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🦝 CompletableFuture Fu (CF-Fu)

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👉 cffu (CompletableFuture Fu 🦝) is a lightweight enhancement library for CompletableFuture(CF) (CF), designed to give you quick and easy development experience with less pitfalls, and to provide more convenient, efficient, and safe application of CF in business contexts.

Welcome! 👏 💖

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🔧 Features

For more details on the usage and features of cffu, refer to the User Guide.

🔧 Features

The provided features include:

🏪 More convenient methods, such as:

  • Return multiple CF results instead of void (allOf), e.g., allResultsFailFastOf, allResultsOf, mSupplyFailFastAsync, thenMApplyFailFastAsync.
  • Return multiple different type CF results instead of the same type, e.g., allTupleFailFastOf, allTupleOf, mSupplyTupleFailFastAsync, thenMApplyTupleFailFastAsync.
  • Direct execution of multiple actions without wrapping them into CompletableFuture, e.g., mSupplyTupleFailFastAsync, mSupplyMostSuccessAsync, thenMApplyTupleFailFastAsync, thenMRunFailFastAsync.

⚙️ More efficient and flexible concurrent execution strategies, such as:

  • AllFailFast strategy: Fail fast and return when any input CF fails, rather than waiting for all CFs to complete (allOf).
  • AnySuccess strategy: Returns the first successful CF result, rather than the first completed (which might be a failure) (anyOf).
  • MostSuccess strategy: Returns the successful results of multiple CFs within a specified time, ignoring failed or incomplete CFs (returns a default value).

🦺 Safer usage, such as:

  • Timeout-enabled join methods with join(timeout, unit).
  • Safe timeout execution with cffuOrTimeout/cffuCompleteOnTimeout.
  • Peek method that ensures the result won't be modified.
  • Forbidding forceful write with CffuFactoryBuilder#forbidObtrudeMethods.
  • Comprehensive code quality annotations on class methods to prompt IDE issues early, such as @NonNull, @Nullable, @CheckReturnValue, @Contract, etc.

🧩 New methods not provided by Java CF (e.g., join(timeout, unit), cffuOrTimeout, peek), such as:

  • Asynchronous exceptional completion with completeExceptionallyAsync.
  • Non-blocking successful result retrieval with getSuccessNow.
  • Unwrapping CF wrapped exception into business exception with unwrapCfException.

💪 Enhanced existing methods, such as:

  • anySuccessOf/anyOf methods: Return specific type T (type-safe) instead of Object (CompletableFuture#anyOf).

⏳ Backport support for Java 8: All new CF features from Java 9+ are available in Java 8, such as:

  • Timeout control with orTimeout/completeOnTimeout.
  • Delayed execution with delayedExecutor.
  • Factory methods like failedFuture, completedStage, failedStage.
  • Handling operations with completeAsync, exceptionallyAsync, exceptionallyCompose, copy.

🍩 Support Kotlin as first-class citizen.

For more details on the usage modes and functionalities of cffu, refer to the User Guide.

About CompletableFuture

Managing concurrent execution is complex and error-prone, but there are numerous tools and frameworks available in the industry.

For a comprehensive understanding of concurrency tools and frameworks, refer to books like "Seven Concurrency Models in Seven Weeks," "Java Concurrency in Practice," and "Programming Scala, Second Edition." More books on concurrency can be found in this book list.

CompletableFuture (CF) has its advantages:

  • Built into the Java standard library
    • No additional dependencies are needed, making it almost always available
    • Trusted to have high code quality
  • Widely known and used with a strong community foundation
    • Released with Java 8 in 2014, CompletableFuture has been around for 10 years
    • Its parent interface, Future, has been available since Java 5 in 2004, totally 20 years
    • Although the Future interface does not support asynchronous result retrieval and concurrent task orchestration, it has made this concept and tool well-known among many Java developers.
  • Powerful yet not overly complex
    • Adequate for everyday business application development
    • Larger concurrency frameworks like Akka and RxJava require a deeper understanding
    • The basic concerns and complexities of concurrency remain the same, regardless of the specific tool used
  • High-level abstraction
    • Allow expressing technical concurrency flows as business processes
    • Avoids cumbersome and error-prone low-level coordination tools such as locks (Lock), CountDownLatch, semaphores (Semaphore), and CyclicBarrier

Like other concurrency tools and frameworks, CompletableFuture is used for:

  • Concurrent execution of business logic or orchestration of concurrent processes/tasks
  • Leveraging multi-core parallel processing
  • Enhancing business responsiveness

