If you want to so some calculations in object trees, things can get messy. To make things easier, we can use a graph to determine where to start and how to propagate further, we separate calculation and procurement and mix even validation into that. Each calculation must declare which value is calculated and which dependencies are used for this:
public interface Value<T> {
default <B> Related<T, B> relatedTo(B base) {
return Related.to(this, base);
static <T> Named<T> ofType(Class<T> type) {
return Named.ofType(type);
static <T> Named<T> ofType(TypeInfo<T> type) {
return Named.ofType(type);
static <T> Named<T> named(String name, Class<T> type) {
return Named.named(name, type);
static <T> Named<T> named(String name, TypeInfo<T> type) {
return Named.named(name, type);
static <T> Unvalidated<T> unvalidated(ValueSource<T> source) { return Unvalidated.wrap(source); }
As you can provide your own implementation, each value must implement hashcode/equals
(see What is a Value for more).
In this sample we use an immutable shopping cart which we change with the calculation result..
As this stuff should run on java 8, we use immutables.github.io instead of Lombok or java records.
We need an item class, which stores properties like quantity
and price
public interface Item extends ChangeableInstance<Item>, HasRules {
CopyOnChangeProperty<Item, Double> sumProperty = copyOnChange(Item.class, "sum", Item::sum, (item, value) -> ImmutableItem.copyOf(item).withSum(value));
ReadOnlyProperty<Item, Double> priceProperty = readOnly(Item.class, "price", Item::price);
ReadOnlyProperty<Item, Integer> quantityProperty = readOnly(Item.class, "quantity", Item::quantity);
CopyOnChangeProperty<Item, Boolean> isCheapestProperty = copyOnChange(Item.class, "isCheapest", Item::isCheapest, (item, value) -> ImmutableItem.copyOf(item).withIsCheapest(value));
default Id<Item> id() {
return Id.idFor(TypeInfo.of(Item.class));
@Nullable String name();
@Nullable Integer quantity();
@Nullable Double price();
@Nullable Double sum();
@Nullable Boolean isCheapest();
default <T> Item change(ChangeableValue<?, T> id, T value) {
if (id.id().equals(id())) {
return ((ChangeableValue<Item, T>) id).change(this, value);
return this;
default <T> Maybe<T> findValue(ReadableValue<?, T> id) {
if (id.id().equals(id())) {
return Maybe.some(((ReadableValue<Item, T>) id).get(this));
return Maybe.none();
default Rules addRulesTo(Rules current) {
return current
.using(Item.priceProperty.withId(id()), Item.quantityProperty.withId(id()))
.ifAllSetBy((price, quantity) -> price * quantity,"price*quantity"));
static ImmutableItem.Builder builder() {
return ImmutableItem.builder();
As you can see, there are some static declarations with lambdas for accessing the matching instance values. As lambdas does not equal if f.I. the method call is used, we must use singletons.
We also need a cart class, where all items are stored:
public interface Cart extends ChangeableInstance<Cart>, HasRules {
CopyOnChangeProperty<Cart, Double> sumWithoutTax = copyOnChange(Cart.class, "sumWithoutTax", Cart::sum,
(item, value) -> ImmutableCart.copyOf(item).withSumWithoutTax(value));
default Id<Cart> id() {
return Id.idFor(TypeInfo.of(Cart.class));
List<Item> items();
@Nullable Double sumWithoutTax();
@Nullable Double tax();
@Nullable Double sum();
default <T> Cart change(ChangeableValue<?, T> id, T value) {
if (id.id().equals(id())) {
return ((ChangeableValue<Cart, T>) id).change(this, value);
return ImmutableCart.copyOf(this)
.map(item -> item.change(id, value))
default <T> Maybe<T> findValue(ReadableValue<?, T> id) {
if (id.id().equals(id())) {
return Maybe.some(((ReadableValue<Cart, T>) id).get(this));
for (Item item : items()) {
Maybe<T> result = item.findValue(id);
if (result.hasSome()) return result;
return Maybe.none();
default Rules addRulesTo(Rules current) {
Related<Double, Id<Cart>> min = named("min", Double.class).relatedTo(id());
Related<Double, Id<Cart>> max = named("max", Double.class).relatedTo(id());
for (Item item : items()) {
current = item.addRulesTo(current);
current = current.add(
.using(min, Item.sumProperty.withId(item.id()))
.by((a, b) -> a != null && a.equals(b),"min==sum")
