diff --git a/.test/solis_cloud_test.py b/.test/solis_cloud_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2146a40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.test/solis_cloud_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+# %%
+import hashlib
+import hmac
+import base64
+import json
+import re
+import requests
+from http import HTTPStatus
+from datetime import datetime, timezone
+import pandas as pd
+# def getInverterList(config):
+# body = getBody(stationId=config['plantId'])
+# print(body)
+# body = '{"stationId":"'+config['plantId']+'"}'
+# print(body)
+# header = prepare_header(config, body, INVERTER_URL)
+# response = requests.post("https://www.soliscloud.com:13333"+INVERTER_URL, data = body, headers = header)
+# inverterList = response.json()
+# inverterId = ""
+# for record in inverterList['data']['page']['records']:
+# inverterId = record.get('id')
+# return inverterList['data']['page']['records'][0]
+ "bits": [
+ "SelfUse",
+ "Timed",
+ "OffGrid",
+ "BatteryWake",
+ "Backup",
+ "GridCharge",
+ "FeedInPriority",
+ ],
+ },
+class SolisCloud:
+ URLS = {
+ "root": "https://www.soliscloud.com:13333",
+ "login": "/v2/api/login",
+ "control": "/v2/api/control",
+ "inverterList": "/v1/api/inverterList",
+ "inverterDetail": "/v1/api/inverterDetail",
+ "atRead": "/v2/api/atRead",
+ }
+ def __init__(self, username, password, key_id, key_secret, plant_id):
+ self.username = username
+ self.key_id = key_id
+ self.key_secret = key_secret
+ self.plant_id = plant_id
+ self.md5passowrd = hashlib.md5(password.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
+ self.token = ""
+ def get_body(self, **params):
+ body = "{"
+ for key in params:
+ body += f'"{key}":"{params[key]}",'
+ body = body[:-1] + "}"
+ return body
+ def digest(self, body: str) -> str:
+ return base64.b64encode(hashlib.md5(body.encode("utf-8")).digest()).decode("utf-8")
+ def header(self, body: str, canonicalized_resource: str) -> dict[str, str]:
+ content_md5 = self.digest(body)
+ content_type = "application/json"
+ now = datetime.now(timezone.utc)
+ date = now.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT")
+ encrypt_str = "POST" + "\n" + content_md5 + "\n" + content_type + "\n" + date + "\n" + canonicalized_resource
+ hmac_obj = hmac.new(self.key_secret.encode("utf-8"), msg=encrypt_str.encode("utf-8"), digestmod=hashlib.sha1)
+ sign = base64.b64encode(hmac_obj.digest())
+ authorization = "API " + self.key_id + ":" + sign.decode("utf-8")
+ header = {
+ "Content-MD5": content_md5,
+ "Content-Type": content_type,
+ "Date": date,
+ "Authorization": authorization,
+ }
+ return header
+ @property
+ def inverter_id(self):
+ body = self.get_body(stationId=self.plant_id)
+ header = self.header(body, self.URLS["inverterList"])
+ response = requests.post(self.URLS["root"] + self.URLS["inverterList"], data=body, headers=header)
+ if response.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK:
+ return response.json()["data"]["page"]["records"][0].get("id", "")
+ @property
+ def inverter_sn(self):
+ body = self.get_body(stationId=self.plant_id)
+ header = self.header(body, self.URLS["inverterList"])
+ response = requests.post(self.URLS["root"] + self.URLS["inverterList"], data=body, headers=header)
+ if response.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK:
+ return response.json()["data"]["page"]["records"][0].get("sn", "")
+ @property
+ def inverter_details(self):
+ body = self.get_body(id=self.inverter_id, sn=self.inverter_sn)
+ header = self.header(body, self.URLS["inverterDetail"])
+ response = requests.post(self.URLS["root"] + self.URLS["inverterDetail"], data=body, headers=header)
+ if response.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK:
+ return response.json()["data"]
+ @property
+ def is_online(self):
+ return self.inverter_details["state"] == 1
+ @property
+ def last_seen(self):
+ return pd.to_datetime(int(self.inverter_details["dataTimestamp"]), unit="ms")
+ def set_code(self, cid, value):
+ if self.token == "":
+ self.login()
+ if self.token != "":
+ body = self.get_body(inverterSn=self.inverter_sn, cid=cid, value=value)
+ headers = self.header(body, self.URLS["control"])
+ headers["token"] = self.token
+ response = requests.post(self.URLS["root"] + self.URLS["control"], data=body, headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK:
+ return response.json()
+ def read_code(self, cid):
+ if self.token == "":
+ self.login()
+ if self.token != "":
+ body = self.get_body(inverterSn=self.inverter_sn, cid=cid)
+ headers = self.header(body, self.URLS["atRead"])
+ headers["token"] = self.token
