Removes lobby reservation when server is full, allow 9+ players to join server
🟥Dedicated Server Only
🟥只能安裝在Dedicated Server
Apply to | 適用於
L4D1 L4D2
How does it work?
- (Before)
- If server is lobby reserved and full in gamemode (8 for versus/scavenge lobby, 4 for survival/coop/realism lobby)
- New players can't join the server even if server still has remaining slots, they can't connect via the console or server browser
- If server is lobby reserved and empty (No one in server)
- Unable to connect server from lobby
- If server is lobby reserved and full in gamemode (8 for versus/scavenge lobby, 4 for survival/coop/realism lobby)
- (After)
- Automatically removes lobby reservation once server is full in gamemode (8 for versus/scavenge lobby, 4 for survival/coop/realism lobby)
- New players is allowed to join the server, they can connect via the console or server browser
- Set
sv_allow_lobby_connect_only 0
- Automatically restores the lobby reservation when there is a vacancy
- Send
to steam master, not guarantee match system is still working well
- Send
- Automatically Removes lobby reservation once all players have disconnected
- Players can connect from a lobby again
- Set
back to default
- Automatically removes lobby reservation once server is full in gamemode (8 for versus/scavenge lobby, 4 for survival/coop/realism lobby)
- In short, if you want multi slots server, must install
- This l4d_unreservelobby plugin
- And l4dtoolz (see Require below)
- (Before)
- left4dhooks
- To open more server slots, you must install l4dtoolz
ConVar | 指令
- cfg/sourcemod/l4d_unreservelobby.cfg
// Automatically unreserve server after all playes have disconnected l4d_unreservelobby_empty "1" // Automatically unreserve server after server lobby reserved and full in gamemode (8 in versus/scavenge, 4 in coop/survival/realism) l4d_unreservelobby_full "1" // When player number reaches the following number, the server unreserves. // 0 = 8 in versus/scavenge, 4 in coop/survival/realis. // >0 = Any number greater than zero. l4d_unreservelobby_trigger "0"
- cfg/sourcemod/l4d_unreservelobby.cfg
Command | 命令
- sm_unreserve - manually force removes the lobby reservation (Adm required: ADMFLAG_ROOT)
- sm_unreserve - manually force removes the lobby reservation (Adm required: ADMFLAG_ROOT)
Changelog | 版本日誌
v1.4h (2024-12-28)
- Update cvars
v1.3h (2024-12-20)
v1.2h (2024-12-17)
- Fixed unreserved delay error
v1.1h (2024-10-26)
- Add
sv_allow_lobby_connect_only 0
when unreserved - Update cvars
- Add
v1.0h (2024-10-3)
- Remake code, convert code to latest syntax
- Fix warnings when compiling.
- Replace Gamedata with left4dhooks
- Automatically unreserve server after all playes have disconnected
- 當伺服器有大廳reserved cookie且模式滿人時(對抗/清道夫: 8人已滿, 戰役/生存/寫實: 4人已滿)
- 其他玩家均不能再加入伺服器,即使有設置伺服器30個位子依然無法加入
- 當伺服器有大廳reserved cookie且沒人時(所有玩家已離開)
- 無法從大廳匹配到伺服器
- 當伺服器有大廳reserved cookie且模式滿人時(對抗/清道夫: 8人已滿, 戰役/生存/寫實: 4人已滿)
- 當伺服器有大廳reserved cookie且模式滿人時(對抗/清道夫: 8人已滿, 戰役/生存/寫實: 4人已滿)
- 自動移除動態大廳reserved cookie
- 設置指令
sv_allow_lobby_connect_only 0
- 其他玩家可透過IP直連或是伺服器瀏覽加入遊戲
- 當伺服器總人數還有位子時(對抗/清道夫: 低於8人, 戰役/生存/寫實: 低於4人)
- 恢復動態大廳reserved cookie
- 傳送命令
給Steam master,不保證大廳匹配機制還能持續運作
- 當伺服器所有玩家離開沒人時,自動移除大廳reserved cookie,不再恢復
- 玩家可以再次從大廳匹配到伺服器
- 指令
- 當伺服器有大廳reserved cookie且模式滿人時(對抗/清道夫: 8人已滿, 戰役/生存/寫實: 4人已滿)
總結白話講: 當你想開多人伺服器時,需要安裝
- 此插件
- 與l4dtoolz (查看下方"必要安裝")
- left4dhooks
- l4dtoolz: 解鎖伺服器人數限制
什麼是大廳reserved cookie?
