From c6ec0fb5ec94b99def75a287a5e090f7dcf08e84 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Soule BA <>
Date: Fri, 3 May 2024 15:27:33 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Add more tests cases

Signed-off-by: Soule BA <>
 cache/cache.go        | 256 +++++++++++++++++++-----------
 cache/cache_test.go   | 351 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 cache/lru.go          |  55 ++++---
 cache/lru_test.go     | 103 ++++++++++++-
 cache/metrics.go      |  16 +-
 cache/metrics_test.go |  15 +-
 cache/store.go        |  90 +++++++----
 7 files changed, 728 insertions(+), 158 deletions(-)

diff --git a/cache/cache.go b/cache/cache.go
index c16c3b56e..7c0fe7ae8 100644
--- a/cache/cache.go
+++ b/cache/cache.go
@@ -17,32 +17,45 @@ limitations under the License.
 package cache
 import (
+	"cmp"
+	"slices"
+	"sort"
+// noExpiration is a sentinel value used to indicate no expiration time.
+// It is used instead of 0, to be able to sort items by expiration time ascending.
+const noExpiration = time.Second * 86400 * 365 * 10 // 10 years
 // Cache[T] is a thread-safe in-memory key/object store.
 // It can be used to store objects with optional expiration.
 type Cache[T any] struct {
-	// keyFunc is used to make the key for objects stored in and retrieved from items, and
+	// keyFunc is used to make the key for objects stored in and retrieved from index, and
 	// should be deterministic.
 	keyFunc KeyFunc[T]
-// Item is an item stored in the cache.
-type Item[T any] struct {
-	// Object is the item's object.
-	Object T
-	// Expiration is the item's expiration time.
-	Expiration int64
+// item is an item stored in the cache.
+type item[T any] struct {
+	key string
+	// object is the item's object.
+	object T
+	// expiration is the item's expiration time.
+	expiration int64
 type cache[T any] struct {
-	// Items holds the elements in the cache.
-	Items map[string]Item[T]
-	// MaxItems is the maximum number of items the cache can hold.
-	MaxItems   int
+	// index holds the cache index.
+	index map[string]*item[T]
+	// items is the store of elements in the cache.
+	items []*item[T]
+	// sorted indicates whether the items are sorted by expiration time.
+	// It is initially true, and set to false when the items are not sorted.
+	sorted bool
+	// capacity is the maximum number of index the cache can hold.
+	capacity   int
 	metrics    *cacheMetrics
 	labelsFunc GetLvsFunc[T]
 	janitor    *janitor[T]
@@ -54,8 +67,8 @@ type cache[T any] struct {
 var _ Expirable[any] = &Cache[any]{}
 // New creates a new cache with the given configuration.
-func New[T any](maxItems int, keyFunc KeyFunc[T], opts ...Options[T]) (*Cache[T], error) {
-	opt := cacheOptions[T]{}
+func New[T any](capacity int, keyFunc KeyFunc[T], opts ...Options[T]) (*Cache[T], error) {
+	opt := storeOptions[T]{}
 	for _, o := range opts {
 		err := o(&opt)
 		if err != nil {
@@ -66,9 +79,12 @@ func New[T any](maxItems int, keyFunc KeyFunc[T], opts ...Options[T]) (*Cache[T]
 		return nil, ErrNoRegisterer
 	c := &cache[T]{
-		Items:    make(map[string]Item[T]),
-		MaxItems: maxItems,
-		metrics:  newCacheMetrics(opt.registerer, opt.extraLabels...),
+		index:      make(map[string]*item[T]),
+		items:      make([]*item[T], 0, capacity),
+		sorted:     true,
+		capacity:   capacity,
+		metrics:    newCacheMetrics(opt.registerer, opt.extraLabels...),
+		labelsFunc: opt.labelsFunc,
 		janitor: &janitor[T]{
 			interval: opt.interval,
 			stop:     make(chan bool),
@@ -96,8 +112,8 @@ func (c *Cache[T]) Close() error {
 	return nil
-// Add an item to the cache, existing items will not be overwritten.
-// To overwrite existing items, use Update.
+// Add an item to the cache, existing index will not be overwritten.
+// To overwrite existing index, use Update.
 // If the cache is full, Add will return an error.
 func (c *Cache[T]) Add(object T) error {
 	key, err := c.keyFunc(object)
@@ -108,20 +124,20 @@ func (c *Cache[T]) Add(object T) error {
 	if c.closed {
-		c.metrics.incCacheRequests("failed")
+		c.metrics.incCacheRequests(StatusFailure)
 		return KeyError{object, ErrClosed}
-	_, found := c.Items[key]
+	_, found := c.index[key]
 	if found {
-		c.metrics.incCacheRequests("failed")
+		c.metrics.incCacheRequests(StatusFailure)
 		return KeyError{object, ErrAlreadyExists}
-	if c.MaxItems > 0 && len(c.Items) < c.MaxItems {
+	if c.capacity > 0 && len(c.index) < c.capacity {
 		c.set(key, object)
-		c.metrics.incCacheRequests("success")
+		c.metrics.incCacheRequests(StatusSuccess)
 		return nil
@@ -140,21 +156,21 @@ func (c *Cache[T]) Update(object T) error {
 	if c.closed {
-		c.metrics.incCacheRequests("failed")
+		c.metrics.incCacheRequests(StatusFailure)
 		return KeyError{object, ErrClosed}
-	_, found := c.Items[key]
+	_, found := c.index[key]
 	if found {
 		c.set(key, object)
-		c.metrics.incCacheRequests("success")
+		c.metrics.incCacheRequests(StatusSuccess)
 		return nil
-	if c.MaxItems > 0 && len(c.Items) < c.MaxItems {
+	if c.capacity > 0 && len(c.index) < c.capacity {
 		c.set(key, object)
-		c.metrics.incCacheRequests("success")
+		c.metrics.incCacheRequests(StatusSuccess)
 		return nil
@@ -163,11 +179,19 @@ func (c *Cache[T]) Update(object T) error {
 func (c *cache[T]) set(key string, object T) {
-	var e int64
-	c.Items[key] = Item[T]{
-		Object:     object,
-		Expiration: e,
+	item := item[T]{
+		key:        key,
+		object:     object,
+		expiration: time.Now().Add(noExpiration).UnixNano(),
+	}
+	if _, found := c.index[key]; found {
+		// item already exists, update it only
+		c.index[key] = &item
+		return
+	c.index[key] = &item
+	c.items = append(c.items, &item)
 // Get an item from the cache. Returns the item or nil, and a bool indicating
@@ -176,7 +200,7 @@ func (c *Cache[T]) Get(object T) (item T, exists bool, err error) {
 	var res T
 	lvs := []string{}
 	if c.labelsFunc != nil {
-		lvs, err = c.labelsFunc(object, len(c.metrics.getLabels()))
+		lvs, err = c.labelsFunc(object, len(c.metrics.getExtraLabels()))
 		if err != nil {
 			return res, false, KeyError{object, err}
@@ -200,7 +224,7 @@ func (c *Cache[T]) Get(object T) (item T, exists bool, err error) {
 // GetByKey returns the object for the given key.