+ response = requests.post(self.URLS["root"] + self.URLS["atRead"], data=body, headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK:
+ return response.json()["data"]["msg"]
+ def login(self):
+ body = self.get_body(username=self.username, password=self.md5passowrd)
+ header = self.header(body, self.URLS["login"])
+ response = requests.post(self.URLS["root"] + self.URLS["login"], data=body, headers=header)
+ status = response.status_code
+ if status == HTTPStatus.OK:
+ result = response.json()
+ self.token = result["csrfToken"]
+ print("Logged in to SolisCloud OK")
+ else:
+ print(status)
+ def mode_switch(self):
+ bits = INVERTER_DEFS["SOLIS_CLOUD"]["bits"]
+ code = int(self.read_code("636"))
+ switches = {bit: (code & 2**i == 2**i) for i, bit in enumerate(bits)}
+ return {"code": code, "switches": switches}
+ def timed_status(self, tz="GB"):
+ data = self.read_code("103").split(",")
+ return {
+ "charge": {
+ "current": float(data[0]),
+ "start": pd.Timestamp(data[2].split("-")[0], tz=tz),
+ "end": pd.Timestamp(data[2].split("-")[1], tz=tz),
+ },
+ "discharge": {
+ "current": float(data[1]),
+ "start": pd.Timestamp(data[3].split("-")[0], tz=tz),
+ "end": pd.Timestamp(data[3].split("-")[1], tz=tz),
+ },
+ }
+ def read_backup_mode_soc(self):
+ return int(self.read_code("157"))
+ def set_mode_switch(self, code):
+ return self.set_code("636", code)
+ def get_time_string(self, time_status):
+ time_string = ",".join(
+ [
+ str(int(time_status["charge"]["current"])),
+ str(int(time_status["discharge"]["current"])),
+ f'{time_status["charge"]["start"].strftime("%H:%M")}-{time_status["charge"]["end"].strftime("%H:%M")}',
+ f'{time_status["discharge"]["start"].strftime("%H:%M")}-{time_status["discharge"]["end"].strftime("%H:%M")}',
+ ]
+ )
+ return f"{time_string},0,0,00:00-00:00,00:00-00:00,0,0,00:00-00:00,00:00-00:00"
+ def set_timer(self, direction, start, end, power):
+ voltage = 50
+ current_times = self.timed_status()
+ new_times = current_times.copy()
+ new_times[direction]["start"] = start
+ new_times[direction]["end"] = end
+ new_times[direction]["current"] = power / voltage
+ current_time_string = self.read_code(103)
+ new_time_string = self.get_time_string(new_times)
+ if new_time_string != current_time_string:
+ return self.set_code("103", new_time_string)
+ else:
+ return {"code": -1}
+# %%
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ config = {
+ "key_secret": "735f96b6131b4691af944de80d2f1a1f",
+ "key_id": "1300386381676670076",
+ "plant_id": "1298491919448891215",
+ "username": "boundywindsor@gmail.com",
+ "password": "7y@-Ekdh&@F9",
+ }
+ sc = SolisCloud(**config)
+ sc.login()
+ print(sc.mode_switch())
+ print(sc.timed_status())
+# %%
+sc.set_timer("charge", pd.Timestamp("00:50"), pd.Timestamp("01:00"), 3000)
+# %%
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 7466d85..ebe1409 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# PV Opt: Home Assistant Solar/Battery Optimiser v3.17.2
+# PV Opt: Home Assistant Solar/Battery Optimiser v3.18.0
This documentation needs updating!
@@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ The application will integrate fully with Solis inverters which are controlled u
- [Home Assistant Solax Modbus Integration](https://github.com/wills106/homeassistant-solax-modbus)
- [Home Assistant Core Modbus Integration](https://github.com/fboundy/ha_solis_modbus)
- [Home Assistant Solarman Integration](https://github.com/StephanJoubert/home_assistant_solarman)
-- [Home Assistant Solis Sensor Integration](https://github.com/hultenvp/solis-sensor) (read-only mode)
-- [Home Assistant Solis Control Integration](https://github.com/stevegal/solis_control) (allows inverter control via solis_cloud and HA automations)
+- [Home Assistant Solis Sensor Integration](https://github.com/hultenvp/solis-sensor)
Once installed it should require miminal configuration. Other inverters/integrations can be added if required or can be controlled indirectly using automations.
@@ -324,126 +323,6 @@ Restarts between Home Assistant and Add-Ons are not synchronised so it is helpfu
addon: a0d7b954_appdaemon
mode: single
-14. For Solis-Control: Add Automation to Control Inverter
-If you're using the solis-sensor and solis_control integrations through Solis Cloud, you'll need to add the following automation which will send the messages to Solis Cloud in order to control your inverter. N.B: It's important that you've set up the solis_control integration correctly and requested API access via Solis Cloud Technical Support.
-alias: "Solis: Use PV_Opt"
-description: "Use the output of pv_opt to control your Solis inverter via Solis Cloud."
