Download and play custom music in game
Require | 必要安裝
- 🟥 Prepare your content-server for FastDL, othersie this plugin will not work
- If you don't know what "FastDL" is, please google it
ConVar | 指令
- cfg/sourcemod/l4d_MusicMapStart.cfg
// Delay (in sec.) playing the music to client after player joins server. l4d_music_mapstart_delay_joinserver "3.0" // Delay (in sec.) playing the music on round starts. l4d_music_mapstart_delay_roundstart "1.0" // How many random music files to download from 'data/music_mapstart.txt' each map. [0 - all at once] l4d_music_mapstart_download_number "3" // Enable plugin. (1 - On / 0 - Off) l4d_music_mapstart_enable "1" // Play the music to client after player joins server? (1 - Yes, 0 - No) l4d_music_mapstart_play_joinserver "1" // Play the music to everyone on round starts. (1 - Yes, 0 - No) l4d_music_mapstart_play_roundstart "1" // Players with these flags have access to play music that everyone can hear. (Empty = Everyone, -1: Nobody) l4d_music_mapstart_playmusic_access_flag "" // Time in seconds all players can not play music everyone can hear agagin from !music menu. (0=off) l4d_music_mapstart_playmusic_cooldown "3.0" // Show !music menu after player joins server? (1 - Yes, 0 - No) l4d_music_mapstart_showmenu_joinserver "0" // Show !music menu on round start? (1 - Yes, 0 - No) l4d_music_mapstart_showmenu_roundstart "1"
- cfg/sourcemod/l4d_MusicMapStart.cfg
Command | 命令
Music menu
Turn off music when round start/join server
Turn on music when round start/join server
Update music list from config (Adm required: ADMFLAG_BAN)
Data Example
- addons/sourcemod/data/music_mapstart.txt
// "TS_SERVER/SLAM_DUNK.mp3" is the path of the MP3, relative to "sound" folder. // "SLAM_DUNK" is the song Name whatever you want TS_SERVER/SLAM_DUNK.mp3 TAG- SLAM_DUNK
- addons/sourcemod/data/music_mapstart.txt
How do I add music
Preparation of mp3 files
File names
- Ensure no file has space or special characters like "long dash" (–) or so.
Sample rate
- All MP3 files must be encoded in 44100 Hz sample rate, otherwise it may not play at all.
- To ensure, you can download MP3 Quality Modifier tool and re-encode all files at once.
File size
- Next, it is recommended every file will not be > 5 MB. in size (to improve download speed).
- To decrease the size, sort all your files by size, send the files > 5 MB to above tool and re-encode them in 128 (or 192) Kbit/s bitrate (select "constant" mode first).
Preparation the list
- Download all files(addons and sound).
- Put them in your game folder
- If L4D1,
Left 4 Dead Dedicated Server/left4dead
- If L4D2,
Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Server/left4dead2
- If L4D1,
- Copy YOUR MP3 files to sound/TS_SERVER folder.
- Add the path of the MP3 to the main config file addons/sourcemod/data/music_mapstart.txt. The path has to be put relative to the sound folder.
- Prepare your content-server for FastDL, if you don't know what "FastDL" is, please google it
Setup server to work with downloadable content
- Write down in your
:- If you are L4D1
sm_cvar sv_allowdownload "1" sm_cvar sv_downloadurl ""
- If you are L4D2
sm_cvar sv_allowdownload "1" sm_cvar sv_downloadurl ""
- If you are L4D1
- Write down in your
Uploading files to server.
- Upload "sound" folder to content-server
- If you are L4D1,
- If you are L4D2,
- If you are L4D1,
- Upload "sound" folder to your dedicated server.
- If you are L4D1,
Left 4 Dead Dedicated Server/left4dead/sound/
- If you are L4D2,
Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Server/left4dead2/sound/
- If you are L4D1,
- Upload "sound" folder to your client's game folder (for test).
- If you are L4D1,
left 4 dead/left4dead/sound/
- If you are L4D2,
Left 4 Dead 2/left4dead2/sound/
- If you are L4D1,
- Upload "sound" folder to content-server
Start the server and test
Players should download dance files when connecting to your server
Apply to | 適用於
L4D1 L4D2
Translation Support | 支援翻譯
English 繁體中文 简体中文 Russian
Changelog | 版本日誌
1.5h (2024-1-8)
- Improve Code
1.4h (2022-11-16)
- Add new convars.
- say !mp3off to turn off round start music
- say !mp3on to turn on round start music
- list all songs in menu and you can play specific song.
- only one song will be downloaded to client each map or download all at once
- play song to client when joining server.
- player can choose a tracker from music menu(!music), all players can hear it.
