spata is published from Travis CI, with help of sbt-sonatype plugin. A lot of useful information about publishing process may be found in the Scala's Library Author Guide and sbt documentation.
Set up Sonatype account (for Maven Central)
Create personal Sonatype repository account through Sonatype JIRA.
Open a ticket to set up new project and claim access to
domain. -
Log in to Sonatype and create a user token (Profile / User Token).
Create PGP keys to sign releases
Install GnuGP if required.
Generate a key pair:
gpg --gen-key
:- provide
spata bot
as name, - provide your personal email (optimally in
- provide
Note the key id for later use.
Check keys:
gpg --list-keys
. -
Publish the key:
gpg --keyserver hkps:// --send-keys <key-id>
(it may take a while until the keys are publicly available).
Configure Travis CI
Install Travis client if required.
Set the repository name in environment:
. -
Create GitHub OAuth token for Travis CI (with
scopes). -
Log in to Travis CI:
travis login --github-token <token> --com
. -
Export public key for CI:
gpg -a --export <key-id> > ci/public-key.asc
. -
Export private key:
gpg --export-secret-keys --armor <key-id> > target/secret-key.asc
. -
Encrypt private key and send to Travis:
travis encrypt-file target/secret-key.asc --com -r $REPO
: replace$encrypted_<id>_key
with values returned by above command (openssl
call inpublish
stage). -
Move encrypted key to
folder:mv secret-key.asc.enc ci
. -
Remove exported private key:
rm target/secret-key.asc
. -
Encrypt credentials:
travis encrypt PGP_PASSPHRASE=<spata_bot_pgp_pass>
and replace secure environment variable forPGP_PASSPHRASE
with returned value. -
travis encrypt SONATYPE_USERNAME=<user_token_name>
and replace secure environment variable forPGP_PASSPHRASE
with returned value. -
travis encrypt SONATYPE_PASSWORD=<user_token_pass>
and replace secure environment variable forPGP_PASSPHRASE
with returned value.
Logout from Travis:
travis logout --com
A release process uses sbt-dynver and is triggered by Git tag:
- Set a tag:
git tag -a v<version> -m <info>
. - Push it:
git push --tags
After this, draft a new release in GitHub.
In case of compromised PGP private key, revoke it with following procedure:
List keys:
gpg --list-keys
. -
Look up the key on server:
gpg --keyserver hkp:// --search-keys <key-id>
. -
Revoke key:
gpg --output revoke.asc --gen-revoke <key-id>
. -
Import revoked key to keychain:
gpg --import revoke.asc
. -
Publish revoke information: `gpg --keyserver hkp:// --send-keys and set up publishing configuration again.