title tags FieldTrip MEG/EEG workshop at NatMEG, Stockholm (October 2014) video FieldTrip MEG/EEG workshop at NatMEG, Stockholm (October 2014) Introduction to MEG (vs. EEG) instrumentation by Stephen Whitmarsh {% include youtube id="15Qs4fuPpes" %} Introducing FieldTrip by Robert Oostenveld {% include youtube id="zOxCqcYmIfA" %} Forward modeling in MEG and EEG by Robert Oostenveld {% include youtube id="4pVaY6f25w0" %} Principles of frequency analysis by Robert Oostenveld {% include youtube id="QLvsa1r1Voc" %} Connectivity analysis in MEG and EEG: metrics and issues by Robert Oostenveld {% include youtube id="RpQklxbCsg" %} Beamforming EEG and MEG data by Robert Oostenveld {% include youtube id="7eS11DtbIPw" %}