 func (c *Cache[T]) GetByKey(key string) (T, bool, error) {
 	var res T
-	items, found, err := c.get(key)
+	index, found, err := c.get(key)
 	if err != nil {
 		return res, false, err
@@ -210,7 +234,7 @@ func (c *Cache[T]) GetByKey(key string) (T, bool, error) {
-	return items, true, nil
+	return index, true, nil
 func (c *cache[T]) get(key string) (T, bool, error) {
@@ -218,28 +242,29 @@ func (c *cache[T]) get(key string) (T, bool, error) {
 	if c.closed {
-		c.metrics.incCacheRequests("failed")
+		c.metrics.incCacheRequests(StatusFailure)
 		return res, false, ErrClosed
-	item, found := c.Items[key]
+	item, found := c.index[key]
 	if !found {
-		c.metrics.incCacheRequests("success")
+		c.metrics.incCacheRequests(StatusSuccess)
 		return res, false, nil
-	if item.Expiration > 0 {
-		if item.Expiration < time.Now().UnixNano() {
+	if item.expiration > 0 {
+		if item.expiration < time.Now().UnixNano() {
 			return res, false, nil
-	c.metrics.incCacheRequests("success")
-	return item.Object, true, nil
+	c.metrics.incCacheRequests(StatusSuccess)
+	return item.object, true, nil
 // Delete an item from the cache. Does nothing if the key is not in the cache.
+// It actually sets the item expiration to now, so that it will at the cleanup.
 func (c *Cache[T]) Delete(object T) error {
 	key, err := c.keyFunc(object)
 	if err != nil {
@@ -248,19 +273,22 @@ func (c *Cache[T]) Delete(object T) error {
 	if c.closed {
-		c.metrics.incCacheRequests("failed")
+		c.metrics.incCacheRequests(StatusFailure)
 		return KeyError{object, ErrClosed}
-	delete(c.Items, key)
+	if item, ok := c.index[key]; ok {
+		// set the item expiration to now
+		// so that it will be removed by the janitor
+		item.expiration = time.Now().UnixNano()
+	}
-	c.metrics.incCacheRequests("success")
-	c.metrics.decCacheItems()
+	c.metrics.incCacheRequests(StatusSuccess)
 	return nil
-// Clear all items from the cache.
-// This reallocates the underlying array holding the items,
-// so that the memory used by the items is reclaimed.
+// Clear all index from the cache.
+// This reallocates the underlying array holding the index,
+// so that the memory used by the index is reclaimed.
 // A closed cache cannot be cleared.
 func (c *cache[T]) Clear() {
@@ -268,7 +296,7 @@ func (c *cache[T]) Clear() {
-	c.Items = make(map[string]Item[T])
+	c.index = make(map[string]*item[T])
@@ -278,18 +306,53 @@ func (c *cache[T]) ListKeys() []string {
 	if c.closed {
-		c.metrics.incCacheRequests("failed")
+		c.metrics.incCacheRequests(StatusFailure)
 		return nil
-	keys := make([]string, 0, len(c.Items))
-	for k := range c.Items {
+	keys := make([]string, 0, len(c.index))
+	for k := range c.index {
 		keys = append(keys, k)
-	c.metrics.incCacheRequests("success")
+	c.metrics.incCacheRequests(StatusSuccess)
 	return keys
+// Resize resizes the cache and returns the number of index removed.
+func (c *cache[T]) Resize(size int) int {
+	overflow := len(c.items) - size
+	if overflow <= 0 {
+		c.metrics.incCacheRequests(StatusSuccess)
+		return 0
+	}
+	if c.closed {
+		c.metrics.incCacheRequests(StatusFailure)
+		return 0
+	}
+	if !c.sorted {
+		// sort the slice of index by expiration time
+		slices.SortFunc(c.items, func(i, j *item[T]) int {
+			return cmp.Compare(i.expiration, j.expiration)
+		})
+		c.sorted = true
+	}
+	// delete the overflow indexes
+	for _, v := range c.items[:overflow] {
+		delete(c.index, v.key)
+		c.metrics.incCacheEvictions()
+		c.metrics.decCacheItems()
+	}
+	// remove the overflow indexes from the slice
+	c.items = c.items[overflow:]
+	c.metrics.incCacheRequests(StatusSuccess)
+	return overflow
 // HasExpired returns true if the item has expired.
