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File metadata and controls

140 lines (103 loc) · 7.07 KB

"Desktop first" pure Dart angular2 components for a rapid development of "form-heavy" apps - CMS, backend administrations, ...

Desktop first? What kind of heresy is that?

Yeah, we all love our smartphones. But there are still many applications, which are operated almost exclusively on desktop. Backend administrations, information systems, "form heavy" apps ... Purpose of this library is to create a collection of angular2 components optimized for this particular type of applications.

It doesn't work on mobile?

Yes it does, and we are trying to keep it this way. But - the emphasis is on desktop, mouse, keyboard.


    cd stylesheet
    gulp devel

Then open http://localhost:8085/

    gulp release

Then see stylesheet/_dist/.

Angular2 components

     cd showcase
     pub get
     pub serve

Then see http://localhost:8080/


Unfortunately there is not much documentation yet :-)

Please see examples: - set of CSS examples. A lot of things in fnx|ui is solved in CSS only. You can see the source code of each example by clicking on the red [<>] button. We use this demo to create CSS, so it's occasionally animated using jQuery. Final components are pure Dart, though. - set of Angular 2 Examples with source codes.

Some documentation (mostly CSS part) is appearing here:

If you are interested, complex example project is:

Which you can see online:

Getting started

Your pubspec.yaml should look much like this:

name: your_app
  angular2: any <-- for now, let fnx|ui decide which one, we are trying to keep up with Angular2
  browser: ^0.10.0
  dart_to_js_script_rewriter: ^1.0.1
      ref: master
- angular2:
    - 'package:angular2/common.dart#COMMON_DIRECTIVES'
    - 'package:angular2/common.dart#CORE_DIRECTIVES'
    - 'package:angular2/router.dart#ROUTER_DIRECTIVES'
    - 'package:fnx_ui/fnx_ui.dart#FNX_UI_COMPONENTS'
    entry_points: web/main.dart
- dart_to_js_script_rewriter

In your entry script (main.dart), initialize app as usual, but provide custom exception handler:

  bootstrap(YourRootComponent, [
      provide(LocationStrategy, useClass: HashLocationStrategy),
      provide(ExceptionHandler, useValue: new FnxExceptionHandler()) // !!!

In the template of your root component, please use element and wrap whole application into it. This element takes care of notifications, alerts, error handling.

    <div class="layout--header">

Also don't forget to link stylesheets:

<!-- Main CSS -->            
<link rel="stylesheet" href="packages/fnx_ui/css/fnx_ui.css">

<!-- Theme and accent of your choice -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="packages/fnx_ui/css/theme_grey.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="packages/fnx_ui/css/theme_brown.css">

And that's about it. Please dive into examples, find what you like or what you want to use and see the source code.

Any feedback is more then welcome: [email protected]


component meaning of life doc demo
<fnx-alert> big message doc demo
<fnx-app> app wrapper doc demo
<fnx-form> form wrapper doc demo
<fnx-image-crop> allows user to crop image doc demo
<fnx-layout-sidebar> responsive left-side menu and content doc demo
<fnx-modal> modal window doc demo
<fnx-panel> nice collapsible fieldset doc demo
<fnx-panel-small> nice collapsible fieldset, smaller doc demo
<fnx-scroll-panel> scrollable panel for lazy loading doc demo
<fnx-submit-bar> buttons for fnx-form doc demo
<fnx-tabs> tabs holder doc demo
<fnx-tab> one tab doc demo
<fnx-input> input wrapper, handles field validation and label doc demo
<fnx-text> input - text (ngModel compat.) doc demo
<fnx-textarea> input - textarea (ngModel compat.) doc demo
<fnx-check> input - checkbox (ngModel compat.) doc demo
<fnx-date> input - date picker (ngModel compat.) doc demo
<fnx-file> input - file doc demo
<fnx-select> input - select (ngModel compat.) doc demo
<fnx-option> one option of a select doc demo

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