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+👉 cffu (CompletableFuture Fu 🦝) is a lightweight enhancement library for [`CompletableFuture(CF)`](https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/21/docs/api/java.base/java/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture.html) (CF),
+designed to give you quick and easy development experience with less pitfalls, and to provide more convenient, efficient, and safe application of CF in business contexts.
+Welcome! 👏 💖
+Feel free to:
+- suggest and ask questions: [Submit issues](https://github.com/foldright/cffu/issues/new).
+- contribute and improve: [Forking it and submitting pull request](https://github.com/foldright/cffu/fork).
+- [🔧 Features](#-%E5%8A%9F%E8%83%BD)
+ - [About `CompletableFuture`](#%E5%85%B3%E4%BA%8Ecompletablefuture)
+- [👥 User Guide](#-user-guide)
+ - [1. Three ways to use `CFFU`](#1-cffu%E7%9A%84%E4%B8%89%E7%A7%8D%E4%BD%BF%E7%94%A8%E6%96%B9%E5%BC%8F)
+ - [1) `Cffu`Class](#1-cffu%E7%B1%BB)
+ - [2) `CompletableFutureUtils`Utility Class](#2-completablefutureutils%E5%B7%A5%E5%85%B7%E7%B1%BB)
+ - [3) `Kotlin`Extension Methods](#3-kotlin%E6%89%A9%E5%B1%95%E6%96%B9%E6%B3%95)
+ - [2. `cffu`Features Overview](#2-cffu%E5%8A%9F%E8%83%BD%E4%BB%8B%E7%BB%8D)
+ - [2.1 Return results from multiple CompletableFutures](#21-%E8%BF%94%E5%9B%9E%E5%A4%9A%E4%B8%AA%E8%BF%90%E8%A1%8Ccf%E7%9A%84%E7%BB%93%E6%9E%9C)
+ - [2.2 Default business-related thread pool encapsulation](#22-%E6%94%AF%E6%8C%81%E8%AE%BE%E7%BD%AE%E7%BC%BA%E7%9C%81%E7%9A%84%E4%B8%9A%E5%8A%A1%E7%BA%BF%E7%A8%8B%E6%B1%A0%E5%B9%B6%E5%B0%81%E8%A3%85%E6%90%BA%E5%B8%A6)
+ - [2.3 Efficient and flexible concurrency strategies (AllFastFail/AnySuccess/MostSuccess)(`AllFastFail`/`AnySuccess`/`MostSuccess`)](#23-%E9%AB%98%E6%95%88%E7%81%B5%E6%B4%BB%E7%9A%84%E5%B9%B6%E5%8F%91%E6%89%A7%E8%A1%8C%E7%AD%96%E7%95%A5allfastfailanysuccessmostsuccess)
+ - [2.4 Timeout `join` support](#24-%E6%94%AF%E6%8C%81%E8%B6%85%E6%97%B6%E7%9A%84join%E7%9A%84%E6%96%B9%E6%B3%95)
+ - [2.5 `Java 8``Backport` support](#25-backport%E6%94%AF%E6%8C%81java-8)
+ - [2.6 Return specific type by anyOf method](#26-%E8%BF%94%E5%9B%9E%E5%85%B7%E4%BD%93%E7%B1%BB%E5%9E%8B%E7%9A%84anyof%E6%96%B9%E6%B3%95)
+ - [More Feature Details](#%E6%9B%B4%E5%A4%9A%E5%8A%9F%E8%83%BD%E8%AF%B4%E6%98%8E)
+ - [3. Migrate from CompletableFuture to Cffu](#3-%E5%A6%82%E4%BD%95%E4%BB%8E%E7%9B%B4%E6%8E%A5%E4%BD%BF%E7%94%A8completablefuture%E7%B1%BB%E8%BF%81%E7%A7%BB%E5%88%B0cffu%E7%B1%BB)
+- [🔌 API Docs](#-api-docs)
+- [🍪 Dependencies](#%E4%BE%9D%E8%B5%96)
+- [📚 See also](#-%E6%9B%B4%E5%A4%9A%E8%B5%84%E6%96%99)
+- [👋 About the Library Name](#-%E5%85%B3%E4%BA%8E%E5%BA%93%E5%90%8D)
+🔧 Features
+For more details on the usage and features of cffu, refer to the User Guide.
