Involves JSON formatted data
Involves Swift, ObjC, Java, or Kotlin code for mobile apps
Involves YAML formatted data
Documents something about the site
Collects multiple related issues
Critical and urgent concern: breaks builds, impacts team velocity. Resolve in weeks. Update weekly.
Major but not urgent concern: Resolve in months. Update each month.
Necessary but not urgent concern. Resolve when possible.
Valid but not urgent concern. Resolve when possible. Encourage upvote to surface.
Awaiting Updates after Edits
Awaiting Technical Review
Issue cannot continue until another action completes
Issue not relevant to repo or self-resolved
Ready to merge or land with minor changes. No further review needed.
Triage team reviewing and categorizing the issue
Relates to an accessibility concern
Relates to Flutter activities
Relates to creating adaptive apps
Relates to adding Flutter components to native app
Relates to use of the Flutter brand
Relates to flutter <tool> tools
Data integrated into docs live
Relates to desktop compatibility of an app
Relates to DevTools and CLI