the two terminal conditions matter?

A: Yes. Think first, then try.

Q: How can we change the code for gt.hoon to take care of this subtle problem?

A: Switch the first two tests

/+  math
=,  math

|=  [n=@ud m=@ud]
^-  @ud
?:  .=(0 n)
?:  .=(0 m)
%=  $
  n  (sub1 n)
  m  (sub1 m)

Q: What is +lt [4 6]

Note: lt is short for, you guessed it, "less than"

A: %.y

Q: +lt [8 3]

A: %.n

Q: +lt [ 6 6]

A: %.n

Q: Now try to write lt.hoon


/+  math
=,  math

|=  [n=@ud m=@ud]
^-  @ud
?:  .=(0 m)
?:  .=(0 n)
%=  $
  n  (sub1 n)
  m  (sub1 m)

Note: you will need to move the code for lt.hoon and gt.hoon into lib/math.hoon for this next question.

Q: Here is the code for eq.hoon

/+  math
=,  math

|=  [n=@ud m=@ud]
^-  @ud
?:  .=(0 m)
  .=(0 n)
?:  .=(0 n)
%=  $
  n  (sub1 n)
  m  (sub1 m)

Rewrite eq.hoon using lt and gt


/+  math
=,  math

|=  [n=@ud m=@ud]
^-  @ud
?:  (gt n m)
?:  (lt n m)

Q: Do we need another function for testing equality?

A: No, but it's a good exercise to write one.

Q: +exp [1 1]

KM: Almost alll the functions we're creating here have stdlib equivalents.
Make an appendix to this chapter saying what the real versions are

A: 1

Q: +exp [2 3]

A: 8

Q: +exp [5 3]

A: 125

Q: Now write the code for exp.hoon

Hint: see The First and Fifth Commandments.


/+  math
=,  math

|=  [n=@ud m=@ud]
^-  @ud
?:  .=(0 m)
(times n %=($ m (sub1 m)))

Q: What is a good name for this?

/+  math
=,  math

|=  [n=@ud m=@ud]
^-  @ud
?:  (lt n m)
(add1 %=($ n (minus n m)))

A: We have never seen this kind of definition before; the natural recursion also looks strange.

Q: What does the first question check?

A: It determines whether the first argument is less than the second one.

Q: And what happens if it is not?

A: We recur with the first argument from which we subtract the second argument. When the function returns, we add 1 to the result.

Q: So what does the function do?

A: It counts how many times the second argument fits into the first one.

Q: And what do we call this?

A: Division.

Q: If we add this code to a generator, divide.hoon, what is

+divide [15 4]

A: Easy, it is 3.

Q: How do we get there?

A: Easy, too:

+divide [15 4] = 1 + (+divide [11 4]) = 1 + (1 + (+divide [7 4])) = 1 + (1 + (1 + (+divide [3 4]))) = 1 + (1 + (1 + 0))

Note: Add the code for divide.hoon to lib/math.hoon

Wouldn't a `~[ham and cheese on rye]` be good right now? Don't forget the mustard!

Q: What is the value of +length l

l is ~[%hotdogs %with %mustard %sauerkraut %and %pickles]

A: 6

Q: What is +length l

l is ~[%ham %and %cheese %on %rye]

A: 5

Q: Now try to write the code for length.hoon


/+  math
=,  math

|=  l=list
^-  @ud
?:  .=(~ l)
(add1 %=($ l (tail l)))

Q: What is +pick [n l]
where n is 4

l is ~[%lasagna %spaghetti %ravioli %macaroni %meatball]

A: %meatball

JL: TLS does 1-based indexing. Since Hoon is not FORTRAN, I'm going with 0-based indexing.

Q: What is +pick [0 l]
where l is ~[%a]

A: %a

Q: Try to write the code for pick.hoon


/+  math
=,  math

|=  [n=@ud l=(list @t)]
^-  @t
?:  .=(0 n)
  (head l)
%=  $ 
  n  (sub1 n)
  l  (tail l)

Q: What is +rempick [n l]
where n is 2

l is ~[%hotdogs %with %hot %mustard]

A: ~[%hotdogs %with %mustard]

Q: Now try to write the code for rempick.hoon


/+  math
=,  math

|=  [n=@ud l=(list @t)]
^-  (list @t)
?:  .=(0 n)
  (tail l)
:-  (head l)
%=  $
  n  (sub1 n)
  l  (tail l)

Q: What is the type for an unsigned decimal?

A: @ud

KM: TLS at this point does something called "no-nums" which removes all the numbers from a list. Again, this is possible in Scheme because numbers are different from non-numbers. In Hoon, everything is a number. Something like this is possibly possible with a wet gate. I need to investigate.