+# 🔧 Features
+The provided features include:
+🏪 More convenient methods, such as:
+- Return multiple CF results instead of void (allOf), e.g., `allResultsFastFailOf`, `allResultsOf`, `mSupplyFastFailAsync`, `thenMApplyFastFailAsync`.
+- Return multiple different type CF results instead of the same type, e.g., `allTupleFastFailOf`, `allTupleOf`, `tupleMSupplyFastFailAsync`, `thenTupleMApplyFastFailAsync`.
+- Direct execution of multiple actions without wrapping them into CompletableFuture, e.g., `tupleMSupplyFastFailAsync`, `mSupplyMostSuccessAsync`, `thenTupleMApplyFastFailAsync`, `thenMRunFastFailAsync`.
+⚙️ More efficient and flexible concurrent execution strategies, such as:
+- **AllFastFail strategy**: Fast Fails and return when any input CF fails, rather than waiting for all CFs to complete (allOf).
+- **AnySuccess strategy**: Returns the first successful CF result, rather than the first completed (which might be a failure) (anyOf).
+- **MostSuccess strategy**: Returns the successful results of multiple CFs within a specified time, ignoring failed or incomplete CFs (returns a default value).
+🦺 Safer usage, such as:
+- Timeout-enabled join methods with `join(timeout, unit)`.
+- Safe timeout execution with `cffuOrTimeout`/`cffuCompleteOnTimeout`.
+- Peek method that ensures the result won't be modified.
+- Forbidding forceful write with `CffuFactoryBuilder#forbidObtrudeMethods`.
+- Comprehensive code quality annotations on class methods to prompt IDE issues early, such as `@NonNull`, `@Nullable`, `@CheckReturnValue`, `@Contract`, etc.
+🧩 New methods not provided by Java CF (e.g., `join(timeout, unit)`, `cffuOrTimeout`, `peek`), such as:
+- Asynchronous exceptional completion with `completeExceptionallyAsync`.
+- Non-blocking successful result retrieval with `getSuccessNow`.
+- Unwrapping CF wrapped exception into business exception with `unwrapCfException`.
+💪 Enhanced existing methods, such as:
+- `anySuccessOf`/`anyOf` methods: Return specific type T (type-safe) instead of `Object` (`CompletableFuture#anyOf`).
+⏳ Backport support for Java 8: All new CF features from Java 9+ are available in Java 8, such as:
+- Timeout control with `orTimeout`/`completeOnTimeout`.
+- Delayed execution with `delayedExecutor`.
+- Factory methods like `failedFuture`, `completedStage`, `failedStage`.
+- Handling operations with `completeAsync`, `exceptionallyAsync`, `exceptionallyCompose`, `copy`.
+🍩 Support Kotlin as first-class citizen.
+For more details on the usage modes and functionalities of cffu, refer to the [User Guide](#-user-guide).
+## About `CompletableFuture`
+Managing concurrent execution is complex and error-prone, but there are numerous tools and frameworks available in the industry.
+> For a comprehensive understanding of concurrency tools and frameworks, refer to books like "[Seven Concurrency Models in Seven Weeks](https://book.douban.com/subject/26337939/)," "[Java Concurrency in Practice](https://book.douban.com/subject/24533312/)," and "[Programming Scala, Second Edition](https://book.douban.com/subject/35448965/)."
+> More books on concurrency can be found in this [book list](https://www.douban.com/doulist/41916951/).
+`CompletableFuture (CF)` has its advantages:
+- **Built into the `Java` standard library**
+ - No additional dependencies are needed, making it almost always available
+ - Trusted to have high code quality
+- **Widely known and used with a strong community foundation**
+ - Released with `Java 8` in 2014, `CompletableFuture` has been around for 10 years
+ - Its parent interface, [`Future`](https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/21/docs/api/java.base/java/util/concurrent/Future.html), has been available since `Java 5` in 2004, totally 20 years
+ - Although the `Future` interface does not support asynchronous result retrieval and concurrent task orchestration, it has made this concept and tool well-known among many `Java` developers.
