In order to simulate a production-like deployment, the following components must be set in motion:
We opt out to deploy our Django application using Gunicorn, a WSGI server which handles incoming API requests. It is selected as a more robust and scalable alternative to the bare Django development server.
We set up an NGINX server to act as a reverse proxy in front of our React application. TLS is also supported through a self-signed certificate, and TLS termination is handled by NGINX.
A cli-client will also be installed, providing extensive operational capabilities through our API.
We have fully automated the installation and deployment process our product,
through the execution of a simple bash script (
). Before executing
the script, the following env vars should be reviewed:
# Name of both the database and its owner.
# Password of the database (obviously not secure, but this is just a simulation).
# Path to custom Django settings. In case of edit, keep in mind that database
# password must be the same as $DB_PASS!
# Path to React env variables.
Upon review, just execute the deployment script:
One last step to use the cli-client, is to activate the virtual environment in which the script installed it. To do so, execute:
source /path/to/eloncharge/.venv/bin/activate`
You can now navigate to
. You can also administer the app
through our cli-client (try typing ev_group53 --help
in your terminal).
Have fun!
In case you want to have full control of the whole process, every required step is documented below.
Install requirements
$ sudo apt update $ sudo apt install postgresql python3 python3-pip python3-venv npm gunicorn nginx
Set up virtual environment
$ cd /path/to/eloncharge $ python3 -m venv .venv $ source .venv/bin/activate $ pip3 install -r deployment/requirements.txt
Provision PSQL DB
$ sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE USER eloncharge WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD eloncharge SUPERUSER;" $ sudo -u postgres createdb eloncharge $ sudo -u postgres psql -c "grant all privileges on database eloncharge to eloncharge;"
Set up backend
$ cd /path/to/eloncharge/back-end $ cp backend/ backend/ $ python3 migrate $ python3 populatedb-demo
Set up frontend
$ cd /path/to/eloncharge/front-end $ npm install
Set up cli-client
$ cd /path/to/eloncharge/cli-client $ python3 build $ python3 install
Set up NGINX reverse proxy
$ cd /path/to/eloncharge/deployment $ sudo cp -r ssl/* /etc/ssl $ sudo cp nginx/eloncharge /etc/nginx/sites-available/eloncharge $ sudo ln -sn /etc/nginx/sites-available/eloncharge /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/eloncharge $ sudo rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default $ sudo systemctl restart nginx
One-off cheat to list webpage under
$ sudo /bin/sh -c 'echo "" >> /etc/hosts'
Fire up React server
$ cd /path/to/eloncharge/front-end $ nohup npm start &
Fire up Django application through Gunicorn
$ cd /path/to/eloncharge/back-end $ nohup gunicorn --access-logfile - --workers 3 --bind backend.wsgi &