List<CopyOnChangeValue<Item, Double>> itemSumIds = items().stream()
.map(item -> Item.sumProperty.withId(item.id()))
return current
.by(list -> list.stream()
.mapToDouble(it -> it)
.by(list -> list.stream()
.mapToDouble(it -> it)
.by(list -> list.stream()
.mapToDouble(it -> it)
static ImmutableCart.Builder builder() {
return ImmutableCart.builder();
We want to calculate the sum of each item, the sum of all items and mark the cheapest item in this cart. In this example we are using some generic sample data:
Cart cart = Cart.builder()
With this sample data we can create all rules, as you can see in the addRulesTo
method. Each instance has an unique id,
which should not change if we change any value. With all rules we can create a graph from it:
Rules rules = cart.addRulesTo(Rules.empty());
ValueGraph valueGraph = ValueDependencyGraphBuilder.build(rules);
If a graph can be build, you can render it as a graphviz/dot graph:
String dot = GraphRenderer.renderGraphAsDot(valueGraph.graph());
.. which results in:
digraph "calculation" {
"id0"[ fillcolor="lightskyblue", style="filled", shape="rectangle", label="Item.price() {Item#0}" ];
"id1"[ fillcolor="lightskyblue", style="filled", shape="rectangle", label="Item.quantity() {Item#0}" ];
"id2"[ fillcolor="lightskyblue", style="filled", shape="rectangle", label="Item.price() {Item#1}" ];
"id3"[ fillcolor="lightskyblue", style="filled", shape="rectangle", label="Item.quantity() {Item#1}" ];
"id4"[ fillcolor="lightskyblue", style="filled", shape="rectangle", label="Item.price() {Item#2}" ];
"id5"[ fillcolor="lightskyblue", style="filled", shape="rectangle", label="Item.quantity() {Item#2}" ];
"id6"[ fillcolor="lightskyblue", style="filled", shape="rectangle", label="Item.sum#rw {Item#0}" ];
"id7"[ fillcolor="lightskyblue", style="filled", shape="rectangle", label="Item.isCheapest#rw {Item#0}" ];
"id8"[ fillcolor="lightskyblue", style="filled", shape="rectangle", label="min(Double)->Cart#0" ];
"id9"[ fillcolor="lightskyblue", style="filled", shape="rectangle", label="Item.sum#rw {Item#1}" ];
"id10"[ fillcolor="lightskyblue", style="filled", shape="rectangle", label="Item.isCheapest#rw {Item#1}" ];
"id11"[ fillcolor="lightskyblue", style="filled", shape="rectangle", label="Item.sum#rw {Item#2}" ];
"id12"[ fillcolor="lightskyblue", style="filled", shape="rectangle", label="Item.isCheapest#rw {Item#2}" ];
"id13"[ fillcolor="lightskyblue", style="filled", shape="rectangle", label="Cart.sumWithoutTax#rw {Cart#0}" ];
"id14"[ fillcolor="lightskyblue", style="filled", shape="rectangle", label="max(Double)->Cart#0" ];
"id0" -> "id6";
"id1" -> "id6";
"id8" -> "id7";
"id6" -> "id7";
"id2" -> "id9";
"id3" -> "id9";
"id8" -> "id10";
"id9" -> "id10";
"id4" -> "id11";
"id5" -> "id11";
"id8" -> "id12";
"id11" -> "id12";
"id6" -> "id13";
"id9" -> "id13";
"id11" -> "id13";
"id6" -> "id8";
"id9" -> "id8";
"id11" -> "id8";
"id6" -> "id14";
"id9" -> "id14";
"id11" -> "id14";
Or you can render a more detailed graph:
String explainDot = RuleDependencyGraph.explain(rules);
.. which results in:
digraph "rules" {
"id0"[ fillcolor="gray81", style="filled", shape="rectangle", label="Item.price() {Item#0}" ];
"id1"[ fillcolor="gray81", style="filled", shape="rectangle", label="Item.quantity() {Item#0}" ];
"id2"[ fillcolor="gray81", style="filled", shape="rectangle", label="Item.price() {Item#1}" ];
"id3"[ fillcolor="gray81", style="filled", shape="rectangle", label="Item.quantity() {Item#1}" ];
"id4"[ fillcolor="gray81", style="filled", shape="rectangle", label="Item.price() {Item#2}" ];
"id5"[ fillcolor="gray81", style="filled", shape="rectangle", label="Item.quantity() {Item#2}" ];
"id6"[ fillcolor="gray81", style="filled", shape="rectangle", label="Item.sum#rw {Item#0}" ];
"id7"[ fillcolor="lightskyblue", style="filled", shape="rectangle", label="price*quantity" ];
"id8"[ fillcolor="gray81", style="filled", shape="rectangle", label="Item.isCheapest#rw {Item#0}" ];
"id9"[ fillcolor="lightskyblue", style="filled", shape="rectangle", label="min==sum" ];
"id10"[ fillcolor="gray81", style="filled", shape="rectangle", label="min(Double)->Cart#0" ];
"id11"[ fillcolor="gray81", style="filled", shape="rectangle", label="Item.sum#rw {Item#1}" ];