+- **Powerful yet not overly complex**
+ - Adequate for everyday business application development
+ - Larger concurrency frameworks like [`Akka`](https://akka.io/) and [`RxJava`](https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxJava) require a deeper understanding
+ - The basic concerns and complexities of concurrency remain the same, regardless of the specific tool used
+- **High-level abstraction**
+ - Allow expressing technical concurrency flows as business processes
+ - Avoids cumbersome and error-prone low-level coordination tools such as locks ([`Lock`](https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/21/docs/api/java.base/java/util/concurrent/locks/package-summary.html)), [`CountDownLatch`](https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/21/docs/api/java.base/java/util/concurrent/CountDownLatch.html), semaphores ([`Semaphore`](https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/21/docs/api/java.base/java/util/concurrent/Semaphore.html)), and [`CyclicBarrier`](https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/21/docs/api/java.base/java/util/concurrent/CyclicBarrier.html)
+Like other concurrency tools and frameworks, `CompletableFuture` is used for:
+- Concurrent execution of business logic or orchestration of concurrent processes/tasks
+- Leveraging multi-core parallel processing
+- Enhancing business responsiveness
+A deeper understanding is essential before applying it to real-world scenarios. 💕
+# 👥 User Guide
+## 1. Three ways to use `cffu`
+`cffu` supports three ways to use:
+- 🦝 1) **Using the `Cffu` Class**
+ - Recommended when using `Java` in your project.
+ - Migration from direct use of `CompletableFuture` to `Cffu` involves two changes:
+ - Change type declarations from `CompletableFuture` to `Cffu`.
+ - Replace static method calls from `CompletableFuture` class with the `cffuFactory` instance.
+ - For more details, see [How to Migrate from Direct Use of the `CompletableFuture` Class to the `Cffu` Class](#3-%E5%A6%82%E4%BD%95%E4%BB%8E%E7%9B%B4%E6%8E%A5%E4%BD%BF%E7%94%A8completablefuture%E7%B1%BB%E8%BF%81%E7%A7%BB%E5%88%B0cffu%E7%B1%BB).
+ - Depends on the `io.foldright:cffu` library.
+- 🛠️️ 2) **Using the `CompletableFutureUtils` utility Class**
+ - If you prefer not to introduce new classes (`Cffu`) to your project, as it might add some complexity:
+ - You can use `cffu` library as a utility class.
+ - Optimizing `CompletableFuture` usage with utility methods is common in business projects, and `CompletableFutureUtils` offers a set of practical, reliable, efficient, and safe utility methods.
+ - Some features of `cffu` are not available in this approach (and no implementation solution is planned) 😔, such as setting a default business thread pool and preventing forced write.
+ - Depends on the `io.foldright:cffu` library.
+- 🍩 3) **Using `Kotlin` Extension Methods**
+ - Recommended for projects using `Kotlin`.
+ - Requires the `io.foldright:cffu-kotlin` library.
+Before diving into the feature points, check out the examples of the different ways to use `cffu`. 🎪
+### 1) `Cffu` class
+public class CffuDemo {
+ private static final ExecutorService myBizThreadPool = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
+ // Create a CffuFactory with configuration of the customized thread pool
+ private static final CffuFactory cffuFactory = CffuFactory.builder(myBizThreadPool).build();
+ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
+ final Cffu cf42 = cffuFactory
+ .supplyAsync(() -> 21) // Run in myBizThreadPool
+ .thenApply(n -> n * 2);
+ // Below tasks all run in myBizThreadPool
+ final Cffu longTaskA = cf42.thenApplyAsync(n -> {
+ sleep(1001);
+ return n / 2;
+ });
+ final Cffu longTaskB = cf42.thenApplyAsync(n -> {
+ sleep(1002);
+ return n / 2;
+ });
+ final Cffu longTaskC = cf42.thenApplyAsync(n -> {
+ sleep(100);
+ return n * 2;
+ });
+ final Cffu longFailedTask = cf42.thenApplyAsync(unused -> {
+ sleep(1000);
+ throw new RuntimeException("Bang!");
+ });
+ final Cffu combined = longTaskA.thenCombine(longTaskB, Integer::sum)
+ .orTimeout(1500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
+ System.out.println("combined result: " + combined.get());
+ final Cffu anySuccess = cffuFactory.anySuccessOf(longTaskC, longFailedTask);
+ System.out.println("any success result: " + anySuccess.get());
+ }