 func (c *Cache[T]) HasExpired(object T) (bool, error) {
 	key, err := c.keyFunc(object)
@@ -300,24 +363,24 @@ func (c *Cache[T]) HasExpired(object T) (bool, error) {
 	if c.closed {
-		c.metrics.incCacheRequests("failed")
+		c.metrics.incCacheRequests(StatusFailure)
 		return false, KeyError{object, ErrClosed}
-	item, ok := c.Items[key]
+	item, ok := c.index[key]
 	if !ok {
-		c.metrics.incCacheRequests("success")
+		c.metrics.incCacheRequests(StatusSuccess)
 		return true, nil
-	if item.Expiration > 0 {
-		if item.Expiration < time.Now().UnixNano() {
-			c.metrics.incCacheRequests("success")
-			return true, nil
-		}
+	if item.expiration < time.Now().UnixNano() {
+		c.metrics.incCacheRequests(StatusSuccess)
+		return true, nil
-	c.metrics.incCacheRequests("success")
+	c.metrics.incCacheRequests(StatusSuccess)
 	return false, nil
@@ -332,16 +395,19 @@ func (c *Cache[T]) SetExpiration(object T, expiration time.Duration) error {
 	if c.closed {
-		c.metrics.incCacheRequests("failed")
+		c.metrics.incCacheRequests(StatusFailure)
 		return KeyError{object, ErrClosed}
-	item, ok := c.Items[key]
+	item, ok := c.index[key]
 	if ok {
-		item.Expiration = time.Now().Add(expiration).UnixNano()
-		c.Items[key] = item
+		item.expiration = time.Now().Add(expiration).UnixNano()
+		// mark the items as not sorted
+		c.sorted = false
+		c.metrics.incCacheRequests(StatusSuccess)
+	} else {
+		c.metrics.incCacheRequests(StatusFailure)
-	c.metrics.incCacheRequests("success")
 	return nil
@@ -356,43 +422,59 @@ func (c *Cache[T]) GetExpiration(object T) (time.Duration, error) {
 	if c.closed {
-		c.metrics.incCacheRequests("failed")
+		c.metrics.incCacheRequests(StatusFailure)
 		return 0, KeyError{object, ErrClosed}
-	item, ok := c.Items[key]
+	item, ok := c.index[key]
 	if !ok {
-		c.metrics.incCacheRequests("success")
+		c.metrics.incCacheRequests(StatusSuccess)
 		return 0, KeyError{object, ErrNotFound}
-	if item.Expiration > 0 {
-		if item.Expiration < time.Now().UnixNano() {
+	if item.expiration > 0 {
+		if item.expiration < time.Now().UnixNano() {
-			c.metrics.incCacheRequests("success")
+			c.metrics.incCacheRequests(StatusSuccess)
 			return 0, nil
-	c.metrics.incCacheRequests("success")
-	return time.Duration(item.Expiration - time.Now().UnixNano()), nil
+	c.metrics.incCacheRequests(StatusSuccess)
+	return time.Duration(item.expiration - time.Now().UnixNano()), nil
-// DeleteExpired deletes all expired items from the cache.
-func (c *cache[T]) DeleteExpired() {
+// deleteExpired deletes all expired index from the cache.
+// It is called by the janitor.
+func (c *cache[T]) deleteExpired() {
 	if c.closed {
-		c.metrics.incCacheRequests("failed")
-	for k, v := range c.Items {
-		if v.Expiration > 0 && v.Expiration < time.Now().UnixNano() {
-			delete(c.Items, k)
-			c.metrics.incCacheEvictions()
-		}
+	if !c.sorted {
+		// sort the slice of index by expiration time
+		slices.SortFunc(c.items, func(i, j *item[T]) int {
+			return cmp.Compare(i.expiration, j.expiration)
+		})
+		c.sorted = true
+	}
+	t := time.Now().UnixNano()
+	index := sort.Search(len(c.items), func(i int) bool {
+		// smallest index with an expiration greater than t
+		return c.items[i].expiration > t
+	})
+	// delete the expired indexes
+	for _, v := range c.items[:index] {
+		delete(c.index, v.key)
+		c.metrics.incCacheEvictions()
+		c.metrics.decCacheItems()
+	// remove the expired indexes from the slice
+	c.items = c.items[index:]
-	c.metrics.incCacheRequests("success")
 type janitor[T any] struct {
@@ -405,7 +487,7 @@ func (j *janitor[T]) run(c *cache[T]) {
 	for {
 		select {
 		case <-ticker.C:
-			c.DeleteExpired()
+			c.deleteExpired()
 		case <-j.stop:
diff --git a/cache/cache_test.go b/cache/cache_test.go
index 2717c96e9..0c285aec8 100644
--- a/cache/cache_test.go
+++ b/cache/cache_test.go
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ package cache
 import (
-	"math/rand"
+	"math/rand/v2"
@@ -43,7 +43,8 @@ func TestCache(t *testing.T) {
 		g := NewWithT(t)
 		// create a cache that can hold 2 items and have no cleanup
 		cache, err := New(3, kc.MetaNamespaceKeyFunc,
-			WithMetricsRegisterer[any](prometheus.NewPedanticRegistry()))
+			WithMetricsRegisterer[any](prometheus.NewPedanticRegistry()),
+			WithCleanupInterval[any](1*time.Second))
 		obj := &testObject{
@@ -117,6 +118,14 @@ func TestCache(t *testing.T) {
+		// cleanup the cache
+		cache.Clear()
+		g.Expect(cache.ListKeys()).To(BeEmpty())
+		// close the cache
+		err = cache.Close()
+		g.Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
 	t.Run("Add expiring keys", func(t *testing.T) {
@@ -168,6 +177,342 @@ func TestCache(t *testing.T) {
+func Test_Cache_Add(t *testing.T) {
+	g := NewWithT(t)
+	reg := prometheus.NewPedanticRegistry()
+	cache, err := New[IdentifiableObject](1, IdentifiableObjectKeyFunc,
+		WithMetricsRegisterer[IdentifiableObject](reg),
+		WithCleanupInterval[IdentifiableObject](10*time.Millisecond))
+	g.Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+	// Add an object representing an expiring token
+	obj := IdentifiableObject{
+		ObjMetadata: object.ObjMetadata{
+			Namespace: "test-ns",
+			Name:      "test",
+			GroupKind: schema.GroupKind{
+				Group: "test-group",
+				Kind:  "TestObject",
+			},
+		},
+		Object: "test-token",
+	}
+	err = cache.Add(obj)
+	g.Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+	err = cache.SetExpiration(obj, 10*time.Millisecond)
+	g.Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+	g.Expect(cache.ListKeys()).To(ConsistOf("test-ns_test_test-group_TestObject"))
+	// try adding the same object again
+	err = cache.Add(obj)
+	g.Expect(err).To(HaveOccurred())
+	g.Expect(err.Error()).To(ContainSubstring("already exists"))
+	// wait for the item to expire
+	time.Sleep(20 * time.Millisecond)
+	ok, err := cache.HasExpired(obj)
+	g.Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+	g.Expect(ok).To(BeTrue())
+	// add another object
+	obj.Name = "test2"
+	err = cache.Add(obj)
+	g.Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+	g.Expect(cache.ListKeys()).To(ConsistOf("test-ns_test2_test-group_TestObject"))
+	// validate metrics
+	validateMetrics(reg, `
+	# HELP gotk_cache_evictions_total Total number of cache evictions.
