This example shows how to use SlidingFeatureView
to process two streams of
real-time events from two Kafka topics into real-time per-user features and
output those real-time features to another Kafka topic. It involves the
following steps:
Read a stream of real-time purchase events from a Kafka topic.
Each purchase event has the following fields:
- user_id, unique identifier of the user that made the purchase.
- item_id, unique identifier of the item that is purchased.
- item_count, number of items purchased.
- timestamp, time when this purchase is made.
Read a stream of real-time item price events from a Kafka topic.
Each item price event has the following fields:
- item_id, unique identifier of the item.
- price, the new price of this item.
- timestamp, time when the new price is used for this item.
Compute a real-time sliding-window feature and output this feature to a Kafka topic.
For each user_id observed in the purchase events, we would like to maintain the total cost of purchases made by this user in a 2-minute sliding window with 1-minute step size. We would need to join the purchase event stream with the price field from the price event stream before performing sliding-window aggregation, with point-in-time correctness in both operations.
For each user with recently observed purchase, an event should be emitted every minute until there is no more purchase event captured in the window for this user. Since this feature is computed by a SlidingFeatureView, the number of output events might not equal the number events in either input streams.
Each event in the output Kafka topic has the following fields:
- user_id, unique identifier of the user.
- total_payment_last_two_minutes, total cost of purchases made by this user in a 2-minute window.
- timestamp, the end time of the window represented by this event.
Prerequisites for running this example:
- Unix-like operating system (e.g. Linux, Mac OS X)
- Python 3.7
- Docker Compose >= 20.10
Please execute the following commands under the flink-sliding-feature-view
folder to run this example.
Install FeatHub pip package with FlinkProcessor dependencies.
$ python -m pip install --upgrade "feathub-nightly[flink]"
Start the Flink and the Kafka cluster.
$ docker-compose up -d
After the Flink and the Kafka clusters have started, you should be able to navigate to the web UI at localhost:8081 to view the Flink dashboard.
Produce events into the two Kafka topics.
$ python
Run the FeatHub program to compute and output the real-time feature to a Kafka topic.
$ python
Checkout the outputs.
Download Kafka consumer and read events from the output topic.
$ curl -LO $ tar -xzf kafka_2.12-3.2.3.tgz $ ./kafka_2.12-3.2.3/bin/ \ --bootstrap-server localhost:9093 \ --topic user_online_features \ --from-beginning
The Kafka topic should contain the following messages:
{"user_id":"user_1","window_time":1640966459999,"total_payment_last_two_minutes":100.0} {"user_id":"user_1","window_time":1640966519999,"total_payment_last_two_minutes":500.0} {"user_id":"user_1","window_time":1640966579999,"total_payment_last_two_minutes":1000.0} {"user_id":"user_2","window_time":1640966639999,"total_payment_last_two_minutes":300.0} {"user_id":"user_1","window_time":1640966639999,"total_payment_last_two_minutes":600.0}
Tear down the Flink and the Kafka clusters after the FeatHub program has finished.
Note that since the FeatHub job is reading from Kafka, it will run indefinitely, and you would need to manually press Control-C to stop the program.
docker-compose down