- - platform: state
- entity_id:
- - sensor.pvopt_status
- to: Idle (Read Only)
- for:
- hours: 0
- minutes: 0
- seconds: 5
- enabled: false
- - platform: time_pattern
- hours: /1
- minutes: "00"
- seconds: "05"
- - platform: time_pattern
- hours: /1
- minutes: "30"
- seconds: "05"
- - platform: state
- entity_id:
- - sensor.pvopt_charge_start
-condition: []
- - if:
- - condition: template
- value_template: >-
- {{ states('sensor.pvopt_charge_start') | as_datetime | as_local <=
- today_at("23:59") }}
- then:
- - data:
- days:
- - chargeCurrent: >-
- {% set direction = float(states('sensor.pvopt_charge_current'),
- 0.0) %} {% set chargeAmps = min((max(direction, 0.0) |
- round(method='floor')), 50)%} {{ chargeAmps }}
- dischargeCurrent: >-
- {% set direction = float(states('sensor.pvopt_charge_current'),
- 0.0) %} {% set dischargeAmps = min((min(direction, 0.0) | abs |
- round(method='floor')), 50) %} {{ dischargeAmps }}
- chargeStartTime: >-
- {% set direction = float(states('sensor.pvopt_charge_current'),
- 0.0) %} {% set startChargeTime = '00:00' %} {% if direction >=
- 0.0 -%}
- {% set startChargeTime = (as_local(as_datetime(states('sensor.pvopt_charge_start')))|string)[11:16] %}
- {%- endif %} {{ startChargeTime }}
- chargeEndTime: >-
- {% set direction = float(states('sensor.pvopt_charge_current'),
- 0.0) %} {% set endChargeTime = '00:00' %} {% if direction >= 0.0
- -%}
- {% set endChargeTime = (as_local(as_datetime(states('sensor.pvopt_charge_end')))|string)[11:16] %}
- {%- endif %} {{ endChargeTime }}
- dischargeStartTime: >-
- {% set direction = float(states('sensor.pvopt_charge_current'),
- 0.0) %} {% set startDischargeTime = '00:00' %} {% if direction <
- 0.0 -%}
- {% set startDischargeTime = (as_local(as_datetime(states('sensor.pvopt_charge_start')))|string)[11:16] %}
- {%- endif %} {{ startDischargeTime }}
- dischargeEndTime: >-
- {% set direction = float(states('sensor.pvopt_charge_current'),
- 0.0) %} {% set endDischargeTime = '00:00' %} {% if direction <
- 0.0 -%}
- {% set endDischargeTime = (as_local(as_datetime(states('sensor.pvopt_charge_end')))|string)[11:16] %}
- {%- endif %} {{ endDischargeTime }}
- - chargeCurrent: "0"
- dischargeCurrent: "0"
- chargeStartTime: "00:00"
- chargeEndTime: "00:00"
- dischargeStartTime: "00:00"
- dischargeEndTime: "00:00"
- - chargeCurrent: "0"
- dischargeCurrent: "0"
- chargeStartTime: "00:00"
- chargeEndTime: "00:00"
- dischargeStartTime: "00:00"
- dischargeEndTime: "00:00"
- config:
- secret: <>
- key_id: "<>"
- username: <>
- password: <>
- plantId: "<>"
- action: pyscript.solis_control
- else:
- - data:
- days:
- - chargeCurrent: "0"
- dischargeCurrent: "0"
- chargeStartTime: "00:00"
- chargeEndTime: "00:00"
- dischargeStartTime: "00:00"
- dischargeEndTime: "00:00"
- - chargeCurrent: "0"
- dischargeCurrent: "0"
- chargeStartTime: "00:00"
- chargeEndTime: "00:00"
- dischargeStartTime: "00:00"
- dischargeEndTime: "00:00"
- - chargeCurrent: "0"
- dischargeCurrent: "0"
- chargeStartTime: "00:00"
- chargeEndTime: "00:00"
- dischargeStartTime: "00:00"
- dischargeEndTime: "00:00"
- config:
- secret: <>
- key_id: "<>"
- username: <>
- password: <>
- plantId: "<>"
- action: pyscript.solis_control
-mode: single
diff --git a/apps/pv_opt/config/config.yaml b/apps/pv_opt/config/config.yaml
index 23d6b51..e7276c6 100644
--- a/apps/pv_opt/config/config.yaml
+++ b/apps/pv_opt/config/config.yaml
@@ -318,39 +318,26 @@ pv_opt:
inverter_type: SOLIS_CLOUD
device_name: soliscloud
+ soliscloud_username: !secret soliscloud_username
+ soliscloud_password: !secret soliscloud_password
+ soliscloud_key_id: !secret soliscloud_key_id
+ soliscloud_key_secret: !secret soliscloud_key_secret
+ soliscloud_plant_id: !secret soliscloud_plant_id
battery_voltage: sensor.{device_name}_battery_voltage
- # update_cycle_seconds: 15
+ update_cycle_seconds: 0
maximum_dod_percent: sensor.{device_name}_force_discharge_soc
id_consumption_today: sensor.{device_name}_daily_grid_energy_used
# id_consumption:
# - sensor.{device_name}_total_consumption_power
- # - sensor.{device_name}_backup_load_power
id_grid_import_today: sensor.{device_name}_daily_grid_energy_purchased
id_grid_export_today: sensor.{device_name}_daily_on_grid_energy
id_battery_soc: sensor.{device_name}_remaining_battery_capacity
- # id_grid_import_today: sensor.{device_name}_grid_import_today
- # id_grid_export_today: sensor.{device_name}_grid_export_today
- # id_battery_soc: sensor.{device_name}_battery_soc
- # id_timed_charge_start_hours: number.{device_name}_timed_charge_start_hours
- # id_timed_charge_start_minutes: number.{device_name}_timed_charge_start_minutes
- # id_timed_charge_end_hours: number.{device_name}_timed_charge_end_hours
