- Add string formatting compatible with Rails (Tate Johnson)
- Add ability to use ActiveRecord's attribute API (Brent Wheeldon)
- Add method for use in Rails database quoting (Ben Jackson)
- Fix serialize Ruby Time to Tod::TimeOfDay (Ryan Dick)
- Fix TimeOfDay.from_second_of_day when passed float (Jack Christensen)
- Fix Rails 5 multi-param assignment (Miklos Fazekas)
- Fix date extensions requiring date (ambirdsall)
- Add subtraction to TimeOfDay (Hiroki Shirai)
- Add equality comparison for shifts (Greg Beech)
- Add arel_extensions for TimeOfDay (Paul Tyng)
- Support for shifts that span to other days (kennyeni)
- Fix ActiveRecord serialization when core extensions not loaded
- Fix Tod::TimeOfDay() without core extensions
- Shift now supports exclusive ends like a Ruby range
- Add Shift#overlaps? (Michael Amor Righi)
- Add Shift#contains? (Michael Amor Righi)
- Do not pollute global namespace
- Fix: return nil unless other is comparable (Peter Yates)
- Parse "noon" as "12pm" and "midnight" as "12am" (Michael Righi)
- Add try_parse (Stuart Olivera)
- Add parse? (Stuart Olivera)
- Add Shift class (Pablo Russo)
- Fix dumping nil or empty string to PostgreSQL time column (Maik Arnold)
- Added DateTime#to_time_of_day (Jonathan Pares)
- Added ActiveRecord TimeOfDay serialization to time column (Maxim-Filimonov)
- Added to_i and from_i as aliases of second_of_day and from_second_of_day (Johnny Shields)
- Added Rails time zone support
- Initial Release