FastAPI serving EV vehicle data to a simple Vue.js 3 frontend displaying vehicle data with plots and filtering options
$ make install
$ source server/venv/bin/activate;
$ export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)
$ python server/
In a separate shell run:
$ cd client
$ npm run dev
Or run a preview of production:
$ npm run build && npm run preview
A chrome tab is opened once the app is launched. The database starts empty and can be populated with the following command:
$ python db_utils/
Through the API accessible under .../app/v1/docs. In the swagger page it is possible to upload CSV files with vehicle data. You can upload one of the files under db_utils/data/ or build one yourself following the same structure.
The frontend presents a table with vehicle datapoints and allows filtering by vehicle id and a date range. The datapoins in the page are ploted in the bottom charts. The charts are interactive and allow disabling lines.
This demo app is built with super cool open source projects:
- vue-chartjs for the charts
- vue3-datepicker for the datepicker popovers
- vuejs-paginate-next for the pagination component
- fastapi_pagination for the backend pagination