Make server restart (Force crash) when the last player disconnects from the server
Apply to | 適用於
Any Source Game
Require | 必要安裝
None -
How does it work?
- When the last player disconnects from the server, this plugin will force server crash itself.
- This plugin does not restart your server, you need to use server tools or linux system, which make server auto-restart if crash. For example
- WINDOWS with seDirector
- Keep your server clean and fresh, get rid of laggy and huge memory usage
- Unload Accelerator extension automatically before crash. Avoid crash report spam.
Related Plugin | 相關插件
- asherkin/Accelerator: Analyses crash reports to extract useful information and uploads the crash reports
- asherkin/Accelerator: Analyses crash reports to extract useful information and uploads the crash reports
Changelog | 版本日誌
v3.3 (2024-12-7)
v3.2 (2024-11-30)
v3.1 (2024-10-26)
- Optimize Code
v3.0 (2024-3-19)
- Add log
v2.9 (2024-2-27)
v2.8 (2024-1-21)
- Optimize Code
v2.4 (2023-3-29)
- Auto detect Accelerator extension and unload extension before shutdown
- Remove Cvar
- Initial Release
- 當最後一位玩家離開伺服器之後過一段時間,如果還是沒有人那麼插件會強制關閉伺服器
- 這插件不會重啟你的伺服器,而是強制結束伺服器而已
- 此插件用來配合一些軟體或腳本開服,伺服器被關閉時會自己自動重啟
- 適合7天24小時全天候開服的伺服器,持續讓你的伺服器重啟保持新的狀態,避免開服過久導致卡頓與lag
- Linux系統
- Windows系統的seDirector開服工具
- 這插件會自動偵測伺服器有無安裝 asherkin/Accelerator,會在強制關閉之前卸載Accelerator,避免重複產生崩潰日誌
- 如果沒安裝則忽略
- 這插件會自動偵測伺服器有無安裝 asherkin/Accelerator,會在強制關閉之前卸載Accelerator,避免重複產生崩潰日誌