Adds commands to let the player spectate and join team. (!afk, !survivors, !infected, etc.), but no change team abuse.
Video | 影片展示
How does it work?
- Provide lots of command for players to switch team or spectate
- Restrict the following actions
- ESC->Take a break
- Press M to choose team in versus/scavenge mode
- Type
jointeam 2 <Nick|Ellis|Rochelle|Coach|Bill|Zoey|Francis|Louis>
in server console - Type
sb_takecontrol <Nick|Ellis|Rochelle|Coach|Bill|Zoey|Francis|Louis>
in server console
- Player can not go idle or use command to switch team if the following situation, otherwise force to be spectator
- Startle witch or witch attacks you.
- Capped by special infected.
- Dead survivor.
- Player can not switch team after players have left start safe area for at least X seconds. (set time by convar)
- Cold Down Time in seconds a player can not change team again after he switches team.
- Cold Down Time in seconds a player can not change team after he ignites molotov, gas can, firework crate or barrel fuel.
- Cold Down Time in seconds a player can not change team after he throws molotov, pipe bomb or boomer juice.
- Reloading the weapon.
- Infected player can not change team when he has pounced/ridden/charged/smoked a survivor.
- Cold Down Time in seconds an infected player can not change team after he is spawned as a special infected.
- Team is unbalance in Versus/Scavenge Mode.
- Getting up or staggering animation.
- Firing the grenade launcher
- Covered with bile
- 🟥 Start all 'block' limits once survivor has left the saferoom or survival/scavenge begins
Require | 必要安裝
- cfg/sourcemod/l4d_afk_commands.cfg
// Cold Down Time in seconds a player can not change team again after switches team. (0=off) l4d_afk_commands_changeteam_cooltime_block "10.0" // If 1, Dead Survivor player can not switch team. l4d_afk_commands_deadplayer_block "1" // Player can not switch team after players have left stat safe area for at least x seconds (0=off). l4d_afk_commands_during_game_seconds_block "0" // If 1, Player can not change team while capped by special infected. l4d_afk_commands_infected_attack_block "1" // If 1, Player can not change team if startles witch or while being attacked by witch. l4d_afk_commands_witch_attack_block "1" // Allow alive survivor player suicide by using '!zs' afte joining survivor team for at least X seconds. // 0=Disable !zs l4d_afk_commands_suicide_allow_second "30.0" // If 1, Player can not change team while reloading the weapon. l4d_afk_commands_weapon_reload_block "1" // If 1, Player can not change team while getting up or staggering. l4d_afk_commands_getup_stagger_block "1" // If 1, Player can not change team while covered in bile. l4d_afk_commands_get_vomit_block "1" // If 1, Player can not change team after throwing molotov, pipe bomb or boomer juice. (0=off). l4d_afk_commands_throwable_block "1" // (L4D2) If 1, Player can not change team after firing the grenade launcher (0=off). l4d_afk_commands_grenade_block "1" // Cold Down Time in seconds a player can not change team after ignites molotov, gas can, firework crate or barrel fuel. (0=off). l4d_afk_commands_igniteprop_cooltime_block "15.0" // If 1, Block player from using 'jointeam' command in consoe. (This also blocks player from switching team by choosing team menu) l4d_afk_commands_pressM_block "1" // If 1, Block player from using 'go_away_from_keyboard' comand in console. (This also blocks player from going idle with 'esc->take a break') l4d_afk_commands_takeabreak_block "0" // If 1, Block player from using 'sb_takecontrol' command in console. l4d_afk_commands_takecontrol_block "1" // If 1, Infected player can not change team while pouncing/ridding/charging/pulling