Allows players to be respawned by admin.
Video | 影片展示
None -
Image | 圖示
None -
Apply to | 適用於
L4D1 L4D2
Translation Support | 支援翻譯
English 繁體中文 简体中文 Russian Hungarian
Changelog | 版本日誌
v2.8 (2023-4-1)
- Replace Gamedata with left4dhooks
- fixed stuck ceiling when player respawns
- delete unuseful gamedata
- Only respawn Dead Survivor
Require | 必要安裝
ConVar | 指令
- cfg/sourcemod/l4d_sm_respawn.cfg
// Add 'Respawn player' item in admin menu under 'Player commands' category? (0 - No, 1 - Yes) l4d_sm_respawn_adminmenu "1" // After respawn player, teleport player to 0=Crosshair, 1=Self (You must be alive). l4d_sm_respawn_destination "0" // Respawn players with this loadout l4d_sm_respawn_loadout "smg" // Notify in chat and log action about respawn? (0 - No, 1 - Yes) l4d_sm_respawn_showaction "1"
- cfg/sourcemod/l4d_sm_respawn.cfg
Command | 命令
- Respawn a player at your crosshair. Without argument - opens menu to select players (Adm required: ADMFLAG_BAN)
sm_respawn <player name>
- Respawn a player at your crosshair. Without argument - opens menu to select players (Adm required: ADMFLAG_BAN)
- How to use
- Type !admin -> Player commands -> Respawn Player
- 管理員輸入!respawn 可以復活指定的死亡玩家並傳送到準心上
- 可以加入到管理員選單下,輸入!admin->玩家指令->復活玩家
- 可設置復活後給予的武器
- 紀錄log