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Go-guerrilla API

The following examples start from the basics and progress to more advanced features.

To get started, import the guerrilla package to your project.

import (

Starting a server

This will start a server with the default settings, listening on

smtp := SMTP{}
err := smtp.Start()

if err == nil {
    fmt.Println("Server Started!")

smtp.Start() does not block after the server has been started, so make sure you keep your program busy doing something else. You may also check for errors.

The defaults are: Server listening to, use your hostname to determine your which hosts to accept email for, 100 maximum clients, 10MB max message size, log output to Stderror, log level set to "debug", timeout to 30 sec, and backend configured with the following processors: HeadersParser|Header|Debugger where it will log the received emails.

Starting a server - Suppressing log output

Same as above, except here things get more interesting as we start configuring

import (

cfg := &AppConfig{LogFile: log.OutputOff.String()}
smtp := SMTP{config: cfg}

err := smtp.Start()
if err != nil {

Here we've set the config field of type AppConfig with our own config setting for the LogFile field. We had to import to get the log.OutputOff. Log file could also be a string to a path, or set it with log.log.OutputStderr.String(), log.OutputStdout.String()

Starting a server - Custom listening interface

The default server listens to - what if want instead?

cfg := &AppConfig{LogFile: log.OutputStdout.String()}
sc := ServerConfig{
	ListenInterface: "",
	IsEnabled:       true,
cfg.Servers = append(cfg.Servers, sc)
smtp := SMTP{config: cfg}

err := smtp.Start()
if err != nil {
	t.Error("start error", err)

Notice here we've used the ServerConfig struct to build our server configuration, and then it was appended to AppConfig.Servers field. Notice that we've initialized the ServerConfig with two properties: ListenInterface and IsEnabled - these are the minimal properties that can be used to configure a new server. The server will use default values for all fields not specified.

What else can be configured?

Here is the AppConfig type

// AppConfig is the holder of the configuration of the app
type AppConfig struct {
	// Servers can have one or more items. Defaults to 1 server listening to
	Servers       []ServerConfig         `json:"servers"`
	// AllowedHosts lists which hosts to accept email for. Defaults to os.Hostname
	AllowedHosts  []string               `json:"allowed_hosts"`
	// PidFile is the path for writing out the process id. No output if empty
	PidFile       string                 `json:"pid_file"`
	// LogFile is where the logs go. Use path to file, or "stderr", "stdout" or "off". Default "stderr"
	LogFile       string                 `json:"log_file,omitempty"`
	// LogLevel controls the lowest level we log. "info", "debug", "error", "panic". Default "info"
	LogLevel      string                 `json:"log_level,omitempty"`
	// BackendConfig configures the transaction processing backend
	BackendConfig backends.BackendConfig `json:"backend_config"`

Notice that it has struct tags - this maps each value to a JSON file, if you want to read the config from one. We'll get to that later. Notice that Servers is a slice, you can have as many servers as you like. Finally the BackendConfig is the configuration for how your email transaction will be processed.

Here is the Servers struct:

type ServerConfig struct {
	// IsEnabled set to true to start the server, false will ignore it
	IsEnabled       bool   `json:"is_enabled"`
	// Hostname will be used in the server's reply to HELO/EHLO. If TLS enabled
	// make sure that the Hostname matches the cert. Defaults to os.Hostname()
	Hostname        string `json:"host_name"`
	// MaxSize is the maximum size of an email that will be accepted for delivery. Defaults to 10MB
	MaxSize         int64  `json:"max_size"`
	// PrivateKeyFile path to cert private key in PEM format. Will be ignored if blank
	PrivateKeyFile  string `json:"private_key_file"`
	// PublicKeyFile path to cert (public key) chain in PEM format. Will be ignored if blank
	PublicKeyFile   string `json:"public_key_file"`
	// Timeout specifies the connection timeout in seconds. Defaults to 30
	Timeout         int    `json:"timeout"`
	// Listen interface specified in <ip>:<port> - defaults to
	ListenInterface string `json:"listen_interface"`
	// StartTLSOn should we offer STARTTLS command. Cert must be valid. False by default
	StartTLSOn      bool   `json:"start_tls_on,omitempty"`
	// TLSAlwaysOn run this server as a pure TLS server, i.e. SMTPS
	TLSAlwaysOn     bool   `json:"tls_always_on,omitempty"`
	// MaxClients controls how many maxiumum clients we can handle at once. Defaults to 100
	MaxClients      int    `json:"max_clients"`
	// LogFile is where the logs go. Use path to file, or "stderr", "stdout" or "off". Default "stderr"
	// defaults to AppConfig.Log file setting 
	LogFile         string `json:"log_file,omitempty"`

	// private fields omitted for brevity

Continue for some more examples.

Backend Configuration

Here we use backends.BackendConfig to configure the default Gateway backend. The Gateway backend is composed of multiple components, therefore it does not define static configuration fields. Instead, it uses a map to configure each setting.

cfg := &AppConfig{LogFile: log.OutputStdout.String()}
sc := ServerConfig{
	ListenInterface: "",
	IsEnabled:       true,
cfg.Servers = append(cfg.Servers, sc)
bcfg := backends.BackendConfig{
	"save_workers_size":  3,
	"process_stack":      "HeadersParser|Header|Hasher|Debugger",
	"log_received_mails": true,
cfg.BackendConfig = bcfg
smtp := SMTP{config: cfg}

err := smtp.Start()
if err != nil {
	t.Error("start error", err)

A bit about the backend system.

A 'backend' is something that implements guerrilla.Backend interface. You don't have to implement this interface yourself. By default, go-guerrilla will use backends.BackendGateway - which we refer to as the Gateway backend. So in the above example, the configuration will be passed to the Gateway backend.

The Gateway is actually quite powerful. Think of it as middle-ware. It can be composed by chaining individual components which we refer to as Processors. In the above example, we chained "HeadersParser|Header|Hasher|Debugger" which means that we'll start processing with the HeadersParser processor and finish with the Debugger. You'll need to refer to individual documentation for each Processor to see what fields are available.

Notice that we instantiated a new bcfg variable and initialized with a literal it as if we initialized a map. The keys of the map correspond the jason struct stags, these struct tags are defined in individual Processor components. (The above components are in the backend package, go file names prefixed with 'p_'.

See the Backends Documentation page for more details

Loading config from Json


Config hot-reloading


custom processor
