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FIO SDK Lite is a lightweight library for signing transactions, decrypting FIO Requests, and signing nonces on the FIO blockchain.

For more information on FIO, visit the FIO website.

To explore the FIO Chain, API, and SDKs, check out the FIO Protocol Developer Hub.


To install the FIO SDK Lite, run:

npm install @fioprotocol/fio-sdk-lite

Type Documentation

Full type documentation is available here


Warning: In some transaction parameters, there is an actor parameter. You don't need to pass it because it is derived from the public key, which is in turn derived from the private key used to sign the transaction.

Sign Transaction

The following example demonstrates how to sign FIO blockchain transactions. It supports signing multiple transactions at once.

Action parameters actionParams:

  • action - Required. Action name of the specific action on FIO Chain, e.g. for registering FIO Handle: regaddress. For more details see FIO Chain Action API.

  • account- Required. Account name for contract matching the specific action on FIO Chain, e.g. for registering FIO Handle: fio.address. For more details see FIO Chain Action API.

  • authActor - Not required. Represents FIO Account which will execute the action. In most cases this is the hashed FIO Public Key. Is used if another actor will be used for authorization.

  • contentType - Required for newfundsreq (FIO Request) and recordobt (FIO Data) actions. 'new_funds_content' - FIO Request, or 'record_obt_data_content' - FIO Data.

  • data - Required. Body parameters for signing a transaction. See

  • dataActor - Not required. Represents FIO Account which will execute the action. In most cases this is the hashed FIO Public Key. Is used if another account will execute an action.

  • id - Not required. Transaction ID that you want to sign. This is helpful for error handling.

  • payeeFioPublicKey - Required when action is: recordobt. FIO Public key of the wallet who will receive an OBT data record. This is used for encryption.

  • payerFioPublicKey - Required when action is: newfundsreq. FIO Public key of the wallet who will receive a FIO Request. This is used for encryption.

  • timeoutOffset - Not required. Time offset for transaction expiration in milliseconds. By default, this is set to 60000 milliseconds, equivalent to 1 minute.

import { signTransaction } from '@fioprotocol/fio-sdk-lite';

async function main() {
    // URL of FIO Chain API node, see:
    const apiUrl = ''; // No trailing slashes

    // Transaction data, see
    // actor is omitted as it will be inserted by the SDK.
    const params = {
        actionParams: [
                action: 'regaddress',
                account: 'fio.address',
                data: {
                    fio_address: `testing-fio-handle-${}@regtest`,
                    owner_fio_public_key: '',
                    tpid: '',
                    max_fee: 1500000000000, // Obtain from
        privateKey: FIO_PRIVATE_KEY,
        // Get one for testing at:
        // And add tokens from faucet at:

    try {
        const signedTransactions = await signTransaction(params);
        const signedTransactionsResult = JSON.parse(signedTransactions);

        const pushTransactionResult = async (signedTransactionsResult: any) => {
            const pushResult = await fetch(
                    body: JSON.stringify(signedTransactionsResult),
                    method: 'POST',

            if ([400, 403, 500].includes(pushResult.status)) {
                const jsonResult = await pushResult.json();
                const errorMessage = jsonResult.message || 'Something went wrong';

                if (jsonResult.fields) {
                    const fieldErrors = => ({
                        value: field.value,
                        error: field.error,
                    throw new Error(`${errorMessage}: ${JSON.stringify(fieldErrors)}`);
                } else if (jsonResult.error && jsonResult.error.what) {
                    throw new Error(jsonResult.error.what);
                } else {
                    throw new Error(errorMessage);

            return await pushResult.json();
        const results = await Promise.allSettled(
        const processedData = results[0].status === 'fulfilled' ? results[0].value.processed : null;
        if (processedData) {
            const response = JSON.parse(processedData.action_traces[0].receipt.response);
            console.log('Processed Data Response:', JSON.stringify(response, null, 2));
    } catch (error) {
        console.error("Error:", error);


Encrypt Content

Use this function to encrypt content for FIO Request or FIO Data..


  • content - Required. Content object to encrypt. Must match the schema for the specified fioContentType.

  • encryptionPublicKey - Required. FIO Public key of the recipient wallet that will be used for encryption. This is used for encryption.

