Sept/25, 2013
Added a Sinatra web app/template ( [1] that lets you create planet planet sites (that is, sites that get auto-build and auto-updated from web feed subscriptions).
See the Planet Ruby [2] or the Planet vienna.rb [3] for live demos.
Cheers. Happy planet!
[1] [2] [3]
Sept/25, 2013
The pluto planet gem that lets you create planet sites (that is, sites that get auto-build and auto-updated from web feed subscriptions) now includes a web admin app that you can include in your planet. Example:
map '/db' { run PlutoAdmin::Server }
See the Sinatra pluto.admin [1] web app in action, for example on Planet Ruby [2] or Planet vienna.rb [3].
Cheers. Happy planet!
[1] [2] [3]
Oct/19, 2013
The pluto planet generator gem that lets you build web pages from published web feeds now includes more template packs. You can see the blank (standard)[1] or top[2] or river of news[3] or card[4] template packs in action on Planet Vienna.rb.
Note: You can use the new template packs "offline"; install/update the template packs e.g.
$ pluto install blank # includes std and cards $ pluto install top $ pluto install news
And use the --template/-t switch for new planet styles e.g.
$ pluto build ruby.ini --template top or $ pluto b ruby.ini -t top
Find out more at the project site @ Cheers.
[1] [2] [3] [4]
Nov/17, 2013
FYI: The slides from this week's Vienna.rb talk titled "Using Web Feeds to Build Planet Sites in Ruby." [1] Use left/right cursor keys (or space bar) to browse the slides. Or check the all-in-one-page markdown source [2].
Build yourself a Mini-Facebook-like News Feed in 20 Lines of Ruby e.g.
require 'open-uri' require 'feedutils' require 'erb'
FEED_URLS = [ '', '', '', '', '' ]
items = []
FEED_URLS.each do |url| feed = FeedUtils::Parser.parse( open( url ).read ) items += feed.items end
FEED_ITEM_TEMPLATE = <<EOS <% items.each do |item| %>
puts FEED_ITEM_TEMPLATE ).result
Run the script:
$ ruby planet.rb
or just use the ready-to-use Pluto feed reader gem command line tool [3] to make it one line
$ pluto build newsfeed
Cheers. Happy Planet.
[1] [2] [3]
Nov/18, 2013
The pluto planet site generator gem that lets you build web pages from published web feeds now includes more template packs.
You can see the new hacker [1] pack (inspired by Hacker News) or the digest [2] pack (inspired by Alterslash) in action on Planet Vienna.rb.
Cheers. Happy planet.
[1] [2]
Every template pack lives in its own github repo (e.g. pluto.blank,, pluto.hacker, etc.). To customize a template pack get a copy (fork/clone/unzip) and change as needed. Use the -c/--config path to point the pluto command line tool to your template pack root e.g.
$ pluto --config ~/pluto list # e.g. list all template packs
$ pluto --config ~/pluto ruby.ini --template blank # e.g. use customized blank template pack
All the best. Cheers.
Dec/8, 2014
FYI: I moved all template packs to a new GitHub org / site, that is, planet-templates. Why?
The idea is to keep the planet tools (machinery) separate from the design templates. Why? The idea is that the template packs can get used by other planet planet tools - basically the templates are just HTML or XML templates and that you do NOT need to be a Ruby coder to use or contribute or change the templates.
If anythings breaks while moving, please report any errors or issues. Thanks. Happy planet. Cheers.
Dec/13, 2014
uploaded a new pluto version, that is, v1.1.0. What's news?
The pluto gem is now split up into five gems. The lineup includes:
- pluto [1] (former all-in-one gem; now the command line tool - includes sqlit3, activrecord etc. ready-to-use)
- pluto-models [2] - planet schema 'n' models
- pluto-update [3] - planet subscription and feed fetcher 'n' updater
- pluto-merge [4] - planet generator, that is, merge 'n' manage planet templates
- pluto-tasks [5] - planet pluto rake tasks
Why? The idea is to make it easier to use what you need and make it easier to change. As a plus the command line tool, that is, pluto now includes all dependencies on install (sqlite3, activerecord, etc.) and is read-to-use "out-of-the-box".
If anything breaks, let us know. Happy planet. Cheers.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Dec/13, 2014
updated the pluto planet machinery. What's news?
Now you can use npm [1] to install planet template packs. For example to install the planet-top pack type:
$ npm install planet-top
No magic here. The npm package manager will download and copy the package to your working folder in the node_modules/ folder.
That's it. Now the template pack is ready to use with pluto. To check type:
$ pluto ls
Will print something like:
Installed template packs in search path [1] /.txt [2] node_modules//.txt include: top (node_modules/planet-top/top.txt) ...
