- Stats based on Google analytics -
- keyboard shortcuts in menu
- think about url structure (currently /edit/live is now /live)
- detect stubbed out bin (where there's no longer an active key to write), and don't deliver the spike on those bins
- static uploads for users
- remove bin from my history
- multiple templates
- jsbin collections - I want to run a workshop and create a prefix url, that all my bins are saved to, like jsbin. com/rennes-2012/abc/1, jsbin.com/rennes-2012/abc/2, etc
- delete bins from your homescreen
- tangle
- processors in remote rendering
- shortcut to toggle between output, and whatever panels you had open
- feedback to the user about number of people viewing their live bin (either through render or through watch)
- remove sessionStorage store for panels - not required at all anymore!
/ref http://www.flickr.com/photos/remysharp/6859356800/
- /latest is fixed - not redirected
- If I'm on /latest, any new updates, notify me and I can reload/live refresh if I want
- Rewind? Possibly not.
- Add data to report number of connected users
- Add visual cue that you're following
- UI for pre-rendering
- "insertionPoint" means we can have more panels
- Add gist support back in (but do it server side) - support Lea's dabblet format (but files named jsbin.html, etc)
- Fork (as well as clone) and folk allows me to trace this heirachy of bins saved to get to this point
- Expose API for specific tasks:
- prefilters for panels
- codemirror config
- jsbin settings (key mappings?)
- Humans.txt