- # id_timed_charge_end_minutes: number.{device_name}_timed_charge_end_minutes
- # id_timed_charge_current: number.{device_name}_timed_charge_current
- # id_timed_discharge_start_hours: number.{device_name}_timed_discharge_start_hours
- # id_timed_discharge_start_minutes: number.{device_name}_timed_discharge_start_minutes
- # id_timed_discharge_end_hours: number.{device_name}_timed_discharge_end_hours
- # id_timed_discharge_end_minutes: number.{device_name}_timed_discharge_end_minutes
- # id_timed_discharge_current: number.{device_name}_timed_discharge_current
- # id_timed_charge_discharge_button: button.{device_name}_update_charge_discharge_times
- # id_inverter_mode: select.{device_name}_energy_storage_control_switch
# Tariff comparison
# id_daily_solar: sensor.{device_name}_power_generation_today
diff --git a/apps/pv_opt/pv_opt.py b/apps/pv_opt/pv_opt.py
index 160b1f2..640201e 100644
--- a/apps/pv_opt/pv_opt.py
+++ b/apps/pv_opt/pv_opt.py
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
from numpy import nan
import re
-VERSION = "3.17.2"
+VERSION = "3.18.0"
OCTOPUS_PRODUCT_URL = r"https://api.octopus.energy/v1/products/"
@@ -459,6 +459,8 @@ class PVOpt(hass.Hass):
def initialize(self):
self.config = {}
+ self.change_items = {}
+ self.config_state = {}
self.log(f"******************* PV Opt v{VERSION} *******************")
@@ -509,8 +511,6 @@ def initialize(self):
if self.debug or self.args.get("list_entities", True):
- self.change_items = {}
- self.config_state = {}
self.timer_handle = None
self.handles = {}
self.mqtt_handles = {}
diff --git a/apps/pv_opt/solis.py b/apps/pv_opt/solis.py
index db7fd51..cbba11f 100644
--- a/apps/pv_opt/solis.py
+++ b/apps/pv_opt/solis.py
@@ -1,5 +1,22 @@
import pandas as pd
import time
+import hashlib
+import hmac
+import base64
+import json
+import re
+import requests
+from http import HTTPStatus
+from datetime import datetime, timezone
+URLS = {
+ "root": "https://www.soliscloud.com:13333",
+ "login": "/v2/api/login",
+ "control": "/v2/api/control",
+ "inverterList": "/v1/api/inverterList",
+ "atRead": "/v2/api/atRead",
@@ -205,16 +222,24 @@
- "online": "sensor.{device_name}_temperature",
+ "bits": [
+ "SelfUse",
+ "Timed",
+ "OffGrid",
+ "BatteryWake",
+ "Backup",
+ "GridCharge",
+ "FeedInPriority",
+ ],
"default_config": {
"maximum_dod_percent": "sensor.{device_name}_force_discharge_soc",
"id_consumption_today": "sensor.{device_name}_daily_grid_energy_used",
"id_grid_import_today": "sensor.{device_name}_daily_grid_energy_purchased",
"id_grid_export_today": "sensor.{device_name}_daily_on_grid_energy",
"id_battery_soc": "sensor.{device_name}_remaining_battery_capacity",
- "supports_hold_soc": False,
+ "supports_hold_soc": True,
"supports_forced_discharge": True,
- "update_cycle_seconds": 300,
+ "update_cycle_seconds": 0,
"brand_config": {
"battery_voltage": "sensor.{device_name}_battery_voltage",
@@ -223,6 +248,177 @@
+class SolisCloud:
+ URLS = {
+ "root": "https://www.soliscloud.com:13333",
+ "login": "/v2/api/login",
+ "control": "/v2/api/control",
+ "inverterList": "/v1/api/inverterList",
+ "inverterDetail": "/v1/api/inverterDetail",
+ "atRead": "/v2/api/atRead",
+ }
+ def __init__(self, username, password, key_id, key_secret, plant_id, **kwargs):
+ self.username = username
+ self.key_id = key_id
+ self.key_secret = key_secret
+ self.plant_id = plant_id
+ self.md5password = hashlib.md5(password.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
+ self.token = ""
+ self.log = kwargs.get("log", print)
+ def get_body(self, **params):
+ body = "{"
+ for key in params:
+ body += f'"{key}":"{params[key]}",'
+ body = body[:-1] + "}"
+ return body
+ def digest(self, body: str) -> str:
+ return base64.b64encode(hashlib.md5(body.encode("utf-8")).digest()).decode("utf-8")
+ def header(self, body: str, canonicalized_resource: str) -> dict[str, str]:
+ content_md5 = self.digest(body)
+ content_type = "application/json"
+ now = datetime.now(timezone.utc)
+ date = now.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT")
+ encrypt_str = "POST" + "\n" + content_md5 + "\n" + content_type + "\n" + date + "\n" + canonicalized_resource
+ hmac_obj = hmac.new(self.key_secret.encode("utf-8"), msg=encrypt_str.encode("utf-8"), digestmod=hashlib.sha1)
+ sign = base64.b64encode(hmac_obj.digest())
+ authorization = "API " + str(self.key_id) + ":" + sign.decode("utf-8")
+ header = {
+ "Content-MD5": content_md5,
+ "Content-Type": content_type,
+ "Date": date,
+ "Authorization": authorization,
+ }
+ return header
+ @property
+ def inverter_id(self):
+ body = self.get_body(stationId=self.plant_id)
+ header = self.header(body, self.URLS["inverterList"])
+ response = requests.post(self.URLS["root"] + self.URLS["inverterList"], data=body, headers=header)
