- Provide details of the vulnerability, including information on how it can be reproduced.
- Avoid any malicious activities that could harm our systems or data.
- Avoid activity that breaks Terms of Service of third party platforms we use
- Do not publicly disclose the vulnerability until we have had a chance to address it.
- Respect the privacy and integrity of our users' data.
- Getting the app to post bad user content by breaking ToS of third party websites. For example, adding bad content to Last.fm and posting it through the bot.
- NSFW or NSFL album covers. You can report those in our server with the embed in #rules-info channel.
There are two ways to report a vulnerability:
- Join our Discord server and DM one of the developers
- Send an email to
[email protected]
It is appreciated if you can include the following:
- A description of the vulnerability.
- Reproduction steps or a proof-of-concept.
- Any additional information that may be helpful.
- Respond to your report within 24 hours.
- Keep you informed about the progress of resolving the vulnerability.
- Acknowledge your efforts if the report is valid.