- 中文是預定的餅乾(X),類似去飯店預設房間,已經被訂走的房間無法給其他人入住
- 不用想太多這名詞,直接看有無大廳reserved cookie的差別
有大廳reserved cookie時
- 模式滿人時 (對抗/清道夫: 8人, 戰役/生存/寫實: 4人),其他玩家均不能再加入伺服器,即使伺服器設置30個位子依然無法加入
- 無法直連
- 無法加入好友房間
- 無法從伺服器瀏覽加入
- 伺服器停止吸路人匹配進來
- 無人時 (所有玩家已離開)
- 無法從大廳匹配
- 伺服器停止吸路人匹配進來
- 模式沒有滿人時
- 伺服器會吸路人匹配進來
- 模式滿人時 (對抗/清道夫: 8人, 戰役/生存/寫實: 4人),其他玩家均不能再加入伺服器,即使伺服器設置30個位子依然無法加入
無大廳reserved cookie時
- 模式滿人時(對抗/清道夫: 8人, 戰役/生存/寫實: 4人),其他玩家可以加入伺服器
- 可直連
- 可加入好友房間
- 可從伺服器瀏覽加入
- 伺服器停止吸路人匹配進來
- 無人時(所有玩家已離開)
- 可從大廳匹配
- 伺服器停止吸路人匹配進來
- 模式沒有滿人時
- 如果第一個玩家是從大廳匹配,伺服器會吸路人匹配進來
- 如果第一個玩家不是從大廳匹配,伺服器停止吸路人匹配進來
- 模式滿人時(對抗/清道夫: 8人, 戰役/生存/寫實: 4人),其他玩家可以加入伺服器
何時會有大廳reserved cookie?
sv_allow_lobby_connect_only 1
,且第一位玩家透過以下方式加入伺服器- 直連
- 從
瀏覽加入 - 大廳匹配
- 直連
sv_allow_lobby_connect_only 0
,且第一位玩家透過以下方式加入伺服器- 大廳匹配
怎麼知道伺服器有大廳reserved cookie?
- 遊戲控制台或伺服器後台輸入
,如果看到reserved xxxxx,那就是有,反之亦然
- 遊戲控制台或伺服器後台輸入
與大廳之間的關係圖, 圖來源: Hatsune-Imagine/l4d2-plugins/l4d2_unreservelobby
指令中文介紹 (點我展開)
- cfg/sourcemod/l4d_unreservelobby.cfg
// 當所有玩家離開伺服器且伺服器沒人時,自動移除大廳reserved cookie l4d_unreservelobby_empty "1" // 當伺服器有大廳reserved cookie且模式滿人時(對抗/清道夫: 8人已滿, 戰役/生存/寫實: 4人已滿),自動移除動態大廳reserved cookie l4d_unreservelobby_full "1" // 當伺服器內玩家人數達到以下數值, 則移除動態大廳reserved cookie. // 0 = 對抗/清道夫下8人, 戰役/生存/寫實下4人 // >0 = 任何大於0的自定義人數 l4d_unreservelobby_trigger "0"
- cfg/sourcemod/l4d_unreservelobby.cfg
命令中文介紹 (點我展開)
- sm_unreserve - 輸入此指令手動移除大廳reserved cookie (權限: ADMFLAG_ROOT)
- sm_unreserve - 輸入此指令手動移除大廳reserved cookie (權限: ADMFLAG_ROOT)