+ if response.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK:
+ return response.json()["data"]["page"]["records"][0].get("id", "")
+ @property
+ def inverter_sn(self):
+ body = self.get_body(stationId=self.plant_id)
+ header = self.header(body, self.URLS["inverterList"])
+ response = requests.post(self.URLS["root"] + self.URLS["inverterList"], data=body, headers=header)
+ if response.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK:
+ return response.json()["data"]["page"]["records"][0].get("sn", "")
+ @property
+ def inverter_details(self):
+ body = self.get_body(id=self.inverter_id, sn=self.inverter_sn)
+ header = self.header(body, self.URLS["inverterDetail"])
+ response = requests.post(self.URLS["root"] + self.URLS["inverterDetail"], data=body, headers=header)
+ if response.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK:
+ return response.json()["data"]
+ @property
+ def is_online(self):
+ return self.inverter_details["state"] == 1
+ @property
+ def last_seen(self):
+ return pd.to_datetime(int(self.inverter_details["dataTimestamp"]), unit="ms")
+ def read_code(self, cid):
+ if self.token == "":
+ self.login()
+ body = self.get_body(inverterSn=self.inverter_sn, cid=cid)
+ headers = self.header(body, self.URLS["atRead"])
+ headers["token"] = self.token
+ response = requests.post(self.URLS["root"] + self.URLS["atRead"], data=body, headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK:
+ return response.json()["data"]["msg"]
+ def set_code(self, cid, value):
+ if self.token == "":
+ self.login()
+ if self.token != "":
+ body = self.get_body(inverterSn=self.inverter_sn, cid=cid, value=value)
+ headers = self.header(body, self.URLS["control"])
+ headers["token"] = self.token
+ response = requests.post(self.URLS["root"] + self.URLS["control"], data=body, headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK:
+ return response.json()
+ def login(self):
+ body = self.get_body(username=self.username, password=self.md5password)
+ header = self.header(body, self.URLS["login"])
+ response = requests.post(self.URLS["root"] + self.URLS["login"], data=body, headers=header)
+ status = response.status_code
+ if status == HTTPStatus.OK:
+ result = response.json()
+ self.token = result["csrfToken"]
+ print("Logged in to SolisCloud OK")
+ else:
+ print(status)
+ def read_mode_switch(self):
+ bits = INVERTER_DEFS["SOLIS_CLOUD"]["bits"]
+ code = int(self.read_code("636"))
+ switches = {bit: (code & 2**i == 2**i) for i, bit in enumerate(bits)}
+ return {"code": code, "switches": switches}
+ def timed_status(self, tz="GB"):
+ data = self.read_code("103").split(",")
+ return {
+ "charge": {
+ "current": float(data[0]),
+ "start": pd.Timestamp(data[2].split("-")[0], tz=tz),
+ "end": pd.Timestamp(data[2].split("-")[1], tz=tz),
+ },
+ "discharge": {
+ "current": float(data[1]),
+ "start": pd.Timestamp(data[3].split("-")[0], tz=tz),
+ "end": pd.Timestamp(data[3].split("-")[1], tz=tz),
+ },
+ }
+ def read_backup_mode_soc(self):
+ return int(self.read_code("157"))
+ def set_mode_switch(self, code):
+ return self.set_code("636", code)
+ def get_time_string(self, time_status):
+ time_string = ",".join(
+ [
+ str(int(time_status["charge"]["current"])),
+ str(int(time_status["discharge"]["current"])),
+ f'{time_status["charge"]["start"].strftime("%H:%M")}-{time_status["charge"]["end"].strftime("%H:%M")}',
+ f'{time_status["discharge"]["start"].strftime("%H:%M")}-{time_status["discharge"]["end"].strftime("%H:%M")}',
+ ]
+ )
+ return f"{time_string},0,0,00:00-00:00,00:00-00:00,0,0,00:00-00:00,00:00-00:00"
+ def set_timer(self, direction, start, end, current):
+ current_times = self.timed_status()
+ new_times = current_times.copy()
+ if start is not None:
+ new_times[direction]["start"] = start
+ if end is not None:
+ new_times[direction]["end"] = end
+ new_times[direction]["current"] = current
+ current_time_string = self.read_code(103)
+ new_time_string = self.get_time_string(new_times)
+ if new_time_string != current_time_string:
+ return self.set_code("103", new_time_string)
+ else:
+ return {"code": -1}
class InverterController:
def __init__(self, inverter_type, host) -> None:
self.host = host
@@ -243,20 +439,30 @@ def __init__(self, inverter_type, host) -> None:
conf[item] = [z.replace("{device_name}", self.host.device_name) for z in defs[item]]
conf[item] = defs[item]
+ if self.type == "SOLIS_CLOUD":
+ params = {
+ item: host.args.get(f"soliscloud_{item}")
+ for item in ["username", "password", "key_id", "key_secret", "plant_id"]
+ }
+ if all([x is not None for x in params.values()]):
+ self.cloud = SolisCloud(**params, log=self.log)
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Unable to create Solis Cloud controller")
