Forces AI tank to leave stasis and attack while spawn in coop/realism.
Note This Plugin has been discontinued
How does it work?
- (Before) AI Tank will stand still until survivors come over and see the tank in coop/realism mode
- (After) AI Tank will move forward to attack survivors when spawned in coop/realism mode
- Make 1-Damage-point of random alive survivor on ai tank to make tank leave stasis
- Can't set 0 damage, go ask valve
Require | 必要安裝
Apply to | 適用於
L4D1 Coop L4D2 Coop/Realism
Changelog | 版本日誌
Archived (2024-8-22)
- This Plugin has been discontinued
v1.1h (2023-8-19)
- Optimize Code
v1.0h (2023-7-27)
- Remake Code
- Add ConVar
戰役/寫實模式下,AI Tank一生成會直接往前進並攻擊倖存者,而非待在原地等待
Note 此插件已停止更新
- 原理
- (安裝此插件之前) 戰役/寫實模式下,AI Tank 會原地不動,等待倖存者走過來發現
- (安裝此插件之後) 戰役/寫實模式下,AI Tank 一生成會直接往前攻擊倖存者
- 此插件製造1滴血的倖存者傷害給AI Tank,使Tank直接往前攻擊,因此Tank血量會少1
- 無法設定0傷, 去問Valve