+> \# See complete runnable demo code in [`CffuDemo.java`](demos/cffu-demo/src/main/java/io/foldright/demo/cffu/CffuDemo.java)。
+### 2) `CompletableFutureUtils` utility class
+public class CompletableFutureUtilsDemo {
+ private static final ExecutorService myBizThreadPool = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
+ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
+ final CompletableFuture cf42 = CompletableFuture
+ .supplyAsync(() -> 21, myBizThreadPool) // Run in myBizThreadPool
+ .thenApply(n -> n * 2);
+ final CompletableFuture longTaskA = cf42.thenApplyAsync(n -> {
+ sleep(1001);
+ return n / 2;
+ }, myBizThreadPool);
+ final CompletableFuture longTaskB = cf42.thenApplyAsync(n -> {
+ sleep(1002);
+ return n / 2;
+ }, myBizThreadPool);
+ final CompletableFuture longTaskC = cf42.thenApplyAsync(n -> {
+ sleep(100);
+ return n * 2;
+ }, myBizThreadPool);
+ final CompletableFuture longFailedTask = cf42.thenApplyAsync(unused -> {
+ sleep(1000);
+ throw new RuntimeException("Bang!");
+ }, myBizThreadPool);
+ final CompletableFuture combined = longTaskA.thenCombine(longTaskB, Integer::sum);
+ final CompletableFuture combinedWithTimeout =
+ orTimeout(combined, 1500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
+ System.out.println("combined result: " + combinedWithTimeout.get());
+ final CompletableFuture anySuccess = anySuccessOf(longTaskC, longFailedTask);
+ System.out.println("any success result: " + anySuccess.get());
+ }
+> \# See complete runnable demo code in[`CompletableFutureUtilsDemo.java`](demos/cffu-demo/src/main/java/io/foldright/demo/cffu/CompletableFutureUtilsDemo.java)。
+### 3) `Kotlin` extension class
+private val myBizThreadPool: ExecutorService = Executors.newCachedThreadPool()
+// Create a CffuFactory with configuration of the customized thread pool
+private val cffuFactory: CffuFactory = CffuFactory.builder(myBizThreadPool).build()
+fun main() {
+ val cf42 = cffuFactory
+ .supplyAsync { 21 } // Run in myBizThreadPool
+ .thenApply { it * 2 }
+ // Below tasks all run in myBizThreadPool
+ val longTaskA = cf42.thenApplyAsync { n: Int ->
+ sleep(1001)
+ n / 2
+ }
+ val longTaskB = cf42.thenApplyAsync { n: Int ->
+ sleep(1002)
+ n / 2
+ }
+ val longTaskC = cf42.thenApplyAsync { n: Int ->
+ sleep(100)
+ n * 2
+ }
+ val longFailedTask = cf42.thenApplyAsync { _ ->
+ sleep(1000)
+ throw RuntimeException("Bang!")
+ }
+ val combined = longTaskA.thenCombine(longTaskB, Integer::sum)
+ .orTimeout(1500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
+ println("combined result: ${combined.get()}")
+ val anySuccess: Cffu = listOf(longTaskC, longFailedTask).anySuccessOfCffu()
+ println("any success result: ${anySuccess.get()}")
+> \# See complete runnable demo code in[`CffuDemo.kt`](demos/cffu-kotlin-demo/src/main/java/io/foldright/demo/cffu/kotlin/CffuDemo.kt)。
+## 2. `cffu` Functionality Introduction
+### 2.1 Return results from multiple Running `CF`
+The `allOf` method in `CompletableFuture` does not return results directly; it returns `Void`, making it inconvenient to retrieve results from multiple running `CF`:
+- You need to perform additional read operations (like `join`/`get`) on the input `CF` after `allOf`.
+ - This approach is cumbersome.
+ - Read methods (like `join`/`get`) are blocking, increasing the risk of deadlock in business logic. ❗️
+ For more details, refer to [Principles and Practices of CompletableFuture - 4.2.2 ThreadPool Circular Reference Leading to Deadlock](https://juejin.cn/post/7098727514725416967#heading-24)
+- Alternatively, you can pass an `Action` and set external variables within it, but this requires careful consideration of thread safety ⚠️.
+ - It is complex to manage concurrent data transfers across multiple threads, and it is common to mishandle the logic for reading and writing data concurrently in business code.❗️
+`cffu` provides `allResultsFastFailOf`/`allResultsOf` methods to facilitate retrieving results from multiple `CF`:
+- Convenient and direct retrieval of results using library functions.
+- Reduces the complexity of thread safety and logical errors that come with managing read/write operations across multiple threads.
+- Returns a CF with combined results, allowing further chaining with non-blocking operations. This naturally reduces the need for blocking methods like join or get and lowers the risk of deadlocks.