- Name your songs in data
- 播放MP3歌曲,可以播放自製的音樂
- 也可以輸入!music使用點歌系統,全體玩家能聽到
- 🟥 需自備網空且支援FastDL,客戶端才能下載音樂檔案 (不知道什麼是FastDL請自行Google)
指令中文介紹 (點我展開)
- cfg/sourcemod/l4d_MusicMapStart.cfg
// 玩家連線伺服器之後過多少秒才播放音樂 l4d_music_mapstart_delay_joinserver "3.0" // 回合開始之後過多少秒才播放音樂 l4d_music_mapstart_delay_roundstart "1.0" // 介面顯示的音樂歌曲數量 [0 - 介面顯示全部的音樂歌曲] // 每張關卡下載的音樂歌曲數量 [0 - 下載全部的音樂歌曲] l4d_music_mapstart_download_number "3" // 開啟此插件. (1 - 開啟 / 0 - 關閉) l4d_music_mapstart_enable "1" // 玩家連線伺服器之後播放音樂? (1 - 播放, 0 - 不播放) l4d_music_mapstart_play_joinserver "1" // 回合開始之後播放音樂? (1 - 播放, 0 - 不播放) l4d_music_mapstart_play_roundstart "1" // 有這些權限的人能使用點歌系統. (空白 = 任何人能使用, -1 = 無人能使用) l4d_music_mapstart_playmusic_access_flag "" // 點歌系統冷卻時間 (0=無冷卻時間) l4d_music_mapstart_playmusic_cooldown "3.0" // 玩家連線伺服器之後顯示!music介面? (1 - 顯示, 0 - 不顯示) l4d_music_mapstart_showmenu_joinserver "0" // 回合開始之後顯示!music介面? (1 - 顯示, 0 - 不顯示) l4d_music_mapstart_showmenu_roundstart "1"
- cfg/sourcemod/l4d_MusicMapStart.cfg
命令中文介紹 (點我展開)
刷新音樂列表Data文件 (管理員權限: ADMFLAG_BAN)
- addons/sourcemod/data/music_mapstart.txt
// "TS_SERVER/SLAM_DUNK.mp3" 是MP3檔案路徑,不能有中文,相對於 "sound" 資料夾 // "灌籃高手" 是歌曲名,可自己命名寫中文 TS_SERVER/SLAM_DUNK.mp3 TAG- 灌籃高手
- addons/sourcemod/data/music_mapstart.txt
- 確保沒有文件有空格或特殊字符,如"長破折號"(–) 等。
- 不能有中文
- 所有 MP3 文件必須以 44100 Hz 採樣率編碼,否則可能根本無法播放。
- 為了確保,您可以下載 MP3 質量修改器工具 並一次重新編碼所有文件。
- 接下來,建議每個文件不要> 5 MB。大小(以提高下載速度)。
- 要減小大小,請按大小對所有文件進行排序,將大於 5 MB 的文件發送到上述工具並以 128(或 192)Kbit/s 比特率重新編碼(首先選擇"恆定"模式)。
- 下載所有文件(addons和sound資料夾)。
- 將它們放在伺服器資料夾中
- 如果你是 L4D1,
Left 4 Dead Dedicated Server/left4dead
- 如果你是 L4D2,
Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Server/left4dead2
- 如果你是 L4D1,
- 將您的 MP3 文件複製到
資料夾。 - 將音樂檔案的路徑添加到主配置文件addons/sourcemod/data/music_mapstart.txt。路徑必須相對於sound資料夾,需寫上副檔名。
- 準備你的網空並可以支援FastDL, 不知道什麼是FastDL請自行Google
- 寫入以下內容到
- 如果你是 L4D1
sm_cvar sv_allowdownload "1" sm_cvar sv_downloadurl ""
- 如果你是 L4D2
sm_cvar sv_allowdownload "1" sm_cvar sv_downloadurl ""
- 如果你是 L4D1
- 寫入以下內容到
- 將"sound" 資料夾上傳到網空服務器
- 如果你是 L4D1,
- 如果你是 L4D2,
- 如果你是 L4D1,
- 將"sound" 資料夾上傳到您的伺服器資料夾。
- 如果你是 L4D1,
Left 4 Dead Dedicated Server/left4dead/sound/
- 如果你是 L4D2,
Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Server/left4dead2/sound/
- 如果你是 L4D1,
- 將"sound" 資料夾上傳到您的遊戲資料夾(用於測試)。
- 如果你是 L4D1,
left 4 dead/left4dead/sound/
- 如果你是 L4D2,
Left 4 Dead 2/left4dead2/sound/
- 如果你是 L4D1,
- 將"sound" 資料夾上傳到網空服務器
Warning 切勿使用版權音樂以免觸法,請尊重智慧財產權,一切後果自負