Snapdragons is a population synthesis & mock survey data generation code - it creates synthetic stars from an N-body simulation of a galaxy. Please cite the Snapdragons paper (Hunt et al. 2015, MNRAS, 450, 2132) if you use it for publication.
This version is used in some of the hands-on session for the Gaia-COST school in Barcelona . It differs only in some superficial respects from the original code. Main contributors of this version (apart from Jason Hunt) are Santi Roca and Mercé Romero.
It's that simple: From the input:
- N-body model (with positions, masses, ages, and metallicities)
- isochrone tables
- (2D/3D) extinction model
- initial mass function
- limiting magnitude
- Gaia error model snapdragons creates the output:
- Synthetic stellar data
The code is in written in fortran. It has a Makefile in the main directory, which compiles the source code in src. To compile just type 'make' in the main directory. The main module is called src/PopSynth.F, several options can be specified in Mockinioptions.h
You must dowload the extinction maps separately from!AnMgd4KLTt9j6HtlSWaRd9kP5Rem?e=QcCqax and place them in the ini folder (not inside UBV)
Clone this repository to a place you like:
git clone
Get familiar with the file structure. To compile snapdragons, you will need the gfortran compiler (or modify the Makefile to satisfy your own architechture). From the top-level directory, you should then be able to run
- which in a few seconds will create you a mock observation of the default input simulation (ini/input.dat).
The input file needs to be an ascii table with the following structure: * x, y, z(kpc), vx, vy, vz(km/s), metallicity(z), age(Gyr), mass(solar) [, other columns] The name of the input file is hidden in PopSynth.F - so it might be easiest to replace the default input file (ini/input.dat) manually/using a python wrapper program.
Mockinioptions.h lets you choose some basic things:
- magnitude limit (in the V band): ChosenLim=14.0d0
- whether to convolve the results with the Gaia error model: error=1
- whether to output an ascii or a binary file: Binary=0
Don't forget to recompile before rerunning.
The default snapdragons output is stored in output/ as ascii or binary file without header.. There is, however, a python script in py/ that will convert this output to standard FITS file in the same directory:
cd py
Output columns in the ascii/binary version are:
- 1 true ra
- 2 true dec
- 3 true parallax
- 4 true pmra
- 5 true pmdec
- 6 true rv
- 7 observed ra
- 8 observed dec
- 9 observed parallax
- 10 observed pmra
- 11 observed pmdec
- 12 observed rv
- 13 ra standard deviation
- 14 dec standard deviation
- 15 parallax standard deviation
- 16 pmra standard deviation
- 17 pmdec standard deviation
- 18 rv standard deviation
- 19 G Magnitude
- 20 G_bp - G_rp
- 21 observed G Magnitude
- 22 observed G_bp - G_rp
- 23 G Magnitude Gaia standard deviation
- 24 G_bp - G_rp Gaia standard deviation
- 25 apparent V mag
- 26 distance from sun
- 27 x
- 28 y
- 29 z
- 30 vx
- 31 vy
- 32 vz
- 33 mass (solar mass)
- 34 G_RVS
- 35 V-I
- 36 extinction
- 37 absolute V mag
- 38 absolute V-i
- 39 metallicity z*10^6
- 40 Age (log10years)
- 41 observed distance
- 42 observed x
- 43 observed y
- 44 observed z
- 45 observed vx
- 46 observed vy
- 47 observed vz
- 48 observed galactocentric vr
- 49 observed vrot
- 50 galactocentric radius
- 51 galactocentric vr
- 52 vrot
- 53 observed galactocentric radius
- 54 pmra (km/s)
- 55 pmdec (km/s)
- 56 observed pmra (km/s)
- 57 observed pmdec (km/s)