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ELM Example Case I. Point Mode

Fengming Yuan edited this page Jul 7, 2021 · 5 revisions

ELM Examples of Setting-up, Configuring, Building, and Running I


  • In these examples, there are 4 user-defined ENVs variables of directories: $E3SM_INPUTDATA, $E3SM_ROOT, $PROJECT_E3SM, for inputdata, e3sm model source codes, and root directory for cases and runs, respectively. USERS must have created these, and cloned both data and e3sm codes.

  • $E3SM_INPUTDATA is cloned repository of a few site-level full datasets to run offline ELM, from pt-e3sm-inputdata

  • Upon user's machine, $MACH_NAME is needed for E3SM. In these examples, 'mymac' for MacOS/linux, 'wsl' for Windows Subsystem for Linux, OR, 'cades' for a cluster in ORNL, may be directly used.

- CASE I. Single-Point User-Defined datm-elm.

  • STEP 1. Create a PTELM case
  cd $E3SM_ROOT/cime/scripts

  ./create_newcase -case $PROJECT_E3SM/cases/Test_elm-I1850CNPRDCTCBC -mach $MACH_NAME -compiler gnu -mpilib mpich -res ELM_USRDAT -compset I1850CNPRDCTCBC

NOTE: $MACH_NAME is one of machines supported in E3SM, which names could be found in $PROJECT_E3SM/cime_config/machines/config_machine.xml.

  • STEP 2. Build the case created in STEP 1 (user-defined 1 point dataset, namely '1x1pt_US-Brw' from 1985-2015)
cd $PROJECT_E3SM/cases/Test_elm-I1850CNPRDCTCBC

./xmlchange: (or, vi env_run.xml)
(./case.setup --clean FOR cleaning-up)

(./ --clean FOR cleaning-up ALL components, and you may want to clean-up one or two)

The above steps will create a 'bld/' and '/run' directories, for model building and running, under:

  • STEP 3. Run the case

NOTE: THIS Case example would be simulating AmeriFlux US-Brw tower site more reasonably, if using a phenologically-modified ELM, in which upper 3 soil-layer averaged temperature is used to drive leaf-out for stressed PFTs, SEE modified ELM phenology