def is_online(self):
- entity_id = INVERTER_DEFS[self.type].get("online", (None, None))
- if entity_id is not None:
- entity_id = entity_id.replace("{device_name}", self.host.device_name)
- return self.host.get_state_retry(entity_id) not in ["unknown", "unavailable"]
+ if self.type == "SOLIS_CLOUD":
+ return self.cloud.is_online
- return True
+ entity_id = INVERTER_DEFS[self.type].get("online", (None, None))
+ if entity_id is not None:
+ entity_id = entity_id.replace("{device_name}", self.host.device_name)
+ return self.host.get_state_retry(entity_id) not in ["unknown", "unavailable"]
+ else:
+ return True
def enable_timed_mode(self):
- if self.type == "SOLIS_SOLAX_MODBUS" or self.type == "SOLIS_CORE_MODBUS" or self.type == "SOLIS_SOLARMAN":
self._solis_set_mode_switch(SelfUse=True, Timed=True, GridCharge=True, Backup=False)
- elif self.type == "SOLIS_CLOUD":
- pass
@@ -271,7 +477,7 @@ def control_discharge(self, enable, **kwargs):
self._control_charge_discharge("discharge", enable, **kwargs)
def hold_soc(self, enable, soc=None, **kwargs):
- if self.type == "SOLIS_SOLAX_MODBUS" or self.type == "SOLIS_CORE_MODBUS" or self.type == "SOLIS_SOLARMAN":
start = kwargs.get("start", pd.Timestamp.now(tz=self.tz).floor("1min"))
end = kwargs.get("end", pd.Timestamp.now(tz=self.tz).ceil("30min"))
@@ -281,8 +487,6 @@ def hold_soc(self, enable, soc=None, **kwargs):
- elif self.type == "SOLIS_CLOUD":
- pass
@@ -325,9 +529,7 @@ def hold_soc_old(self, enable, soc=None):
def status(self):
status = None
- if self.type == "SOLIS_SOLAX_MODBUS" or self.type == "SOLIS_CORE_MODBUS" or self.type == "SOLIS_SOLARMAN":
- status = self._solis_state()
- elif self.type == "SOLIS_CLOUD":
status = self._solis_state()
return status
@@ -335,10 +537,8 @@ def _monitor_target_soc(self, target_soc, mode="charge"):
def _control_charge_discharge(self, direction, enable, **kwargs):
- if self.type == "SOLIS_SOLAX_MODBUS" or self.type == "SOLIS_CORE_MODBUS" or self.type == "SOLIS_SOLARMAN":
self._solis_control_charge_discharge(direction, enable, **kwargs)
- elif self.type == "SOLIS_CLOUD":
- pass
def _solis_control_charge_discharge(self, direction, enable, **kwargs):
status = self._solis_state()
@@ -379,132 +579,146 @@ def _solis_control_charge_discharge(self, direction, enable, **kwargs):
write_flag = True
value_changed = False
- for limit in times:
- if times[limit] is not None:
- for unit in ["hours", "minutes"]:
- entity_id = self.host.config[f"id_timed_{direction}_{limit}_{unit}"]
- if unit == "hours":
- value = times[limit].hour
- else:
- value = times[limit].minute
+ for limit in times:
+ if times[limit] is not None:
+ for unit in ["hours", "minutes"]:
+ entity_id = self.host.config[f"id_timed_{direction}_{limit}_{unit}"]
+ if unit == "hours":
+ value = times[limit].hour
+ else:
+ value = times[limit].minute
- if self.type == "SOLIS_SOLAX_MODBUS":
- changed, written = self.host.write_and_poll_value(
- entity_id=entity_id, value=value, verbose=True
- )
- elif self.type == "SOLIS_CORE_MODBUS" or self.type == "SOLIS_SOLARMAN":
- changed, written = self._solis_write_time_register(direction, limit, unit, value)
+ if self.type == "SOLIS_SOLAX_MODBUS":
+ changed, written = self.host.write_and_poll_value(
+ entity_id=entity_id, value=value, verbose=True
+ )
+ elif self.type == "SOLIS_CORE_MODBUS" or self.type == "SOLIS_SOLARMAN":
+ changed, written = self._solis_write_time_register(direction, limit, unit, value)
+ else:
+ e = "Unknown inverter type"
+ self.log(e, level="ERROR")
+ raise Exception(e)
+ if changed:
+ if written:
+ self.log(f"Wrote {direction} {limit} {unit} of {value} to inverter")
+ value_changed = True
+ else:
+ self.log(
+ f"Failed to write {direction} {limit} {unit} to inverter",
+ level="ERROR",
+ )
+ write_flag = False
+ if value_changed:
+ if self.type == "SOLIS_SOLAX_MODBUS" and write_flag:
+ entity_id = self.host.config["id_timed_charge_discharge_button"]
+ self.host.call_service("button/press", entity_id=entity_id)
+ time.sleep(0.5)
+ try:
+ time_pressed = pd.Timestamp(self.host.get_state_retry(entity_id))
+ dt = (pd.Timestamp.now(self.host.tz) - time_pressed).total_seconds()
+ if dt < 10:
+ self.log(f"Successfully pressed button {entity_id}")
- else:
- e = "Unknown inverter type"
- self.log(e, level="ERROR")
- raise Exception(e)
- if changed:
- if written:
- self.log(f"Wrote {direction} {limit} {unit} of {value} to inverter")
- value_changed = True
- f"Failed to write {direction} {limit} {unit} to inverter",
- level="ERROR",
+ f"Failed to press button {entity_id}. Last pressed at {time_pressed.strftime(TIMEFORMAT)} ({dt:0.2f} seconds ago)"
- write_flag = False
+ except:
+ self.log(f"Failed to press button {entity_id}: it appears to never have been pressed.")
