Gag & Mute & Ban - Ex
Apply to | 適用於
Any Source Game
How does it work?
- Type !admin to call adm menu and you will see "Ban/Mute/Gag-Ex" option
- Admin can type
to ban playersm_exgag
to gag player (Unable to type any words in chatbox)sm_exmute
to mute player (Unable to use microphone)
- The database of players with gag & mute & ban: data/gagmutebanex.txt
- Before ban timeout, player still got banned even if he rejoins server
- Before gag/mute timeout, player still got gag or mute even if he rejoins server
- Records all actions about gag & mute & ban:
- Compatible with SourceBan++
Require | 必要安裝
ConVar | 指令
// 0=Ban Menu off, 1=Ban Menu on. GagMuteBanEx_ban_allow "1" // 0=Mute Menu off, 1=Mute Menu on. GagMuteBanEx_mute_allow "1" // 0=Gag Menu off, 1=Gag Menu on. GagMuteBanEx_gag_allow "1" // Players with these flags can chat when '_chatenable' is 0 (Empty = Everyone, -1: Nobody) GagMuteBanEx_chat_immue_flag "z"
Not in cfg/sourcemod/GagMuteBanEx.cfg
// If 0, Be Quient, No one can chat. sv_chatenable "1"
Command | 命令
Open exBan Steamid Menu or exBan Player (Adm Required: ADMFLAG_BAN)
sm_exban sm_exban <#userid|name> <minutes|0>
Open exGag Menu or exGag Player (Adm Required: ADMFLAG_CHAT)
sm_exgag sm_exgag <#userid|name> <minutes|0>
Open exMute Menu or exMute Player (Adm Required: ADMFLAG_CHAT)
sm_exmute sm_exmute <#userid|name> <minutes|0>
exBan Player by SteamID 64 (Adm Required: ADMFLAG_BAN)
sm_exbanid <minutes|0> <STEAM_ID64> sm_exbansteam <minutes|0> <STEAM_ID64> sm_exbansteamid <minutes|0> <STEAM_ID64>
Data Config
- The database of players with gag & mute & ban
- 🟥 DO NOT Modify this file unless you know what you are doing
- Search Steam64 ID, Unix Timestamp
- data/gagmutebanex.txt
"gagmuteban" { "xxxxxxxxxxxx" // <--- Player's Steam64 ID { "Name" "死亡筆記本-真話心臟病" // <--- Player's Name "gag" "1704357320" // <--- gag unix time "mute" "1730709422" // <--- mute unix time "ban" "1710666666" // <--- ban unix time } }
Related Official ConVar
- Admin can change in game
// 0 = All Players are unable to use mic in server // 1 = All Players are able to use mic in server sm_cvar sv_voiceenable 1
- Admin can change in game
What is the differece between sourcemod original sm_ban, sm_gag, sm_mute ?
- The original sm_ban only works when ban time is permanent, player will be automatically unbanned when server restart
- The original sm_gag, sm_mute does not work if player rejoins server again or map change
How do I unban, ungag, unmute player ?
- unban -
sm_unban <steamid>
- ungag -
sm_ungag <target>
- unmute -
sm_unmute <target>
- If the above cvars didn't work, modify file data/gagmutebanex.txt => Search Player's Steam64 ID => delete => save file => restart server
- unban -
Translation Support | 支援翻譯
English 繁體中文 简体中文 Russian
Changelog | 版本日誌
v1.2h (2024-10-23)
- Support L4D1 or any other source game
v1.1h (2024-2-28)
- Compatible with SourceBan++
- Update cvars
v1.0h (2023-11-05)
- Add translation file
- Remake code
- Improve code
- Remake Code
- Add notification
- 管理員輸入 !admin -> 將會看到 "封鎖/禁音/禁言-強化版"
- 管理員可以輸入命令
禁言玩家 (不能打字發言)sm_exmute
禁音玩家 (不能用麥克風發出聲音)
- 封鎖/禁音/禁言 的玩家資料將儲存於: data/gagmutebanex.txt
- 封鎖時間到之前,下次玩家進入伺服器依然被封鎖
- 禁言/禁音時間到之前,下次玩家進入伺服器依然被禁言/禁音
- 所有封鎖/禁音/禁言紀錄將保存在
- 可以與SourceBan++並用
指令中文介紹 (點我展開)
// 0=關閉強化封鎖, 1=開啟強化封鎖 GagMuteBanEx_ban_allow "1" // 0=關閉強化禁音, 1=開啟強化禁音 GagMuteBanEx_mute_allow "1" // 0=關閉強化禁言, 1=開啟強化禁言 GagMuteBanEx_gag_allow "1" // 擁有這些權限的玩家,才可以在 _chatenable 為0時輸入文字聊天 (留白 = 任何人都能, -1: 無人) GagMuteBanEx_chat_immue_flag "z"
以下插件指令不會寫在 cfg/sourcemod/GagMuteBanEx.cfg
// 0 = 所有人無法輸入文字聊天 // 1 = 所有人可以輸入文字聊天 sv_chatenable "1"
命令中文介紹 (點我展開)
打開強化封鎖選單或直接封鎖玩家 (權限: ADMFLAG_BAN)
sm_exban sm_exban <#userid|name> <minutes|0>
打開強化禁言選單或直接禁言玩家 (權限: ADMFLAG_CHAT)
sm_exgag sm_exgag <#userid|name> <minutes|0>
打開強化禁音選單或直接禁音玩家 (權限: ADMFLAG_CHAT)
sm_exmute sm_exmute <#userid|name> <minutes|0>
輸入 STEAM_ID64 強化封鎖 (權限: ADMFLAG_BAN)
sm_exbanid <minutes|0> <STEAM_ID64> sm_exbansteam <minutes|0> <STEAM_ID64> sm_exbansteamid <minutes|0> <STEAM_ID64>
Data 文件
- 封鎖/禁音/禁言 的玩家資料
- 🟥 不要修改此文件除非你知道這是在幹嗎
- 找出玩家的Steam64 ID, Unix Timestamp轉換為時間
- data/gagmutebanex.txt
"gagmuteban" { "xxxxxxxxxxxx" // <--- 玩家的 Steam64 ID { "Name" "死亡筆記本-真話心臟病" // <--- 玩家的 名子 "gag" "1704357320" // <--- 解除禁言的時間,數字為Unix Timestamp "mute" "1730709422" // <--- 解除禁音的時間,數字為Unix Timestamp "ban" "1710666666" // <--- 解除封鎖的時間,數字為Unix Timestamp } }
相關的官方指令中文介紹 (點我展開)
- 管理員可以遊戲中途更換
// 0 = 所有玩家不能使用麥克風說話 // 1 = 所有玩家可以使用麥克風說話 sm_cvar sv_voiceenable 1
- 管理員可以遊戲中途更換
FAQ 問題區 (點我展開)
與Sourcemod自帶的 sm_ban, sm_gag, sm_mute 有何差別 ?
- (sm_ban) 只要不是永久封鎖, 任何封鎖的名單在下次重啟伺服器之後都會失效
- (sm_gag/sm_mute) 禁音/禁言名單, 在切換關卡之後會失效
- 被禁音/禁言的人, 只要離開再重新加入伺服器, 禁音/禁言會失效
我要如何解除封鎖、解除禁言、解除禁音玩家 ?
- 解除封鎖 -
sm_unban <steamid>
- 解除禁言 -
sm_ungag <target>
- 解除禁音 -
sm_unmute <target>
- 如果以上方法無效,請自行修改檔案 data/gagmutebanex.txt => 尋找玩家的Steam ID64 => 刪除 => 儲存 => 重啟
- 解除封鎖 -