+Example code:
+public class AllResultsOfDemo {
+ public static final Executor myBizExecutor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
+ public static final CffuFactory cffuFactory = CffuFactory.builder(myBizExecutor).build();
+ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // CffuFactory#allResultsOf
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ Cffu cffu1 = cffuFactory.completedFuture(21);
+ Cffu cffu2 = cffuFactory.completedFuture(42);
+ Cffu all = cffuFactory.allOf(cffu1, cffu2);
+ // Result type is Void!
+ //
+ // the result can be got by input argument `cf1.get()`, but it's cumbersome.
+ // so we can see a lot of util methods to enhance `allOf` with result in our project.
+ Cffu> allResults = cffuFactory.allResultsOf(cffu1, cffu2);
+ System.out.println(allResults.get());
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // or CompletableFutureUtils#allResultsOf
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ CompletableFuture cf1 = CompletableFuture.completedFuture(21);
+ CompletableFuture cf2 = CompletableFuture.completedFuture(42);
+ CompletableFuture all2 = CompletableFuture.allOf(cf1, cf2);
+ // Result type is Void!
+ CompletableFuture> allResults2 = allResultsOf(cf1, cf2);
+ System.out.println(allResults2.get());
+ }
+> \# See complete runnable demo code in[`AllResultsOfDemo.java`](cffu-core/src/test/java/io/foldright/demo/AllResultsOfDemo.java)。
+### 2.1.1 Returning Results from Multiple Different Types of `CF`
+In addition to handling multiple `CF` instances with the same result type, `cffu` also offers methods to handle multiple `CF` instances with different result types using `allTupleFastFailOf`/`allTupleOf` methods.
+Example code:
+public class AllTupleOfDemo {
+ public static final Executor myBizExecutor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
+ public static final CffuFactory cffuFactory = CffuFactory.builder(myBizExecutor).build();
+ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // allTupleFastFailOf / allTupleOf
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ Cffu cffu1 = cffuFactory.completedFuture("21");
+ Cffu cffu2 = cffuFactory.completedFuture(42);
+ Cffu> allTuple = cffuFactory.allTupleFastFailOf(cffu1, cffu2);
+ System.out.println(allTuple.get());
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // or CompletableFutureUtils.allTupleFastFailOf / allTupleOf
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ CompletableFuture cf1 = CompletableFuture.completedFuture("21");
+ CompletableFuture cf2 = CompletableFuture.completedFuture(42);
+ CompletableFuture> allTuple2 = allTupleFastFailOf(cf1, cf2);
+ System.out.println(allTuple2.get());
+ }
+> \# See complete runnable demo code in[`AllTupleOfDemo.java`](cffu-core/src/test/java/io/foldright/demo/AllTupleOfDemo.java)。
+### 2.2 Default business-related thread pool encapsulation
+- By default, `CompletableFuture` executes its `*Async` methods using the `ForkJoinPool.commonPool()`.
+- This thread pool typically has a number of threads equal to the number of CPUs, making it suitable for CPU-intensive tasks. However, business logic often involves many waiting operations (such as network IO and blocking waits), which are not CPU-intensive.
+- Using the default thread pool `ForkJoinPool.commonPool()` for business logic is risky❗
+As a result,
+- In business logic, calling `CompletableFuture`'s `*Async` methods often requires repeatedly passing a specific business thread pool, making the use of `CompletableFuture` cumbersome and error-prone 🤯.
+- In underlying logic, when callbacks to business operations occur (such as RPC callbacks), it is neither suitable nor convenient to provide a thread pool for the business. In such cases, using the thread pool encapsulated by `Cffu` is convenient, reasonable, and safe.
+ For more on use case, see [Principles and Practices of CompletableFuture - 4.2.3 Asynchronous RPC Calls Should Avoid Blocking IO Thread Pools](https://juejin.cn/post/7098727514725416967#heading-25).