A deeper understanding is essential before applying it to real-world scenarios. 💕

👥 User Guide

1. Three ways to use cffu

cffu supports three ways to use:

  • 🦝 1) Using the Cffu Class
    • Recommended when using Java in your project.
    • Migration from direct use of CompletableFuture to Cffu involves two changes:
    • Depends on the io.foldright:cffu library.
  • 🛠️️ 2) Using the CompletableFutureUtils utility Class
    • If you prefer not to introduce new classes (Cffu) to your project, as it might add some complexity:
      • You can use cffu library as a utility class.
      • Optimizing CompletableFuture usage with utility methods is common in business projects, and CompletableFutureUtils offers a set of practical, reliable, efficient, and safe utility methods.
    • Some features of cffu are not available in this approach (and no implementation solution is planned) 😔, such as setting a default business thread pool and preventing forced write.
    • Depends on the io.foldright:cffu library.
  • 🍩 3) Using Kotlin Extension Methods
    • Recommended for projects using Kotlin.
    • Requires the io.foldright:cffu-kotlin library.

Before diving into the feature points, check out the examples of the different ways to use cffu. 🎪

1) Cffu class

public class CffuDemo {
  private static final ExecutorService myBizThreadPool = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
  // Create a CffuFactory with configuration of the customized thread pool
  private static final CffuFactory cffuFactory = CffuFactory.builder(myBizThreadPool).build();

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    final Cffu<Integer> cf42 = cffuFactory
        .supplyAsync(() -> 21)  // Run in myBizThreadPool
        .thenApply(n -> n * 2);

    // Below tasks all run in myBizThreadPool
    final Cffu<Integer> longTaskA = cf42.thenApplyAsync(n -> {
      return n / 2;
    final Cffu<Integer> longTaskB = cf42.thenApplyAsync(n -> {
      return n / 2;
    final Cffu<Integer> longTaskC = cf42.thenApplyAsync(n -> {
      return n * 2;
    final Cffu<Integer> longFailedTask = cf42.thenApplyAsync(unused -> {
      throw new RuntimeException("Bang!");

    final Cffu<Integer> combined = longTaskA.thenCombine(longTaskB, Integer::sum)
        .orTimeout(1500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
    System.out.println("combined result: " + combined.get());

    final Cffu<Integer> anySuccess = cffuFactory.anySuccessOf(longTaskC, longFailedTask);
    System.out.println("any success result: " + anySuccess.get());

# See complete runnable demo code in

2) CompletableFutureUtils utility class

public class CompletableFutureUtilsDemo {
  private static final ExecutorService myBizThreadPool = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    final CompletableFuture<Integer> cf42 = CompletableFuture
        .supplyAsync(() -> 21, myBizThreadPool)  // Run in myBizThreadPool
        .thenApply(n -> n * 2);

    final CompletableFuture<Integer> longTaskA = cf42.thenApplyAsync(n -> {
      return n / 2;
    }, myBizThreadPool);
    final CompletableFuture<Integer> longTaskB = cf42.thenApplyAsync(n -> {
      return n / 2;
    }, myBizThreadPool);
    final CompletableFuture<Integer> longTaskC = cf42.thenApplyAsync(n -> {
      return n * 2;
    }, myBizThreadPool);
    final CompletableFuture<Integer> longFailedTask = cf42.thenApplyAsync(unused -> {
      throw new RuntimeException("Bang!");
    }, myBizThreadPool);

    final CompletableFuture<Integer> combined = longTaskA.thenCombine(longTaskB, Integer::sum);
    final CompletableFuture<Integer> combinedWithTimeout =
        orTimeout(combined, 1500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
    System.out.println("combined result: " + combinedWithTimeout.get());

    final CompletableFuture<Integer> anySuccess = anySuccessOf(longTaskC, longFailedTask);
    System.out.println("any success result: " + anySuccess.get());

# See complete runnable demo code

3) Kotlin extension class

private val myBizThreadPool: ExecutorService = Executors.newCachedThreadPool()

// Create a CffuFactory with configuration of the customized thread pool
private val cffuFactory: CffuFactory = CffuFactory.builder(myBizThreadPool).build()

fun main() {
  val cf42 = cffuFactory
    .supplyAsync { 21 }   // Run in myBizThreadPool
    .thenApply { it * 2 }

  // Below tasks all run in myBizThreadPool
  val longTaskA = cf42.thenApplyAsync { n: Int ->
    n / 2
  val longTaskB = cf42.thenApplyAsync { n: Int ->
    n / 2
  val longTaskC = cf42.thenApplyAsync { n: Int ->
    n * 2
  val longFailedTask = cf42.thenApplyAsync<Int> { _ ->
    throw RuntimeException("Bang!")

