Admin say !restartmap to restart current map
This plugin is private, Please contact me
此為私人插件, 請聯繫本人
Image | 圖示
Apply to | 適用於
Counter-Strike: Source
How does it work?
- Admins say
-> restart current map
- Admins say
Require | 必要安裝
None -
ConVar | 指令
- cfg/sourcemod/smd_restartmap_command.cfg
// 0=Plugin off, 1=Plugin on. smd_restartmap_command_enable "1" // Changes how message displays. (0: Disable, 1:In chat, 2: In Hint Box, 3: In center text) smd_restartmap_command_announce_type "1" // Delay to restart map. smd_restartmap_command_delay "5" // Players with these flags have access to use command to restart map. (Empty = Everyone, -1: Nobody) smd_restartmap_command_access_flag "z" // Count down sound file (relative to to sound/, empty=disable) smd_restartmap_command_soundfile "buttons/blip1.wav"
- cfg/sourcemod/smd_restartmap_command.cfg
Command | 命令
- sm_restartmap - changelevels to the current map
sm_restartmap sm_rs
- sm_restartmap - changelevels to the current map
Apply to | 適用於
Changelog | 版本日誌
- v1.0 (2023-3-3)
- Initial Release
- v1.0 (2023-3-3)
- 管理員輸入
,可重刷新當前的地圖 - 並非重新遊戲開始,也不是重來回合,而是伺服器重新載入當前的地圖
- 管理員輸入
- 通常地圖發生嚴重bug或者要求伺服器重刷新地圖時
- 給管理員測試用
指令中文介紹 (點我展開)
- cfg/sourcemod/smd_restartmap_command.cfg
// 0=關閉插件, 1=啟動插件. smd_restartmap_command_enable "1" // 該如何提示重新地圖的倒數計時 (0: 不提示, 1: 聊天框, 2: 黑底白字框, 3: 螢幕正中間) smd_restartmap_command_announce_type "1" // 重新地圖的倒數計時 smd_restartmap_command_delay "5" // 擁有這些權限的管理員才能夠輸入!restartmap 重新地圖. (空=任何人都可以輸入, -1=無人有權限輸入) smd_restartmap_command_access_flag "z" // 倒數計時的音效檔案,請填入相對路徑 (路徑相對於 sound 資料夾, 空=關閉音效) smd_restartmap_command_soundfile "buttons/blip1.wav"
- cfg/sourcemod/smd_restartmap_command.cfg