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Description | 內容

Supply boxes are dropped randomly in the map every certain seconds to provide support for the fight against the zombies.

  • Video | 影片展示

  • Image | 圖示

  • Require | 必要安裝

    1. left4dhooks
  • How does it work?
    • Drop supply box after survivos has left the safer zone
    • Drop weapons, melee (support custom melee), medic, throwable, gascan....
    • Sometime the helicopter pilot might lose his way, drop supply box on unreachable location and outside of the path.
  • ConVar
    • cfg\sourcemod\l4d2_supply_woodbox.cfg
       // 0=Plugin off, 1=Plugin on.
       l4d2_supply_woodbox_allow "1"
       // Turn on the plugin in these game modes, separate by commas (no spaces). (Empty = all).
       l4d2_supply_woodbox_modes ""
       // Turn off the plugin in these game modes, separate by commas (no spaces). (Empty = none).
       l4d2_supply_woodbox_modes_off ""
       // Turn on the plugin in these game modes. 0=All, 1=Coop, 2=Survival, 4=Versus, 8=Scavenge. Add numbers together.
       l4d2_supply_woodbox_modes_tog "0"
       // Turn off the plugin in these maps, separate by commas (no spaces). (0=All maps, Empty = none).
       l4d2_supply_woodbox_map_off ""
       // Max Items that could drop in woodbox.
       l4d2_supply_woodbox_item_max "4"
       // Min Items that could drop in woodbox.
       l4d2_supply_woodbox_item_min "2"
       // Item chance to drop Weapons/Melee/Medic/Throwable/Others, separate by commas (no spaces), the sum of 5 value must be 100
       l4d2_supply_woodbox_item_chance "30,5,45,15,5"
       // Time in seconds to remove item if no one picks up after it drops from box (0=off)
       l4d2_supply_woodbox_item_life "60"
       // The default Supply box color. Three values between 0-255 separated by spaces. RGB Color255 - Red Green Blue. (empty=disable)
       l4d2_supply_woodbox_color "0 145 200"
       // The default Supply box glow range.
       l4d2_supply_woodbox_glow_range "1800"
       // Set the max spawn time for Supply box drop.
       l4d2_supply_woodbox_time_max "80"
       // Set the min spawn time for Supply box drop.
       l4d2_supply_woodbox_time_min "60"
       // Max Supply boxes that could drop once.
       l4d2_supply_woodbox_drop_max "2"
       // Min Supply boxes that could drop once.
       l4d2_supply_woodbox_drop_min "1"
       // Set the limit for Supply box spawned by the plugin.
       l4d2_supply_woodbox_limit "6"
       // Set the life time for Supply box.
       l4d2_supply_woodbox_box_life "180"
       // Supply Box - Drop sound file (relative to to sound/, empty=random helicopter sound, -1: disable)
       l4d2_supply_woodbox_soundfile ""
       // If 1, still dorp supply box in final stage rescue
       l4d2_supply_woodbox_drop_final "0"
       // Supply box model type, 1: wood_crate001a, 2: wood_crate001a_damagedMAX, 3: wood_crate002a (0=random)
       l4d2_supply_woodbox_type "1"
       // Changes how Supply box hint displays. (0: Disable, 1:In chat, 2: In Hint Box, 3: In center text)
       l4d2_supply_woodbox_announce_type "3"
  • Command
    • Spawn a supply box at your crosshair (Admin Flag: ADMFLAG_ROOT)
  • Apply to | 適用於

  • Translation Support | 支援翻譯
  • Related Plugin | 相關插件
    1. l4d_cso_zombie_Regeneration: The zombies have grown stronger, now they are able to heal their injuries by standing still without receiving any damage.

      • 殭屍變得更強大,他們只要站著不動便可以自癒傷勢 (仿CSO惡靈降世 殭屍技能)
    2. weapon_csgo_reload: Weapon Quickswitch Reloading in L4D1+2

      • 將武器改成現代遊戲的裝子彈機制 (仿CS:GO切槍裝彈設定)
    3. l4d2_cso_knockback: Weapons and Melees now have knockback power like CSO

      • 槍械與近戰武器現在有擊退力 (仿CSO惡靈降世)
  • Changelog | 版本日誌
    • v1.6 (2024-3-1)

      • Update data
      • Infected team now unable to see the box glow
    • v1.5 (2024-2-15)

      • Add data config
    • v1.4 (2023-7-26)

      • Add hunting Rifle
    • v1.3 (2022-9-12)

      • Remove gascan, propanecanister, oxygentank if no one picks up
    • v1.2 (2022-8-13)

      • Optimize code.
    • v1.1 (2022-3-29)