  val combined = longTaskA.thenCombine(longTaskB, Integer::sum)
    .orTimeout(1500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
  println("combined result: ${combined.get()}")

  val anySuccess: Cffu<Int> = listOf(longTaskC, longFailedTask).anySuccessOfCffu()
  println("any success result: ${anySuccess.get()}")

# See complete runnable demo code inCffuDemo.kt

2. cffu Functionality Introduction

2.1 Return results from multiple Running CF

The allOf method in CompletableFuture does not return results directly; it returns Void, making it inconvenient to retrieve results from multiple running CF:

  • You need to perform additional read operations (like join/get) on the input CF after allOf.
  • Alternatively, you can pass an Action and set external variables within it, but this requires careful consideration of thread safety ⚠️.
    • It is complex to manage concurrent data transfers across multiple threads, and it is common to mishandle the logic for reading and writing data concurrently in business code.❗️

cffu provides allResultsFailFastOf/allResultsOf methods to facilitate retrieving results from multiple CF:

  • Convenient and direct retrieval of results using library functions.
  • Reduces the complexity of thread safety and logical errors that come with managing read/write operations across multiple threads.
  • Returns a CF with combined results, allowing further chaining with non-blocking operations. This naturally reduces the need for blocking methods like join or get and lowers the risk of deadlocks.

Example code:

public class AllResultsOfDemo {
  public static final Executor myBizExecutor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
  public static final CffuFactory cffuFactory = CffuFactory.builder(myBizExecutor).build();

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // CffuFactory#allResultsOf
    Cffu<Integer> cffu1 = cffuFactory.completedFuture(21);
    Cffu<Integer> cffu2 = cffuFactory.completedFuture(42);

    Cffu<Void> all = cffuFactory.allOf(cffu1, cffu2);
    // Result type is Void!
    // the result can be got by input argument `cf1.get()`, but it's cumbersome.
    // so we can see a lot of util methods to enhance `allOf` with result in our project.

    Cffu<List<Integer>> allResults = cffuFactory.allResultsOf(cffu1, cffu2);

    // or CompletableFutureUtils#allResultsOf
    CompletableFuture<Integer> cf1 = CompletableFuture.completedFuture(21);
    CompletableFuture<Integer> cf2 = CompletableFuture.completedFuture(42);

    CompletableFuture<Void> all2 = CompletableFuture.allOf(cf1, cf2);
    // Result type is Void!

    CompletableFuture<List<Integer>> allResults2 = allResultsOf(cf1, cf2);

# See complete runnable demo code

2.1.1 Returning Results from Multiple Different Types of CF

In addition to handling multiple CF instances with the same result type, cffu also offers methods to handle multiple CF instances with different result types using allTupleFailFastOf/allTupleOf methods.

Example code:

public class AllTupleOfDemo {
  public static final Executor myBizExecutor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
  public static final CffuFactory cffuFactory = CffuFactory.builder(myBizExecutor).build();

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // allTupleFailFastOf / allTupleOf
    Cffu<String> cffu1 = cffuFactory.completedFuture("21");
    Cffu<Integer> cffu2 = cffuFactory.completedFuture(42);

    Cffu<Tuple2<String, Integer>> allTuple = cffuFactory.allTupleFailFastOf(cffu1, cffu2);

    // or CompletableFutureUtils.allTupleFailFastOf / allTupleOf
    CompletableFuture<String> cf1 = CompletableFuture.completedFuture("21");
    CompletableFuture<Integer> cf2 = CompletableFuture.completedFuture(42);

    CompletableFuture<Tuple2<String, Integer>> allTuple2 = allTupleFailFastOf(cf1, cf2);

# See complete runnable demo code

2.2 Default business-related thread pool encapsulation

  • By default, CompletableFuture executes its *Async methods using the ForkJoinPool.commonPool().
  • This thread pool typically has a number of threads equal to the number of CPUs, making it suitable for CPU-intensive tasks. However, business logic often involves many waiting operations (such as network IO and blocking waits), which are not CPU-intensive.
  • Using the default thread pool ForkJoinPool.commonPool() for business logic is risky❗

As a result,

  • In business logic, calling CompletableFuture's *Async methods often requires repeatedly passing a specific business thread pool, making the use of CompletableFuture cumbersome and error-prone 🤯.
  • In underlying logic, when callbacks to business operations occur (such as RPC callbacks), it is neither suitable nor convenient to provide a thread pool for the business. In such cases, using the thread pool encapsulated by Cffu is convenient, reasonable, and safe.
    For more on use case, see Principles and Practices of CompletableFuture - 4.2.3 Asynchronous RPC Calls Should Avoid Blocking IO Thread Pools.