- if value_changed:
- if self.type == "SOLIS_SOLAX_MODBUS" and write_flag:
- entity_id = self.host.config["id_timed_charge_discharge_button"]
- self.host.call_service("button/press", entity_id=entity_id)
- time.sleep(0.5)
- try:
- time_pressed = pd.Timestamp(self.host.get_state_retry(entity_id))
- dt = (pd.Timestamp.now(self.host.tz) - time_pressed).total_seconds()
- if dt < 10:
- self.log(f"Successfully pressed button {entity_id}")
+ else:
+ self.log("Inverter already at correct time settings")
+ if power is not None:
+ entity_id = self.host.config[f"id_timed_{direction}_current"]
+ current = abs(round(power / self.host.get_config("battery_voltage"), 1))
+ current = min(current, self.host.get_config("battery_current_limit_amps"))
+ self.log(f"Power {power:0.0f} = {current:0.1f}A at {self.host.get_config('battery_voltage')}V")
+ if self.type == "SOLIS_SOLAX_MODBUS":
+ changed, written = self.host.write_and_poll_value(entity_id=entity_id, value=current, tolerance=1)
+ elif self.type == "SOLIS_CORE_MODBUS" or self.type == "SOLIS_SOLARMAN":
+ changed, written = self._solis_write_current_register(direction, current, tolerance=1)
+ else:
+ e = "Unknown inverter type"
+ self.log(e, level="ERROR")
+ raise Exception(e)
+ if changed:
+ if written:
+ self.log(f"Current {current}A written to inverter")
- self.log(
- f"Failed to press button {entity_id}. Last pressed at {time_pressed.strftime(TIMEFORMAT)} ({dt:0.2f} seconds ago)"
- )
- except:
- self.log(f"Failed to press button {entity_id}: it appears to never have been pressed.")
- else:
- self.log("Inverter already at correct time settings")
- if power is not None:
- entity_id = self.host.config[f"id_timed_{direction}_current"]
+ self.log(f"Failed to write {current} to inverter")
+ else:
+ self.log("Inverter already at correct current")
- current = abs(round(power / self.host.get_config("battery_voltage"), 1))
+ elif self.type == "SOLIS_CLOUD":
+ current = abs(round(power / self.host.get_config("battery_voltage"), 0))
current = min(current, self.host.get_config("battery_current_limit_amps"))
- self.log(f"Power {power:0.0f} = {current:0.1f}A at {self.host.get_config('battery_voltage')}V")
- if self.type == "SOLIS_SOLAX_MODBUS":
- changed, written = self.host.write_and_poll_value(entity_id=entity_id, value=current, tolerance=1)
- elif self.type == "SOLIS_CORE_MODBUS" or self.type == "SOLIS_SOLARMAN":
- changed, written = self._solis_write_current_register(direction, current, tolerance=1)
- else:
- e = "Unknown inverter type"
- self.log(e, level="ERROR")
- raise Exception(e)
- if changed:
- if written:
- self.log(f"Current {current} written to inverter")
- else:
- self.log(f"Failed to write {current} to inverter")
- else:
- self.log("Inverter already at correct current")
+ self.log(f"Power {power:0.0f} = {current:0.0f}A at {self.host.get_config('battery_voltage')}V")
+ response = self.cloud.set_timer(direction, times["start"], times["end"], current)
+ if response["code"] == -1:
+ self.log("Inverter already at correct time and current settings")
+ elif response["code"] == 0:
+ self.log(
+ f"Wrote {direction} time of {times['start'].strftime('%H:%M')}-{times['end'].strftime('%H:%M')} to inverter"
+ )
+ self.log(f"Current {current}A written to inverter")
def _solis_set_mode_switch(self, **kwargs):
# Read the mode switch
- if self.type == "SOLIS_SOLAX_MODBUS" or self.type == "SOLIS_SOLARMAN":
- status = self._solis_solax_solarman_mode_switch()
+ if self.type == "SOLIS_SOLAX_MODBUS" or self.type == "SOLIS_SOLARMAN":
+ status = self._solis_solax_solarman_mode_switch()
- elif self.type == "SOLIS_CORE_MODBUS":
- status = self._solis_core_mode_switch()
+ elif self.type == "SOLIS_CORE_MODBUS":
+ status = self._solis_core_mode_switch()
- switches = status["switches"]
- if self.host.debug:
- self.log(f">>> kwargs: {kwargs}")
- self.log(">>> Solis switch status:")
+ elif self.type == "SOLIS_CLOUD":
+ status = self.cloud.read_mode_switch()
- for switch in switches:
- if switch in kwargs:
- if self.host.debug:
- self.log(f">>> {switch}: {kwargs[switch]}")
- switches[switch] = kwargs[switch]
+ switches = status["switches"]
+ if self.host.debug:
+ self.log(f">>> kwargs: {kwargs}")
+ self.log(">>> Solis switch status:")