      • Support Survival Mode.
    • v1.0 (2022-1-11)

      • Initial release
      • Add convars to turn off this plugin
      • Random box model available
      • Item chance to drop Weapons/Melee/Medic/Throwable/Others
      • Custom sound
      • Detect custom melee and spawn
      • Translation Support
      • Supply box life time
      • Remove item if no one picks up after it drops from box after a while
      • Compatibility support for SourceMod 1.11. Fixed various warnings.
    • v0.0

      • Credit: Lux - original code


地圖上隨機出現補給箱,提供人類強力支援 (仿CSO惡靈降世 補給箱)

  • 原理

    • 靈感來自CSO 殭屍模式,離開安全室之後每隔一段時間地圖上出現補給箱
      • 補給箱內有物資與武器 (支援三方圖近戰)
    • 地圖上隨機出現補給箱,只有人類才能看到補給箱位置
    • 打開補給箱方式 (特感無法打開)
      • 用子彈射擊
      • 近戰武器打破
      • 對著補給箱按E
    • 補給箱不會擋住特感與普通感染者,他們可以穿透
    • 有時候空投的補給箱出現在人類無法到達的區域,譬如屋頂。認真你就輸了,問就是飛行員迷路
  • 指令中文介紹 (點我展開)
    • cfg\sourcemod\l4d2_supply_woodbox.cfg
       // 0=關閉插件, 1=啟動插件
       l4d2_supply_woodbox_allow "1"
       // 什麼模式下啟動此插件, 逗號區隔 (無空白). (留白 = 所有模式)
       l4d2_supply_woodbox_modes ""
       // 什麼模式下關閉此插件, 逗號區隔 (無空白). (留白 = 無)
       l4d2_supply_woodbox_modes_off ""
       // 什麼模式下啟動此插件. 0=所有模式, 1=戰役, 2=生存, 4=對抗, 8=清道夫. 請將數字相加起來
       l4d2_supply_woodbox_modes_tog "0"
       // 在某些地圖裡關閉此插件,請填入地圖名,逗號區隔 (無空白). (0 = 所有地圖, 留白 = 無)
       l4d2_supply_woodbox_map_off ""
       // 從補給箱掉落的物品最大數量.
       l4d2_supply_woodbox_item_max "4"
       // 從補給箱掉落的物品最小數量.
       l4d2_supply_woodbox_item_min "2"
       // 從補給箱掉落的物品,變成槍枝武器/近戰武器/醫療物品/投擲物品/其他(汽油桶、瓦斯罐...)的機率,逗號區隔 (無空白),這五個數字加起來必須是100
       l4d2_supply_woodbox_item_chance "30,5,45,15,5"
       // 如果沒人拿取補給箱掉落的物品,過60秒後會自動移除 (0=不移除)
       l4d2_supply_woodbox_item_life "60"
       // 補給箱的光圈顏色. 三個介於0-255的數字,空白區隔. 為RGB三色 - 紅 綠 藍. (留白=沒有光圈顏色)
       l4d2_supply_woodbox_color "0 145 200"
       // 補給箱的光圈發光範圍.
       l4d2_supply_woodbox_glow_range "1800"
       // 空投補給箱的最大間隔時間
       l4d2_supply_woodbox_time_max "80"
       // 空投補給箱的最小間隔時間
       l4d2_supply_woodbox_time_min "60"
       // 每次空投補給箱的最多數量.
       l4d2_supply_woodbox_drop_max "2"
       // 每次空投補給箱的最少數量.
       l4d2_supply_woodbox_drop_min "1"
       // 場上只能同時存在6個補給箱.
       l4d2_supply_woodbox_limit "6"
       // 沒人打破補給箱的場合,180秒後會自動消失
       l4d2_supply_woodbox_box_life "180"
       // 補給箱空投音效 (路徑相對於 sound 資料夾, 留白=隨機的直升機駕駛員語音, -1=關閉音效)
       l4d2_supply_woodbox_soundfile ""
       // 為1時,最後救援開始之後,照樣空投補給箱
       l4d2_supply_woodbox_drop_final "0"
       // 補給箱的箱子模型, 1: wood_crate001a, 2: wood_crate001a_damagedMAX, 3: wood_crate002a (0=隨機模型)
       l4d2_supply_woodbox_type "1"
       // 如何提示有空投補給箱?. (0: 不提示, 1: 聊天框, 2: 螢幕下方黑底白字框, 3: 螢幕正中間)
       l4d2_supply_woodbox_announce_type "3"
  • 命令中文介紹 (點我展開)
    • 在準心指向的地方生成補給箱 (管理員權限: ADMFLAG_ROOT)