Example code:

public class NoDefaultExecutorSettingForCompletableFuture {
  public static final Executor myBizExecutor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    CompletableFuture<Void> cf1 = CompletableFuture.runAsync(
        () -> System.out.println("doing a long time work!"),

    CompletableFuture<Void> cf2 = CompletableFuture
            () -> {
              System.out.println("doing another long time work!");
              return 42;
            i -> System.out.println("doing third long time work!"),

    CompletableFuture.allOf(cf1, cf2).join();

# See complete runnable demo code

Cffu supports setting a default business thread pool, avoiding the aforementioned complexities and pitfalls.

Example code:

public class DefaultExecutorSettingForCffu {
  public static final Executor myBizExecutor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
  public static final CffuFactory cffuFactory = CffuFactory.builder(myBizExecutor).build();

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Cffu<Void> cf1 = cffuFactory.runAsync(() -> System.out.println("doing a long time work!"));

    Cffu<Void> cf2 = cffuFactory.supplyAsync(() -> {
      System.out.println("doing another long time work!");
      return 42;
    }).thenAcceptAsync(i -> System.out.println("doing third long time work!"));

    cffuFactory.allOf(cf1, cf2).join();

# See complete runnable demo code

2.3 Efficient and Flexible Concurrent Execution Strategies (AllFailFast/AnySuccess/MostSuccess)

  • The allOf method in CompletableFuture waits for all input CF to complete; even if one CF fails, it waits for the remaining CF to complete before returning a failed CF.
    • For business logic, a fail-and-continue-waiting strategy slows down responsiveness. It's better to fail fast if any input CF fails, so you can avoid unnecessary waiting.
    • cffu provides corresponding methods like allResultsFailFastOf.
    • Both allOf and allResultsFailFastOf return a successful result only when all input CF succeed.
  • The anyOf method in CompletableFuture returns the first completed CF (without waiting for the others to complete, a "race" mode); even if the first completed CF is a failure, it returns this failed CF result.
    • For business logic, it's preferable for the race mode to return the first successful CF result, rather than the first completed but failed CF.
    • cffu provides corresponding methods like anySuccessOf.
    • anySuccessOf returns a failed result only if all input CF fail.
  • Return successful results from multiple CF within a specified time, ignoring failed or running CF (returning a specified default value).
    • To maintain eventual business consistency, return whatever results are available. You can store results from running CF in a distributed cache to avoid recalculation and make them accessible for future use.
    • This is a common business use case. cffu provides corresponding methods like mostSuccessResultsOf.

📔 For more on concurrent execution strategies of multiple CF, see the JavaScript specification for Promise Concurrency; in JavaScript, Promise corresponds to CompletableFuture.

JavaScript Promise provides four concurrent execution methods:

  • Promise.all(): Waits for all Promise to succeed; if any one fails, it immediately returns a failure (corresponding to cffu's allResultsFailFastOf method).
  • Promise.allSettled(): Waits for all Promise to complete, regardless of success or failure (corresponding to cffu's allResultsOf method).
  • Promise.any(): Race mode, immediately returns the first successful Promise (corresponding to cffu's anySuccessOf method).
  • Promise.race(): Race mode, immediately returns the first completed Promise (corresponding to cffu's anyOf method).

PS: The naming of JavaScript Promise methods is really well thought out~ 👍

With the addition of two new methods, cffu aligns with the concurrent methods in the JavaScript Promise specification~ 👏

Example code:

public class ConcurrencyStrategyDemo {
  public static final Executor myBizExecutor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
  public static final CffuFactory cffuFactory = CffuFactory.builder(myBizExecutor).build();

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // CffuFactory#allResultsFailFastOf
    // CffuFactory#anySuccessOf
    // CffuFactory#mostSuccessResultsOf
    final Cffu<Integer> successAfterLongTime = cffuFactory.supplyAsync(() -> {
      sleep(3000); // sleep LONG time
      return 42;
    final Cffu<Integer> failed = cffuFactory.failedFuture(new RuntimeException("Bang!"));

    Cffu<List<Integer>> failFast = cffuFactory.allResultsFailFastOf(successAfterLongTime, failed);
    // fail fast without waiting successAfterLongTime