- elif self.type == "SOLIS_CLOUD":
- pass
+ for switch in switches:
+ if switch in kwargs:
+ if self.host.debug:
+ self.log(f">>> {switch}: {kwargs[switch]}")
+ switches[switch] = kwargs[switch]
# Set the mode switch
- bits = INVERTER_DEFS[self.type]["bits"]
- bin_list = [2**i * switches[bit] for i, bit in enumerate(bits)]
- code = sum(bin_list)
+ bits = INVERTER_DEFS[self.type]["bits"]
+ bin_list = [2**i * switches[bit] for i, bit in enumerate(bits)]
+ code = sum(bin_list)
+ if self.type != "SOLIS_CLOUD":
entity_id = self.host.config["id_inverter_mode"]
- if self.type == "SOLIS_SOLAX_MODBUS":
- entity_modes = self.host.get_state_retry(entity_id, attribute="options")
- modes = {INVERTER_DEFS[self.type]["codes"].get(mode): mode for mode in entity_modes}
- # mode = INVERTER_DEFS[self.type]["modes"].get(code)
- mode = modes.get(code)
- if self.host.debug:
- self.log(f">>> Inverter Code: {code}")
- self.log(f">>> Entity modes: {entity_modes}")
- self.log(f">>> Modes: {modes}")
- self.log(f">>> Inverter Mode: {mode}")
+ if self.type == "SOLIS_SOLAX_MODBUS":
+ entity_modes = self.host.get_state_retry(entity_id, attribute="options")
+ modes = {INVERTER_DEFS[self.type]["codes"].get(mode): mode for mode in entity_modes}
+ # mode = INVERTER_DEFS[self.type]["modes"].get(code)
+ mode = modes.get(code)
+ if self.host.debug:
+ self.log(f">>> Inverter Code: {code}")
+ self.log(f">>> Entity modes: {entity_modes}")
+ self.log(f">>> Modes: {modes}")
+ self.log(f">>> Inverter Mode: {mode}")
- self.host.set_select("inverter_mode", mode)
+ self.host.set_select("inverter_mode", mode)
- elif self.type == "SOLIS_CORE_MODBUS" or self.type == "SOLIS_SOLARMAN":
- address = INVERTER_DEFS[self.type]["registers"]["storage_control_switch"]
- self._solis_write_holding_register(address=address, value=code, entity_id=entity_id)
+ elif self.type == "SOLIS_CORE_MODBUS" or self.type == "SOLIS_SOLARMAN":
+ address = INVERTER_DEFS[self.type]["registers"]["storage_control_switch"]
+ self._solis_write_holding_register(address=address, value=code, entity_id=entity_id)
elif self.type == "SOLIS_CLOUD":
- pass
+ self.cloud.set_mode_switch(code)
def _solis_solax_solarman_mode_switch(self):
inverter_mode = self.host.get_state_retry(entity_id=self.host.config["id_inverter_mode"])
@@ -529,28 +743,35 @@ def _solis_core_mode_switch(self):
def _solis_state(self):
limits = ["start", "end"]
if self.type == "SOLIS_SOLAX_MODBUS" or self.type == "SOLIS_SOLARMAN":
status = self._solis_solax_solarman_mode_switch()
elif self.type == "SOLIS_CORE_MODBUS":
status = self._solis_core_mode_switch()
- else:
- status = {}
+ elif self.type == "SOLIS_CLOUD":
+ status = self.cloud.read_mode_switch()
+ for direction in ["charge", "discharge"]:
+ status[direction] = {}
+ for limit in limits:
+ states = {}
+ for unit in ["hours", "minutes"]:
+ entity_id = self.host.config[f"id_timed_{direction}_{limit}_{unit}"]
+ states[unit] = int(float(self.host.get_state_retry(entity_id=entity_id)))
+ status[direction][limit] = pd.Timestamp(
+ f"{states['hours']:02d}:{states['minutes']:02d}", tz=self.host.tz
+ )
- for direction in ["charge", "discharge"]:
- status[direction] = {}
- for limit in limits:
- states = {}
- for unit in ["hours", "minutes"]:
- entity_id = self.host.config[f"id_timed_{direction}_{limit}_{unit}"]
- states[unit] = int(float(self.host.get_state_retry(entity_id=entity_id)))
- status[direction][limit] = pd.Timestamp(
- f"{states['hours']:02d}:{states['minutes']:02d}", tz=self.host.tz
- )
- time_now = pd.Timestamp.now(tz=self.tz)
status[direction]["current"] = float(
+ elif self.type == "SOLIS_CLOUD":
+ status = status | self.cloud.timed_status(tz=self.host.tz)
+ time_now = pd.Timestamp.now(tz=self.tz)
+ for direction in ["charge", "discharge"]:
status[direction]["active"] = (
time_now >= status[direction]["start"]
and time_now < status[direction]["end"]
@@ -562,6 +783,8 @@ def _solis_state(self):
status["hold_soc"] = {"active": status["switches"]["Backup"]}
if self.type == "SOLIS_SOLAX_MODBUS" or self.type == "SOLIS_CORE_MODBUS":
status["hold_soc"]["soc"] = self.host.get_config("id_backup_mode_soc")
+ elif self.type == "SOLIS_CLOUD":
+ status["hold_soc"]["soc"] = self.cloud.read_backup_mode_soc()
status["hold_soc"]["soc"] = None