Cascade is a specialized data transfer between horizontally adjacent tiles in a specific direction depending on the row. For first generation AI Engines, cascades flow in the following way:
- Even rows - East to West
- Odd rows - West to East
Note: The first row starts at index 0 and is the shim row. Therefore, the first regular tile row is actually an odd row at row index 1 and flows West to East.
Note: The last tile in each row cascades into the tile directly North of it which makes the full cascade chain snake from bottom to top.
As far as mlir-aie
syntax support for cascade connections, we support cascade functionality by simply placing tiles directly horizontally adjacent to one another. No additional operators are needed in mlir-aie
. There are core
ops that push and pull data from the cascade ports
AIE.put_cascade($cascadeValue : type($cascadeValue))
This allows us to push and pull data off the cascade ports.
NOTE: This feature is currently not working so we rely instead on external compiled kernel functions to push and pull cascade data in our example design
Read through the aie.mlir design. Based on the tile locations, which tile is pushing cascade data and which tile is pulling it?
Verify correct functionality by compiling the design and then simulating the design via make.
make; make -C aie.mlir.prj/sim
Move the design to an even row and make the necessary code changes. Verify your design works in simulation.
- Move the design one more time to the end of the row where the two tiles are in different rows and verify correct behavior in simulation.