(And then once I decide if it's possible, I should decide if I want to introduce the idea of a wet gate now or ever.)

KM: And also TLS has eqan which does something special based on whether the parameters are numbes. Again, Hoon doesn't doesn't do this.

Q: Now write the code for occur.hoon which counts the number of times an atom a appears in a list l

/+  math
=,  math

|=  [a=!! l=!!]
^-  !!
?:  !!
?:  !!

(Replace the !!s with your code.)


/+  math
=,  math

|=  [a=@ l=(list @)]
^-  @ud
?:  .=(~ n)
?:  .=((head l) a)
  (add1 %=($ l (tail l)))
%=($ l (tail l))

Q: Write the code for is-zero.hoon where +is-zero n is %.y if n is 0 and %.n (i.e. false) otherwise.


|=  n=@ud
^-  ?
?:  .=(1 n)

Q: Guess how we can further simplify this, making it a one-liner.

A: By removing the ?:

|=(n=@ud ^-(? .=(1 n)))`

We could also remove the ^- and make it even simpler:

|=(n=@ud .=(1 n))`

Q: Now rewrite the code for rempick.hoon that removes the nth atom from a list (starting at 0). For example,

n is 2


l is ~[%lemon %meringue %salty %pie]

the value of +rempick [n l] is

~[%lemon %meringue %pie]

Add the code for is-zero to lib/math.hoon and use it in your answer.


/+  math
=,  math

|=  [n=@ud l=(list @t)]
^-  (list @t)
?:  (is-zero n)
  (tail l)
:-  (head l)
%=  $
  n  (sub1 n)
  l  (tail l)


  • Right now this is a Markdown file. It'd be pretty sweet to make some kind of interactive version where it doesn't give the answer until you hit the spacebar or something.

  • Introduce tree addressing at some point. Possibly a new, original chapter, since Scheme doesn't have anything like that.

  • In re: The Law of Null?, Hoon doesn't exactly have a function null?. What it does have is ?~, but this has a built in if-then-else structure. We get into the if-then-else in chapter 2. In chapter 4, we start using numbers, so it'll be important to distinguish between 0 and ~, so introduce it then.

  • Introduce more tall form

  • At some point explain what a 'core' is (much later)

  • Come up with an entirely new non-food-based theme and rewrite the whole thing.

  • Add a discussion about faces?

  • There are two ways to enter a null-terminated list. You can either do

[1 2 3 ~]

Or you can do

~[1 2 3]

I went with the former. This is closer to how the data is being stored interally. I might at least mention the latter style at some point.

I note the latest dojo is returning the later version, so to avoid confusion, I should make sure I mention this. I'll keep using the long version, because this matches the data as it is.

  • [1] TLS notes that the list argument only contains non-empty lists.

The code for firsts would not work on something like:

[~ ~ %atom ~ ~]

Even though Hoon calls this a valid list.

(For that matter, none of the previous examples would work with this.)

Once you know what you're doing, it's pretty straightforward to work with these kinds of lists, possibly using the i and t faces. The problem is, this is written for people who don't know what they're doing.

Anyway, should consider probably noting that any list with a null anywhere but the end is going to cause problems.

  • I've tried to avoid irregular forms, but I've also decided that %- (the rune for calling functions like head) makes things too wordy for my taste. (Maybe it's reading a book on Scheme, but this is how function calls are supposed to look.)

  • Tidy up terminology. Make sure we don't refer to a "function" when we should be referring to a "gate" or maybe a "trap".

  • Review the original TLS preface and pull in ideas, etc.

  • Scheme has no types. Hoon has types. I've shoehorned types in where it makes sense, but this could probably be improved. There are two books to look into: Little MLer (since ML has types) and Little Typer (which is all about tpes).

  • Actually make some exercises at the end of chapters! It's easy enough to follow along with someone and assume you "get" it, only to struggle when you actually have to do something yourself.

  • Terms can be used as types, and I ought to mention this somewhere.

  • Scheme has seven primitives: quote, atom, eq , car, cdr, cons, and cond`. Hoon doesn't really have the concept of a "primitive". Ought to remove that term.

  • I'm using generators that expect only one argument. This simplifies things, but we might want generators a bit more explicit.

  • Make code files so they can be opened in another tab/window or something. This isn't a book and we have options.

  • As an exercise, do the classic "decrement using increment". The first question for that breaks The First Commandment so do that a bit later.

  • You can call functions like so:

%-  times
[n %=($ m (sub1 m))]

It's a bit more clear what's going on done this way and chap 4 might benefit from that.

If you get anything out of it, if you'd like to show your appreciation, and encourage me to keep at it until we get to the part where you write the Y combinator in Hoon, feel free to drop a tip in the tip jar.


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