To use the new template pack add as usual the -t/--template option e.g.
$ pluto build football.ini --template top
Note: I've published most template packs on npm. Search for planet-templates, pluto or similar [2].
[1] [2]
Dec/20, 2014
Added a little script that lets you auto-convert feed lists in the OPML XML format to the Planet Pluto configuration format.
To use the new script clone the repo [1] and run
$ ruby convert_opml.rb <opml_link_here> e.g.
$ ruby convert_opml.rb
The script will download the opml.xml document and check all feeds listed.
<title></title> Sat, 20 Dec 2014 16:01:49 +0000 Shaun McDonald ...becomes
title = author = Shaun McDonald email =
[openstreetmaporgusersdiaries] title = User's Diaries feed = link =
[abigailbrady] title = Abigail Brady feed = link =
and so on.
See the example output for openstreetmap.ini [2] or mozilla.ini [3] in the samples folder.
Cheers. Happy planet.
[1] [2] [3]
Dec/21, 2014
put together a little jekyll-planet gem [1] that lets you generate Jekyll posts for your static site using the Planet Pluto machinery. Now you can add articles, blog posts, etc. syndicated via web feed to your (static) site in three steps:
Step 1: Use a Planet Pluto configuration e.g. planet.ini to build your local planet.db SQLite feed cache.
$ pluto update planet.ini
Step 2: Generate planet posts for Jekyll (from the planet.db cache) using the jekyll-planet Ruby script.
$ ruby -r 'jekyll/planet' -e 'JekyllPlanet.main'
Step 3: Use Jekyll as usual to build your site.
$ jekyll build
That's it. Happy Planet. Cheers.
PS: Interested in all things Jekyll? I've started putting together Planet Jekyll [2] running on Heroku [3]. You're welcome to add any Jekyll-related feeds.
[1] - Ruby Gem [2] - (Planet Jekyll Config e.g. jekyll.ini) [3] - Live Planet Jekyll Site
Dec/26, 2014
setup (another) Planet Ruby [1] - a public news site (feed reader/aggregator) for Ruby.
The planet subscriptions (feed lists) are split into seven sections (sub planets), that is,
- Planet Ruby - Blog Postings, Articles, etc.
- Planet Ruby News - Official Ruby, JRuby, Rubinius, Rubygems, Rails News
- Planet Ruby Events - Meetups, Workshops, Conferences
- Planet Jekyll - The Static Site Generator in Ruby
- Planet Ruby Gems - Version Releases, Discussions
- Planet Ruby Podcasts - Radio Shows
- Planet Ruby Meta - Updates about Planet Ruby and Planet Pluto
The planet feed list is a plain text file on GitHub, that is, ruby.ini [2]. You're welcome to add new feeds or suggest new (sub) planet sites. Planet Ruby itself is powered by the pluto gem. [3] Cheers. Happy Planet.
[1] [2] [3]
Mar/3, 2014
added a new planet to the pluto live demo. Welcome Planet Open Data! News sources include:
- Open Data Institue (ODI) News
- Open Street Map (OSM) News
- Open Knowledge Foundation (OKFN) News
- Wikidata News
- Open Wine & Winery Database (wine.db) n Friends
- Open Sports Database n Friends (sport.db, football.db, etc.)
- DBpedia News
- Stack Exchange Open Data Questions
- And many more
Jan/3, 2015
Added two new planet template/theme packs, that is,
- Forty [1] - inspired by Twitter - the name forty is a reference to the one hundred forty short message limit
- Paper [2] - inspired by white paper ;-)
You can see some examples in the new (static) theme/template gallery. [3][4]
Happy Planet. Happy New Year. Cheers. Prosit 2015.
[1] [2] [3] [4]
Jan/7, 2015
Added a new gallery page [1] that lists all planet template/theme packs with live demos. Template/theme packs include:
- Blank, Cards, Digest, Hacker, Forty, News, Paper, Top
Happy planet. Cheers.
Jan/8, 2015
uploaded two new feed tool gems, that is, feedparser [1] and feedfilter [2].
What's feedparser?
The feedparser gem is (yet) another gem that tries to "normalize" web feeds in RSS 2.0 and Atom flavors offering two "normalized" Ruby classes, that is, Feed and Item (plus the mapping in builders, that is, RssFeedBuilder and AtomFeedBuilder).
What's feedfilter?
The feedfilter gem collects filters for feeds e.g. using strip_ads lets you strip feedflare ads or feedburner bags and so on using (builtin) text patterns (regexes) e.g.
%r{ <div[^>]? class=("|')feedflare\1 [^>]?> .*? </div> }mix
Both gems get used by the planet pluto machinery that runs, for example, Planet Ruby [3].
[1] [2] [3]