"id12"[ fillcolor="lightskyblue", style="filled", shape="rectangle", label="price*quantity" ];
"id13"[ fillcolor="gray81", style="filled", shape="rectangle", label="Item.isCheapest#rw {Item#1}" ];
"id14"[ fillcolor="lightskyblue", style="filled", shape="rectangle", label="min==sum" ];
"id15"[ fillcolor="gray81", style="filled", shape="rectangle", label="Item.sum#rw {Item#2}" ];
"id16"[ fillcolor="lightskyblue", style="filled", shape="rectangle", label="price*quantity" ];
"id17"[ fillcolor="gray81", style="filled", shape="rectangle", label="Item.isCheapest#rw {Item#2}" ];
"id18"[ fillcolor="lightskyblue", style="filled", shape="rectangle", label="min==sum" ];
"id19"[ fillcolor="gray81", style="filled", shape="rectangle", label="Cart.sumWithoutTax#rw {Cart#0}" ];
"id20"[ fillcolor="lightskyblue", style="filled", shape="rectangle", label="sum(...)" ];
"id21"[ fillcolor="lightskyblue", style="filled", shape="rectangle", label="min" ];
"id22"[ fillcolor="gray81", style="filled", shape="rectangle", label="max(Double)->Cart#0" ];
"id23"[ fillcolor="lightskyblue", style="filled", shape="rectangle", label="max" ];
"id7" -> "id6";
"id0" -> "id7";
"id1" -> "id7";
"id9" -> "id8";
"id10" -> "id9";
"id6" -> "id9";
"id12" -> "id11";
"id2" -> "id12";
"id3" -> "id12";
"id14" -> "id13";
"id10" -> "id14";
"id11" -> "id14";
"id16" -> "id15";
"id4" -> "id16";
"id5" -> "id16";
"id18" -> "id17";
"id10" -> "id18";
"id15" -> "id18";
"id20" -> "id19";
"id6" -> "id20";
"id11" -> "id20";
"id15" -> "id20";
"id21" -> "id10";
"id6" -> "id21";
"id11" -> "id21";
"id15" -> "id21";
"id23" -> "id22";
"id6" -> "id23";
"id11" -> "id23";
"id15" -> "id23";
We still need some glue code to get the values from the current shopping cart:
public abstract class ChangeableInstanceValueLookup<O extends ChangeableInstance<O>> implements ValueLookup {
protected abstract O instance();
protected abstract ValueLookup fallback();
public <T> @Nullable T get(Value<T> id) {
if (id instanceof ReadableValue) {
Maybe<? extends T> value = instance().findValue((ReadableValue<?, ? extends T>) id);
if (value.hasSome()) return value.get();
return fallback().get(id);
public static <O extends ChangeableInstance<O>> ChangeableInstanceValueLookup<O> of(O instance, ValueLookup fallback) {
return ImmutableChangeableInstanceValueLookup.of(instance, fallback);
With all this in place we can solve all equations.
Result result = Solver.solve(
ChangeableInstanceValueLookup.of(cart, ValueLookup.failOnEachValue())
We can inspect how a value is calculated...
Explanation explanation = valueGraph.explain(Cart.sumWithoutTax.withId(cart.id()));
String explainSumWithoutTax = Explanation.render(explanation, value -> HasHumanReadableLabel.asHumanReadable(value)
+ " = "
+ result.valueOrError(value)
.map(it -> "" + it, errors -> "" + errors.errorMessages().stream()
.map(errorMessage -> "error('" + errorMessage.key() + "')")
.collect(Collectors.joining(", "))));
... and can produce some readable output:
Cart.sumWithoutTax#rw {Cart#0} = 56.45
calculate with sum(...)
- Item.sum#rw {Item#0} = 21.0
- Item.sum#rw {Item#1} = 9.95
- Item.sum#rw {Item#2} = 25.5
Item.sum#rw {Item#0} = 21.0
calculate with price*quantity
- Item.price() {Item#0} = 10.5
- Item.quantity() {Item#0} = 2
Item.price() {Item#0} = 10.5
Item.quantity() {Item#0} = 2
Item.sum#rw {Item#1} = 9.95
calculate with price*quantity
- Item.price() {Item#1} = 9.95
- Item.quantity() {Item#1} = 1
Item.price() {Item#1} = 9.95
Item.quantity() {Item#1} = 1
Item.sum#rw {Item#2} = 25.5
calculate with price*quantity
- Item.price() {Item#2} = 2.55
- Item.quantity() {Item#2} = 10
Item.price() {Item#2} = 2.55
Item.quantity() {Item#2} = 10
We can inspect validation errors or just apply all results back to our shopping cart:
Cart updated = ChangeableInstance.change(cart, result);
As this documentation is generated from a running test, we can prove that all calculations are done the right way:
assertThat(updated.items().get(0).sum()).isEqualTo(2 * 10.5);
assertThat(updated.items().get(1).sum()).isEqualTo(1 * 9.95);
assertThat(updated.items().get(2).sum()).isEqualTo(10 * 2.55);
.isEqualTo(2 * 10.5 + 9.95 + 10 * 2.55);