Both jobs mentioned below will store MongoDB data archives in an S3 bucket specified by the AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME
parameter. This bucket must exist before running the templates. Once the archive has been pushed to S3, the directory structure generated uses the following convention:
Amazon S3 >> AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME >> backups >> mongodb >> YYYY-MM-DD >> DATABASE_NAME-H:M:S.dump.gz
The mongodb-backup-s3-job-template.yaml file provides an Openshift Job template which iterates over all databases in a specified MongoDB instance, archives these databases and streams them directly to Amazon S3 without having to store the archives locally.
The job template requires a number of parameters to be specified. These can be viewed by using the oc process command
. See below:
$ oc process --parameters -f mongodb-backup-s3-job-template.yaml
AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME Name of an existing Amazon S3 bucket where backups are to be pushed
BACKUP_IMAGE Backup docker image URL
BACKUP_IMAGE_TAG Backup docker image tag latest
MONGODB_HOST MongoDB host to target
MONGODB_PORT MongoDB port number 27017
MONGODB_USER MongoDB user to perform the backup
MONGODB_PASSWORD MongoDB user password
MONGODB_AUTHENTICATION_DATABASE MongoDB database to authenticate against admin
GPG_RECIPIENT GPG recpient name to be used to encrypt the database archive
GPG_PUBLIC_KEY GPG public key content (base64 encoded)
GPG_TRUST_MODEL GPG encryption trust model, defaults to "always" always
The job template can be run directly using the Openshift CLI or made available through the OpenShift Service Catalog.
$ oc new-app mongodb-backup-s3-job-template.yaml -p AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<aws_access_key_id> -p AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<aws_secret_access_key> -p AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME=<bucket_name> -p MONGODB_USER=admin -p MONGODB_PASSWORD=<mongodb_admin_password> -p MONGODB_HOST=<mongodb-host> -p MONGODB_AUTHENTICATION_DATABASE=admin -p [email protected] -p "GPG_PUBLIC_KEY=$(cat keys_public.gpg | base64)"
Retrieve the name of the newly generated backup job pod:
$ oc get pods
View the logs of the backup job pod to ensure that the job has run successfully
$ oc logs <pod-name>
Dumping database mydatabase to S3 bucket my-s3-bucket...
2018-01-22T20:00:09.541+0000 writing mydatabase.audit_log to archive on stdout
2018-01-22T20:00:09.547+0000 done dumping mydatabase.audit_log (6 documents)
$ oc delete job mongodb-backup-s3-job
There is a secret bound to a job when it is initiated. Therefore, when the job to removed, the secret must also be removed to maintain consistency.
oc delete secret mongodb-backup-s3-secret
Specify the project where you want the job to run from:
$ oc project <project_name>
Create the template inside the target project:
$ oc create -f mongodb-backup-s3-job-template.yaml
> template "mongodb-backup-s3-job-template" created
- Login to the Openshift console and navigate to the target project
- Select Add to Project dropdown in the top Nav menu and click Browse Catalog
- In the next screen select the Uncategorized option listed under the Technologies header
- Find the template named mongodb-backup-s3-job-template and click the select button
- Fill out all parameters with relevant values and click the Create button to create the job
- Validate that the job ran successfully by viewing the logs of the newly generated backup job pod
The mongodb-backup-s3-cronjob-template.yaml file provides an Openshift CronJob template which iterates over all databases in a specified MongoDB instance, archives these databases and streams them directly to Amazon S3 on a scheduled basis.
NOTE: Openshift CronJobs remain a technology preview feature and are not suitable for production use.
The cronjob template requires a number of parameters to be specified. These can be viewed by using the oc process command
. See below:
$ oc process --parameters -f mongodb-backup-s3-cronjob-template.yaml
AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME Name of an existing Amazon S3 bucket where backups are to be pushed
CRON_SCHEDULE Job schedule in Cron Format [Default is everyday at 2am] 0 2 * * *
BACKUP_IMAGE Backup docker image URL
BACKUP_IMAGE_TAG Backup docker image tag latest
MONGODB_HOST MongoDB host to target
MONGODB_PORT MongoDB port number 27017
MONGODB_USER MongoDB user to perform the backup
MONGODB_PASSWORD MongoDB user password
MONGODB_AUTHENTICATION_DATABASE MongoDB database to authenticate against admin
GPG_RECIPIENT GPG recpient name to be used to encrypt the database archive
GPG_PUBLIC_KEY GPG public key content (base64 encoded)
GPG_TRUST_MODEL GPG encryption trust model, defaults to "always" always
The cronjob template can be run directly using the Openshift CLI or made available through the OpenShift Service Catalog.
$ oc new-app mongodb-backup-s3-cronjob-template.yaml -p AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<aws_access_key_id> -p AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<aws_secret_access_key> -p AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME=<bucket_name> -p MONGODB_USER=admin -p MONGODB_PASSWORD=<mongodb_admin_password> -p MONGODB_HOST=mongodb-1 -p MONGODB_AUTHENTICATION_DATABASE=admin CRON_SCHEDULE='0 * * * *' -p [email protected] -p "GPG_PUBLIC_KEY=$(cat keys_public.gpg | base64)"
The cronjob will be executed based on the value of the CRON_SCHEDULE
parameter. If this was set to run every hour for example, the backup pod will not be created and run until the top of the hour.
Check that the CronJob has been created:
$ oc get cronjobs
mongodb-backup-s3-cronjob 0 * * * * False 0 <none>
When the job runs (based on the value of the CRON_SCHEDULE
parameter), retrieve the name of the newly generated backup job pod:
$ oc get pods
View the logs of the backup job pod to ensure that the job has run successfully
$ oc logs <pod-name>
Dumping database mydatabase to S3 bucket my-s3-bucket...
2018-01-22T20:00:09.541+0000 writing mydatabase.audit_log to archive on stdout
2018-01-22T20:00:09.547+0000 done dumping mydatabase.audit_log (6 documents)
$ oc delete cronjob mongodb-backup-s3-cronjob
Specify the project where you want the job to run from:
$ oc project <project_name>
Create the template inside the target project:
$ oc create -f mongodb-backup-s3-cronjob-template.yaml
> template "mongodb-backup-s3-cronjob-template" created
- Login to the Openshift console and navigate to the target project
- Select Add to Project dropdown in the top Nav menu and click Browse Catalog
- In the next screen select the Uncategorized option listed under the Technologies header
- Find the template named mongodb-backup-s3-cronjob-template and click the select button
- Fill out all parameters with relevant values and click the Create button to create the job
- Validate that the job ran successfully by viewing the logs of the newly generated backup job pod