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index 77d44de..c702b22 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
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-# Laravel 5 Personality Insights
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-A simple Laravel 5 wrapper around [IBM Watson Personality Insights API](http://www.ibm.com/smarterplanet/us/en/ibmwatson/developercloud/personality-insights.html)
-## How it works
-Personality Insights extracts and analyzes a spectrum of personality attributes to help discover actionable insights about people and entities, and in turn guides end users to highly personalized interactions. The service outputs personality characteristics that are divided into three dimensions: the Big 5, Values, and Needs. While some services are contextually specific depending on the domain model and content, Personality Insights only requires a minimum of 3500+ words of any text.
-## Intended Use
-The Personality Insights service lends itself to an almost limitless number of potential applications. Businesses can use the detailed personality portraits of individual customers for finer-grained customer segmentation and better-quality lead generation. This data enables them to design marketing, provide product recommendations, and deliver customer care that is more personal and relevant. Personality Insights can also be used to help recruiters or university admissions match candidates to companies or universities.
-## Installation
-Install the package through composer
-composer require findbrok/laravel-personality-insights
+ Laravel Personality Insights
+## Introduction
+Laravel Personality Insights, provides a simple and easy to use wrapper
+around [IBM Watson Personality Insights API](http://www.ibm.com/smarterplanet/us/en/ibmwatson/developercloud/personality-insights.html)
+## License
+Laravel Personality Insights is open-sourced software licensed under the [MIT license](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
+### How it works
+Personality Insights extracts and analyzes a spectrum of personality attributes to help discover actionable insights about
+people and entities, and in turn guides end users to highly personalized interactions. The service outputs personality
+characteristics that are divided into three dimensions: the Big 5, Values, and Needs. While some services are
+contextually specific depending on the domain model and content, Personality Insights only requires a
+minimum of 3500+ words of any text.
+### Intended Use
+The Personality Insights service lends itself to an almost limitless number of potential applications. Businesses
+can use the detailed personality portraits of individual customers for finer-grained customer segmentation and
+better-quality lead generation. This data enables them to design marketing, provide product recommendations,
+and deliver customer care that is more personal and relevant. Personality Insights can also be used to
+help recruiters or university admissions match candidates to companies or universities.
+### Installation
+Install the package through composer:
+$ composer require findbrok/laravel-personality-insights
-Add the Service Provider to your providers array in ```config/app.php```, see [Registering Providers](https://laravel.com/docs/5.2/providers#registering-providers)
+Add the Service Provider to your providers array in ```config/app.php```,
+see [Registering Providers](https://laravel.com/docs/master/providers#registering-providers)
'providers' => [
@@ -37,22 +54,19 @@ Add the Service Provider to your providers array in ```config/app.php```, see [R
-## Configuration
+### Configuration
Once installed you can now publish your config file and set your correct configuration for using the package.
+$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="FindBrok\PersonalityInsights\InsightsServiceProvider" --tag="config"
-php artisan vendor:publish --provider="FindBrok\PersonalityInsights\InsightsServiceProvider" --tag="config"
-This will create a file ```config/personality-insights.php``` , for information on how to set values present in this file see [Configuration Before Usage](https://github.com/findbrok/laravel-personality-insights/wiki/Configuration-Before-Usage)
-## Usage
-Read the [docs](https://github.com/findbrok/laravel-personality-insights/wiki)
-## Credits
+This will create a file ```config/personality-insights.php``` , for information on how to set values present in this file see [Configuration Before Usage](https://github.com/findbrok/laravel-personality-insights/wiki/Configuration-Before-Usage-(1.1))
+### Credits
+Big Thanks to all developers who worked hard to create something amazing!
+### Creator
[![Percy Mamedy](https://img.shields.io/badge/Author-Percy%20Mamedy-orange.svg)](https://twitter.com/PercyMamedy)
Twitter: [@PercyMamedy](https://twitter.com/PercyMamedy)