+	# TYPE gotk_cache_evictions_total counter
+	gotk_cache_evictions_total 1
+	# HELP gotk_cache_requests_total Total number of cache requests partioned by success or failure.
+	# TYPE gotk_cache_requests_total counter
+	gotk_cache_requests_total{status="failure"} 1
+	gotk_cache_requests_total{status="success"} 6
+	# HELP gotk_cached_items Total number of items in the cache.
+	# TYPE gotk_cached_items gauge
+	gotk_cached_items 1
+`, t)
+func Test_Cache_Update(t *testing.T) {
+	g := NewWithT(t)
+	reg := prometheus.NewPedanticRegistry()
+	cache, err := New[IdentifiableObject](1, IdentifiableObjectKeyFunc,
+		WithMetricsRegisterer[IdentifiableObject](reg))
+	g.Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+	// Add an object representing an expiring token
+	obj := IdentifiableObject{
+		ObjMetadata: object.ObjMetadata{
+			Namespace: "test-ns",
+			Name:      "test",
+			GroupKind: schema.GroupKind{
+				Group: "test-group",
+				Kind:  "TestObject",
+			},
+		},
+		Object: "test-token",
+	}
+	err = cache.Add(obj)
+	g.Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+	g.Expect(cache.ListKeys()).To(ConsistOf("test-ns_test_test-group_TestObject"))
+	obj.Object = "test-token2"
+	err = cache.Update(obj)
+	g.Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+	g.Expect(cache.ListKeys()).To(ConsistOf("test-ns_test_test-group_TestObject"))
+	g.Expect(cache.index["test-ns_test_test-group_TestObject"].object.Object).To(Equal("test-token2"))
+	// validate metrics
+	validateMetrics(reg, `
+		# HELP gotk_cache_evictions_total Total number of cache evictions.
+		# TYPE gotk_cache_evictions_total counter
+		gotk_cache_evictions_total 0
+		# HELP gotk_cache_requests_total Total number of cache requests partioned by success or failure.
+		# TYPE gotk_cache_requests_total counter
+		gotk_cache_requests_total{status="success"} 4
+		# HELP gotk_cached_items Total number of items in the cache.
+		# TYPE gotk_cached_items gauge
+		gotk_cached_items 1
+	`, t)
+func Test_Cache_Get(t *testing.T) {
+	g := NewWithT(t)
+	reg := prometheus.NewPedanticRegistry()
+	cache, err := New[IdentifiableObject](5, IdentifiableObjectKeyFunc,
+		WithMetricsRegisterer[IdentifiableObject](reg),
+		WithMetricsLabels[IdentifiableObject](IdentifiableObjectLabels, IdentifiableObjectLVSFunc))
+	g.Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+	// Add an object representing an expiring token
+	obj := IdentifiableObject{
+		ObjMetadata: object.ObjMetadata{
+			Namespace: "test-ns",
+			Name:      "test",
+			GroupKind: schema.GroupKind{
+				Group: "test-group",
+				Kind:  "TestObject",
+			},
+		},
+		Object: "test-token",
+	}
+	_, found, err := cache.Get(obj)
+	g.Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+	g.Expect(found).To(BeFalse())
+	err = cache.Add(obj)
+	g.Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+	item, found, err := cache.Get(obj)
+	g.Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+	g.Expect(found).To(BeTrue())
+	g.Expect(item).To(Equal(obj))
+	validateMetrics(reg, `
+	# HELP gotk_cache_events_total Total number of cache retrieval events for a Gitops Toolkit resource reconciliation.
+	# TYPE gotk_cache_events_total counter
+	gotk_cache_events_total{event_type="cache_hit",kind="TestObject",name="test",namespace="test-ns"} 1
+	gotk_cache_events_total{event_type="cache_miss",kind="TestObject",name="test",namespace="test-ns"} 1
+	# HELP gotk_cache_evictions_total Total number of cache evictions.
+	# TYPE gotk_cache_evictions_total counter
+	gotk_cache_evictions_total 0
+	# HELP gotk_cache_requests_total Total number of cache requests partioned by success or failure.
+	# TYPE gotk_cache_requests_total counter
+	gotk_cache_requests_total{status="success"} 3
+	# HELP gotk_cached_items Total number of items in the cache.
+	# TYPE gotk_cached_items gauge
+	gotk_cached_items 1
+`, t)
+func Test_Cache_Delete(t *testing.T) {
+	g := NewWithT(t)
+	reg := prometheus.NewPedanticRegistry()
+	cache, err := New[IdentifiableObject](5, IdentifiableObjectKeyFunc,
+		WithMetricsRegisterer[IdentifiableObject](reg),
+		WithCleanupInterval[IdentifiableObject](1*time.Millisecond))
+	g.Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+	// Add an object representing an expiring token
+	obj := IdentifiableObject{
+		ObjMetadata: object.ObjMetadata{
+			Namespace: "test-ns",
+			Name:      "test",
+			GroupKind: schema.GroupKind{
+				Group: "test-group",
+				Kind:  "TestObject",
+			},
+		},
+		Object: "test-token",
+	}
+	err = cache.Add(obj)
+	g.Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+	g.Expect(cache.ListKeys()).To(ConsistOf("test-ns_test_test-group_TestObject"))
+	err = cache.Delete(obj)
+	g.Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+	time.Sleep(5 * time.Millisecond)
+	g.Expect(cache.ListKeys()).To(BeEmpty())
+	validateMetrics(reg, `
+	# HELP gotk_cache_evictions_total Total number of cache evictions.
+	# TYPE gotk_cache_evictions_total counter
+	gotk_cache_evictions_total 1
+	# HELP gotk_cache_requests_total Total number of cache requests partioned by success or failure.
+	# TYPE gotk_cache_requests_total counter
+	gotk_cache_requests_total{status="success"} 4
+	# HELP gotk_cached_items Total number of items in the cache.