+Example code:
+public class NoDefaultExecutorSettingForCompletableFuture {
+ public static final Executor myBizExecutor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
+ public static void main(String[] args) {
+ CompletableFuture cf1 = CompletableFuture.runAsync(
+ () -> System.out.println("doing a long time work!"),
+ myBizExecutor);
+ CompletableFuture cf2 = CompletableFuture
+ .supplyAsync(
+ () -> {
+ System.out.println("doing another long time work!");
+ return 42;
+ },
+ myBizExecutor)
+ .thenAcceptAsync(
+ i -> System.out.println("doing third long time work!"),
+ myBizExecutor);
+ CompletableFuture.allOf(cf1, cf2).join();
+ }
+> \# See complete runnable demo code in[`NoDefaultExecutorSettingForCompletableFuture.java`](cffu-core/src/test/java/io/foldright/demo/NoDefaultExecutorSettingForCompletableFuture.java)。
+`Cffu` supports setting a default business thread pool, avoiding the aforementioned complexities and pitfalls.
+Example code:
+public class DefaultExecutorSettingForCffu {
+ public static final Executor myBizExecutor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
+ public static final CffuFactory cffuFactory = CffuFactory.builder(myBizExecutor).build();
+ public static void main(String[] args) {
+ Cffu cf1 = cffuFactory.runAsync(() -> System.out.println("doing a long time work!"));
+ Cffu cf2 = cffuFactory.supplyAsync(() -> {
+ System.out.println("doing another long time work!");
+ return 42;
+ }).thenAcceptAsync(i -> System.out.println("doing third long time work!"));
+ cffuFactory.allOf(cf1, cf2).join();
+ }
+> \# See complete runnable demo code in[`DefaultExecutorSettingForCffu.java`](cffu-core/src/test/java/io/foldright/demo/DefaultExecutorSettingForCffu.java)。
+### 2.3 Efficient and Flexible Concurrent Execution Strategies (`AllFastFail`/`AnySuccess`/`MostSuccess`)
+- The `allOf` method in `CompletableFuture` waits for all input `CF` to complete; even if one `CF` fails, it waits for the remaining `CF` to complete before returning a failed `CF`.
+ - For business logic, a fail-and-continue-waiting strategy slows down responsiveness. It's better to fail fast if any input CF fails, so you can avoid unnecessary waiting.
+ - `cffu` provides corresponding methods like `allResultsFastFailOf`.
+ - Both `allOf` and `allResultsFastFailOf` return a successful result only when all input `CF` succeed.
+- The `anyOf` method in `CompletableFuture` returns the first completed `CF` (without waiting for the others to complete, a "race" mode); even if the first completed `CF` is a failure, it returns this failed `CF` result.
+ - For business logic, it's preferable for the race mode to return the first successful `CF` result, rather than the first completed but failed `CF`.
+ - `cffu` provides corresponding methods like `anySuccessOf`.
+ - `anySuccessOf` returns a failed result only if all input `CF` fail.
+- Return successful results from multiple `CF` within a specified time, ignoring failed or running `CF` (returning a specified default value).
+ - To maintain eventual business consistency, return whatever results are available. You can store results from running `CF` in a distributed cache to avoid recalculation and make them accessible for future use.
+ - This is a common business use case. `cffu` provides corresponding methods like `mostSuccessResultsOf`.
+> 📔 For more on concurrent execution strategies of multiple `CF`, see the JavaScript specification for [`Promise Concurrency`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Promise#promise_concurrency); in JavaScript, `Promise` corresponds to `CompletableFuture`.
+> JavaScript Promise provides four concurrent execution methods:
+> - [`Promise.all()`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Promise/all): Waits for all `Promise` to succeed; if any one fails, it immediately returns a failure (corresponding to `cffu`'s `allResultsFastFailOf` method).
+> - [`Promise.allSettled()`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Promise/allSettled): Waits for all `Promise` to complete, regardless of success or failure (corresponding to `cffu`'s `allResultsOf` method).
+> - [`Promise.any()`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Promise/any): Race mode, immediately returns the first successful `Promise` (corresponding to `cffu`'s `anySuccessOf` method).
+> - [`Promise.race()`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Promise/race): Race mode, immediately returns the first completed `Promise` (corresponding to `cffu`'s `anyOf` method).
