$ git clone [email protected]:[YOUR_USER_NAME]/vscode.git
// OR
$ git clone https://github.com/[YOUR_USER_NAME]/vscode.git
- Navigate into the cloned repository and open VSCode
$ cd vscode/
$ code .
- Create a new
$ git checkout -b my-descriptive-branch-name
Make changes to the files in your local repository
Test your work using the built-in VSCode debugger, which can be accessed from the Activity Bar or the Run > Start Debugging menu
Push your work to a remote branch on your fork
Issue a pull request against the
branch of thefauna/vscode
When issuing a PR, please do the following to help us expedite merging your work:
IMPORTANT: Ensure maintainers can make changes to your PR
Add a description to your PR
Update the
file to describe your new functionality