+	# TYPE gotk_cached_items gauge
+	gotk_cached_items 0
+`, t)
+func Test_Cache_deleteExpired(t *testing.T) {
+	type expiringItem struct {
+		object     StoreObject[string]
+		expiration time.Duration
+		expire     bool
+	}
+	tests := []struct {
+		name           string
+		items          []expiringItem
+		nonExpiredKeys []string
+	}{
+		{
+			name: "non expiring items",
+			items: []expiringItem{
+				{
+					object: StoreObject[string]{
+						Object: "test-token",
+						Key:    "test",
+					},
+					expiration: time.Duration(time.Now().Add(noExpiration).UnixNano()),
+				},
+				{
+					object: StoreObject[string]{
+						Object: "test-token2",
+						Key:    "test2",
+					},
+					expiration: time.Duration(time.Now().Add(noExpiration).UnixNano()),
+				},
+			},
+			nonExpiredKeys: []string{"test", "test2"},
+		},
+		{
+			name: "expiring items",
+			items: []expiringItem{
+				{
+					object: StoreObject[string]{
+						Object: "test-token",
+						Key:    "test",
+					},
+					expiration: 1 * time.Millisecond,
+					expire:     true,
+				},
+				{
+					object: StoreObject[string]{
+						Object: "test-token2",
+						Key:    "test2",
+					},
+					expiration: 1 * time.Millisecond,
+					expire:     true,
+				},
+			},
+			nonExpiredKeys: []string{},
+		},
+		{
+			name: "mixed items",
+			items: []expiringItem{
+				{
+					object: StoreObject[string]{
+						Object: "test-token",
+						Key:    "test",
+					},
+					expiration: 1 * time.Millisecond,
+					expire:     true,
+				},
+				{
+					object: StoreObject[string]{
+						Object: "test-token2",
+						Key:    "test2",
+					},
+					expiration: time.Duration(time.Now().Add(noExpiration).UnixNano()),
+				},
+				{
+					object: StoreObject[string]{
+						Object: "test-token3",
+						Key:    "test3",
+					},
+					expiration: 1 * time.Minute,
+					expire:     true,
+				},
+			},
+			nonExpiredKeys: []string{"test2", "test3"},
+		},
+	}
+	for _, tt := range tests {
+		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
+			g := NewWithT(t)
+			reg := prometheus.NewPedanticRegistry()
+			cache, err := New[StoreObject[string]](5, StoreObjectKeyFunc,
+				WithMetricsRegisterer[StoreObject[string]](reg),
+				WithCleanupInterval[StoreObject[string]](1*time.Millisecond))
+			g.Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+			for _, item := range tt.items {
+				err := cache.Add(item.object)
+				g.Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+				if item.expire {
+					err = cache.SetExpiration(item.object, item.expiration)
+					g.Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+				}
+			}
+			time.Sleep(5 * time.Millisecond)
+			keys := cache.ListKeys()
+			g.Expect(keys).To(ConsistOf(tt.nonExpiredKeys))
+		})
+	}
+func Test_Cache_Resize(t *testing.T) {
+	n := 100
+	g := NewWithT(t)
+	reg := prometheus.NewPedanticRegistry()
+	cache, err := New[IdentifiableObject](n, IdentifiableObjectKeyFunc,
+		WithMetricsRegisterer[IdentifiableObject](reg),
+		WithCleanupInterval[IdentifiableObject](10*time.Millisecond))
+	g.Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+	for i := range n {
+		obj := IdentifiableObject{
+			ObjMetadata: object.ObjMetadata{
+				Namespace: "test-ns",
+				Name:      fmt.Sprintf("test-%d", i),
+				GroupKind: schema.GroupKind{
+					Group: "test-group",
+					Kind:  "TestObject",
+				},
+			},
+			Object: "test-token",
+		}
+		err = cache.Add(obj)
+		g.Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+		err = cache.SetExpiration(obj, 10*time.Minute)
+		g.Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+	}
+	deleted := cache.Resize(10)
+	g.Expect(deleted).To(Equal(n - 10))
+	g.Expect(cache.ListKeys()).To(HaveLen(10))
 func TestCache_Concurrent(t *testing.T) {
 	const (
 		concurrency = 500
@@ -187,7 +532,7 @@ func TestCache_Concurrent(t *testing.T) {
 	// simulate concurrent read and write
 	for i := 0; i < concurrency; i++ {
-		key := rand.Intn(keysNum)
+		key := rand.IntN(keysNum)
 		go func() {
 			defer wg.Done()
diff --git a/cache/lru.go b/cache/lru.go
index 81cd6d303..e6c4ffb13 100644
--- a/cache/lru.go
+++ b/cache/lru.go
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ var _ Store[any] = &LRU[any]{}
 // NewLRU creates a new LRU cache with the given capacity and keyFunc.