  • fioContentType - Required. Set as follows:

    • newfundsreq: new_funds_content
    • recordobt: record_obt_data_content
  • privateKey - Required. FIO Private key of the sender.

import { encryptContent } from '@fioprotocol/fio-sdk-lite';

async function main() {
    const content = {
        payee_public_address: 'purse@alice',
        amount: '1',
        chain_code: 'FIO',
        token_code: 'FIO',
        memo: 'Payment for services',
        hash: '',
        offline_url: ''

    try {
        const encryptedContent = encryptContent({
            encryptionPublicKey: FIO_PUBLIC_KEY_RECIPIENT, // FIO Public key of the recipient wallet that will be used for encryption
            fioContentType: 'new_funds_content', // new_funds_content - FIO Request, or 'record_obt_data_content' - FIO Data
            privateKey: FIO_PRIVATE_KEY_SENDER // FIO Private key of the sender
            // Get one for testing at:
            // And add tokens from faucet at:
    } catch (error) {
        console.error("Error:", error);


Decrypt Content

Use this function to decrypt content in FIO Requests or FIO Data.


  • content - Required. Encrypted blob. The content field from FIO Request or FIO Data.

  • encryptionPublicKey - Required. FIO Public key of the other wallet that was used for encryption. This is returned by /get_pending_fio_requests and /get_obt_data. This is used for decryption.

  • fioContentType - Required. Set as follows:

    • newfundsreq: new_funds_content
    • recordobt: record_obt_data_content
  • privateKey - Required. FIO Private key.

import { decryptContent } from '@fioprotocol/fio-sdk-lite';

async function main() {
    // URL of FIO Chain API node, see:
    const apiUrl = ''; // No trailing slashes
    const params = {
        fio_public_key: FIO_PUBLIC_KEY_SENDER, // FIO Public key of the sender wallet that will be used for encryption.
        // You need to have pending FIO Request from the sender to the recipient.
        // You can make it using [/new_funds_request]( action.
        limit: 1,
        offset: 0,

    try {
        const response = await fetch(apiUrl+'/v1/chain/get_sent_fio_requests',
                body: JSON.stringify(params),
                method: 'POST',
        const sentFioRequests = await response.json();
        const fioRequestToDecrypt = sentFioRequests.requests[0];
        const decryptedContentSender = decryptContent({
            content: fioRequestToDecrypt.content,
            encryptionPublicKey: fioRequestToDecrypt.payer_fio_public_key,
            fioContentType: 'new_funds_content', // new_funds_content - FIO Request, or 'record_obt_data_content' - FIO Data
            privateKey: FIO_PRIVATE_KEY_SENDER, // FIO Private key of the sender
            // Get one for testing at:
            // And add tokens from faucet at:

        const decryptedContentRecipient = decryptContent({
            content: fioRequestToDecrypt.content,
            encryptionPublicKey: fioRequestToDecrypt.payee_fio_public_key,
            fioContentType: 'new_funds_content', // new_funds_content - FIO Request, or 'record_obt_data_content' - FIO Data
            privateKey: FIO_PRIVATE_KEY_RECIPIENT, // FIO Private key of the recipient
        // Decrypted content should be the same for both sender and recipient
    } catch (error) {
        console.error("Error:", error);


Get Public Key from Private key and sign/verify nonce

Parameters getPublicKey:

  • privateKey - Required. FIO Private key.

Parameters signNonce:

  • nonce - Required. Nonce to sign.

  • privateKey - Required. FIO Private key.

Parameters verifySignature:

  • signature - Required. Signed signature string.

  • data - Required. Is a nonce value.

  • publicKey - Required. FIO Public key.

  • encoding - Not required. Is one of Buffer Encoding names: "ascii", "utf8", "utf-8", "utf16le", "utf-16le", "ucs2", "ucs-2", "base64", "base64url", "latin1", "binary", "hex". By default is automatically set as utf8.

import { signNonce, getPublicKey, verifySignature} from '@fioprotocol/fio-sdk-lite';
import { createHmac, randomBytes } from 'crypto-browserify';

async function main() {
  const privKey = FIO_PRIVATE_KEY;
  // Get one for testing at:
  // And add tokens from faucet at:
  const secret = 'nvjrf43dwmcsl';

  try {
    // Get public key from Private key
    const publicKey = getPublicKey({ privateKey: privKey });
    console.log('Public key', publicKey);

    // Generate nonce
    const stringToHash = randomBytes(8).toString('hex');
    const nonce = createHmac('sha256', secret)

    // Sign nonce
    const singedNonce = signNonce({ nonce, privateKey: privKey });
    console.log('Signed nonce', singedNonce);

    // Verify nonce
    const isSignatureVerified = verifySignature({
      signature: singedNonce,
      data: nonce,
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error:', error);



To run tests, you need to have 2 FIO wallets with FIO Handles already created. Set it in .env file using .env.example as a template. Run tests using:

npm run test


Requires Node.js version 20 and higher.

Local Instalation

Build and run

npm install
npm run build

Build docs

To build docs of the project, run:

npm run docs