The zombies have grown stronger, now they are able to heal their injuries by standing still without receiving any damage.
Image | 圖示
- Idea comes from Counter Strike Online Zombie Regeneration
- Idea comes from Counter Strike Online Zombie Regeneration
Require | 必要安裝
None -
ConVar | 指令
- cfg\sourcemod\l4d_cso_zombie_regeneration.cfg
// 0=Plugin off, 1=Plugin on. l4d_cso_zombie_regeneration_allow "1" // Boomer recover hp per second. (0=off) l4d_cso_zombie_regeneration_boomer_hp "10" // Charger recover hp per second. (0=off) l4d_cso_zombie_regeneration_charger_hp "80" // Hunter recover hp per second. (0=off) l4d_cso_zombie_regeneration_hunter_hp "40" // Jockey recover hp per second. (0=off) l4d_cso_zombie_regeneration_jockey_hp "50" // Turn off the plugin in these maps, separate by commas (no spaces). (0=All maps, Empty = none). l4d_cso_zombie_regeneration_map_off "" // Turn on the plugin in these game modes, separate by commas (no spaces). (Empty = all). l4d_cso_zombie_regeneration_modes "" // Turn off the plugin in these game modes, separate by commas (no spaces). (Empty = none). l4d_cso_zombie_regeneration_modes_off "" // Turn on the plugin in these game modes. 0=All, 1=Coop, 2=Survival, 4=Versus, 8=Scavenge. Add numbers together. l4d_cso_zombie_regeneration_modes_tog "0" // Smoker recover hp per second. (0=off) l4d_cso_zombie_regeneration_smoker_hp "10" // CSO Zombie Regeneration - Self Healing file (relative to to sound/, empty=disable) l4d_cso_zombie_regeneration_soundfile "ui/beep07.wav" // Spitter recover hp per second. (0=off) l4d_cso_zombie_regeneration_spitter_hp "5" // Tank recover hp per second. (0=off) l4d_cso_zombie_regeneration_tank_hp "200" // Seconds needed to stand still before health recovering. l4d_cso_zombie_regeneration_wait_time "4"
- cfg\sourcemod\l4d_cso_zombie_regeneration.cfg
Command | 命令
Apply to | 適用於
L4D1 L4D2
Related Plugin | 相關插件
l4d2_supply_woodbox: Supply boxes are dropped randomly in the map every certain seconds to provide support for the fight against the zombies.
- 地圖上隨機出現補給箱,提供人類強力支援 (仿CSO惡靈降世 補給箱)
weapon_csgo_reload: Weapon Quickswitch Reloading in L4D1+2
- 將武器改成現代遊戲的裝子彈機制 (仿CS:GO切槍裝彈設定)
l4d2_cso_knockback: Weapons and Melees now have knockback power like CSO
- 槍械與近戰武器現在有擊退力 (仿CSO惡靈降世)
Changelog | 版本日誌
v1.4 (2024-2-6)
- Optimize Code
v1.3 (2022-7-17)
- Game mode check
v1.2 (2022-6-10)
- Fixed entity error when no map is running
v1.1 (2022-2-11)
- Add Tank hp check in l4d1 versus mode
v1.0 (2021-8-29)
殭屍變得更強大,他們只要站著不動便可以自癒傷勢 (仿CSO惡靈降世 殭屍技能)
- 只要特感不動三秒鐘之後,便能每秒恢复自身血量,一旦走動或受到傷害便會停止自癒
- 靈感來自CSO 殭屍模式,在這款遊戲中殭屍可以自癒傷勢
- 可調整每個種類的特感恢复血量
- 可調整自癒音效