 func NewLRU[T any](capacity int, keyFunc KeyFunc[T], opts ...Options[T]) (*LRU[T], error) {
-	opt := cacheOptions[T]{}
+	opt := storeOptions[T]{}
 	for _, o := range opts {
 		err := o(&opt)
 		if err != nil {
@@ -96,23 +96,23 @@ func (c *LRU[T]) Add(object T) error {
 	_, ok := c.cache[key]
 	if ok {
-		c.metrics.incCacheRequests("failed")
+		c.metrics.incCacheRequests(StatusFailure)
 		return KeyError{object, ErrAlreadyExists}
 	evicted := c.add(&Node[T]{key: key, object: object})
-	c.metrics.incCacheRequests("success")
+	c.metrics.incCacheRequests(StatusSuccess)
 	if evicted {
+		return nil
 	return nil
-func (c *LRU[T]) add(node *Node[T]) bool {
-	evicted := false
+func (c *LRU[T]) add(node *Node[T]) (evicted bool) {
 	prev := c.tail.prev
@@ -123,22 +123,22 @@ func (c *LRU[T]) add(node *Node[T]) bool {
 	if len(c.cache) > c.capacity {
-		evicted = true
+		return true
-	return evicted
+	return false
 // Delete removes a node from the list
 func (c *LRU[T]) Delete(object T) error {
 	key, err := c.keyFunc(object)
 	if err != nil {
-		c.metrics.incCacheRequests("failed")
+		c.metrics.incCacheRequests(StatusFailure)
 		return KeyError{object, err}
 	// if node is head or tail, do nothing
 	if key == c.head.key || key == c.tail.key {
-		c.metrics.incCacheRequests("success")
+		c.metrics.incCacheRequests(StatusSuccess)
 		return nil
@@ -147,13 +147,13 @@ func (c *LRU[T]) Delete(object T) error {
 	node, ok := c.cache[key]
 	if !ok {
-		c.metrics.incCacheRequests("success")
+		c.metrics.incCacheRequests(StatusSuccess)
 		return nil
-	c.metrics.incCacheRequests("success")
+	c.metrics.incCacheRequests(StatusSuccess)
 	return nil
@@ -169,14 +169,14 @@ func (c *LRU[T]) Get(object T) (item T, exists bool, err error) {
 	var res T
 	lvs := []string{}
 	if c.labelsFunc != nil {
-		lvs, err = c.labelsFunc(object, len(c.metrics.getLabels()))
+		lvs, err = c.labelsFunc(object, len(c.metrics.getExtraLabels()))
 		if err != nil {
 			return res, false, KeyError{object, err}
 	key, err := c.keyFunc(object)
 	if err != nil {
-		c.metrics.incCacheRequests("failed")
+		c.metrics.incCacheRequests(StatusFailure)
 		return item, false, KeyError{object, err}
@@ -214,14 +214,13 @@ func (c *LRU[T]) get(key string) (item T, exists bool, err error) {
 	node, ok := c.cache[key]
 	if !ok {
-		c.metrics.incCacheRequests("success")
+		c.metrics.incCacheRequests(StatusSuccess)
 		return res, false, nil
 	_ = c.add(node)
-	c.metrics.incCacheRequests("success")
+	c.metrics.incCacheRequests(StatusSuccess)
 	return node.object, true, err
@@ -230,7 +229,7 @@ func (c *LRU[T]) get(key string) (item T, exists bool, err error) {
 func (c *LRU[T]) Update(object T) error {
 	key, err := c.keyFunc(object)
 	if err != nil {
-		c.metrics.incCacheRequests("failed")
+		c.metrics.incCacheRequests(StatusFailure)
 		return KeyError{object, err}
@@ -240,7 +239,7 @@ func (c *LRU[T]) Update(object T) error {
 		_ = c.add(&Node[T]{key: key, object: object})
-		c.metrics.incCacheRequests("success")
+		c.metrics.incCacheRequests(StatusSuccess)
 		return nil
@@ -255,6 +254,24 @@ func (c *LRU[T]) ListKeys() []string {
 		keys = append(keys, k)
-	c.metrics.incCacheRequests("success")
+	c.metrics.incCacheRequests(StatusSuccess)
 	return keys
+// Resize resizes the cache and returns the number of items removed.
+func (c *LRU[T]) Resize(size int) int {
+	overflow := len(c.cache) - size
+	if overflow <= 0 {
+		c.metrics.incCacheRequests(StatusSuccess)
+		return 0
+	}
+	c.capacity = size
+	for i := 0; i < overflow; i++ {
+		c.delete(
+		c.metrics.incCacheEvictions()
+	}
+	c.metrics.incCacheRequests(StatusSuccess)
+	return overflow
diff --git a/cache/lru_test.go b/cache/lru_test.go
index 56f865950..25b3bc576 100644
--- a/cache/lru_test.go
+++ b/cache/lru_test.go
@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ limitations under the License.
 package cache
 import (
-	"math/rand"
+	"fmt"
+	"math/rand/v2"
@@ -238,8 +239,9 @@ func Test_LRU(t *testing.T) {
 func Test_LRU_Add(t *testing.T) {
 	g := NewWithT(t)
+	reg := prometheus.NewPedanticRegistry()
 	cache, err := NewLRU[IdentifiableObject](1, IdentifiableObjectKeyFunc,
-		WithMetricsRegisterer[IdentifiableObject](prometheus.NewPedanticRegistry()))
+		WithMetricsRegisterer[IdentifiableObject](reg))
 	// Add an object representing an expiring token
@@ -263,16 +265,32 @@ func Test_LRU_Add(t *testing.T) {
 	g.Expect(err.Error()).To(ContainSubstring("already exists"))
+	// add another object
 	obj.Name = "test2"
 	err = cache.Add(obj)
+	// validate metrics
+	validateMetrics(reg, `
+	# HELP gotk_cache_evictions_total Total number of cache evictions.
+	# TYPE gotk_cache_evictions_total counter
+	gotk_cache_evictions_total 1
+	# HELP gotk_cache_requests_total Total number of cache requests partioned by success or failure.
+	# TYPE gotk_cache_requests_total counter
+	gotk_cache_requests_total{status="failure"}1
+	gotk_cache_requests_total{status="success"} 4
+	# HELP gotk_cached_items Total number of items in the cache.
+	# TYPE gotk_cached_items gauge
+	gotk_cached_items 1
+`, t)
 func Test_LRU_Update(t *testing.T) {
 	g := NewWithT(t)
+	reg := prometheus.NewPedanticRegistry()
 	cache, err := NewLRU[IdentifiableObject](1, IdentifiableObjectKeyFunc,
-		WithMetricsRegisterer[IdentifiableObject](prometheus.NewPedanticRegistry()))
+		WithMetricsRegisterer[IdentifiableObject](reg))
 	// Add an object representing an expiring token
@@ -296,12 +314,27 @@ func Test_LRU_Update(t *testing.T) {
+	// validate metrics
+	validateMetrics(reg, `
+		# HELP gotk_cache_evictions_total Total number of cache evictions.
+		# TYPE gotk_cache_evictions_total counter
+		gotk_cache_evictions_total 0
+		# HELP gotk_cache_requests_total Total number of cache requests partioned by success or failure.
+		# TYPE gotk_cache_requests_total counter
+		gotk_cache_requests_total{status="success"} 4
+		# HELP gotk_cached_items Total number of items in the cache.
+		# TYPE gotk_cached_items gauge
+		gotk_cached_items 1
+	`, t)
 func Test_LRU_Get(t *testing.T) {
 	g := NewWithT(t)
+	reg := prometheus.NewPedanticRegistry()
 	cache, err := NewLRU[IdentifiableObject](5, IdentifiableObjectKeyFunc,
-		WithMetricsRegisterer[IdentifiableObject](prometheus.NewPedanticRegistry()))
+		WithMetricsRegisterer[IdentifiableObject](reg),
+		WithMetricsLabels[IdentifiableObject](IdentifiableObjectLabels, IdentifiableObjectLVSFunc))
 	// Add an object representing an expiring token
@@ -328,12 +361,29 @@ func Test_LRU_Get(t *testing.T) {
+	validateMetrics(reg, `
+	# HELP gotk_cache_events_total Total number of cache retrieval events for a Gitops Toolkit resource reconciliation.
