本产品的所有代码、镜像、文件其版权均属于上海雾帜智能科技有限公司。 -
在遵守本许可证条款的前提下,您有权在单一设备上安装、运行本软件,仅用于个人非商业目的。 -
您不得对本软件进行以下行为: a) 破解、逆向工程、反编译、反汇编等行为; b) 二次包装、修改、改编、复制、翻译、再许可或制作衍生作品; c) 用于商业用途或任何盈利活动; d) 未经授权的传播、分发、出售、出租本软件; e) 将本软件与侵犯他人知识产权或违反法律法规的内容、行为结合。 -
本软件的版权归原作者所有,除本许可证明确授权外,所有其他权利均由原作者保留。未经原作者明确授权,您不得行使本许可证未明确授权的其他权利。如超出授权使用,原作者保留追究法律责任的权利。 -
本软件按“现状”提供,不提供任何形式的保证,包括但不限于对适销性、适用于特定用途、无侵权等方面的保证。原作者对于因使用本软件而造成的任何损失、损害、诉讼等不承担责任。 -
终止条款 本许可证自您接受之日起生效,直至终止。如您未遵守本许可证的任何条款,原作者有权随时终止本许可证。一旦许可证终止,您必须停止使用本软件,并销毁您拥有或控制的所有副本。
适用法律与争议解决 本许可证受原作者所在国家或司法管辖区法律的约束并依据其解释。任何因本许可证引起的或与其相关的争议应通过协商解决。如协商无果,任何一方均可将争议提交原作者所在国家或司法管辖区的有管辖权的法院解决。
This License (hereinafter referred to as "License") applies to the software you have obtained (hereinafter referred to as "Software"). Please read the following terms carefully before using the Software. Using the Software indicates your agreement and acceptance of the terms of this License.
Copyright Notice
All codes, images, and files of this product are copyrighted by Shanghai Wuzhi Intelligent Technology Co.,Ltd -
Usage Permission
Subject to compliance with the terms of this License, you are granted the right to install and run the Software on a single device for personal non-commercial purposes only. -
You shall not engage in the following activities in relation to the Software: a) Cracking, reverse engineering, decompiling, disassembling, or other similar actions; b) Repackaging, modifying, adapting, copying, translating, sublicensing, or creating derivative works; c) Using for commercial purposes or any profit-making activities; d) Unauthorized dissemination, distribution, sale, or rental of the Software; e) Combining the Software with content or actions that infringe upon the intellectual property rights of others or violate laws and regulations. -
Reservation of Rights
The copyright of the Software belongs to the original author. All other rights not expressly granted in this License are reserved by the original author. You may not exercise any other rights not expressly granted in this License without the explicit authorization of the original author.If used beyond the scope of the authorization, the original author reserves the right to pursue legal liability. -
The Software is provided "as is" without any warranties of any kind, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. The original author shall not be liable for any loss, damage, litigation, or any other consequences resulting from the use of the Software. -
This License shall be effective upon your acceptance and shall continue in effect until terminated. The original author reserves the right to terminate this License at any time if you fail to comply with any of the terms and conditions of this License. Upon termination, you must cease all use of the Software and destroy all copies in your possession or control. -
Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution
This License shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the country or jurisdiction where the original author is located. Any disputes arising from or in connection with this License shall be resolved through negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached through negotiation, either party may submit the dispute to the competent court of the country or jurisdiction where the original author is located.