+> PS: The naming of JavaScript Promise methods is really well thought out~ 👍
+> With the addition of two new methods, `cffu` aligns with the concurrent methods in the JavaScript Promise specification~ 👏
+Example code:
+public class ConcurrencyStrategyDemo {
+ public static final Executor myBizExecutor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
+ public static final CffuFactory cffuFactory = CffuFactory.builder(myBizExecutor).build();
+ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // CffuFactory#allResultsFastFailOf
+ // CffuFactory#anySuccessOf
+ // CffuFactory#mostSuccessResultsOf
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ final Cffu successAfterLongTime = cffuFactory.supplyAsync(() -> {
+ sleep(3000); // sleep LONG time
+ return 42;
+ });
+ final Cffu failed = cffuFactory.failedFuture(new RuntimeException("Bang!"));
+ Cffu> fastFailed = cffuFactory.allResultsFastFailOf(successAfterLongTime, failed);
+ // fast failed without waiting successAfterLongTime
+ System.out.println(fastFailed.exceptionNow());
+ Cffu anySuccess = cffuFactory.anySuccessOf(successAfterLongTime, failed);
+ System.out.println(anySuccess.get());
+ Cffu> mostSuccess = cffuFactory.mostSuccessResultsOf(
+ 0, 100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, successAfterLongTime, failed);
+ System.out.println(mostSuccess.get());
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // or CompletableFutureUtils#allResultsFastFailOf
+ // CompletableFutureUtils#anySuccessOf
+ // CompletableFutureUtils#mostSuccessResultsOf
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ final CompletableFuture successAfterLongTimeCf = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> {
+ sleep(3000); // sleep LONG time
+ return 42;
+ });
+ final CompletableFuture failedCf = failedFuture(new RuntimeException("Bang!"));
+ CompletableFuture> fastFailed2 = allResultsFastFailOf(successAfterLongTimeCf, failedCf);
+ // fast failed without waiting successAfterLongTime
+ System.out.println(exceptionNow(fastFailed2));
+ CompletableFuture anySuccess2 = anySuccessOf(successAfterLongTimeCf, failedCf);
+ System.out.println(anySuccess2.get());
+ CompletableFuture> mostSuccess2 = mostSuccessResultsOf(
+ 0, 100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, successAfterLongTime, failed);
+ System.out.println(mostSuccess2.get());
+ }
+> \# See complete runnable demo code in[`ConcurrencyStrategyDemo.java`](cffu-core/src/test/java/io/foldright/demo/ConcurrencyStrategyDemo.java)。
+### 2.4 Support for Timed `join` Methods
+`cf.join()` waits indefinitely, which is very dangerous in business applications❗️ When unexpectedly long waits occur, they can:
+- Block the main business logic, delaying user responses.
+- Tie up threads, which are a limited resource (usually only a few hundred). If too many threads are consumed, it can lead to service outages.
+The `join(timeout, unit)` method supports a timed `join`, similar to how `cf.get(timeout, unit)` complements `cf.get()`.
+This new method is simple to use and does not require a code example.
+### 2.5 `Java 8``Backport` support
+All new `CF` features from higher versions (`Java 9+`) are directly available in the lower version `Java 8`.
+Key backport features include:
+- Timeout control: `orTimeout` / `completeOnTimeout` methods
+- Delayed execution: `delayedExecutor` method
+- Factory methods: `failedFuture` / `completedStage` / `failedStage`
+- Handling operations: `completeAsync` / `exceptionallyAsync` / `exceptionallyCompose` / `copy`
+These backported methods are existing functionalities of `CompletableFuture` and do not require code examples.
+### 2.6 Return Type-Specific `anyOf` Method
+The CompletableFuture.anyOf method returns an Object, which loses type specificity and type safety, making it inconvenient to use since it requires explicit casting.
+`cffu` provides `anySuccessOf` / `anyOf` methods that return a specific type `T` instead of returning `Object`.
+This new method is simple to use and does not require a code example.
+### More Function Descriptions
+For more information, refer to:
+- `API` Documentation
+ - [`Java API` Documentation](https://foldright.io/api-docs/cffu/)
+ - [`Kotlin API` Documentation](https://foldright.io/api-docs/cffu-kotlin/)
+- Source Code
+ - `cffu`: [`Cffu.java`](cffu-core/src/main/java/io/foldright/cffu/Cffu.java), [`CffuFactory.java`](cffu-core/src/main/java/io/foldright/cffu/CffuFactory.java)
+ - `CompletableFuture utils`: [`CompletableFutureUtils.java`](cffu-core/src/main/java/io/foldright/cffu/CompletableFutureUtils.java)
+ - `Kotlin extensions`: [`CffuExtensions.kt`](cffu-kotlin/src/main/java/io/foldright/cffu/kotlin/CffuExtensions.kt), [`CompletableFutureExtensions.kt`](cffu-kotlin/src/main/java/io/foldright/cffu/kotlin/CompletableFutureExtensions.kt)
+## 3. How to Migrate from Direct Use of `CompletableFuture` to `Cffu`
+To utilize `cffu`'s enhanced features, you can migrate existing code that directly uses the `CompletableFuture` class to the `Cffu` class with two modifications:
+- Change the type declarations from the `CompletableFuture` class to the `Cffu` class.
