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Baseline system for DCASE 2022 task 6, subtask A

This repository contains the baseline system for the DCASE 2022 challenge task 6A on audio captioning.

The main model is composed of a transformer encoder-decoder, that autoregressively models captions conditionally to VGGish embeddings.

For more information, please refer to the corresponding DCASE subtask page.

Table of contents

  1. Repository setup
  2. Clotho dataset
    1. Obtaining the data from Zenodo
    2. Data pre-processing
    3. Pre-processing parameters
  3. Running the baseline system
    1. Running an experiment
    2. Evaluation with pre-trained weights
  4. Details of experiment settings
    1. Adaptation settings
    2. Data settings
    3. Language model settings
    4. Training settings
    5. Workflow settings

Repository setup

The first step in running the baseline system is to clone this repository on your computer:

$ git clone [email protected]:felixgontier/dcase-2022-baseline.git

This operation will create a dcase-2022-baseline directory at the current location, with the contents of this repository. The dcase-2022-baseline will be referred to as the root directory in the rest of this readme.

Next, a recent version of PyTorch is required to run the baseline.

Note: The baseline system is developed with Python 3.7, PyTorch 1.7.1 and CUDA 10.1. Please refer to the PyTorch setup guide for PyTorch/CUDA compatibility information.

Other required packages can be installed using Pip by running the following command in the root directory:

$ python3.7 -m venv env/ # Optionally create a virtual environment
$ pip install -r requirements_pip.txt

Lastly, the caption-evaluation-tools is needed for evaluation.

  1. Download and extract the repository in the baseline root directory.
  2. Download the Stanford models by running:
$ cd coco_caption
$ ./

Note that the caption evaluation tools require that Java is installed and enabled.

Clotho dataset

Obtaining the data from Zenodo

The Clotho v2.1 dataset can be found on Zenodo: DOI

The test set (without captions) is available separately: DOI

After downloading all .7z archives and .csv caption files from both repositories, audio files should be extracted in the data directory.

Specifically, the directory structure should be as follows from the baseline root directory:

 | - clotho_v2/
 |   | - development/
 |   |   | - *.wav
 |   | - validation/
 |   |   | - *.wav
 |   | - evaluation/
 |   |   | - *.wav
 |   | - test/
 |   |   | - *.wav
 |   | - clotho_captions_development.csv
 |   | - clotho_captions_validation.csv
 |   | - clotho_captions_evaluation.csv

Data pre-processing

Pre-processing operations are implemented in The pre-processing utilities are also available as a standalone.

Dataset preparation is done by running the following command:

$ python --cfg dcb_data

The script outputs a <file_name>_<caption_id>.npy file for each ground truth caption of each audio file in the dataset. Each output file contains a Numpy record array with the following fields:

  • file_name: Name of the source audio file.
  • vggish_embeddings: VGGish embeddings extracted for 1s audio frames with 1s interval.
  • caption: The corresponding caption, with all punctuation removed and all lowercase.

Output directories follow the same structure as the inputs:

 | - clotho_v2_vggish/
 |   | - development/
 |   |   | - *.npy
 |   | - validation/
 |   |   | - *.npy
 |   | - evaluation/
 |   |   | - *.npy
 |   | - test/
 |   |   | - *.npy

Pre-processing parameters

Data pre-processing relies on settings in the data_settings/dcb_data.yaml file.

  root_path: 'data'
  input_path: 'clotho_v2'
  output_path: 'clotho_v2_vggish'
    - development
    - validation
    - evaluation
    - test

The settings are the following:

  • root_path (str): Path to the root data directory.
  • input_path (str): Sub-path of root_path with unprocessed data.
  • output_path (str): Sub-path of root_path where pre-processed data should be saved. If it does not exist, the directory will be created.
  • splits (list(str)): Data splits, each corresponding to a sub-directory of input_path and output_path.

Running the baseline system

Running an experiment

Experiments settings are defined in a YAML file located in the exp_settings directory. The dcb.yaml file contains parameters used to produce the reported baseline results. Specific settings are detailed below.

To run an experiment according to a <exp_name>.yaml settings file, use the following command:

$ python --exp <exp_name>

After training, model weights are saved to a outputs/<exp_name>_out/ directory.

Evaluation with pre-trained weights

  1. Download pre-trained weights from DOI
  2. In exp_settings/dcb.yaml, change the lm/eval_model setting to /path/to/dcase_baseline_pre_trained.bin, with the correct path to the downloaded file.
  3. Set the workflow/train and workflow/validate to false, and workflow/evaluate and/or workflow/infer to true.
  4. Run the evaluation and/or inference.
$ python --exp dcb

