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This is a collection of useful resources that taught me somethign or that I find very useful and good. Also, kind of a noteblock for myself.
- - Open Source Diagram Tool.
- Archi - The Open Source modelling toolkit for creating ArchiMate models and sketches
- Arc42 - All you ever need to construct, communicate and document your software architecture.
- iSAQB - The International Software Architecture Qualification Board (iSAQB®) brings together professional software architecture experts from industry, consulting, training, academia, and other organizations.
- TOGAF - The Open Group Architecture Framework
- BPMN, DMN and Form Builder - Web-based tooling for BPMN, DMN and Forms.
- Egon - A Domain Story Modeler.
- RESTful Objects Specification - Restful Objects is a standard covering RESTful interfaces to domain object models.
- Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software by Eric Evans.
- Implementing Domain-Driven Design by Vernon Vaughn.
- Domain-Driven Design Distilled - Read this before the former two, but it won't replace them!
- Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture by Martin Fowler.
- Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship by Robert Martin
- Mastering Non-Functional Requirements: Templates and tactics for analysis, architecture and assessment by Sameer Paradkar.
- Design Patterns. Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph E. Johnson, John Vlissides.
- Team Topologies by Matthew Skelton & Manuel Pais.
- Rocket Surgery Made Easy: The Do-It-Yourself Guide to Finding and Fixing Usability Problems by Steve Krug.
- Humane Interface, The: New Directions for Designing Interactive Systems by Jef Raskin.
- The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni is a book about team building and team work.
- How to Lead Smart People: Leadership for Professionals
- The clean code blog by Robert C. Martin
- Refactoring Guru - A nice list of patterns and refactoring techniques.
- Microservice Architecture - by Chris Richardson - Everything about Microservices & Distributed Systems
- - Event Modeling is a method of describing systems using an example of how information has changed within them over time.
- - Connascence is a software quality metric & a taxonomy for different types of coupling.
- - Impact maps show assumptions and a connection between business goals, impacts on users and stakeholders, and team deliverables.
- Wardley Mapping
- Event Storming - Offical Event Storming Website by Alberto Brandolini.
- Reddits PHP Section - Reddits PHP section.
- InfoQ
- Dzone
- Lindy Effect - The Lindy effect (also known as Lindy's Law[1]) is a theorized phenomenon by which the future life expectancy of some non-perishable things, like a technology or an idea, is proportional to their current age.
- Conways Law - Conway's law is an adage linking the communication structure of organizations to the systems they design.
- Goodharts Law - Its basically saying that a metric becomes bad one if one just aims for fulfilling the numbers without respect to quality.
- Law of Demeter - The Law of Demeter states that an object should only interact with its immediate neighbors—its own fields, method parameters, and objects it creates—and avoid calling methods on objects returned by those neighbors, minimizing dependencies and promoting loose coupling.
- KanDDDisnky Conference Talks
- NDC Conference Talks
- DDD Europe Conference Talks
- GOTO Conferences
- Explore DDD Conference
- Tech Excellence
- Eberhard Wolf Software Architecture Topics by Eberhard Wolf (in German)
- Code Opinion - Software Architecture Architecture and c#, by Derek Comartin
- Continious Delivery CI/CD focused, by Dave Farley
- MilanJovanovicTech Architecture basics & c#, by Milan Jovanovic.
- Alberto Brandolini @ziobrando
- Amichai Mantinband @amantinband
- Daniel Bryant @danielbryantuk
- Dan Patrascu @danpdc
- Derek Comartin @codeopinion
- Explore DDD Conference. @exploreddd
- Eduardo da Silva @emgsilva
- Eric Evans @ericevans0
- EventModeling @EventModeling
- Frank de Jonge @frankdejonge
- Greg Young @gregyoung
- KanDDDinsky Conference @KanDDDinsky
- Kevlin Henney @KevlinHenney
- Manuel Pais @manupaisable
- Martin Fowler @martinfowler
- Matthias Noback @matthiasnoback
- Michael Plöd @bitboss
- Ross Tuck @rosstuck
- Uncle Bob Martin @unclebobmartin
- Vaughn Vernon @VaughnVernon
- Virtual Domain Driven Design @virtualDDD
- Prooph Event Store - Prooph Event Story Library
- Nyholm PSR7 Server - PSR7 Server Library
- Ramsey UUID - UUID Library
- Beberlei Assert - Assertion Library
- Webmozar Assert - Assertion Library
- Automapper - PHP version of the c# Automapper library, an object mapper.
- AutoShell - A shell without further dependencies. I/O not included (use something like CLImate).
- API Platform - A Symfony based API framework / boilerplate.
- phive - The Phar Installation and Verification Environment (PHIVE)
- gh-ci - Github for the CLI
- grumphp - Pre-Commit Checks using different tools
- nektos/act - Run Github Workflows locally
- Testing
- phpunit - Unit testing
- Debugging
- kint - Debuggin Utility with zero dependenices
- Architecture:
- phpstan - Static Analyzer
- composer-dependency-analyser - Detects unused, shadow and misplaced composer dependencies.
- phpcs / phpcbf - Code Sniffer and Auto-Fixer
- PHPArkitect - Hou to keep your PHP codebase coherent and solid, by permitting to add some architectural constraint check to your workflow.
- phpat - PHP Architecture Tester
- FrankenPHP - A PHP server written in GO.
- Roadrunner - A PHP Server written in Go.
The framework listed here are explicitly not the well known big ones.
- Spiral - Elegant high-performance framework + Roadrunner.
- Hyperf - Co-routine based framwork (requires Swoole) that also features AOP (optionally).
- Goaop - An aspect-Oriented Framework for PHP that doesn't require any PECL-extentions.
- Spring Boot - The Spring Boot Framework.
- OSGi - The Dynamic Module System for Java.
- Spring Academy - A very good learning resource, free and paid content.
- Baldung - Free and paid learning resources.
- SDK Man - The Software Development Kit Manager (Linux or WSL2 only, requires Bash).
- pgAdmin - Posgres Admin Tool.
- Scoop - Command line package manager.
- Chocolaty - Package manager.
- Windows Terminal - Windows Terminal.
- Procmon - Advanced Process Monitor.
- Flameshot - For Screenshots.