diff --git a/cffu-core/src/main/java/io/foldright/cffu/ListenableFutureUtils.java b/cffu-core/src/main/java/io/foldright/cffu/ListenableFutureUtils.java
index 0d925713..fd2c1445 100644
--- a/cffu-core/src/main/java/io/foldright/cffu/ListenableFutureUtils.java
+++ b/cffu-core/src/main/java/io/foldright/cffu/ListenableFutureUtils.java
@@ -30,24 +30,31 @@ public class ListenableFutureUtils {
* Callback from ListenableFuture is executed using the given executor,
* use {@link MoreExecutors#directExecutor()} if you need skip executor switch.
- * Cancelling the result {@link CompletableFuture} will also cancel inner {@link ListenableFuture}.
- * Use param {@code mayInterruptIfRunning} to control whether to interrupt the thread of {@link ListenableFuture}.
+ * Cancelling({@link Future#cancel(boolean)}) the returned CompletableFuture
+ * will also cancel underlying ListenableFuture.
- * Note: CompletionException caused by this CancellationException is also considered cancellation.
+ * Use param {@code interruptLfWhenCancellationException} to control whether to cancel ListenableFuture with
+ * interruption when CancellationException occurred (including CompletionException/ExecutionException with
+ * CancellationException cause, more info see {@link CompletableFutureUtils#unwrapCfException(Throwable)}).
- * We encourage you to avoid using direct write methods in {@link CompletableFuture} so that the underlying
- * {@link ListenableFuture} can benefit from cancel propagation.
+ * It's recommended to avoid using direct write methods(e.g. {@link CompletableFuture#complete(Object)},
+ * {@link CompletableFuture#completeExceptionally(Throwable)}) of the returned CompletableFuture:
+ *
+ * - the underlying ListenableFuture can benefit from cancel propagation.
+ *
- the writing of the returned CompletableFuture won't affect the underlying ListenableFuture.
+ *
- * @param lf the wrapped ListenableFuture
- * @param executor the executor
- * @param mayInterruptIfRunning {@code true} if the thread of {@link ListenableFuture} should be interrupted when
- * {@link CompletableFuture} canceled (if the thread is known to the implementation).
- * @return the completable future
+ * @param lf the underlying ListenableFuture
+ * @param executor the executor to use for ListenableFuture callback execution
+ * @param interruptLfWhenCancellationException whether to cancel ListenableFuture with interruption when CancellationException occurred
+ * @return the CompletableFuture adapter
* @see CompletableFuture#cancel(boolean)
@Contract(pure = true)
- public static CompletableFuture toCompletableFuture(ListenableFuture lf, Executor executor, boolean mayInterruptIfRunning) {
+ public static CompletableFuture toCompletableFuture(
+ ListenableFuture lf, Executor executor, boolean interruptLfWhenCancellationException) {
requireNonNull(lf, "listenableFuture is null");
+ requireNonNull(executor, "executor is null");
CompletableFuture ret = new CompletableFuture() {
@@ -68,7 +75,7 @@ public String toString() {
CompletableFutureUtils.peek(ret, (v, ex) -> {
ex = CompletableFutureUtils.unwrapCfException(ex);
if (ex instanceof CancellationException) {
- lf.cancel(mayInterruptIfRunning);
+ lf.cancel(interruptLfWhenCancellationException);
@@ -92,8 +99,9 @@ public void onFailure(Throwable ex) {
* Callback from ListenableFuture is executed using cffuFactory's default executor.
@Contract(pure = true)
- public static Cffu toCffu(ListenableFuture lf, CffuFactory cffuFactory, boolean mayInterruptIfRunning) {
- return cffuFactory.toCffu(toCompletableFuture(lf, cffuFactory.defaultExecutor(), mayInterruptIfRunning));
+ public static Cffu toCffu(
+ ListenableFuture lf, CffuFactory cffuFactory, boolean interruptLfWhenCancellationException) {
+ return cffuFactory.toCffu(toCompletableFuture(lf, cffuFactory.defaultExecutor(), interruptLfWhenCancellationException));