+- Replace static method calls from `CompletableFuture` with `cffuFactory` instance calls.
+This migration is possible because:
+- All instance methods of the `CompletableFuture` class are present in the `Cffu` class with the same method signatures and functionalities.
+- All static methods of the `CompletableFuture` class are present in the `CffuFactory` class with the same method signatures and functionalities.
+# 🔌 API Docs
+- Current version of `Java API` documentation: https://foldright.io/api-docs/cffu/
+- Current version of `Kotlin API` documentation: https://foldright.io/api-docs/cffu-kotlin/
+# 🍪Dependencies
+> check out [central.sonatype.com](https://central.sonatype.com/artifact/io.foldright/cffu/0.9.0/versions) for new or available versions。
+- `cffu`library(including[`Java CompletableFuture`](https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/21/docs/api/java.base/java/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture.html) enhanced `CompletableFutureUtils`):
+ - For `Maven` projects:
+ ```xml
+ io.foldright
+ cffu
+ 1.0.0-Alpha15
+ ```
+ - For `Gradle` projects:
+ ```groovy
+ // Gradle Kotlin DSL
+ implementation("io.foldright:cffu:1.0.0-Alpha15")
+ ```
+ ```groovy
+ // Gradle Groovy DSL
+ implementation 'io.foldright:cffu:1.0.0-Alpha15'
+ ```
+- `cffu Kotlin` support library:
+ - For `Maven` projects:
+ ```xml
+ io.foldright
+ cffu-kotlin
+ 1.0.0-Alpha15
+ ```
+ - For `Gradle` projects:
+ ```groovy
+ // Gradle Kotlin DSL
+ implementation("io.foldright:cffu-kotlin:1.0.0-Alpha15")
+ ```
+ ```groovy
+ // Gradle Groovy DSL
+ implementation 'io.foldright:cffu-kotlin:1.0.0-Alpha15'
+ ```
+- `cffu bom`:
+ - For `Maven` projects:
+ ```xml
+ io.foldright
+ cffu-bom
+ 1.0.0-Alpha15
+ pom
+ import
+ ```
+ - For `Gradle` projects:
+ ```groovy
+ // Gradle Kotlin DSL
+ implementation(platform("io.foldright:cffu-bom:1.0.0-Alpha15"))
+ ```
+ ```groovy
+ // Gradle Groovy DSL
+ implementation platform('io.foldright:cffu-bom:1.0.0-Alpha15')
+ ```
+- [📌 `TransmittableThreadLocal(TTL)`](https://github.com/alibaba/transmittable-thread-local) implementation for [`cffu executor wrapper SPI`](cffu-ttl-executor-wrapper):
+ - For `Maven` projects:
+ ```xml
+ io.foldright
+ cffu-ttl-executor-wrapper
+ 1.0.0-Alpha15
+ runtime
+ ```
+ - For `Gradle` projects:
+ ```groovy
+ // Gradle Kotlin DSL
+ runtimeOnly("io.foldright:cffu-ttl-executor-wrapper:1.0.0-Alpha15")
+ ```
+ ```groovy
+ // Gradle Groovy DSL
+ runtimeOnly 'io.foldright:cffu-ttl-executor-wrapper:1.0.0-Alpha15'
+ ```
+# 📚 See also
+### Official Documentation
+- [`CompletionStage` JavaDoc](https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/21/docs/api/java.base/java/util/concurrent/CompletionStage.html)
+- [`CompletableFuture` JavaDoc](https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/21/docs/api/java.base/java/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture.html)
+### [`CompletableFuture` Guide](docs/completable-future-guide.md)
+- A comprehensive guide to use `CompletableFuture`
+- Offers best practices and pitfalls to avoid
+- Provides strategies for effectively and safely integrating `CompletableFuture` into business applications
+# 👋 About the Library Name
+The library name `cffu` is short for `CompletableFuture-Fu`, pronounced as "C Fu", which sounds like "Shifu" in Chinese, reminiscent of the beloved raccoon master from "Kung Fu Panda" 🦝