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Python - More Data Structures: Set, Dictionary
- Main functions provided by Holberton School to test the files.
0. Squared simple
1. Search and replace
- Function that replaces all occurrences of an element by another in a new list.
2. Unique addition
- Function that adds all unique integers in a list (only once for each integer).
3. Present in both
4. Only differents
5. Number of keys
6. Print sorted dictionary
7. Update dictionary
8. Simple delete by key
9. Multiply by 2
- Function that returns a new dictionary with all values multiplied by 2.
10. Best score
11. Multiply by using map
- Function that returns a list with all values multiplied by a number without using any loops.
12. Roman to integer
13. Weighted average!
- Function that returns the weighted average of all integers tuple (<score>, <weight>)
14. Squared by using map
15. Delete by value
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