###2015-08-28 - 0.0.6
- update for puppetlabs/apt module version 2+
- added new parameter download_source for client
###2015-03-03 - 0.0.5
- bugfix for check_mk-client installation from local repository
###2015-03-01 - 0.0.4
- added main.mk handling
- added generic define for mrpe checks
- added logwatch plugin checks and installation
- added cluster configuration in folder/host.mk
- bugfixes
###2015-01-31 - 0.0.3
- added possiblity to install from local repositories
- added disabling of xinetd for check_mk-agent
- ensure presence of /etc/check_mk directory
- bugfixes
###2014-10-10 - 0.0.2
- added MRPE config creation
- added checks for puppet runs and certificates via MRPE (from https://github.com/ripienaar/monitoring-scripts)
- got some dependencies right
###2014-10-01 - 0.0.1
- initial version