a survivor. l4d_afk_commands_infected_cap_block "1" // Cold Down Time in seconds an infected player can not change team after spawned alive (Not ghost, 0=off). l4d_afk_commands_infected_spawn_cooltime_block "10.0" // Players with these flags have immune to all 'block' limit(Empty = Everyone, -1: Nobody) l4d_afk_commands_immune_block_flag "-1" // Players with these flags have access to use command to spctator team. (Empty = Everyone, -1: Nobody) l4d_afk_commands_spec_access_flag "" // Players with these flags have access to use command to inected team. (Empty = Everyone, -1: Nobody) l4d_afk_commands_infected_access_flag "" // Players with these flags have access to use command to suvivor team. (Empty = Everyone, -1: Nobody) l4d_afk_commands_survivor_access_flag "" // Players with these flags have access to use command to be an observer. (Empty = Everyone, -1: Nobody) l4d_afk_commands_observer_access_flag "z" // If 1, Check team balance when player tries to use commandto join survivor/infected team in versus/scavenge.\nIf team is unbanlance, will fail to join team! l4d_afk_commands_versus_teams_balance_enable "1" // Teams are unbalanced when one team has this many more players than the other team in versus/scavenge. l4d_afk_commands_versus_teams_unbalance_limit "2"
- cfg/sourcemod/l4d_afk_commands.cfg
Change team to Spectate
sm_afk sm_s sm_away sm_idle sm_spectate sm_spec sm_spectators sm_joinspectators sm_joinspectator sm_jointeam1 sm_js
Change team to Survivor
sm_join sm_bot sm_jointeam sm_survivors sm_survivor sm_sur sm_joinsurvivors sm_joinsurvivor sm_jointeam2 sm_jg sm_takebot sm_takeover
Change team to Infected
sm_infected sm_inf sm_joininfected sm_joininfecteds sm_jointeam3 sm_zombie
Switch team to fully an observer
sm_observer sm_ob sm_observe
Survivor Player Suicides
Adm force player to change team (Adm Required: ADMFLAG_BAN)
- teamnum is 1,2,3. 1=Spectator, 2=Survivor, 3=Infected
sm_swapto <player1> [player2] ... [playerN] <teamnum> - swap all listed players to <teamnum> (1,2, or 3)
- teamnum is 1,2,3. 1=Spectator, 2=Survivor, 3=Infected
Apply to | 適用於
L4D1 L4D2
Translation Support | 支援翻譯
English 繁體中文 简体中文 Russian Hungarian
Related Plugin | 相關插件
- l4d_team_unscramble: Puts players on the right team after map/campaign change and provides API.
- 換圖或者換關卡之後,將玩家還原到上次所在的隊伍
- l4d_team_unscramble: Puts players on the right team after map/campaign change and provides API.
Changelog | 版本日誌
v5.4 (2024-10-10)
- Block team switch when survivor is coverd with bile
- Update translation
- Update cvars
v5.3 (2024-10-9)
- Block team switch when QueuedPummel
v5.2 (2024-4-30)
- Update translation
v5.1 (2023-11-25)
- Fixed go_away_from_keyboard (esc -> take a break) not working
v5.0 (2023-9-19)
- Block team switch when firing the grenade launcher
- Can not switch team if player have stumbled witch or witch have touched player
v4.9 (2023-8-23)
- Update left4dhooks v1.135 or above
v4.8 (2023-5-22)
- Support l4d2 all mutation mode
v4.7 (2023-5-7)
- Player can not change team while he is getting up or staggering.
v4.6 (2023-5-6)
- Add more cvars
// If 1, Check team balance when player tries to use command to join survivor/infected team in versus/scavenge. // If team is unbanlance, will fail to join team! l4d_afk_commands_versus_teams_balance_enable "1" // Teams are unbalanced when one team has this many more players than the other team in versus/scavenge. l4d_afk_commands_versus_teams_unbalance_limit "2"
- Update Translation files
- Add more cvars
v4.5 (2022-12-28)
- Add 1 cvar "l4d_afk_commands_weapon_reload_block". Player can not change team when he is reloading the weapon.
- AlliedModder Post
- Remake Code
- Add translation support.
