Cars explode after they take some damage
Require | 必要安裝
ConVar | 指令
- cfg/sourcemod/l4d_explosive_cars.cfg
// Maximum health of the cars l4d_explosive_cars_health "5000" // Maximum radius of the explosion l4d_explosive_cars_radius "420" // (L4D2 only) Power of the explosion when the car explodes l4d_explosive_cars_power "300" // Damage made by the explosion l4d_explosive_cars_damage "10" // Should the car explosion cause a panic event? (1: Yes 0: No) l4d_explosive_cars_panic "1" // Chance that the cars explosion might call a horde (1 / CVAR) [1: Always] l4d_explosive_cars_panic_chance "5" // Should infected trigger the car explosion? (1: Yes 0: No) l4d_explosive_cars_infected "1" // How much damage do the tank deal to the cars? (0: Default, which is 999 from the engine) l4d_explosive_cars_tank "0" // Time to wait before removing the exploded car in case it blockes the way. (0: Don't remove) l4d_explosive_cars_removetime "60" // On which maps should the plugin disable itself? separate by commas (no spaces). (Example: c5m3_cemetery,c5m5_bridge) l4d_explosive_cars_unload_map "c5m3_cemetery,c5m5_bridge" // If 1, cars get damaged by another car's explosion l4d_explosive_cars_explosion_damage "1" // (L4D2) If 1, Display outline glow of car's health l4d_explosive_cars_health_outline "1" // (L4D2) Which method to send survivor flying by car. // 0=Flings a player to the ground, like they were hit by a Charger // 1=Stagger player l4d_explosive_cars_flying_method "0"
- cfg/sourcemod/l4d_explosive_cars.cfg
Command | 命令
Apply to | 適用於
L4D1 L4D2
Changelog | 版本日誌
v2.5 (2024-11-11)
- Fixed not working in l4d1
v2.4 (2024-8-5)
- Add outline glow of car's health
- Delete invisible fire
- Update Cvars
v2.3 (2023-6-7)
- Change back
- Fixed non-car hittables would burn and explode
- Change back
v2.2 (2023-5-28)
- Use
z_spawn mob auto
instead ofL4D_ForcePanicEvent()
- Use
v2.1 (2023-2-14)
- Support L4D1
- AlliedModder post
- Remake code
- Replace left4downtown with left4dhooks
- Remove car entity after it explodes
- Fixed damage dealt to car
- Safely create entity and safely remove entity
- Safely explode cars between few secomds to prevent client from crash
- 地圖上可以移動的車子如果受到一定程度的傷害,將會爆炸,並震飛周圍的倖存者
- 地圖上某些車子不能移動也就不能爆炸,認真你就輸了
指令中文介紹 (點我展開)
- cfg/sourcemod/l4d_explosive_cars.cfg
// 車子的血量 l4d_explosive_cars_health "5000" // 爆炸影響的範圍 l4d_explosive_cars_radius "420" // (L4D2 only) 車子爆炸震開倖存者的力道 (倖存者飛得越遠) l4d_explosive_cars_power "300" // 爆炸所產生的傷害 l4d_explosive_cars_damage "10" // 為1時,車子爆炸會導致屍潮 l4d_explosive_cars_panic "1" // 車子爆炸導致屍潮的機率,機率 = 1/此數值 [1: 100%, 2: 50%, ...] l4d_explosive_cars_panic_chance "5" // 為1時,特感會抓傷車子引發爆炸 l4d_explosive_cars_infected "1" // 設置Tank對車子造成的傷害值 (0: 遊戲預設, 一拳999傷害) l4d_explosive_cars_tank "0" // 車子爆炸60秒後自動移除. (0: 不移除) l4d_explosive_cars_removetime "60" // 在這些地圖上關閉此插件, 逗號區隔 (無空白). (範例: c5m3_cemetery,c5m5_bridge) l4d_explosive_cars_unload_map "c5m3_cemetery,c5m5_bridge" // 為1時,車子爆炸後也會對周圍的車子產生連鎖爆炸效應 l4d_explosive_cars_explosion_damage "1" // (L4D2) 為1時,車子光圈顯示血量狀態 (黃->紅) l4d_explosive_cars_health_outline "1" // (L4D2) 選擇倖存者被車子爆炸炸飛的方式 // 0=撞飛倖存者, 就像被Charger撞到 // 1=震退倖存者 l4d_explosive_cars_flying_method "0"
- cfg/sourcemod/l4d_explosive_cars.cfg