Details of experiment settings

Experiment settings described in the exp_settings/dcb.yaml file are:

  audio_emb_size: 128
  nb_layers: 1
  root_dir: data
  features_dir: clotho_v2_vggish
  input_field_name: vggish_embeddings
  output_field_name: caption
  max_audio_len: 32
  max_caption_tok_len: 64
  config: # Model parameters
    activation_dropout: 0.1
    activation_function: 'gelu'
    attention_dropout: 0.1
    classifier_dropout: 0.0
    d_model: 768
    decoder_attention_heads: 12
    decoder_ffn_dim: 3072
    decoder_layers: 6
    dropout: 0.1
    encoder_attention_heads: 12
    encoder_ffn_dim: 3072
    encoder_layers: 6
    vocab_size: 50265
  generation: # Generation parameters
    early_stopping: true
    no_repeat_ngram_size: 3
    num_beams: 4
    min_length: 5
    max_length: 100
    length_penalty: 1.0
    decoding: beam
  eval_model: best
  eval_checkpoint: null
    all: false
    attn: false
    dec: false
    dec_attn: false
    dec_mlp: false
    dec_self_attn: false
    enc: false
    enc_attn: false
    enc_mlp: false
    mlp: false
  tokenizer: facebook/bart-base
  pretrained: null
  eval_steps: 1000
  force_cpu: false
  batch_size: 4
  gradient_accumulation_steps: 2
  num_workers: 8
  lr: 1.0e-05
  nb_epochs: 20
  save_steps: 1000
  seed: 0
  train: true
  validate: true
  evaluate: true
  infer: false

Adaptation settings

The adaptation block defines a small adaptation network before the transformer encoder. Its aim is to adjust the dimension of audio features to that of the transformer (lm/config/d_model setting).

  • audio_emb_size (int): Dimension of audio features, i.e. the input dimension of the adaptation network. In the case of VGGish embeddings, this setting is set to 128.
  • nb_layers (int): Number of layers of the network. If set to 0, the dimension of audio features must be equal to that of the transformer. If greater than 1, the network will contain nb_layers dense layers with output dimension lm/config/d_model and ReLU activations. The last layer of the adaptation network has no activation function.

Data settings

The data block contains settings related to the dataset.

  • root_dir (str): Path to the data root directory.
  • features_dir (str): Subdirectory of root_dir where the current dataset is located.
  • input_field_name (str): Name of the input field in Numpy rec-arrays of data examples.
  • output_field_name (str): Name of the output field in Numpy rec-arrays of data examples.
  • max_audio_len and max_caption_tok_len (int): The data loader pads each example audio and tokenized caption to a set duration for batching. Provided values are adapted to the VGGish representation and BART tokenization of the baseline.

Language model settings

The lm block contains settings related to both the encoder and decoder of the main transformer model, which is derived from BART.

The config sub-block details the model, as per the HuggingFace BART configuration. Provided settings replicate the bart-base model configuration.

Note: The vocab_size parameter depends on the pre-trained tokenizer defined by lm/tokenizer.

The generation sub-block provides generation-specific settings (see the HuggingFace Generation documentation):

  • decoding (str): beam or greedy decoding are supported.

The freeze sub-block enables freezing different components of the transformer (attention, MLP, self-attention or cross-attention).

Other parameters are:

  • eval_model (str): Model selection at evaluation/inference. best selects the best model according to validation loss at training, checkpoint uses a specific checkpoint set by eval_checkpoint. This setting can also be set to /path/to/model.bin for custom trained model weights, e.g. the provided pre-trained weights.
  • eval_checkpoint (int): Model checkpoint to use at evaluation/inference. This is ignored unless eval_model is set to checkpoint.
  • tokenizer (str): Name of the HuggingFace pre-trained tokenizer.
  • pretrained (str, null): If not null, name of a HuggingFace pre-trained model (e.g. facebook/bart-base). Note that this will bypass all config sub-block settings.

Training settings

The training block describes parameters of the training process.

  • eval_steps (int): Frequence of model validation, in training steps.
  • save_steps (int): Frequence of model weights saving, in training steps. If lm/eval_model is set to best, this should be a factor of eval_steps.
  • force_cpu (bool): Force all computations on CPU, even when CUDA is available.
  • batch_size (int): Batch size during model training and validation.
  • gradient_accumulation_steps (int): Accumulates gradients over several steps, effectively increasing the batch size without additional memory cost. Gradient accumulation is disabled if this is set to 1.
  • num_workers (int): Number of CPU workers for data loading.
  • lr (float): Learning rate during training.
  • nb_epochs (int): Number of training epochs.
  • seed (int, null): Sets a specific torch random seed before experiments. Note that this does not ensure reproducibility when training on GPU.

Workflow settings

The workflow block sets operations to be conducted in the experiment.

  • train will perform optimization with data in the </path/to/data>/development directory, where </path/to/data> is the appended data/root_dir and data/features_dir settings.
  • validate must be set to true during training if lm/eval_model is set to best. Validation is done on data in the </path/to/data>/validation directory.
  • evaluate refers to evaluation with metrics, and outputs metrics_coco_<decoding_method>.json and generated_captions_<decoding_method>.txt files in the output/<exp_name>_out directory, where <decoding_method> is the lm/generation/decoding setting. Evaluation is done on data in the </path/to/data>/evaluation directory.
  • infer refers to caption generation without computing metrics. Inference outputs a submission-ready file test_output_captions_<decoding_method>.csv. Inference is performed on data in the </path/to/data>/test directory.