+	# TYPE gotk_cache_events_total counter
+	gotk_cache_events_total{event_type="cache_hit",kind="TestObject",name="test",namespace="test-ns"} 1
+	gotk_cache_events_total{event_type="cache_miss",kind="TestObject",name="test",namespace="test-ns"} 1
+	# HELP gotk_cache_evictions_total Total number of cache evictions.
+	# TYPE gotk_cache_evictions_total counter
+	gotk_cache_evictions_total 0
+	# HELP gotk_cache_requests_total Total number of cache requests partioned by success or failure.
+	# TYPE gotk_cache_requests_total counter
+	gotk_cache_requests_total{status="success"} 3
+	# HELP gotk_cached_items Total number of items in the cache.
+	# TYPE gotk_cached_items gauge
+	gotk_cached_items 1
+`, t)
 func Test_LRU_Delete(t *testing.T) {
 	g := NewWithT(t)
+	reg := prometheus.NewPedanticRegistry()
 	cache, err := NewLRU[IdentifiableObject](5, IdentifiableObjectKeyFunc,
-		WithMetricsRegisterer[IdentifiableObject](prometheus.NewPedanticRegistry()))
+		WithMetricsRegisterer[IdentifiableObject](reg))
 	// Add an object representing an expiring token
@@ -355,6 +405,47 @@ func Test_LRU_Delete(t *testing.T) {
 	err = cache.Delete(obj)
+	validateMetrics(reg, `
+	# HELP gotk_cache_evictions_total Total number of cache evictions.
+	# TYPE gotk_cache_evictions_total counter
+	gotk_cache_evictions_total 0
+	# HELP gotk_cache_requests_total Total number of cache requests partioned by success or failure.
+	# TYPE gotk_cache_requests_total counter
+	gotk_cache_requests_total{status="success"} 3
+	# HELP gotk_cached_items Total number of items in the cache.
+	# TYPE gotk_cached_items gauge
+	gotk_cached_items 0
+`, t)
+func Test_LRU_Resize(t *testing.T) {
+	n := 100
+	g := NewWithT(t)
+	reg := prometheus.NewPedanticRegistry()
+	cache, err := NewLRU[IdentifiableObject](n, IdentifiableObjectKeyFunc,
+		WithMetricsRegisterer[IdentifiableObject](reg))
+	g.Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+	for i := range n {
+		obj := IdentifiableObject{
+			ObjMetadata: object.ObjMetadata{
+				Namespace: "test-ns",
+				Name:      fmt.Sprintf("test-%d", i),
+				GroupKind: schema.GroupKind{
+					Group: "test-group",
+					Kind:  "TestObject",
+				},
+			},
+			Object: "test-token",
+		}
+		err = cache.Add(obj)
+		g.Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+	}
+	deleted := cache.Resize(10)
+	g.Expect(deleted).To(Equal(n - 10))
+	g.Expect(cache.ListKeys()).To(HaveLen(10))
 func TestLRU_Concurrent(t *testing.T) {
@@ -375,7 +466,7 @@ func TestLRU_Concurrent(t *testing.T) {
 	// simulate concurrent read and write
 	for i := 0; i < concurrency; i++ {
-		key := rand.Intn(keysNum)
+		key := rand.IntN(keysNum)
 		go func() {
 			defer wg.Done()
diff --git a/cache/metrics.go b/cache/metrics.go
index 23e5a9e79..37d243406 100644
--- a/cache/metrics.go
+++ b/cache/metrics.go
@@ -28,6 +28,10 @@ const (
 	CacheEventTypeMiss = "cache_miss"
 	// CacheEventTypeHit is the event type for cache hits.
 	CacheEventTypeHit = "cache_hit"
+	// StatusSuccess is the status for successful cache requests.
+	StatusSuccess = "success"
+	// StatusFailure is the status for failed cache requests.
+	StatusFailure = "failure"
 type cacheMetrics struct {
@@ -36,12 +40,12 @@ type cacheMetrics struct {
 	cacheItemsGauge      prometheus.Gauge
 	cacheRequestsCounter *prometheus.CounterVec
 	cacheEvictionCounter prometheus.Counter
-	labels               []string
+	extraLabels          []string
 // newcacheMetrics returns a new cacheMetrics.
-func newCacheMetrics(reg prometheus.Registerer, labels ...string) *cacheMetrics {
-	labels = append([]string{"event_type"}, labels...)
+func newCacheMetrics(reg prometheus.Registerer, extraLabels ...string) *cacheMetrics {
+	labels := append([]string{"event_type"}, extraLabels...)
 	return &cacheMetrics{
 		cacheEventsCounter: promauto.With(reg).NewCounterVec(
@@ -69,12 +73,12 @@ func newCacheMetrics(reg prometheus.Registerer, labels ...string) *cacheMetrics
 				Help: "Total number of cache evictions.",
-		labels: labels,
+		extraLabels: extraLabels,
-func (m *cacheMetrics) getLabels() []string {
-	return m.labels
+func (m *cacheMetrics) getExtraLabels() []string {
+	return m.extraLabels
 // collectors returns the metrics.Collector objects for the cacheMetrics.
diff --git a/cache/metrics_test.go b/cache/metrics_test.go
index 03f1e6420..5a2d90b8a 100644
--- a/cache/metrics_test.go
+++ b/cache/metrics_test.go
@@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ func TestCacheMetrics(t *testing.T) {
 	m.incCacheEvents(CacheEventTypeHit, []string{"test", "test-ns", "TestObject"}...)
 	m.incCacheEvents(CacheEventTypeMiss, []string{"test", "test-ns", "TestObject"}...)