    Cffu<Integer> anySuccess = cffuFactory.anySuccessOf(successAfterLongTime, failed);

    Cffu<List<Integer>> mostSuccess = cffuFactory.mostSuccessResultsOf(
        0, 100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, successAfterLongTime, failed);

    // or CompletableFutureUtils#allResultsFailFastOf
    //    CompletableFutureUtils#anySuccessOf
    //    CompletableFutureUtils#mostSuccessResultsOf
    final CompletableFuture<Integer> successAfterLongTimeCf = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> {
      sleep(3000); // sleep LONG time
      return 42;
    final CompletableFuture<Integer> failedCf = failedFuture(new RuntimeException("Bang!"));

    CompletableFuture<List<Integer>> failFast2 = allResultsFailFastOf(successAfterLongTimeCf, failedCf);
    // fail fast without waiting successAfterLongTime

    CompletableFuture<Integer> anySuccess2 = anySuccessOf(successAfterLongTimeCf, failedCf);

    CompletableFuture<List<Integer>> mostSuccess2 = mostSuccessResultsOf(
        0, 100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, successAfterLongTime, failed);

# See complete runnable demo code

2.4 Support for Timed join Methods

cf.join() waits indefinitely, which is very dangerous in business applications❗️ When unexpectedly long waits occur, they can:

  • Block the main business logic, delaying user responses.
  • Tie up threads, which are a limited resource (usually only a few hundred). If too many threads are consumed, it can lead to service outages.

The join(timeout, unit) method supports a timed join, similar to how cf.get(timeout, unit) complements cf.get().

This new method is simple to use and does not require a code example.

2.5 Java 8``Backport support

All new CF features from higher versions (Java 9+) are directly available in the lower version Java 8.

Key backport features include:

  • Timeout control: orTimeout / completeOnTimeout methods
  • Delayed execution: delayedExecutor method
  • Factory methods: failedFuture / completedStage / failedStage
  • Handling operations: completeAsync / exceptionallyAsync / exceptionallyCompose / copy

These backported methods are existing functionalities of CompletableFuture and do not require code examples.

2.6 Return Type-Specific anyOf Method

The CompletableFuture.anyOf method returns an Object, which loses type specificity and type safety, making it inconvenient to use since it requires explicit casting.

cffu provides anySuccessOf / anyOf methods that return a specific type T instead of returning Object.

This new method is simple to use and does not require a code example.

More Function Descriptions

For more information, refer to:

3. How to Migrate from Direct Use of CompletableFuture to Cffu

To utilize cffu's enhanced features, you can migrate existing code that directly uses the CompletableFuture class to the Cffu class with two modifications:

  • Change the type declarations from the CompletableFuture class to the Cffu class.
  • Replace static method calls from CompletableFuture with cffuFactory instance calls.

This migration is possible because:

  • All instance methods of the CompletableFuture class are present in the Cffu class with the same method signatures and functionalities.
  • All static methods of the CompletableFuture class are present in the CffuFactory class with the same method signatures and functionalities.

🔌 API Docs


check out for new or available versions。

  • cffulibrary(includingJava CompletableFuture enhanced CompletableFutureUtils):
    • For Maven projects:

    • For Gradle projects:

      // Gradle Kotlin DSL
      // Gradle Groovy DSL
      implementation 'io.foldright:cffu:1.0.0-Alpha15'
  • cffu Kotlin support library:
    • For Maven projects:

    • For Gradle projects:

      // Gradle Kotlin DSL
      // Gradle Groovy DSL
      implementation 'io.foldright:cffu-kotlin:1.0.0-Alpha15'
  • cffu bom:
    • For Maven projects:

    • For Gradle projects:

      // Gradle Kotlin DSL
      // Gradle Groovy DSL
      implementation platform('io.foldright:cffu-bom:1.0.0-Alpha15')
  • 📌 TransmittableThreadLocal(TTL) implementation for cffu executor wrapper SPI
    • For Maven projects:

    • For Gradle projects:

      // Gradle Kotlin DSL
      // Gradle Groovy DSL
      runtimeOnly 'io.foldright:cffu-ttl-executor-wrapper:1.0.0-Alpha15'

📚 See also

Official Documentation

  • A comprehensive guide to use CompletableFuture
  • Offers best practices and pitfalls to avoid
  • Provides strategies for effectively and safely integrating CompletableFuture into business applications

👋 About the Library Name

The library name cffu is short for CompletableFuture-Fu, pronounced as "C Fu", which sounds like "Shifu" in Chinese, reminiscent of the beloved raccoon master from "Kung Fu Panda" 🦝