- Update L4D2 "The Last Stand" gamedata, credit to Lux
- Add more convar and limit to prevent players from changing team abuse.
- Add more commands
- No change team abuse
- Player can go idle even if alone in server
- Allow alive survivor player suicides by using '!zs'
- Adm Command
sm_swapto <player> <team>
, Adm forces player to swap team - Compatible with r2comp_unscramble
- Remove gamedata
提供多種命令轉換隊伍陣營 (譬如: !afk, !survivors, !infected), 但不可濫用.
- 提供加入倖存者陣營、特感陣營、旁觀者陣營的命令
- 此插件會禁止玩家濫用閒置的bug,譬如
- 導致witch失去目標
- 省略裝子彈時間、硬直狀態、起身動畫
- 逃避特感抓住造成的傷害
- 特感故意切換旁觀省略下次的靈魂特感復活時間
- 死亡倖存者玩家跳隊重新拿到活著的倖存者Bot
- 遊戲開始後故意跳隊到對面擾亂對方隊伍
- 玩家頻繁換隊洗頻伺服器
- 在對抗/清道夫模式中,檢查雙方隊伍的真人玩家數量,如果雙方隊伍數量不平衡則切換隊伍會失敗
- 此插件會限制玩家切換隊伍的行為包括
- 盡量不要安裝其他也有換隊指令的插件,否則換隊衝突後果自負
- 有以下情況不能使用命令換隊,否則強制旁觀
- 嚇到Witch或者Witch正在攻擊你
- 被特感抓住的期間
- 你已經是死亡的倖存者
- 離開安全區域或是生存模式計時開始一段時間之後 (查看指令設置的時間)
- 換隊之後短時間內不能換第二次
- 點燃汽油桶、煙火盒、燃油桶一段時間內
- 丟出火瓶、土製炸彈、膽汁瓶一段時間內
- 武器正在裝子彈
- 特感抓住倖存者的期間
- 特感剛復活的時候
- 對抗/清道夫模式下檢查雙方隊伍的玩家數量,隊伍不平衡則不能換隊
- 起身或硬直狀態中禁止換隊
- 玩家發射榴彈期間禁止換隊
- 膽汁淋在身上 (防止略過被噴的綠色螢幕)
- 🟥 遊戲開始之後所有關於切換隊伍的限制才會生效
- 離開安全區域
- 生存模式計時開始
指令中文介紹 (點我展開)
- cfg/sourcemod/l4d_afk_commands.cfg
// 切換換隊成功之後的10秒內不能隨意切換隊伍,否則強制旁觀 (0=關閉這項功能) l4d_afk_commands_changeteam_cooltime_block "10.0" // 為1時,死亡的倖存者玩家不可以切換隊伍 l4d_afk_commands_deadplayer_block "1" // 倖存者離開安全室超過X秒之後,所有玩家不能隨意切換隊伍 (0=關閉這項功能). l4d_afk_commands_during_game_seconds_block "0" // 為1時,當倖存者被特感抓住期間禁止換隊 l4d_afk_commands_infected_attack_block "1" // 為1時,倖存者驚嚇Witch或被Witch攻擊期間不可切換隊伍 l4d_afk_commands_witch_attack_block "1" // 加入倖存者30秒之後才能使用指令!zs自殺 // 0=禁止使用指令!zs自殺 l4d_afk_commands_suicide_allow_second "30.0" // 為1時,倖存者裝彈期間不可切換隊伍 l4d_afk_commands_weapon_reload_block "1" // 為1時,起身或硬直狀態中禁止換隊 l4d_afk_commands_getup_stagger_block "1" // 為1時,倖存者被膽汁淋在身上時禁止換隊 l4d_afk_commands_get_vomit_block "1" // 為1時,倖存者投擲火瓶、土製炸彈、膽汁瓶期間禁止換隊 l4d_afk_commands_throwable_block "1" // (僅限L4D2) 為1時,發射榴彈發射器期間,禁止換隊 l4d_afk_commands_grenade_block "1" // 倖存者點燃火瓶、汽油桶、煙火盒、燃油桶的15秒內不能隨意切換隊伍,否則強制旁觀 (0=關閉這項功能). l4d_afk_commands_igniteprop_cooltime_block "15.0" // 為1時,禁止玩家在控制台輸入 'jointeam' 指令. (同時禁用玩家使用M按鍵換隊) l4d_afk_commands_pressM_block "1" // 為1時,禁止玩家在控制台輸入 'go_away_from_keyboard' 指令. (同時禁用玩家使用 ESC-休息一下) l4d_afk_commands_takeabreak_block "0" // 為1時,禁止玩家在控制台輸入 'sb_takecontrol' 指令 l4d_afk_commands_takecontrol_block "1" // 為1時,當特感抓住倖存者期間禁止換隊 l4d_afk_commands_infected_cap_block "1" // 特感復活後的10秒內不能隨意切換隊伍,否則強制旁觀. (0=關閉這項功能) l4d_afk_commands_infected_spawn_cooltime_block "10.0" // 擁有這些權限的管理員不會受到此插件的換隊限制影響 (留白 = 任何人都不會受到限制, -1: 所有人都會受到限制) l4d_afk_commands_immune_block_flag "-1" // 擁有這些權限的管理員可以使用指令切換到旁觀者陣營. (留白 = 任何人都可以切換, -1: 禁止所有人切換) l4d_afk_commands_spec_access_flag "" // 擁有這些權限的管理員可以使用指令切換到特感陣營. (留白 = 任何人都可以切換, -1: 禁止所有人切換) l4d_afk_commands_infected_access_flag "" // 擁有這些權限的管理員可以使用指令切換到倖存者陣營. (留白 = 任何人都可以切換, -1: 禁止所有人切換) l4d_afk_commands_survivor_access_flag "" // 擁有這些權限的管理員可以使用指令成為完全旁觀者. (留白 = 任何人都可以切換, -1: 禁止所有人切換) l4d_afk_commands_observer_access_flag "z" // 為1時,在對抗/清道夫模式中,檢查雙方隊伍的真人玩家數量並平衡 // 如果雙方隊伍數量不平衡則切換隊伍會失敗 l4d_afk_commands_versus_teams_balance_enable "1" // 在對抗/清道夫模式中,雙方隊伍的真人玩家數量差距超過2位以上時,則視為不平衡 l4d_afk_commands_versus_teams_unbalance_limit "2"
- cfg/sourcemod/l4d_afk_commands.cfg
命令中文介紹 (點我展開)
切換到旁觀者陣營 (戰役模式下會變成閒置狀態)
sm_afk sm_s sm_away sm_idle sm_spectate sm_spec sm_spectators sm_joinspectators sm_joinspectator sm_jointeam1 sm_js
切換到倖存者陣營 (戰役模式下會變成閒置狀態)
sm_join sm_bot sm_jointeam sm_survivors sm_survivor sm_sur sm_joinsurvivors sm_joinsurvivor sm_jointeam2 sm_jg sm_takebot sm_takeover
sm_infected sm_inf sm_joininfected sm_joininfecteds sm_jointeam3 sm_zombie
成為完全旁觀者 (倖存者玩家如果要成為旁觀者而非閒置狀態則輸入這些指令)
sm_observer sm_ob sm_observe
管理員強制該位玩家切換到指定的隊伍 (權限: ADMFLAG_BAN)
// <隊伍數字>請寫1或2或3 // 1=旁觀者,2=倖存者,3=特感 sm_swapto <玩家名稱> <隊伍數字>
// 一次將這些玩家切換到指定的隊伍 sm_swapto <玩家1 名稱> <玩家2 名稱> ... <玩家N 名稱> <隊伍數字>