-	m.incCacheRequests("failed")
+	m.incCacheRequests("failure")
-	err := testutil.GatherAndCompare(reg, bytes.NewBufferString(`
+	validateMetrics(reg, `
 		# HELP gotk_cache_events_total Total number of cache retrieval events for a Gitops Toolkit resource reconciliation.
 		# TYPE gotk_cache_events_total counter
 		gotk_cache_events_total{event_type="cache_hit",kind="TestObject",name="test",namespace="test-ns"} 1
@@ -47,15 +47,20 @@ func TestCacheMetrics(t *testing.T) {
 		gotk_cache_evictions_total 0
 		# HELP gotk_cache_requests_total Total number of cache requests partioned by success or failure.
 		# TYPE gotk_cache_requests_total counter
-		gotk_cache_requests_total{status="failed"} 1
+		gotk_cache_requests_total{status="failure"} 1
 		gotk_cache_requests_total{status="success"} 1
 		# HELP gotk_cached_items Total number of items in the cache.
 		# TYPE gotk_cached_items gauge
 		gotk_cached_items 0
-	`))
-	g.Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+	`, t)
 	res, err := testutil.GatherAndLint(reg)
+func validateMetrics(reg prometheus.Gatherer, expected string, t *testing.T) {
+	g := NewWithT(t)
+	err := testutil.GatherAndCompare(reg, bytes.NewBufferString(expected))
+	g.Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
diff --git a/cache/store.go b/cache/store.go
index ee39baf46..669e793e6 100644
--- a/cache/store.go
+++ b/cache/store.go
@@ -25,64 +25,48 @@ import (
 // Store is an interface for a cache store.
-// It is a geric version of the Kubernetes client-go cache.Store interface.
+// It is a generic version of the Kubernetes client-go cache.Store interface.
 // See
 type Store[T any] interface {
+	// Add adds an object to the store.
 	Add(object T) error
+	// Update updates an object in the store.
 	Update(object T) error
+	// Delete deletes an object from the store.
 	Delete(object T) error
+	// ListKeys returns a list of keys in the store.
 	ListKeys() []string
+	// Get returns the object stored in the store.
 	Get(object T) (item T, exists bool, err error)
+	// GetByKey returns the object stored in the store by key.
 	GetByKey(key string) (item T, exists bool, err error)
+	// Resize resizes the store and returns the number of items removed.
+	Resize(int) int
 // Expirable is an interface for a cache store that supports expiration.
 type Expirable[T any] interface {
+	// SetExpiration sets the expiration time for the object.
 	SetExpiration(object T, expiration time.Duration) error
 	// GetExpiration returns the time.Duration until the objectect expires.
 	GetExpiration(object T) (time.Duration, error)
+	// HasExpired returns true if the object has expired.
 	HasExpired(object T) (bool, error)
-// KeyFunc knows how to make a key from an object. Implementations should be deterministic.
-type KeyFunc[T any] func(object T) (string, error)
-// IdentifiableObject is a wrapper for an object with its identifying metadata.
-type IdentifiableObject struct {
-	object.ObjMetadata
-	Object any
-// ExplicitKey can be passed to IdentifiableObjectFunc if you have the key for
-// the objectect but not the objectect itself.
-type ExplicitKey string
-// IdentifiableObjectKeyFunc is a convenient default KeyFunc which knows how to make
-// keys from IdentifiableObject objects.
-func IdentifiableObjectKeyFunc[T any](object T) (string, error) {
-	if key, ok := any(object).(ExplicitKey); ok {
-		return string(key), nil
-	}
-	n, ok := any(object).(IdentifiableObject)
-	if !ok {
-		return "", fmt.Errorf("object has no meta: %v", object)
-	}
-	return n.String(), nil
-type cacheOptions[T any] struct {
+type storeOptions[T any] struct {
 	interval    time.Duration
 	registerer  prometheus.Registerer
 	extraLabels []string
 	labelsFunc  GetLvsFunc[T]
-type Options[T any] func(*cacheOptions[T]) error
+type Options[T any] func(*storeOptions[T]) error
 // WithMetricsLabels sets the extra labels for the cache metrics.
 func WithMetricsLabels[T any](labels []string, f GetLvsFunc[T]) Options[T] {
-	return func(o *cacheOptions[T]) error {
+	return func(o *storeOptions[T]) error {
 		if labels != nil && f == nil {
 			return fmt.Errorf("labelsFunc must be set if labels are provided")
@@ -94,15 +78,57 @@ func WithMetricsLabels[T any](labels []string, f GetLvsFunc[T]) Options[T] {
 // WithCleanupInterval sets the interval for the cache cleanup.
 func WithCleanupInterval[T any](interval time.Duration) Options[T] {
-	return func(o *cacheOptions[T]) error {
+	return func(o *storeOptions[T]) error {
 		o.interval = interval
 		return nil
+// WithMetricsRegisterer sets the Prometheus registerer for the cache metrics.
 func WithMetricsRegisterer[T any](r prometheus.Registerer) Options[T] {
-	return func(o *cacheOptions[T]) error {
+	return func(o *storeOptions[T]) error {
 		o.registerer = r
 		return nil
+// KeyFunc knows how to make a key from an object. Implementations should be deterministic.
+type KeyFunc[T any] func(object T) (string, error)
+// IdentifiableObject is a wrapper for an object with its identifying metadata.
+type IdentifiableObject struct {
+	object.ObjMetadata
+	// Object is the object that is being stored.
+	Object any
+// ExplicitKey can be passed to IdentifiableObjectKeyFunc if you have the key for
+// the objectec but not the object itself.
+type ExplicitKey string
+// IdentifiableObjectKeyFunc is a convenient default KeyFunc which knows how to make
+// keys from IdentifiableObject objects.
+func IdentifiableObjectKeyFunc[T any](object T) (string, error) {
+	if key, ok := any(object).(ExplicitKey); ok {
+		return string(key), nil
+	}
+	n, ok := any(object).(IdentifiableObject)
+	if !ok {
+		return "", fmt.Errorf("object has no meta: %v", object)
+	}
+	return n.String(), nil
+// StoreObject is a wrapper for an object with its identifying key.
+// It is used to store objects in a Store.
+type StoreObject[T any] struct {
+	// Object is the object that is being stored.
+	Object T
+	// Key is the key for the object.
+	Key string
+// StoreObjectKeyFunc returns the key for a StoreObject.
+func StoreObjectKeyFunc[T any](object StoreObject[T]) (string, error) {
+	return object.Key, nil